3.('( fl ? liISTORY \..)F 'TIII CùUKT'. t.1F LEl'\l'\ùX ..\XD ADDI XGTO .\ ,. ! 1\ 1f i"" .... '''' I r I "' t:lí' \ $1 .. I' , " 1- ,!, ,; . .ff 1',, t. wf .fI ,.J -. : ',. !l -; Q t t- .._I .- .- .- ;.-:: ","" 1;;-......,' .' ). ; ..t., í i- t< t\ - ';" . :- . \.; " .. Á-, . " "'" "\ 't..-_ f":c.. I ........ -' !:'" yJ.- . HI C' 11:<1 n ,! .. "'...., -' .y ... ,.;.....r. 1 .{' . ", ._ ,S'ln\\ J.. f..lt l' " .. ..,+ ... .;.. - . ,..t_ t U U .... ....J,... ""+ - THE COUNTY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. HIS rr () R '1 OF THE COUNT'} Ol ' I J NNO ANI) 1\1)]) I N crro N BY \VALTER S. lIERRI l;TO .. K.C., At:THOR OF "HEROIr\E OF CASADIA Hlo;;TORY," " I-\RTYRS OF SE\\ FRA 'CE," "THF EVOLt:TIOS OF THE PI? AIRIE PROVIXCES." ILLL"o;;TRATED WITH EIGHT\ -THREE HALF-TOJ'\lES, TAKFS RO DAGt:ERREOT\PES A D PHOTOGRAPHS S . .1 ,. 0 L r II. ., ,I _ I 0 !,, ...., " J ......., I . .0;'... , ." -- u. TORO TO THE I:\C IILLAN CO IPA Y OF C.-\ .-\D:\, LI'IITEO 1913 COPYRIGHf, CA ADA, 1913, BY \\. S. HERRINGTO , K.C. CONTENTS CHAP n R 1. \\'IIE' THE COCXT\ \\".\ \ \\'ILnER E II. TIlE CO\II:\G of TilE LOY.\LI T:-; Ill. TilE SETTLlX( of TilE LO\.\I.I TS.. ....... 1\. TIlE DE\'ELol'\lEXT of II':\ICII"\L C(l\.ER {EXT. \'. TR \nE :\IE . PR()[WCT A I> PRICE \ l. TilE COl.XT\ SCIIO()L \ 11. .\D()LPJll'ST()W \ Ill. ER E T"O\\ .\ [) H.\TII I"\:. FRI.:nERlcK Bl'RCII x. .\ {HER T IsI..\XD Xl. RICIDfO:\D .. .\..11. THE BFGIXXIXC of X \ 1'.\ '\"EE XIII. 1'111-. GRO\\TII of 1\.\I'.\:\EI-: ,,\:1\- HE I1'\"I CEr\CE of X.\P.\XEI X\. nln R IOXS .\ D RFCRI.:.\TI() OF .\I'.\ E""" "\:\ï. H \ "' \ D n \ KI r. X\-rr. X\P.\'\"EF. CIlI.RCIII': ,\ïIT. X.\I' \:\I-:E XEW P \PER XIX. C.\ mE'\" .-\ D XEWnl"RCII. "\:X. SHEFFIELD .\ D THE X()RTII"'R T()W IIII' "\:X T. nlOCR \PHIe\!. SKETCJIE T '\"DF'- .............,.. _......,..... .,...., - . . [ " ] r .\la I- I 3 6 S 73 ï 135 I - ,:,- 1 2 IRq 20 3 20 221 234 24 R - - -=':' 2f)2 2ï O 2RJ J2Ó ,H _pi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS P.H;E The County of Lennox and . \ddingtoll .... _ " . Fronti:-'piece Specimens of I nclian Relic-- from the Collec!iol1 of \ \ alter Clark The L.ennox \rn1-- .... .. Ii The .\cldington .\rm...... ...... ..' \ Commi ....ion from Sir baac Brock lilb on the _ \ppam.'l' Ri\ er. from the I>rclwing hy r r--. imC(}l'. 1 ï 5 ............",,". " . The Iacpher on IiIl at Xapanec. Iinutes of the First To\\"n reeting of \(lolphusto\\ n. I fa) Bay Ieth()di t Church. Built I if)2. Dominion Hotel. ()dc ""a togging on the X apanee Ri,"er Pioneer Log School I fou--c Continuation School, Tan1\' orth . The Langhorn Re"idence. Bath .....: The Finkle Tavénl, Dath .,. ... ... ................... Re\". \\ïlliam Ca e ...... '" . . . Rev. Robert Corson ....... ....... ... ....... The Switzen'ille Chapel. Built 1 26 . . . . , . , . , . , . The C. E. L. Iol1ument. A'\dolphustown. ., ,..".,_ St. Paul"s Church. _ \dolphu.;;town The Fairfield Rt: idence. Gath - . - . . . , St. John's Church, Bath . - " . . . " . . ' . . . . " . . . . }Japanee in 1Ri4 .....,............""".."... ...... .... Covered Bridge, Xapanee. 18-1-0-1909 ...... ....... G.T.R. Bridge. apanee. DuiIt 1855 .............. ....... Alexander CampheIl Re.;;idence. X apanee .'.'..,.........., [vii ] Ii ]2 .B .B 4 X -1- R (Jï ()ï I 12 I 12 12 9 12() 14-1- 1-1-4 144 149 149 15 6 15 6 19J 2 20S 2()() ,-iii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIOr\S The Old Red Tavern, Napanee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-\rchibald IcN eil Residence. Clarkville ........,.......... .-\lIan i\Iacpherson Residence. N apanee ...............,.... Da\"id Roblin .... '. .................................. Benjamin C. Davy . _ _ .. ....."........................ John Herring .......... ". . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , John Gibbard ........................,...."...".,.... Allan .Macpherson ........... ....... _ , _ , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . George 1 [. Detlor .....,............................,.... Alexander Campbell ....,.......... ....,...... ... _ , _ , . \\ïlliam Grange ........................... ... .... _ _ _ Sir John A. l\Iacdonald at N apanee, IXï7...,........ Napanee Sno\\--Shoe Club, 1885 .......................,. The Fir t Registry Office of Lennox and Addington. J\Iillhaven Promissory Notes, Free Holders Bank .....','...'....._ Rev. Saltern Givens ...................,........,.,.,. _ . Rev. Dr. Bernard Lauder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , St. J\Iary J\Iagdalene Church. Napanee, 1840-1872 ...,... .. Rev. Paul Shirley ..........................."..,....'.. Rey. Cyrus R. Allison ..................... ... ,,'.... . Rev. Father Browne ..................",..,.....' ..'. Rev. John Scott ......................,...,....,....... Lennox and Addington Ne\\'spaper .,.. ..........'...... The Academy. N e\\'burgh ........ ......,............... The -\cademy. N apanee .,..........,................... Samuel Clark ..,'.'....',.,.,,'. ,.....,...,..'..,..... Calvin \\"heeler .,.......,............,......."......... Dr. James .\llen ...'..........,.....,........,.. ....... Ebenezer Perry .'". - - , . . - . , . - .. ,.".,.. - - - - . . Hon, John Stevenson . At1gl1stu I looper Sidney \\ arneI' JOl111 ]). Hatll ............. ... ................... .. ... John Solomon Cartwright .... .......... ........'. - ... J ar hal1 pril1g Bid\\'ell ...".....,.....,..."......,.. PAGE 209 224 224 229 229 229 229 23 6 23 6 23 6 23 6 24 1 2-:J.I 25 6 25 6 261 2Ól 261 26R 268 268 26X 273 288 28X 30 309 3()() 30<) 3 16 3 I () JIÚ 3 16 3 2r 3 21 lIST OF ILLl'STR.\TlOX Peter Perry ...... .,. Samuel Ca ey ........ Sir John .\. lacd()nal. They' sailed from Kew York on Scptember 8th, 17 8 3, and arrived at Quebec on October th, amI proccedcd to Sorel where they wintered in tcnts and hastily constructed cabins. Another common route from 1'\ ew York. followed hy the Loyalists after the war, was up the Hudson River to the mouth of the :\Iohawk River, a few miles north of Albany, tlwnce up the Iohawk and \\"00<1 Creek to a portag-e lcading- to Oneida Lake. From this lake thcy cntered the Oswego River which carried them to Lake Ontario, whcnce they proceeded to King-stan, the Bay of Quinte, Niagara, or Queenston. Other again followed the old Champlain route down the Richelieu River and thence to Sorel. It will be remembered that although hostilities ceased on September 20th, I i8]. the British did not give up possession of Xew York until the 25th of l\ovember, which date ha since bcen commemorated as "Evacuation Day." This city naturally had becomc a rallying- point for the Loyalists, 12,000 of whom saile(l in the month of September from this port for the Bahamas, Xova Scotia. and Canada. The incirlents in connection with the emigration of many of the first Loyalists who settled in this country have fortunately been pre- served in an intcrview with the late John Grass, of the township of Kingston, son of the Iichael Grass before referred to. I-lis tatel1lent is as follows: h Iy father had been a prisoner at Frontellac (now Kings- ton) in the old French war, and at the commencement of the American Revolution he resided on a farm on the borders of the Xorth River, about thirty miles from X ew York. Bcing solicited by General Her- kimer to take a captain's commission in the \merican service he replied sternly and promptly that he had sworn allegiance to our King, mean- ing George the Third. and could not violate his oath and serve against him. "For this he .was obliged to fly from his home and take refuge within Xew York, under British protection. His family had soon to follow him, being driven from their home, which by the enemy was di1apidated and broken up. They continued in that city till the close of the war, living on their resources as best they could. On the return of peace, the Americans having gained their independence, there was no longer any home for the fugitive Loyalists of which the city was full; and the British Governor was much at a loss for a place to settle them. Iany had retreated to Xova Scotia or Xe". Brunswick; but this was a 26 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON desperate resort, and their immense numbers made it difficult to find a home for them all even then. In the meantime, the Governor, in his perplexity, having heard that my father had been a prisoner among the French at Frontenac, sent for him and said: 'l\fr. Grass, I understand that you have been at Frontenac, in Canada. Pray tell me what sort of a country it is? Can people live there?' 1\:1 y father replied : 'Yes, your Excellency, I was there a prisoner of war, and from what I saw I think it is a fine country and that people might live very well.' 'Oh! Mr. Grass,' exclaims the Governor, 'how glad I am to hear that, for the sake of these poor Loyalists. As they cannot all go to Nova Scotia, and I am at a loss how to provide for them, will you, Mr. Grass, undertake to lead thither as many as may choose to accompany you? If so, I will furnish a conveyance by Quebec, and rations for you all until such time as you may be able to provide for yourselves.' My father requested his Excellency to allow him three days to make up his mind. This was granted, and accordingly at the expiration of the three days, my father went to the Governor and said he would undertake it. Notices were then posted up through the city, calling for all that would go to Frontenac to enroll their names with Mr. Grass; so in a short time the company of men, women, and children was completed, a ship provided and fur- nished, and off they started for the unknown and far distant regions, leaving the homes and friends of their youth, with all their endearing recollections - behind them. "The fust season they got no further than Sorel, in Lower Canada, where they were obliged to erect log huts for the winter. N ext spring they took boats, and proceeding up the St. l.awrence, at length reached Frontenac and pitched their tents on Indian Point, where the marine docks of Kingston now. stand. Here they awaited the surveying of the lands, which was not accomplished so as to be ready for location before July. In the meantime several other companies had arrived by different routes under their respective leaders, who were all awaiting the completing of the surveys. The Governor also, who by this time had himself come to Quebec, paid them a visit, and riding a few miles along the lake shore on a fine day, exclaimed to my father: 'Why, Mr. Grass, you have indeed got a fine country! I am really glad to find it so.' While the several companies were together waiting for the survey some would say to my father: 'The Governor wilJ not give you the first choice of the townships but will prefer Sir John Johnson and his company because he is a great man.' But my father replied that he did not believe that, for if the Governor should do so he should feel himself injured and would leave the country, as he was the first man to mention it to the Governor in N ew York and to pro- ceed thither with his company for settlement. THE CO llNG OF THE LO\ALISTS 27 "At length the time came, in July, for the townships to be given out. The Governor having assembled the companies before him, called for Ir. Grass, and said: "Now, you were the first person to mention this fine. country and have been here formerly as a prisoner of war. You must have the first choice. The townships are numbered first, second, third, fourth, anù fifth. \\"hich do you choose?' Iy father ays: 'The first township (Kingston).' Then the Governor says to Sir John Johnson: '\Vhich do you choose for your company?' He replies: 'The second township (Ernesttown).' To Colonel Rogers: '\Vhich do you choose?' He says: 'The third township (Fredericksburgh).' To Iajor Yanalstinc: '\Yhich do you choose?' He replies: 'The fourth township (Adolphustown).' Then Colonel IcDonnel1, with his company, got the fifth township (.Marysburgh). So after this manner the first settlement of Loyalists in Canada was made: "But before leaving, the Governor very considerately remarked to my father: 'Now, l\lr. Grass, it is too late in the season to put in any crops. \\"hat can you do for food?' 1\ly father replied: 'If they were furnished with turnip seed they might raise some turnips.' 'Very well,' said the Governor, 'that you shall have.' Accordingly from Montreal he sent some seed, and each man taking a handful thereof, they cleared a spot of ground in the centre of where the town of Kingston now stands, and raised a fine crop of turnips which served for food the cnsuing winter with the Government rations.". The point of embarkation upon the last stage of the journey was from Lachine, where flat-bottomed boats were constructed for the purpose. They were heavy and clumsy affairs capable of holding four or five families with their effects, and when ascending the rapids or against a swift current, the boatmen, sometimes wading up to their waists in water, hauled them along by means of a rope attached to the bow. Although the Sun'eyor-general had recei\'ed instructions in li8" to layout the townships for the reception of the settlers, they arrived some weeks before they could be located. On June 16th, 1784, a mem- orable day in this county, lajor Vanalstine with his band of refugees landed at Adolphustown near the site of the present U. E. L. !\Ionu- ment. Each family had been provided with a tent capable of accom- modating eight or ten persons. Sufficient clothing for three years, of a coarse but suitable quality, had been given to each. To each two fam- ilies was given one cow, and the Government had been liberal in the * The late \\ïlliam Kingsford, in his" lIistory o. Canada," Vol. VII, page 218-9, attempts to disprove this story, but his reasoning is quite inconclusive, and there is no reason to doubt the correctness of the story given by Captain Grass. Kingsford's note at most proves that a certain amount of friction arose between Captain Grass and Governor Sir Frederick Haldimand. 28 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON distribution of seed grain and tools, but of the latter the axe was ill- suited for the purpose of felling trees, being the short-handled ship axe intended for quite a different purpose. As the survey was not complete at the time of their landing, they pitched their tents upon the shore in groups until the allotments were made, when they dispersed to their several locations and the battle with the forest began. The concessions were laid out in lots of 200 acres each; four! lots covered a mile in frontage, and every two or three miles a strip forty feet in width was reserved for a cross-road. The surveyors did their work so hurriedly that in later years there were found to be many inaccuracies which led to confusion and litigation and were the cause of a great deal of trouble and bad feeling. As early as the month of July, 1783, the King, declaring himself desirous of encouraging his loyal subjects in the United States of America to take up and improve lands in the then Province of Quebec, and of testifying his appreciation of the bravery and loyalty of the royal forces in the Province, issued instructions to the Governor-in-chief to direct the Surveyor-general to admeasure and layout such a quan- tity of land as he deemed necessary for that purpose, and to allot such parts thereof as might be applied for by any of his loyal subjects, non- commissioned officers, and private men in the following proportion . that is to say: To every master of a family, one hundred acres, and fifty acres for each person of which his family shall consist. To every single man, fifty acres. To every non-commissioned officer in Quebec, two hundred acres. To every private man of the force, one hundred acres, and every person in his family, fifty acres. The same instructions contained a notification of the purchase of the Seigniory of Sorel with a request that all undisposed-of lands be laid out into small allotments and distributed among the reduced members of the forces and other loyal subjects, as might by the Governor be judged the most conducive to their interests and the more speedy settlement of the Seigniory. These instructions account for the general muster of the refugees at Sorel before ascending the St. Lawrence for the \Vestern townships. The townships having been assigned to the several companies, as described by l\1r. Grass, the first "drawings" took place in 1784- The Surveyor superintended the process, which was impartially conducted by placing in a hat small pieces of paper, upon which were written the numbers of the lots to be distributed. Each applicant "drew" out a TIlE CO\IlNG OF THE LOYALISTS 29 piece of paper, and the urveyor, with a mai) of the township spread out before him, wrote the name of the person drawing the number upon the corresponding number upon the map, and the locatee was given a certi- ficate or "location ticket" as it was commonl} called, entitling him to a patent of the lot or part of lot so drawn by him. As provided in the King's instructions, a record of every allotment and subsequent aliena- t'on was kept in the office of the Receiver-general, which wa... the only land registry office in Canada at the time. It was under this system that the drawings took place in I7Kt. with the re"ult that 434 of Je 5up's Corps received their location tickets for Ernesttown, 310 of the King's Royal Regiment of 1\ ew York and Colonel Rogers with 229 men located in Fredericksburgh, and rajor Vanal tine and his party and some of Rogers' men, about 400 in all, became the first settlers in Adolphu:,town. In addition to the plan of allotment referred to in the instructions of Iï 8 3, eyery Loyalist field officer was to recei, e 1,000 acres, every chap- lain 700, and every subaltern, staff, or warrant officer, SOO acres. The excess over the ordinary allotment wa not to be in one block, and not more than 200 acres \\ ere to be drawn by one person in a front conces- sion. These regulations prevailed until superseded by instructions of a similar character issued in 1786 authorizing an additional grant of 200 acres. as a sort of bonus for good hehaviour. to each settler who, by his conduct, had gi\"en such proof of his loyatty, decent deportment, and thrift in improving- the laml already recei\'ed by him. ac; to warrant the pre:,umption that he would become a good and profitable subject. On July 24th, li88, the Governor-general divided what was after- wards called Cpper Canada into four districts, namely: Lunenburgh, from the River Ottawa to Gananoque; l\Iecklenburgh, from Gananoque to the River Trent: Xassau, from the Trent to Long Point; and Hesse, from Long Point to Lake St. Clair. At the same time a judge and sheriff were appointed to administer justice in each of these Districts, and the Dutch names soon gave way to the more acceptable Engli,h titles, the Eastern District, the Iidland Di trict. the Home District, and the \Yestern D.istrict respectively. Early in the following year the system of parcelling out the land was improved by appointing in each District a Land Doard to receive and report upon applications. Each Board was to consist of not less than three members, whose term of office wac; to expire on Iay 1st. li91, unless continued by appointment. Regula- tions calculated to facilitate the faithful performance of the duties of the Board in receiving- and adjudicating upon applications preo;;ented to them and in preserving convenient records of the såme were prepared by the Governor-in-Council. together with approved form" to be used by them in their re pective offices. 30 HISTORY OF LEKKOX AND ADDINGTOK' In Xovember the Governor-general found opportunity for fur- ther expression of the gratitude of the Crown for the attachment of the Loyalists by ordering the Land Boards to take proper steps for preserving a register of the names of all persons who adhered to the unity of the Empire and joined the Royal Standard in America before the Treaty of Separation in 1783, as it was his wish to put a "l\1ark of Honour" upon the families in order that their posterity might be discriminated from future settlers. To the sons and daughters of all such he ordered that a lot of 200 acres be assigned upon their attaining the full age of twenty-one years. One member of the Land Board for the Mecklenburgh District was the Hon. Richard Cartwright. Another was the Rev. Dr. John Stuart, the founder of the Church of England in Upper Canada and Chaplain of the first Legislative Council. He was tendered the commission of Judge of the Court of Common .Pleas, which honourable position he declined in order that he might devote his talents to his holy office. In 1791 was passed the Constitutional Act, dividing the Province of Quebec into two separate provinces to be known respectively as Lower Canada and Upper Canada. General John Graves Simcoe was appointed the first Lieutenant-governor of the western Province. The new Lieu- tenant-governor by a proclamation bearing date July 16th, 1792, divided the new Province into counties, among them being the counties of Ad- dington and Lennox; at the same time he superseded the old District Land Boards by appointing County Land Boards. For this purpose Addington, Lennox, Hastings, and Prince Edward were grouped to- gether, and the Land Board consisted of Peter Vanalstine, Hazelton Spencer, Alexander Fisher, Archibald :McDonnell, and Joshua Booth. It was at this time our county assumed its present name. The name Lennox is derived from Charles Lennox, third Duke of Richmond, who at the coronation of King George III carried the sceptre with the dove. He was ambassador extraordinary to the court of France in 1765 and Secretary of State in 1766. Addington was named after Henry Adding-- ton, Viscount Sidmouth, Speaker of the House of Commons from 17 8 9 to 1791, afterwards Chancellor of the Exchequer and Prime Minister of Great Britain. The new order of things was short-lived, for in November, 1794, the Executive Council of the Province abolished the County Boards and resolved that thereafter all petitions for crown lands be made to the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council. A simple form of procedure was adopted in the case of intending settlers. Any person professing the Christian religion and capable of manual labour could present himself to a magistrate residing in the county, who, being notified of his proper TilE CO [IXG OF THE LO\ ALISTS 31 qualification to be admitted to the possession of lands within the Province. furnished him with a recommendation to the local deputy surveyor, who assigned him his location, upon payment of the usual fees of f4, 9s. and 6d.. of which um :l4 was paid for the title deed when the patent was granted. It was not, however, until Iï95 that the grants or patents to the allotted lands were actually issued and then only to such as produced their tickets or certificates. Originally the tickets were transferable by endorse- ment, but so many abuses crept into the practice that the Government and improvident and intervened for the protection of the thoughtless decided that patents should be issued only in the name of the original locatee. The land johher was then, as now, much in evidence, and when the patent were granted it was not un frequently found that large tracts passed into the hands of single individuals, while others at the begin- ning of their career in the wilderness were forced to begin life' anew a the servants of their more provident companions. Some parted with their holding- for a pint of rum or some other trivial consideration, an(l others, being so unfortunate as to draw a lot in the third or fourth con- cession. regarded the location as too undesirable to be of any real value. A" there were no roads the lots upon the water-front were most highly prized. and the locatee of land which could not be reached by boat. would willingly exchange his 100 acres in the interior of the township for a much smaller quantity upon the bay. The Government had supplied them with a number of small boats. they made more for themselves. and the common means of travel was by the water routes, as each family had its dinghy. punt, or dug-out. The so-calted pioneers in our prairie provinces who are to-day car- ried within a few miles of their locations by a comfortable colonist sleeper and haye merely to break the soil of the virgin prairie in order to secure a harvest in a few months' time, know little of the difficulties experienced by our forefathers, who, even after leav- ing Sorel, tugged at the oars and rope for weeks before reaching the site of their future homes, where a more stubborn foe, the fore t, had to be overcome before they could engage in any form of hus- bandry. But men who had sacrificed all their worldly possessions and endured bitter persecution for the principles they cherished were not to be checked in their progress by any ordinary obstacle. \Vith axe in hand they advanced against the last barrier. One man could not accom- plish much single-handed, so with that neighbourly spirit which is to this day so characteristic of our farming community, they or anized "bees," thereby imitating those industrious little insects, which by their united efforts successfully accomplish what would be an impossihility for the single indi\"idual. 32 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON A suitable site for the log cabin having been selected, they set to work with a will. "Round logs (generally of bass-wood) roughly notched together at the corners. and piled one above the other to the height of seven or eight feet, constituted the walls. Openings for a door, and one small window designed for four lights of glass, seven by nine. were cu out, the spaces between the logs were chinked with small splinters, and carefully plastered outside and inside with clay for mortar. Several straight poles were laid lengthwise of the building, on the walls, to serve as supports for the roof. This was composed of strips of elm bark, four feet in length by two or three feet in width, in layers overlapping each other and fastened to the poles by withes, with! a suffi- cient slope to the back. This formed a roof which was proof against wind and weather. An ample hearth made of flat stone was then laid out, and a fire back of field stone, or small boulders, rudely built, was car- ried up as high! as the wall. Above this the chimney was formed of round poles, notched together and plastered with mud. The floor was of the same material as the walls, only that the logs were split in two, and flattened so as to make a tolerably even surface. As no boards could be had to make a door, until they could be sawn out by the whip saw, a blanket suspended from the inside for some time took its place. By and by four little panes of glass were stuck into a rough sash and the shanty was complete."* 'Vhile the dwelling was in course of construction and before the chinks were filled with plaster, long poles were placed across the ends about two feet from the floor, supported by the logs of the side wans. -\cross these \vere stretched thin strips of bass-wood bark, thus form- ing a platform which was the only bedstead known to our forefathers for many years after their arrival. Rude tables and benches hewed out of the green timber supplied the furniture of their humble abodes. Before winter set in all were comfortably housed: but the attack upon the forest continued. The work was slow and tedious, and the ship axe would be found but a sorry tool by our workmen of to-day. To get rid of the green timber and remove the stumps and unclerbush wa no easy task. They had at first no oxen or horses, and all work had to be done by hand. To facilitate the clearing process the trees were killed by girdling them about the base and sometimes, at great risk of destroying their homes, fire was employed. The trees when felled were cut into convenient lengths, rolled by hand into large heaps, and the torch applied. Among the settlers were many men not accuc;tomed to manual labour, but old and young, without distinction of rank or age, joined in * Canniff's Settlement of Upper Canada, pag-e 185 f1" t rJ -. I. R,v ISA \C BROCh, Efqllirf, Prrjidtlll admzn- /l. TlTlg tht GOVt1ll11lfllt 0/ thl PTOVl1lU 0/ Uþ- þ" CanaJa, and JIL rr-Gtneral CV1llmandw;: lll:" J[njfty's FOTUJ thaem, L &oc. &c I (/? '/7 /' ../ /J / -() Q 17' Il ba 1J Il /' d 1 .. ...h '0'" 7 (L'.r,nPJ.,() ....I..A.' J -JI!. J J'1 /u"/ Kj,..."r J. " V!I ER E \5 .b) an .\t.l of 10 P..rilam:.-nt 01 1110. ProvIncC', 'p;i d in Ihe I- rty " luùd1 \car 01 ill. i"Jc:l ', Rt"';f1,lnmulcù," .\n Act 'or Ih bCII r s culingtl1ls " Province: '., : ,1,0111 .:01:1 . allcmO)'s or dUlflns 10 GI,r:lIb Ihe: IranqUlII.,v Ih rC'or," it is amJn; oll.:r th11l8' pr I\ldcd," r.\OH a .h,,1! and mOlY be: lawful fu Ih Co\crnor, Ii I.lcu:t1 ant ;'l\ rnor, or l'erson adl1'l"h:crln 11Ie: Gó, c:rnm 1II for Ihe lime: bC:lng, 10 I. appolln stich l)c15on or Pcn.)!), ilS tn1 ap? ar to him prop r, for Ihe: pu.rpose: of u- .. rC'Slto:; such P rson or P rsons noi h"\lng b n an Inhabilant or Inhabnants of 11115 ", Pro\ Î:Jce lor Ih space: nf SIX \Iomhs t'rcc dlll Ih dal of his \\ alranl, or not ha- I. \ III:; la" n Ihe Oalh of Alic:gianc to our So\'crci..;n Lord Ihe: Kin , who by words or Ii adion , or olh r b havlour or condu.l, ha:h or have: e:nd aYoure:d, or halh or ha\' Ie gi\'C'n jU I'cau C' 10 suspe:d thaI he:, -0(', or IhC' , is or ..re: about to e:nJe:a\ our 10 ahe:n;lle .. IhC' minds or lI.s ;\bjC' :)'s SuhjC'a. uf IIIIS Province: from His Person or GovC'rnmC' nl, .. or in any wise: wi,h I 'cdilJutl 11I1C'11I 10 di lurb thC' nanqlllllny IhC'rc:of." J\"O\V K OW YE, Ihal I 15:\:\C CROCK, E GuirC'. Pre:.idC'nr, and iajor-GC'lIcral Co:n- mdn( I1 His taJcn(s FvrcC's "ilh,:uhe 50IltJ Pro\incC',b ,inue:ofthc pO"C'r5 so \C'>ll'd i!l me: undC'r Ihe ;ltI:hori:y of the before rC'clI d AÐ, have appOinted and depuled, and rlto }'Ib.::sc Pre5C'IIIS appoinl and.kpulC' }OU Ih aJ(! ot;;; I Ct!'v1..J{'nÆ- 1-I(.:ç.."J'I r t. Ii //l H > 2 __ ð &:;7.......' " - ,-- !O ca '" inlo E"I:C'cul:on the: C\ rrai P(""MOnS III the: saià bc:fvre rC'cit J Afl conlainC'd- rnflh conforminl;} ourse:lf ill C'\ C'r} ptlrlicular Ihere:lo. GJ \f:-l un er my Hand and Sc.I. .it AI/ al d:e: GO\c:lnmcnt Ilouse:, at YOIL Ihis Y--7.-d """/<../ day of 4.. in IhC' JC'ar of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundrC'd and TwC' \C', éI . C HI' laje:s:(sRe:ign,lhe F.fl\'-sC'cond. v . / 8, illS HóJno" C(J'l\mand. þÚ( c/?J;-77 é....- L t/J' -,. / /? --Ç pN /, '-- "" A COMMISSION FROM SIR ISSAC BROCK. , -,,' ". o;:'i" ,. '- " ^ ,. ; .. i::- \. :-'. - .. ... -- A - - ... , J t, \ . --ri '_ -._--;.. - '''' , I ..- .:\ '---.- -= _-:- -=-_!,;.,.- -' .4a. ----- MILLS ON THE APPANEE RIVER FROM THE DRAWING BY MRS. SIMCOE. 1795. d. \ y 'ì-, ttÇ,. '- '-... - - -'" - -:; . ---"'"-""" 7"' """_' - _.... "-:.-- .' "'^' pt . ., - .. . - " fIIf1 -......: -:,.:- :::.,... . THE MACPHERSON MILL AT NAPANEE. THE CO IING OF TilE LOYALISTS 33 the general onslaught, working early and late. \Vith aching bone , but buoyant spirits, they gathered about the open fireplaces during the long winter evenings and recounted, but with no exprec;;sioI1l of regret. the uffering their loyalty had brought upon them. Hard as was their lot, they rejoiced in the freedom of their wilderness homes. Day after day the sturdy Loyalists plied the axe; little by little the forest yielded md the spring of Ii8S witnessed a wonderful change. The bright sun- :hine revealed here and there small clearings covered with heaps of charred logs, unyielding stumps, and masses of tangled underbrush. In the centre was a rude cabin which would compare unfavourably with that which had he1tered their o en in the south. A few plough had been supplied them but there were no draft animals to hitch before them and, even if there had been. little use could have been made of the plough during the first year or two. The cleared spots were small. many stumps and roots still encumbered the soil, and the spade was the only instrument of cultivation. The main staples of food were Indian corn and wild rice. In a few localities portable mills for grinding the grain had been furnished by the Government. rude contrivances, to be turned by hand, like a coffee-mill, but there were few if any in this county, and the settlers were forced to resort to the primitive method of placing the grain upon a smooth flat rock and pounding it with an axe or stone. until it was reduced to a powder. This soon gave way to the "hominy block" or bowl hollowed out in a hard-wood stump and cap- able of holding a bushel or more. This possessed the advantage that it held more and that the grain could be more easily kept in place while it was pounded with a heavy wooden pestle known as a .'plumper." Sometimes a cannon-ball attached to a long sweep took the place of a pestle. The pumpkin in our day sen'es two important ends. far removed from each other. By far the greater quantity i" fcd to our cattle and a few only are reserved for the old-fashioned but most palatable dessert, the "pumpkin pie." But our forefathers and the lndians raised it more for table use and served it up in many styles. The "pumpkin loaf" appears to have been relegated to the past, its nearest survi\.al being "Johnnie cake." now !'erved up in individual cakes and disguised under the name of "corn meal gems." The pumpkin was mixed with the Indian meal. spiced, rolled into a small loaf. baked in the open oven. broken into pieces, and spread with butter, if by good fortune the larder contained any, or \\ as eaten with maple syrup,-an important article of food which could be had at the very doors for the taking,--or sweetened in the making by adding a liberal allowance of maple sugar. Game nd fish. as a rule, were plentiful, so that with the rations supplied by 3 34 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON the government there was a sufficient supply of plain but wholesome food to meet the ordinary demands. Cattle, horses, and pigs were gradually introduced, but, owing to the depredations of wolves, it was many years before sheep could be raised to advantage. Dishes were very scarce but, occasionally, we still run across a highly prized U. E. L. heirloom, a tea-cup or plate handed down from generation to gen- erat}on. This want was at first supplied by wooden dishes which the handy craftsman whittled out of the fine-grained wood' of the poplar. These were gradually replaced by more durable pewter articles, intro- duced by the Yankee pedlars. In the matter of dress, the beau of the last quarter of the eighteenth century far outshone in his gorgeous array the dude of the twentieth. Hanging on a wooden peg in the corner of the log cabin might be seen the faded blue damask frock-coat, with its high rolling collar and velvet lining. Carefully stowed away in the family chest was the white satin waist-coat, and the close fitting black satin knee breeches, the white silk stockings, and the red morocco slippers, surmounted with huge but highly prized silver buckles. What a sensation would such an attire crea te upon our streets to-day! The occasions for making use of such finery were rare indeed in this new settlement. The ordinary costume was made from the coarse cloth and Indian blankets supplied by the government; but the most common and serviceable garments were made from deer skins and were worn by both sexes. As soon as they could spare the land for the purpose flax and hemp were grown, and a coarse linen was woven upon the home-made loom, which became an indispensable part of the equipment of every cabin. Woollen garments, the most serviceable of all, were scarce until the danger from the wolves had been sufficiently reduced to allow the keeping of sheep. Soap was a luxury, and the week's washing could be accomplished only through a weak solution of lye, and the records inform us of the embarrassing e perience of a young woman who made use of this same liquid in cleaning her only garment, a suit of buckskin. To' her amazement her leather gown shrivelled away to infantile proportions and she was forced to conceal herself in the potato pit beneath the floor until her mother came to her rescue. Among the manuscripts given by the late Dr. Canniff to the Len- nox and Addington Historical Society is a copy of a "Testimonial of Mr. Roger Bates" whose grandfather originally settled in the Bay of Quinte district, but afterwards removed to the township of Clark where he died "at the premature age of 84." As his grandmother lived to be ninety-six 1\1:r. Bates believed that his grandfather, in the natural course of events, would have lived to reach his hundredth year but for TIlE CO:\IIXG OF THE LOYALISTS 35 a fright he recei\'ed at a fire, which hastened his end. In writing of \\ earing apparel he ays: "Skins of animals they obtained from the 1I1dians who at that period were \"ery numerOlb throughout the coun- try. \\ïth those skins my grandmother made all sorts of useful and h t (lasting) dresses which were most comfortable for a country life, and for going through the bush made leather petticoats for herself and girls; as they could not be torn by the brambles, they made capital dresses-made some for the boys, and at night were extremely comfort- able for bed covers. There were no tanners in those days. Shoes and brots were made of the same useful material." Dame Fashion had little to furnish to the young ladies of that day and the young man in search of a bride was not bewildered by the latest creations of the mil- lil!er or the ever-changing fantasies of the dressmaker. Such finery as they had was obtained from the pack of the pedlar who paid the settle- tllents periodic visits. His stock in trade consisted of an inferior qual- ity of calico, to be had at a rlollar a yard, a piece of book muslin and another of check for aprons at double that price, a few common shawls, stockings, and handkerchiefs, and an assortment of ribbons, tape, needles. pins, and horn combs. His arrival in the neighbourhood was one of the events of the season. heralded from clearing to clearing-, for he not "only supplierl many of their wants from his pack, but in the absence of newspapers and a regular mail service, he was the bearer of news from the outside world. .\fter displaying his tempting- wares upon the floor and disposing- of such coveted articles as the lean purse of the household could afford to purchase, the family gathered about the blazing hearth-log to be regaled by the pedlar's latest experiences in the fat away cities. which some of them in their better days had been wont to visit. 36 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON CHAPTER III THE SETTLING OF THE LOYALISTS At the conclusion of the war and before the Loyalists had left the colonies they organized an agency composed of one delegate from each State to prepare a statement of their condition and to appeal for com- pensation to the Government of Great Britain, which they felt had made very scant provision for their protection by relying solely upon the promise of the Peace Commission to recommend to the several State Legislatures that they be indemnified for their' losses. Vve have seen how the persecution was continued just as relentlessly after the war, which would almost justify the conclusion that the American Commis- sioners at no time had any serious intention of taking the proper steps to see that their recommendation was put into effect. The Committee appointed by the Loyalists prepared a tract entitled "The Case and Claim of American Loyalists impartially Stated amI Considered" in which they forcibly set forth their condition and cited precedents which would warrant the Imperial Government in taking action in their behalf. This pitiful prayer for help presented the following unanswerable argument: "His 11ajesty and the two Houses of Parliament having thought it necessary, as the price of peace, or to the safety and interest of the Empire, or from some other motive of public convenience, to ratify the Independence of America without securing any restitution whatever to the Loyalists, they conceive that the nation is bound, as well by the fundamental laws of society as by the invariable and external principles of natural justice to make them compensation." The British Goven1- ment was not unmindful of the claim of those who in its behalf had dared and suffered so much. At the opening of the session of Parlia- ment following the presentation of this petition of the Loyalists the King in the speech from the throne said: "I have ordered inquiry to be made into the application of the sum to be voted in support of fhe Ameri- can sufferers; and I trust you will agree with me that a due and gener- ous attention ought to be .shown to those who have relinquished theit properties or professions from motives of loyalty to me or attachment to the mother country." Five Commissioners were appointed to investigate anù report upon the claims, and the time for applying for relief was in the first instance TIII SETTLING OF THE LOYALISTS 37 limited to l\farch 25th, 1784. hut it was from time to time extended until 17&), and the final report was not presented and finally disposed of until 1790. The American Peace Commissioners had blundered in making' no provision for restitution by those who had profited by the confiscation, a blunder which in the end cost them the loss of tens of thousands of their best citizens, with a corresponding advantage to Canada. The Commissioners appointed to adjust the claims also committed a serious hlunder in imposing onerous and unreasonable conditions upon the claimants. They \\ ere disposed to view the Loyalists rather as sup- plicants for charity than as British sl1hjects demanding British justice. I n commenting upon the procedure adopted the late Rev. Dr. Ryer- son, who gave the subject closer study than any other Canadian writer, aid: "Every claimant was required to furnish proof of his loyalty, and of every species of loss for which he claimed compensation: and if any case of perjury or frau(l were believed to have been practised, the claim- ant was at once cut off from his whole claim. The ri id rules which the Commissioners lai(l down and enforced in regard to claimants, examining each claimant and the witnesses in his behalf separately and apart, caused much dissatisfaction and gave the proceeding more the character of an Inqui ition than of Inquiry. It seemed to place the claimants in tile position of criminals on whom rested the burden of proof to establish their own innocence and character, rather than that of Loyali"ts who had faithfully served their King and country, and lost their homes and possessions in doing so. Very many, probably the large majority of claimants. could not prove the exact value of each species of loss which they had sustained years before, in houses, goods, herds of cattle, fields with their crops and produce, woods with their timber, etc., etc. In such a proceeding the most unscrupulous wou1c1 be likely to fare the best, and the most scrupulous and conscientious the worst; and it is alleged that many fake losses were al10wed to persons who had suffered no loss, while many other sufferers receiyed no com- pensation, because they had not the means of bringing witnesses from .-\merica to proye their losses, in addition to their own testimony." .-\s the Commissioners insisted in every instance upon the personal appearance of the claimant and attached little weight to any testimony that was not delivered upon oath before themselves, it can readily be conceived that a very large proportion of the Loyalists were not in a position to comply with the requirements of the Cor:nmissioners, and the result was that only about one third of those who emigrated to Can;Jda received any compensation and the proportion in the remote part of the country was even less. Even so, however, the Government of Great TIritain expended over $16,000,000 in satisfying- their claims. In addi- 38 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON tion to the grants of money there were the land grants, to which refer- ence has already been made, and the distribution of clothing, tools, and provisions which were dealt out impartially to all refugees. The rations were such as were allowed to every private soldier and were regularly conveyed in bateau x to each township where depots were established and placed in charge of some trusted refugee. During the first few years of the settlement the only produce that brought them in any return was the potash made from the ashes. They bartered among themselves, and a very small portion of their roots and grain reached the military post at Kingston, which was the extent of their marketing. There was very little money among them and that was usually carried away by the itinerant pedlar. Promissory notes and LO.U.'s passed current in the neighbourhood until worn out with usage, when they were replaced with fresh ones. The letters U. E. L. which we see after the names of some of the earliest settlers are not of local origin or applied in any haphazard fashion to all the pioneers; but represented the honorary title con- ferred only upon those who had taken their stand for the unity of the Empire and had allied themselves with the Royalists before the Treaty of Separation in 1783. As has been pointed out the Executive Council of the Province of Quebec did, in. 1799, at the instance of the Go ernor- General, direct the Land Boards to register the names of all that were entitled to have the " lark of Honour" put upon them, but the direction appears to have been wholly overlooked or neglected. Governor Sim- coe had a passion for hereditary titles and one of his dreams was to build up a Canadian aristocracy, so in 1796 he revived the idea of con- ferring titles upon the class pointed out by Lord Dorchester, and by proclamation directed the magistrates of Upper Canada to ascertain under oath and register the names of all such persons, which was accordingly done. and from that time they were known as United Empire Loyalists and entitled as an honorary distinction to place after their names the letters U. E. L. It must not be supposed that all the settlers in the front townships of this county came in one group in 1784. The greater number came then, settling in the first five townships, but for many years after others came trudging through the State of N ew York by different routes to join their old comrades on this side of the lake. Every newcomer received a grant of land and set to work to clear and cultivate it; but these later arrivals were not prepared to provide for themselves as were their more arlvanced neighbours who had preceded them. The Government had arranged to supply rations for three years following the arrival of the large contingent in June, 1784, and in accordance with this original THE SETTLING OF THE LOYALISTS 39 design, which, it was hoped would give the colony ample time to become elf-suPJ:XJrting, no provision was made for supplying- their wants from the Government Commissariat after the expiration. of that period. A number of circumstances combined to threaten the extinction of the colony. The belated arrivals had consumed what they had brought with them, and some few, unskilled in pioneer life and farming, had not made very substantial progress in their clearing operations, and a current reJ:XJrt appears to have gained credence among most of them to the effect that the King would continue to deal out the provisions for an- other year or so at least. By some misfortune or bad management the Commissary Department not only failed to forward supplies to the set- tlers, as had been done in former years, but e'"en the rations for those in the public service who depended solely upon the Government for the means of subsistence were not forthcoming either. To add to the dis- tress, the season of 1787 proved to be one of those exceptional non-pro- ductive years when the soil yielded but a very meagre return for the seed and labour bestowed uJ:XJn it, and, when winter set in, the disheart- ened colonists found themselves face to face with a threatened famine. The strictest economy was exercised in dealing out what little provision was on hand. Those who had laid by a store, paltry though it was, ungrudgingly shared it with their less fortunate neighbours, and the new year, 1788, known in their history as the "Hungry Year" was ushered in with lamentations instead of the ual happy greetings. They had been eking out a miserable existence on short allowances ever since it had been learned that the Government could afford them no relief, there were several months of winter still ahead of them, and the larders were almost empty. The bay and rivers teemed with fish but the sur- face was covered with two feet of ice. Game was plentiful but ammuni- tion was scarce, and the ingenious snares devised to capture the wild animals and birds could not supply the ever-increasing demand. Fabulous prices were offered for food which under ordinary circumstances could be purchased for a few shillings. In this connection the late Canniff Haight in an address delivered at Picton in 1859 said: "l\len willingly offered pretty much aU they possessed for food. I could show you one of the finest farms in Hay Bay that was offered to my grandfather for a half hundred of flour and refused. A very respectable old lady, whom numbers of you knew, but who some time since went away to her rest- whose offspring, some at least, are luxuriating in comfort above the middle walks of life-was wont in those days to wander away early in the spring to the woods and gather and eat the buds of the bass-wood, and then bring an apron or basketful home to the children. Glad they 40 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTOK were to pluck the rye and barley heads for food as soon as the kernel had formed; and not many miles from Picton a beef's bone was passed from house to house and was boiled again and again in order to extract some nutriment." :Men dug in the frozen ground for roots, and in the early spring the first signs of vegetation were hailed with joy and the first green leaves and buds were eagerly sought out and devoured to allay the pangs of "hunger. It is recorded that one family was reduced to such straits that they lived for two weeks upon the tender leaves of the beech trees. Others ate the inner bark of certain varieties of trees, and ransacked the woods to discover the hidden store-houses of the squir- rels. that they might expropriate the nuts they had laid by for winter con- sumption. Some of the weak and aged actually died of starvation, while others were poisoned by eating noxious roots. As the spring of 1788 advanced the famine was relieved, and the settlers applied themselves to their ordinary work and soon forgot the horrors of the "Hungry Year," or referred to them solely as an incentive to greater exertion in order that they might avoid a re- currence of the bitter experiences they had just passed through. Cast upon their own resources they laboured as men determined to win; the clearings continued to expand, barns and outbuilding sprang up on all sides to receive the crops and shelter the cattle, which were being gradually introduced. They felt the need of im- proving some of the primitive methods then in vogue, particularly the old-fashioned "hominy block." This served its purpose fairly well in crushing conI, but proved very unsatisfactory when applied to wheat which required to be ground much finer than the coarser grain before it could be used to advantage by the good housewife. A mill had been built by the Government in 1782-3 at Kingston, or more properly speaking five or six miles up the Cataraqui River, the first one in Central Canada before the arrival of the Loyalists; but this was too far away to be of much service to the inhabitants of the remote parts of this county. To propel a bateau from Adolphustown to Kingston necessitated the passing of both the Upper and Lower Gaps where the waters of Lake Ontario and the Bay of Quinte join at either end of Amherst Island, and these, at all times during the season of naviga- tion, are likely to be pretty rough. The only aIterna tive was to carry the grist upon the shoulders through the forest or haul it upon a hand sleigh in the winter. At a moderate estimate, allowing- but a few hours for the miller to do the grinding, the errand could not very well be accomplished inside of two days, and there would be a certain expense in procuring lodging for one night at least. unless the settler chose to do the greater part of his travelling in the night. " TIlE SE'fTLlKG OF TlIE LOYALISTS 41 The govcrmricnt recognized the:-;e inconveniences, and in order to 0\ ercome them, determined to construct a mill that would better sen e the needs of settlers in thi county, and quite naturally chose the site at Appanea Falls, which afforded the best available water-power. To Robert Clark, the mill-wright who had built the Kingston mill, was as igned the task of superintending its erection. It was built of logs and roughly squared timbers during the ytar Ii&J, and was ready for operation in liS7 but, owing to the famine and the consequent scarcity of grain. very little grinding was done until 1788. From an examina- tion of the account of the articles purchased in connection with the work it would appear that intoxicating liquor was considered an indispensable part of the rations to be served upon special occasions such as a raising. Xo le s than two gallons and three pints of rum were deemed necessary to keep up the spirits of the workmen at th raising- of the saw-mill and four gaIJons and one quart when the g-rist-mill was raised. For nine years at least, until the building of the mill at Lake- -the-:\rountain in 179 6 . this was the only mill in the !\Iidland Di,trict west of the one on the Cataraqui River, and receiverl the grist of aIJ the townships along the bay. among the patrons being the loyal band of :\Iohawks in the township of Tyendinaga. Appanea or Appanee, and finally N apanee, became the synonym for flour in the Indian tongue. so popular had it become as the only convenient place where that article coulcl be manu- factured. This led to the erroneous helief that the town took its name from the Indian word for flour, while the converse is the case. The original meaning of the word Appanee is unknown. The mill property was purchased by the Honourable Richard Cartwright in 179 2 ann remained in the family from generation to generation until 19 1 T when it wa-- sold to the Seymour Power Company. So J:XJpular was the mill that it could not meet the demands made uJ:XJn it and, shortly after its transfer to :\fr. Cartwright, he decided to tear it down and build another with greater capacity. and Robert Clark was again commissioned to do the work. A new building with three run of stone was speedily com- pleted, and so well was the work performed that fifteen years later it was referred to as the best mill in the Province. !\Irs. Simcoe, who accompanied her hushand in his journeys throug-h the Province, made a ketch of it in 1795 which is herewith reproduced.* Robert Clark, who played such an important part in laying the foundation of w hat was to become the county town of Lennox and * The cut of this sketch published in Mr. J. Ross Robertson's "Diary of Mrs. Simcoe," gi, es the impression that the mill stood on the left or north bank of the iver, the copyist, evidently mistaking her representation of the falls to the left of the mIll or a portion of the river's bank. The relative positions of the mill, the falls, and the mIll- race in the sketch bv Mrs. Simcoe will be more clearly understood by reference to the photograph of the :\Íacpherson mill which is built upon the same site. 42 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON Addington, was born in Duchess county in the State of New York in Ii44. He was a carpenter and mill-wright by trade and owned two farms of one hundred and one hundred and fifty acres respectively, both of which were confiscated because of his loyalty to the British standard during the revolutionary war. He served under General Burgoyne, ::\lajor Jessup, and Caþtain Sebastian Jones. V\Thile engaged under the Government in building the mills at Cataraqui his wife and their children arrived with the other refugees at Sorel in 1783, where they endured great hardships from the ravages of small-pox. They subse- quently joined him after a separation of seven years, and the reunited family settled upon Lot Thirty-four in the first concession of Ernest- town. He was one of the prominent men of the l\1idland District, was appointed a Justice of the ,Peace in 1788, a captain of the militia in 1809, and died in 1823. As the clearings increased in size and number and the annual yield from the soil supplied more than the wants of the table, life among the settlers became more tolerable. The want of live stock had been a serious drawback; but during the first few years they had neither the means to procure them, nor the feed to maintain them. It is stated upon good authority that one Thomas Goldsmith obtained a fair herd of cattle in 1786, but being unable to secure a sufficient quantity of suitable fodder all but three starved to death. After the year of famine when the country assumed a brighter aspect and the virgin soil began to yield bountiful harvests, cattle and horses were gradually introduced from ew York State and the older settlements on the St. Lawrence. By 1795 horses, cattle, and sheep were plentiful, the pioneers were relieved of) the heaviest part of their work, which they transferred to the beasts of burden, and enjoyed the luxury of fresh meat, butter, and cheese. Hens and other barn-yard fowls made their appearance about the same time; but considerable care was still necessary to protect them from the foxes and other denizens of the forest, which had a particular relish for the farmer's poultry. One of the most onerous duties cast upon the settler was that of making roads, as each one was required to clear a road across his lot. At first trees were blazed from one clearing to another, marking a footpath through the woods; for, although regular allowances were laid out in the survey, these were rarely followed, and particularly in the townships of Adolphustown and Fredericksburgh, which are cut up by arms of the bay, the paths were irregular, some- times following the configuration of the shore line or deviating to avoid a creek or swamp. As horses were introduced the boughs were trimmed to permit the rider to pass along without the danger of being brushed 'fHE SETTL1:KG OF TIII LOYALISTS 43 oft by an overhanging branch and, with the advent of carts and sleighs, "tumps and trees were removed to enlarge the passage way and there was gradually developed the modern highway; but many of the bends tiI1 remain, although the causes for the deviations no longer exist, or if they do, most of them would be no serious obstacle to the modern road-maker. The author of The Emigrant's Guide of IR20 has this to say upon the state of society in Upper Canada: "The state of society in L pper Canada, especially to a European, is not attractive. To the spiritual mind it offers little pirituality, (but where alas shall we find more!). to the votaries of politeness and etiquette, little of that glare of studied polish, which is so often, so arrogantly, so blindly, and so ruinously set up in the place of the great principle of christian lo\'e of which it is so deplorable an imitator. The Canadian sOciety ha:-. rather roughness than simplicity of manners: and scarcely presents a trace of that truly refined, that nobly cultivated, and that spiritually impro\'ed tone of conversation and deportment, which, even in the most hig-hly polished circles and amidst all the inflections of real or imagined superiority, is so rarely to be found. "Yet the state of society in Cpper Canada is not without its advan- tages. It is adapted to the condition of the country and is con i:,tent with the circumstances of which it forms a part. "Its general characteristics may be said to be, in the higher classes. a similar etiquette to that established at home, with a minor redundancy of polish. and minor extravag-ance; and in the lower, a somewhat coar:,er simplicity. As far as I have seen the people, they appear to me fully as moral as any other I know, with as much mutual kindness among themselves, and more than commonly hospitable to strangers. They seem to me rather inclined to seriousness than levity, and to need only the ad\'antage of pious instruction and of pious example, to become, under grace, one of the mos.t ,'aluable people upon the earth. "Their habits are, in general. moderately industrious, frugal, and benevolent. Their amusements, of course, are unhappily like those of the world. Horse-racing, betting, shooting; and where leisure abounds, idle conversation, balls, cards, and the theatre, etc. Yet I have observed \\ ith pleasure a somewhat more domestic tone amongst their women; and it has ampi y compensated to me for the absence of that greater degree of polish which at once adorns and disgraces the general mass of our European ladies. But the passion for that polish, corroborated ag it is by all the vanitieg. as cultivation develops them, of our nature, is afloat. It is tending rapidly to displace the remaining and superior 44 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON charms of that simplicity: and threatens ere long to render as irrelevant to Upper Canada that beautiful sentiment of Goldsmith: "l\lore dear to me, congenial to my heart, One native charm, than all th gloss of art." Though it does not bear directly upon the history of our county 1 cannot forbear quoting the same author's comments upon the then town of Kingston. "There are few towns and villages in Upper Canada, and those few are small, Kingston, the most considerable of them, being less extensive than the generalty of the common county towns in Great Britain and Ireland. Agriculturalists, such as are almost universally the people of Upper Canada, scatter themselves over their farms, not crowd together as do the colonies of commerce. "Still towns and commerce are essential parts of the prosperity of states: and as the settlements in Canada are extended, and at the same time that they produce more abundant articles for export, shall demand the enlarged introduction of foreign conveniences, towns and commerce must flourish. "Kingston, situated in the township of Frontenac, at the head of the River St. Lawrence where it issues from Lake Ontario, already feels this difference. Within the last few years, it has increased amazingly and promises to go on rapidly improving. Placed in the great course of water communication: possessed of a harbour and dockyard, with a commanding point, which is fortified, and forms the strongest point at present in the province: while at the same time, it is the key of some subordiuate, but extremely important lines of internal intercourse, it may be regarded as a dawning emporium, where wealth and grandeur hall hereafter stalk with a gait as proud and as lordly as they now stalk in places, then perhaps shor11 of their meteor magnificence." If the spirit of the Captain were to revisit Kingston to-day would he consider that his eloquent prophecy had been realized? He enter- tained no such hopes for York nor ventured to predict its future pos- sibilities, but dismisses it with a few words as to its favourable location after referring to it as "next in importance to Kingston." Belleville is described as "a new and thriving village, situated at the head of the Bay of Quinte." The Ambitious City was then in the embryonic stage and the author of the Guide was not very exact as to its location, but honours it with a passing reference :-"And between Bel1eville and York, near Smith's Creek, is another village, called Hamilton." His advice to emigrants regarding methods to conduce to the pre- servation of health is in many respects timely, even to the emigrant of THE SETTLING OF THE LOYALISTS 45 the twentieth century:-"The first object to emigrants lately arrived, is to avoid every excess of every kind; to be temperate in all things; and to provide, as far as possible, again t exposure tu the inclemencies of the weather, particularly of the night air. "For this purpose an ample supply, particularly of blankets, should be laid in at Qucbec or :\Iontreal; and this precaution should by no means be omitted on account of the incumbrance of their carriag-e. Of course this advice applies especially to those \ hose finance do not enable them to command thc more expensive means of shelter where\"er they go. Damp. and particularly remaining- without motion in damp clothes, should, at however great a trouble, be edulously avoided: and the best attainable shelter, even to the utmost extent of thCj person's means, should be everywhere dilig-ently sought; more especially between the months of September and June. ":\Iarshy and swampy situations should be particularly avoided, if possible, and where altog-ether unavoidable, the house should be built as remote from them, as consistent with any tolerable deg-ree of con- venience in other respects. "The wood about the dwel1ing should be immediatc1y and entirely cleared away: no branches or logs left, as is very universaUy the case, to gather and presenoe stagnant and putrefying- moi"Íllre. "The dwelling should be made as impervious as may be to the sur- rounding air, every crevice being well closed, and everything should be kept clean and dry about it. "\Vhen clear, good spring or river water cannot be had, the water ior drinking should always be ooiled and suttered to cool before it is used. "In damp situations, which are exposed to agues. I esteem a moder- ate use of liquor to be healthful; but it would be better never to use it than to use it with the smallest degree of intemperance. "Generally throughout the province, but in the western district {Jarticularly, it is pernicious to work exposed to the sun during the hot season in the heat of the day. The laoourers should rise at a propor- tionately early hour, and rest from eleven tiU two. People just arrived from Great Britain commonly feel a vigour which would tend to make them despise caution; but it is offered by one who has col1ected it from a very extensive experience, and he trusts it may be useful." Although the first settlers in this county spent nearly aU of their waking hours in heavy toil their life was not to them a life of drudgery. Their hearts were in their work. Every acre that was cleared was one more victory over the stuboorn barrier that stood between them and the road to prosperity. Every timber that was laid in their dwel1ings and 46 HISTORY OF LENKOX AND ADDINGTON barns brought them one step nearer to a realization of their desire. There was a grim satisfaction in subduing nature and enlisting her forces as allies in their struggle for existence. There was a spirit of independence in their daily battle for bread. After the government rations were with- drawn, they were beholden to no man; but trusted solely to their own good right arms, and to their work they devoted themselves with a will. Sunday was their only holiday and there were no fixed hours for labour. So long as there was work to do and strength to do it, the rule was work, work, work, and when tired out, lay it aside and enjoy that refreshing rest that comes to those who know) what honest labour is. During the long evening the pine knots would be piled about the huge back-log and the different members of the family would have their work apportioned among them; but an air of comfort and cheerfulness per- vaded the room in keeping with the dancing blaze which diffused its light to the remotest corner. The father, with a last resting upon his knees held in place by a strap passing over it and under his foot, would pause with uplifted hammer to recountl some amusing- incident of his day's experience. The mother would smile approvingly or join in the general laughter, never ceasing in her work upon the family socks except now and then \0 raise her knitting needle to caution the others against waking the younger children cuddled in a bunk upon the floor. A son musingly whittled at a shuttle he was shaping for the loom, while his sister, with a wooden tray upon her lap, hummed a fa vourite tune, while she peeled and quartered its contents of apples and hung them up in garlands above the fireplace to dry. Work was the predominating feature of many of their festive gatherings. The husking bee was the occasion of much good cheer. Each farmer had his corn to husk; but, instead of sitting down by himself to do it, he summoned his neighbours tc a, bee, to which all within a certain radius would expect an invitation, and if any were overlooked, they would feel that an offence was il tended. These bees were always held in the evening in the barn, which was lighted by candle lanterns securely suspended a safe distance above the sheaves. Seated about in a semicircle 011 the floor, with a bundle of corn beside each couple, the guests did the husking, throwing the ears upon a heap in the centre, while the attendants removed the stripped stalks and brought them a fresh supply. Larger and larger grew the heap of golden ears to the confusion of the attendants who dodged the flying missiles as they were hurled through the air. At the sound of the dinner horn all repaired to the house, where a steaming pot-pie awaited the hungry huskers. Dough-nuts and cider usually formed a part of the menu, which always concluded with a pumpkin pie. Then followed the pipes and stories and sometimes the fiddle, the only THI': SETTLIr\G OF THE LOYALISTS 47 musical instrument in the neighbourhood. At midnight the party would òisperse: the farmer's corn was husked, all had had a jolly, sociable evening and a good supper, and it never occurred to any of them that they had been at work. There were also the log-ging bees in the earlier days, when the neighbours turned out with their oxen. their axes, and cross-cut saws. These were more serious affairs and meant hard work, but all applied themsehoes cheerfully to the task of cutting- the fallen trees into lengths that could be conveniently handled, and hauling them to the burning heaps where they were consumed to ashes, which in turn \\ ere converted into potash, the only return from the magnificent trees for which there wa" little demand. The women had their "afternoons," a sort of clearing--house for the gossip of the neighbourhood, but that was the only rec;emblance it bore to the !'ocial functions of to-day. The housewife wa never quite so happy as when at work, and when she called upon her neighbours she took her knitting with her. They had their bees as well as the men. and the most popular of all was the quilting bee, when they gathered about wooden frames upon which was stretched the material for the quilt and deftly plied their needles while they merrily discussed the cur- rent topics of the òay. The paring bees \\ ere also ropular, when the apples that could not be kept fresh during the winter were pared, anò quartered, and strung upon linen thread to be dried in the sun or over the fireplace. The hospitality of the pioneers was proverbial, and visiting \vas a recognized social custom especially during the winter season. They did not wait for an invitation, but when they felt disposed, generally select- ing a time when the nights were bright and the roads were passable, the heads of the family would drive away to pay their respects to some old friend, arriving at his dwelling in ample time to give the good housewife an opportunity to prepare a hot supper, and rarely if ever wa she caught with an empty larder. A good fat goose was gener- ally suspended from a peg in the woodshed and a peep into the cupboard would invariably disclose a stock of brown dough-nuts, fruit jams, mince pies and other delicacies awaiting- just such an occasion. The visitors were always assured of a warm welcome and a right g-ood supper. After doing justice to the edibles. more pine knots were heaped about the back-log, and the remotest corners of the room were filled with a cheer- ful brightness that no modern electrolier can equal, and hosts and g-uests gathered about the hearth, "spun their yarns," and with the latest news bridged over the interval since their last meeting. 1\Iany happy hours were thus spent, and at midnight the visitors took their leave. 48 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON At a time when newspapers were scarce, the postal service expensive and irregular, and the means of communication with the outside world very incomplete, these gatherings served the useful purpose of exchang- ing bits of news which had been gathered by different members of the company. As late as 1840 there were very few post-offices in this county, as appears from the following list taken from the Kingston Almanac published in the thirù year of the reign of Queen Victoria. POST-OFFICES POST MASTERS Stephen Griffiths \Vm. J. McKay Samuel Clark \V. Anderson Timothy Fraser Allan Macpherson POSTAL RATE FROM KINGSTON d. 4 4 4 4 4 4 Adolphustown Bath Camden East Fredericksburgh Mill Creek (Odessa) Napanee The population of this county is given in the same little publication as follows: Adolphustown, 1,620: Amherst Island, 822: Camùen East, 3.155; Ernesttown (then Ernest Town), 3,976; Fredericksburgh, 2,674; Rich- mond (including the village of N apanee), 1,859; and Sheffield. 473. The weather prophets were as venturesome seventy years ago as they are to-day. The one writing for the Kingston Alma1lac unhesitat- ingly informs the reader months in advance what he may expect from the elements. He tlms predicts for the month of October: "The com- mencement of this month until the 4th will be unusually warm and teady. On the 5th, Northeast winds will set in, accompanied by cold, sleety rain, with heavy showers of hail, with interruptions of bright, cold, blowing days, continuing to the twelfth: after which the weather will become fine, with cold, frosty nights, the days being warm and temperate. On the 18th the weather will again change, with cold rain and blustering weather, with occasional cold, clear, frosty night chang- ing at sunrise to soft rainy weather with frequent squalls. On the 23 rd frost will set in with steady, clear weather. On the 26th it will, become more temperate." The almanac joker had evidently just begun to put in an appearance, as only five or six of his attempts appear in this issue. This is one of them: "In what do the Loughborough girls ex-sell?" "In the market." \Ve of the twentieth century within easy call of the skilled physi- cian by means of the net-work of telephone lines. urban and rural, know little of the disadvantage under which our forefathers laboured in this respect; for even as late as 1817 there were only ten qualified physicians in the Midland District. not a single one of whom resided in this county; and at the time of the first settlement the pioneers were dependent "' / (. /j .. . j!--< "" þI'I'7'1 'v I"- ,., , '-r "1- /'tf t. ' I I .- V,4 , ( .. ) " (/'Y -Ie f i. ./ . " f J .' , '- Þ ß ../ ,/ (. .1 . 1 1<" '.. ( /o. ,. /. ,. . 7 I. . /.... ... J., .., . ..-1 'I! .r So., .. ( ./ . , I I .J.( MINUTES OF THE FIRST TOWN MEETING OF ADOLPHUSTOWN. -- , . I I . - f - - "1 ft ç " .-4 f1 ,. HAY BAY METHODIST CHURCH. BUILT 1792. TilE SF.TTLI.KG OF TIlE LOYALISTS 49 entirely upon the army surgeons at the military posts. \Ve are not to infer from this that all followers of that profession were on the revolu- tionary side; on the contrary the leading- physicianc;. not only espoused the cause of the Loyalists but made no effort to conceal their views. The explanation is gi\en in Sabine's Loyalists of the Am.erica" Re'l'ollttion: "The physicians who adhered to the Crown were numerous, ancl the proportion of \Yhig-" in the profession of medicine \Va:-- less, probably, than in either that of la \V or theology. But unlike persons of the latter callings, most of the physiciano;; remained in the country and quietly pur- sued their business. There seems to be an unrlerstanding that though pulpits should be closed and litigation be suspended, the ick should not be deprived of their regular and freely chosen medical attendants. I have been surprised to find from verbal conversation and various other sources, that while the 'Tory doctors' were as zealous and as fearless in the expression of their sentiments as the 'Tory ministers' and the 'Tory barristers' their persons and property were generally respected in the towns and villages where little or no reg-ard was paid to the bodies and estates of gentlemen of the robe and surplice." There were army surgeons attached tn the garrison at Kingston; but as their duties were limited to the post at which they were stationed they were not at all times willing to go any distance from their station: and the refugees for years were obliged to depend upon what little knowledge they themseh.es possessed of the healing art. The most dreaded scourge was small-pox, and in view of the modern controversy npon the subject of vaccination the following- extract from an editorial appearing in the Ne'wark Jottrllal of February 1st, 1797, is of interest: "\\"e hear from every settlement the determination for a general inocu- lation for the small-pox. This resolution io;; highly commended by per- sons of prudence. The country being young, and growing more exposed to that disorder, a general inoculation every two or three years will for" ever render its prevalence in any way of very little concen1, there being- then none, or but few excepting young children, to be affected by it. This season of the year is highly favourable to do it: to defer it until warm weather or summer is highly dangerous. The blood is in a state then easily to become putriJ. fever may set in with it, and besides these. . . . . . to place it in the most favourable situation,. . . . . . must sus- tain infinite injury. To enact a law to enforce a general inoculation looks arbitrary: but the writer of this who can in no wise be interested by himself or friend", is of opinion that such a law in any country. more particularly in a new one, would operate to the greatest possible henefit of the country, and be justifiable on the principles of public and private good. But a so beneficial law he expectc;. never to see so long as there 4 50 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON remains a blindness in so many to their own safety and welfare, and a delicacy in our rulers to compel a man to throw off old prejudices and to do those things that are taught by the simple and natural law of self- defence." Although a statute was passed as early as 1788 to prevent persons practising physic and surgery without first having obtained a license from such person as the Governor or Commander-in-Chief should ap- point for the purpose, and though other acts were, from time to time, enacted with the same end in view, these laws were not enforced and the country for a time was overrun by a number of unqualified quack- doctors, possessing little or no knowledge of the diseases they treated or the drugs they administered. One of the first to declare war against these fraudulent practitioners was the Reverend. afterwards Bishop, Strachan, who, under the pseu- donym, "Reckoner," wrote several letters to the Kingston Gazette in 1812, in which, among other things, he says: "The Province is overrun with self-made physicians who have no pretensions to knowledge of any kind, and yet there is no profession of any kind that requires more extensive information. "They comprehend not the causes or nature of diseases, are totally ignorant of anatomy, chemistry, and botany; many know nothing of classical learning or general science. Where shall you find one among- them attending particularly to the age, constitution, and circumstances of the patient and varying- his prescriptions accordingly? It is indeed pre- posterous to expect judgment and ski1I, a nice discrimination of diseases, or proper method of cure, from men who have never been regularly taught, who cannot pronounce, much less explain. the terms of the art they profess, and who are unable to read the books written upon the subject. The welfare of the people calIs aloud for some legislative pro- vision, that shall remedy the increasing eviL" The Reverend gentle an cites several instances of gross incompetence that came under his personal observation, among them the case of a young woman ill of the fever for whom the doctor, without measuring- it, poured out such a dose of calomel "as would have killed two ploughmen." Upon the departure of the medical attendant, the patient's spiritual adviser threw the dose out of the window. Another Act to license practitioners was passed in 1815; but it rè- mained a dead letter, and the war against quackery was renewed by a writer from Adolphustown who in a letter to the Gazette thus states the case: "It is a subject of deep intere<;t to many that the executive and magistracy should show such a sluggishness in enforcing the laws of the TIlE SETTLU,G OF 'rHE LOYALISTS 51 province. It is particularly to be deplored so far as those law relate to persons caning- themselves doctors; not only our fortunes but also our lives are in the hands of those deplorable quacks. How does it hap- pen that an _\ct of the session of 1815 is not acted upon?' Is it because that \ct is unwise, or is it because the executive does not think it of ufficient importance to put into operation? If the first, why not expunge it from the laws of the province? If the latter, what is the use of a House of Assembly at all? "Perhaps, :\fr. Editor, you and other re pectable gentlemen living in to\\'n. who have access to and knowledge to value the merits of those practising medicine, may not feel so much as I do the miserable condi- tion of the country; hut, sir, if the health of the subject is not a matter of ufficient importance to rouse the morhid sensibility of those whose duty it is to admini ter the laws, I should imagine that in a political point of view it would he a matter of great importance to look after those quack spies who are daily inundating- the province. Those men (most brutal, generally speaking, in their manners, and in their conduct immoral in the highest degree) go from house to house like pedlars. dealing out their poisonous pills and herbs, and holding out to the gaping- ignorant the advantages of a republican government. "But to give you an instance of the contemptible conduct of one of those animals, nearer yourself. During the last Session of the Peace I had occasion to be in King-ston. and although I lodged in a private house. I had occasion to call one morning at a tavern. \Vhile speaking- to the landlady in the bar, in comes a doctor and calls for a gill of branrly. He drank it, in the course of which he put a great many 'luestions to her about the health of her customers, and finally aid he would leave some fever powders, as it was likely the country people would he get- ting drunk (as he termed it) and would require medicine. The lady thankeò him, and said if she wanted any medical aid she knew where to send for it. "To conclude, 1\fr. Editor, the consequences of the present system wilJ be, in the first place, to prevent native merit entering into the pro- fession; secondly, those few respectable and reg-ularly educated men whom we have amongst us will either leave the province or get a mis- erable subsistence if they remain: and, lastly. though not the least, the province will be in some degree revolutionized by those emissaries of a licentious republic." "Veritas" "Adolphustown. Iay 14th, 18IG." 52 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON The truth of the words of the Rev. Dr. Strachan and "Yeritas" is demonstrated by the following advertisement of the cure-aIls offered for sale by these impostors: "Richmond, Oct. 17th, ISI7:' "Advcrtise11lcnt- This is to certify that I, Solomon Albert, is Good to cure any sore in word Complaint or any Pains, Rheumatic Pains, or any Complaint whatsoever the Subscriber doctors with yerbs or Roots. ..\ny person wishing to employ him will find him at Dick Bells. "Solomon Albert"* If Solomon's remedies were of the same class as his English, it is to be hoped that the good people of Richmond did not consult him 111 a professional way. The Legislative Assembly, no longer able to withstand the attacks made upon it for not protecting the public against the quacks and their pernicious concoctions, passed an Act creating a l\Iedical Board. com- posed of five or more persons legally authorized to practise medicine, with power "to hear and examine all persons desirous to practise physic, surgery, or mid-wifery or either of them within the province," and upon the certificate of the Board as to the fitness of the applicant. a license to practise might be granted to him. This Statute came into force on l\ovember 27th, ISIS, and the Board was promptly appointed and con- vened at York and proved themselves equal to the occasion by rejecting one out of two petitioners for license. At the April session one out of two was rej ected, and at the meeting- in July four out of seven appli- cants were found unfit to practise. A remedy was at last found for the long standing evil. l\Ir. George Baker of Bath was the first gentleman from this county to pass a satisfactory examination before the Board. He received his certificate in January, IS20. In July of the same year Hiram \Veeks of Fredericksburgh was similarly honoured, and the third practitioner for the county was John Vanderpost of the same township, who was licensed in January, 1821. For the next sixteen years the following appear to be the success- ful candidates from this county, so far as can be gathered from the minutes of the Board. J ames Fairfield ............. Bath. . . . . . . . . . . . 182 7 Abraham V. V. Pruyn..... .Bath........... . 18 3 1 Isaac B. Aylesworth ........ Bath. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 35 Thos. Chamberlain .......... Bath. . . . . . . . . . . .IS37 * The Medical Profession in Upper Canada, page 36 THE SETTLING OF THE LOYALISTS 53 That quackery was not thoroug-hly eradicated is quite manifest from the following adverti:-:.ement which appeared in the Napmlcc Standard in 18ï3: "Dr. Hyatt" "Clain'oyant and lagneticphysician" "examines di:,eases by a lock of hair, photograph, or autograph. Can be consulted at his residence opposite Green & Son's furniture \\ are- hou es, Duntla:-:. Street, K apanee." 54 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON CHAPTER IV THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. By an Imperial Act passed in 1774 entitled "An Ad for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec in North America," the boundaries of the province were so fixed as to include all lands lying north of a line drawn from the Bay of Chaleur, íollowing approximately the present southern boundary of the Province of Quebec, thence along the St. Lawrence, Lake Ontario, and Lake Erie, and on westerly to the Mississippi River, excepting only the territory granted to the Hudson's Bay Company. It also included Newfoundland and all islands and territories falling within the jurisdiction of its government. Provision was made for the government of this extensive territory, by further enacting that His Majesty might appoint a legi!;- lative council, not exceeding twenty-three in number nor less than seventeen, which council would have power to make ordinances for the peace, welfare, and good government of the province. There was an xpress prohibition against levying any taxes, except such rates and taxes as the inhabitant!; of any town or district might be authorized to assess, levy, and apply for the purpose of making roads, erecting and repairing public buildings, or for any other purpose respecting the local convenience and economy of such town or district. In the same year an Act was passed fixing the duties to be imposed upon brandy, rum, and other spirits, and syrups and molasses, discriminating in favour of all such manufactured in great Britain or carried in British ships. In striking contrast with this last mentioned Act there was passed in 1778, as a result of the American Revolution, an Act declaring that the King and Parliament of Great Britain would not impose any duty-tax or assessment, except only such as it might be expedient to impose for the regulation of commerce, and that the product of all such duties should be applied exclu!;ively for the use of the colony in which the same were levied. From the breaking out of the rebellion in 1776 the Province of Quebec appears to have been a special object of solicitude on the part of K1ng George and his Parliament. Year after year we find enact- ments calculated to encourage new settlers. vVith the coming of the Loyalists the people of this extensive domain felt that they had outgrown the age when they could be ruled by a Government and Legislative TilE DE\"ELOP IEXT OF )IUNICIPAL GO\"ER DIENT 55 Council in whose appointment they had no voice. The Act of 1774, popularly kno\\ 11 as the Quebec . \ct, provided no machinery for the self-government of the local districts, such as the Loyalists had been accustomed to in their former homes; and such ordinances as had been passed by the Legislative Council were not well suited to the require- ments of a people accustomed to British laws and institutions. During the first few } ears after thcir arrival in the county the settlers were too busy to give much attention to the question of the administration of justice; yet differences arose between neighbours, and offences were committed by wrongdoers, and these differences had to be settled and the offenders punished. From the time they had first set out on their northern journey they had lived under martial law, and thCl officers appointed to command the several companies continued to exercise their authority until they were gradually replaced by the civil authorities. They, however, did not enforce that rigid military discipline that is generally understood to prevail under such circumstances; but, in their own way, endeavoured to maintain peace and order by applying the English laws as they understood them. Lord Dorchester, who came to Canada in the autumn of 1786, was the first Governor to take up the question of the administra- tion of justice in Cpper Canada. A few magistrates were appointed in this part of the province, but their jurisdiction was so limited that matters of any magnitude could be determined only by the higher tribunals in the lower province. \Vhen Upper Canada was ùiviùed into districts in 1788 a General Commission of the Peace was issued appointing two magistrates for each township in the district of lecklenburgh. This number was added to from time to time as cir- cumstances required or sufficient influence was brought to bear to secure an appointment. 1\Iore extended power, both ministerial and judicial, wa!) vested in the justices, who were authorized to sit collectively as one body known as the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, a name retained long after the justices had ceased to exercise their powers in session. This important body performed the duties now assigned to our municipal councils, justices of the peace, police magistrates, and to some extent the county judges. One such court was established in each of the four Districts, and the first court held in the lecklenburgh District was at Kingston on April 14th, 1789. There were four jus- tices present, Richard Cartwright, Junior, Neil 1IcLean, Richard Porter, and Arch. 1\IcDonnell. For over twenty years Richard Cartwright was the leading spirit of these sessions, at which he presided when present, and his addresse<; have been characterized as remarkable for their "sound principles, liberal 56 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON VIews, and tempered dignity." Upon the few occasions when he was absent his place was taken by Neil .McLean, Alex. Fisher, or Thomas .Markland. During the first few sessions up to the passing of the Con- stitutional Act the court not only heard and determined civil and crim- inal cases, but also issued ordinances calculated to provide for the good government of the district. Some pretty heavy sentences were handed out by the sessions with the evident intention of stamping out the crime of larceny. \Ve find that at the April sessions of 1790, one Frederick Piper, for having stolen a ploughshare purporting to be of the value of ten shilling-s, was ordered to be given thirty-nine lashes on his bare back at the public whipping-post, to be imprisoned for one month, and to suffer the further humiliation of being exposed one day each week in the stocks and duly labelled with the word "Thief." in order that all passers-by might know the crime for which he had' been convicted and have the opportunity of taunting him upon his degradation. That the reader may appreciate the multifarious duties performed by the Court of Quarter Sessions in addition to the hearing of civil and criminal cases, let me briefly review the records for the year 1797. The first meeting presided over by Alex. Fisher was held at Adolphustown on January 24th, and no less than thirteen justices took their places upon the bench. Two new justices were sworn in and took their seats, tInts swelling the number to fifteen. The fonnal proceeding of reading the commission and summoning the grand jury was performed in the usual manner, but no general business was transacted except the ordering of a levy of l.26 from the counties of Addington and Ontario to meet the expenses of the member, Joshua Booth, in attending the meeting of the Legislative Assembly for the year 1796 and the sum of l.25 to cover his expenses for the year 1795. A special session, attended by only two justices, was next held at Kingston on l\iarch 18th to receive the accounts and lists of the road overseers and to apportion the road work to be done by them. Another meeting was held at Kingston on April 25th and 26th, at which five justices were present the first day and two 011' the second. The chief business transacted at these sessions was the ordering of the levy of a rate for the ensuing year, the recommendation of the appoint- ment of two additional coroners, the passing of several accounts for services rendered in connection with the relief of the poor, and other accounts of the clerk of the peace and township clerks, the granting of a license for a public inn, the auditing of the treasurer's accounts, and the appointment of constables for the year. On July 11th and 12th the sessions were held at Adolphustown with seven justices in attendance, which number was increased to eight "by TIlE DE\.ELOPME T OF :\IC r-;ICIPAL GOVERX:\IENT 57 swearing in a newly appointed member of the court. . \t this court the justice established a Court of Request in the township of .:\Iarysburgh. and another in the township:; of Sophiasburgh and Amcliasburgh. . \t a meeting- held in Kingston on October loth, four constable, were fined twenty shillings each for non-attendance. From the foregoing it will be seen that the justices transacted a large amount of busine s outside of their judicial duties. In 1798 licenses \\ ere granted by them for the e tahlishl11el1t of a ferry across the 1\ apanee River, fixing the toll for foot passengers at 3(1., and horse and man at 7d., and another at .:\1 urrar at which the t.o11 was fixed at 4d. and 8d., respectively. Prior to 1798 ministers of the Church of England only could legally perform the marriage ceremony, but an act was passed in that year authorizing the Quarter Sessions, when six justices at least were pre- sent, to grant licenses to clergymen of the Church of Scotland or Luth- erans, or Calvinists to solemnize marriage, upon their taking the oath of allegiance, being" vouched for by seven respectable persons memhers of the congregations or community to which they belonged, producing proofs of ordination amI the sum of five shillings. Robert IcDowell, the Presbyterian minister, complied with these conditions at the se sions held at Adolphustown in July, 1&:>0, and was given the required certi- ficate, the first issued in this district. In January of the following year a ,imilar certificate was granted the Lutheran minister, John G. \Vigant. At the sessions held at Adolphustown on January 25th, 1&>3, the first ferry license between Ameliasburgh and Thurlow was granted to \\ïlliam Carow (Gerow) with the following tolls :--every man IS., two or more 9d. each, man and horse 2S., span of horses and carriage 2S. 6d.. yoke of oxen 2S. 6rl., every sheep 3ù., every hog 4d. In li91 was pa:;sed the Constitutional Act, dividing the Province of Quebec into Cpper and Lower Canada and making provision for the government of the two provinces thus formed. Each legislature was to con,ist of three branches, the Lieutenant-Governor, the Legislative Council. and the House of Assembly, corresponding to our Governor- Genera1. Senate, and House of Commons. Under the new order of things Colonel John Graves Simcoe was the first Lieutenant-Governor of Cpper Canada, and pursuant to the authority vested in him, he pro- ceeded by proclamation, bearing- date July 16th, 1792, to divide the province into counties and to declare the number of representatives to be elected by each to serve in the Legi"lative Assembly, which was to con- sist of sixteen members. The component parts of our county, as at present bounded, entered into the composition of three separate counties, namely, Ontario, Addington, and Lenox (afterwards spel1ed Lennox). 58 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON The county of Ontario was composed exclusively of islands, compris- ing all the islands lying between the mouth of the Gananoque River and the most easterly extremity of Prince Edward County, among the num- ber being Amherst Island, then known as Isle Tonti; Addington was composed of the Township of Ernesttown and all the land between Lake Ontario on the south and the Ottawa River on the north that would fall within the extension of the eastern and western boundaries of the town- ship, including of course the then township of Camden. Lennox was bounded on the east by the county of Addington, on the south by the Day of Quinte, and on the west by the Bay of Quinte, and the western boundary of the township of Richmond extended northerly, until it intersected the western boundary of Addington. In fixing the repre- sentatives that the several counties, nineteen in all, were entitled to, the apportionment was much more confusing from the twentieth century point of view. Ontario and Addington were to send one representative; Adolphustown was severed from the neighbouring townships and linked to Prince Edward to form an electoral district to be represented by one member, and the remainder of Lennox, that is Fredericksburgh and Rich- mond, were united with Hastings and Northumberland in sending one representative. The present county of Ontario was sparsely settled at the time and had then no separate existence. So few indeed had taken up land on the north shore of Lake Ontario that all the territory between \Veller's Bay and Burlington Bay was divided into three counties, Northumberland, Durham, and York, and the latter two had not suffi- cient population to entitle them to a representative, but were joined to a part of Lincoln to form one electoral district. The members of the Legislative Council, seven in number, were appointed by the Crown and held office for life. Fully equipped with all this legislative machinery, to which was added an Executive Councilor advisory board, Upper Canada entered upon its career as a self-governing province at Niagara in September, 1792. The first act of the miniature Parliament contained a provision which gave great satisfaction to all the inhabitants and has proven a blessing to all future generations. It was expressed in few words but was far-reaching in its consequences, for it swept away the obnoxious French Civil Code and brought the province under the laws of Great Britain. The operative words were as follows: IIThat from and after the passing of this Act, in all matters of controversy relative to property and civil rights, resort shall be had to the laws of England, as the rule for the decision of the same." At the same session trials by jury were established and Courts of Requests created for the easy THE DE\.ELOPME T OF .:\1UNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 59 md speedy recovery of small debts before two or more justices of the peace. The four Districts which had been given Dutch names to appease a large number of Loyalists of German descent were renamed the "Eastern," u Iidland," uHome," and h\Ye tcrn" Districts respec- tively. The Court of Requests, corresponding to our present division courts, were presided over by justices residing in the respective divi- ions. In IB40 there were eleven of these divisions in the :\Iiclland District, and the Kingston A/ma1/ae published in that year gi\'es the fol- lowing list of courts and justices severally assigned to them: uDivision 3rd.-Ernesttown and .-\mherst Island :-Isaac Fraser,. \Vm. 1. IcKay, Orton Hancox, Benjamin Seymour, \Villiam Fairfield,. J unior.-Holden at Bath." "Division 4th.-Camden and Sheffield:- Jacob Rombough, Samuel Clark, Calvin \Yheeler, R. D. Finley, \V. :\1. Bell.-Holden at Camden Eas t." "Division sth.-Part Fredericksburgh and Adolphustown :-James. Fraser, David L. Thorp, Samuel Dorland, Samuel Casey, Jacob Detlor, \\ï1liams Sills.-Holden at Charters Inn." "Division 6th.-Part Fredericksburgh and Adolphustown :-Archi- bald .McXeil, James Fraser, \V. \V. Casey, Geo. Schryver, A. Campbell. -Holden at Clarkville." "Division 7th.-Richmond and part Hungerford :-Allan :ðlac- pherson, Archibald Caton, George H. Detlor, David Stuart, Charles :\Iacdonald.-Holden at Napanee." There was only one registry office in the District at that time, and it of course was at Kingston, but there were two deputy registrars, Isaac Fraser at Bath, and Robert :\IcLean at Belleville. \\"hen the Loyalists first settled here there was no workable statutory authority for municipal government, but the necessity for it was felt, and the Quarter Session:; took it upon themselves to supply the defect, levied assessments, let public contracts, and issued orders for the good government of the Dis- trict corresponding to our by-laws. The citizens were not content with the rul of the justices. They had been accustomed to their town meet- ings, their town offices and by-laws, and saw no reason why they should not enjoy the same privileges in their new home, and they proceeded to convene town meetings, appoint their own officials, and frame regu- lations to meet their needs. There lies before the writer the original minute-book of the toWI1' meetings of the township of Adolphustown extending over a periQ(l from 1792 to 1849. 60 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON All of the business transacted and recorded at the first meeting is embodied in twelve lines, containing only ninety-four words, and the entire record from 1792 to 1849 inclusive, after which date the Iunicipal Act came into force, is contained in less than one hundred pages, the greater portion of which is given ov"er to census returns and lists of officers elected. The officers chosen at the meeting of l\:larch 6th, 1792, were a town clerk, a constable, two overseers of the poor, three pound-masters, and two fence-viewers. At the meeting of March 5th, 1793, there were chosen a town clerk, two constables, two overseers of the poor, four overseers of the highway, and six fence-viewers. The Act providing for the nomination and appointment of parish and town officers was passed July 9th, J793, after which a special town meeting was held on August 28th of the same year, and the following officers were chosen: a town clerk, two assessors, a collector, four overseers of the highway and fence-viewers, the two offices being combined by the Statute, three pound-masters, and two town wardens. The Statute enacted that the inhabitant householders should choose "two fit and dis- creet persons to serve the office of town wardens for such parish, town- ship, reputed township, or place; but as soon as there shall be any church built for the performance of divine service. according to the use of the Church of England, with a parson or minister duly appointed thereto, then the said inhabitant householders shaH choose and nomin- ate one person, and the said parson or minister shall nominate one other person, which persons shaH jointly serve the office of church\ arden; and that such town wardens or churchwardens, and their successors duly appointed, shall be a corporation to represent the whole inhabitants of the township or parish, and as such, may have a property in goods or chattels of or belonging to the said parish, and shall and may sue, prosecute, or defend in all presentments, indictments, or actions for and on the behalf of the inhabitants of the said parish." Notwithstanding the building of a church for the performance of divine service, the town meetings in apparent disregard of that provi- sion of the Statute, continued to elect two wardens until 1823, when for the first time the right of the church to nominate one of the wardens was recognized, as appears by the following minute for that year: "Thomas \Villiams, Esq., Church \Varden, appointed by the Clergyman;" and Lazarus Gilbert was appointed by the town meeting. In each suc- ceeding year up to 1836 the church nominated one of the wardens, after which date the wardens or commissioners were all chosen by the inhabitants. At the annual meeting of 1792 Reuben Bedell was appointed town clerk, Joseph Allison and Garret Benson constables, Paul Huff and THE DE\'ELOPMEXT OF MUNICIPAL GO\'ERNMEN'l' 61 Phillip Dorland overseers of the poor, \\ïl1et Ca ey, Paul Huff, and John I [uyck pound-masters. The dimensions of hog yokes were fixed at 18 x 24 inches. The height of a fence was fixed at four feet eig-ht inche , and Abraham Iaybee and Peter Ruttan \\ ere appointed fence-viewers. It was further decreed that water was not to be regarded as a fence, that no pigs were to run at large until they were three months old, and stal1ions were not to be allowed at large at all. Our forefather wasted no word in their municipal enactments as the foregoing regulations were embodied in the fol1owing brief :-;entences: "Dimen ions of hog yoaks I inches by 24,-height of fence 4 feet inches. Fence-viewers . \braham .:\Iayoee and Peter Ruttan,- \ \" ater vuted to be no fence,- no pig to run til1 three months old. Ko stallion to run." The minutes conc1uded with "Any person putting fire to brush or stubble that does 110t his endeavour to hinder it from doing damage shaH forfeit the smll of forty shillings." \Ve thus see the two bodies, the seli-constituted town meeting and the Court of Quarter Sessions exercising concurrent jurisdiction, as the latter body at its session of July 14 th , lïB9, passed the following order: .. Xo tallion more than two years old hall be allowed to run after the twentieth instant under a penalty of forty shi11- ings to be paid by the owner, one half of which will be allowed the informer." This conflict of authority was the subject of legislation at the next meeting of the Provincial Parliament held at Xiagara in July. I ï93. It must be borne in mind that Adolphustowl1 \\-as recognized as the most important centre of civilization in Upper Canada at the time, and the repre entatives of this district were men of high tanding whòse counsels carrie.i great weight. Kingston had grown to be a town of a hundred or more houses, was a military and naval- centre, but Adolphustown took the lead in all matters appertaining to the adminis- tration of the civil afiairs of the province. The right of the people to appoint their own officials was recognized by the second Act of this the second Parliament which authorized the cal1ing of town meetings on the first day of :\Iarch each year for the purpose of choosing a town clerk, assessor. collector, overseers of highways. pound-keepers, town wardens. and constables. To tho"e officers was intrusted the authority to administer the laws within their respective spheres; but no power was g-iven to the local body to enact any by-laws. yet upon this lender foundation has been built our :\Iul1icipal Act of to-day. At the same se sion an Act \\ as passed for holding the Quarter Sessions for the :l\Iidland District alternately at Adolphustown in January and July, and at Kingston in April and October. The to\\ n meetings scored another victory at this session by being given the power "to ascertain and deter- 62 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON mine in what manner and at what periods horned cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, or any of them, shall be allowed to run at large." Turning again to the minutes of the town meetings we find the inhabitants of Adolphustown providing for their own needs, regard- less of either the Quarter Sessions or Parliament. In 1794 the first declaration of war was made against the thistle whi h was carried to this part of the province in the bateaux from Lower Canada. The following minute appears in the record for that year: "It is agreed by the to\ynship that the weed called thistle should be crushed in its growth and to this purpose that path masters do direct the people to assist every person on whose land the same may grow in subduing it. Pro- vided it be found necessary and of this the pathmasters are to be the judges." Beginning with the year 1794 the town clerk carefully entered in his minute-book, as directed by the Statute öf the previous year, a return of all the inhabitants ofJ the township. This is repeated in the same precise form each year, giving the name of the head of the family in the first column and the number of men, women, male and female children in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th columns respectively, and the total number of the household in the 6th. From these records the population of the tGwnship in 1794 was 402; in 1804 it had increased to 585, but fell back to 552 in 1814: the last return, which is for the year 1822, gives the total as 571. The average family during these twenty-nine years was six and seven, and Paul Trumpour and Alexander Fisher head the list, each having a household of seventeen. The war against the thistle was continued, and in 1799 eleven overseers were appointed "to determine whether a fine of forty shillings shall not be laid on any person or per- sons who shall be found remiss or negligent in stopping the growth of the thi!'tles on their premises, which fine if so laid by the aforemen- tioned persons or any three of them shall be laid out in subduing said thistles in this township. It is also agreed that when any person has so many growing on his lands that it may by the pathmasters or anyone of them be thought to be burthensome for him to cut, that the path- master do order out ail the persons liable to do statute duty on the high- ways to his assistance." Notwithstanding the master stroke in adding- the rider to their order by which a friendly pathmaster could come to the relief of the delinquent the provision appears to have been unpopular and this "Prudential Law" was repealed the following year, only to be re-enacted in 1801. For the next eight years the town meeting contented itself with appointing officers and continuing- the same "Prudential Laws" from year to year, the only attempt at original legislation being TIlE DE\'ELOP IEXT OF ML"NICIPAL GO\'ER DIENr 63 the simple enactment in 1810 "that hogC\ and pigs are not to be commoners unless lawfully yoaked the whole year." For the next thirty-nine years the town meetings did little more than appoint the officers of the township and re-enact the laws of the previous year by implr inserting- in the minutes "Prudential Laws the same as last year." Their efforts at law-making were practically confined to vary- ing- from time to time the regulations concerning- animals running at large. :\Ieanwhile the Quarter Sessions continued to administer the civil and criminal law:; to the extent of their jurisdiction, and to exercise their other powers in managing the jail and other puhlic institutions; in laying out and improving the highways; in levying an assessment to provide for the sessional indemnity of the members of the Assembly; in appointing street and highway surveyors, district and township con- stables. and inspectors of weights and measures. They regulated ferries and markets, and the granting- of certificates to applicants for licenses to sell liquor, and to the clergymen of dissenting congregations, who could not solemnize marriage until authorized by the court. That the people of Cpper Canada for over fifty years continued to intrust the manage- ment of their local public affairs to a small body of men nominated by the Crown speaks volumes for the patience and law-abiding- qualities of the inhabitants, and is .no small compliment to the intelligence, public spirit. and fair-mindedness of the justices composing- the Sessions. \Vhen we consider what the Loyalists had already undergone in order to maintain their principles we wonder that they submitted as long as they did to the autocratic rule of the justices. They had been accus- tomed to popular self-government and had learned through their experi- ence at the town meetings how easy a matter it was to make and repeal laws. The towns gradually broke away from the authority of the Quarter Sessions by the creation of Boards of Police to regulate their affairs, and in some cases notably Toronto, Kingston, Cornwall, and By town (Ottawa), by special Acts of Incorporation. \Vith these examples before their eyes, popular government in the rural sections could not long be deferred, and in 1841 the Quarter Sessions were shorn of much of their power by the passing of The District Councils Act. Each District was constituted a municipal corporation to be governed by a District Council clothed with power to build and maintain schools, public building-so roads, and bridges, to fix and provide means for paying the salaries of the district and township officers, and to levy assessments to meet the expense of the administration of justice. It was not without a bitter struggle that this victory for the people was achieved. Lower and Upper Canada had just been re- united, and the Honourable S. B. Harrison at the first session cham- '64 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON pioned the Act through the new House against such strong opposi- tion as Sir Allan MacNab and 1\lr. J. S. Cartwright, the member for Lennox and Addington, both of whom are credited with oppos- i!1g the bill because it was democratic and republican in prin- ciple, while the member for Hastings (Mr. Baldwin) thought that it did not go far enough, and was plcased to style it "an abominablc bill" and a "monstrous abortion" which he viewed "with detestation." The bill was eventually passed, some sections being carried by very narrow majorities. In 1798 there had been a readjustment of the counties by which the old county of Ontario was done away with, and it was enacted "that the townships of Ernesttown, Fredericksburgh, Adolphustown, Richmond, Camden ( distinguished by being caUed Camden East), Amherst Island, and Sheffield do constitute and fonn the incorporated counties of Lennox and Addington." The l\lidland District at the time the District Councils Act came into force comprised the counties of Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington. The first meeting of the new council was held in 1842 and was composed of one repre- sentative from each township duly chosen at the respective town meet- ings. I The Act of 1841 proved to be so satisfactory that the same 1\lr. Baldwin who had viewed it "with detestation:' sought to extend its principles in 1843 by introducing a general municipal act providing for the incorporation of aU townships, towns, counties, and cities. The bill passed its three readings in the Assembly but was strangled in the Legis- lative C011ncil. Six years later he reintroduced the same measure \vith certain amendments and improvements, among- them being the inclusion of viUages in the list of municipalities eligible for incorporation. The principle of the District Councils Act had so grown in the popular esteem that but little opposition was offered, and our "l\1agna Charta of Iunicipal Government" became law, and remains to-day in our ::\lunicipal Act a lasting monument to the wisdom of its author. During the same session it was deemed expedient to abolish the territorial di,'i.. sion of the province into districts, and the county was made the unit for judicial and other purposes. By a series of so-called "Gerrymandering" Acts successive gov- ernments have carved up many of the counties into electoral dis- tricts; but for other practical purposes the principle of the Act of I 849 ha been maintained. As the severa] districts had erected j ails and other public buildings the rights of the several counties making up the district were preserved by providing that the dis- trict jail, court-houses, grammar schools, and officers should thence- forth belong to the counties and union of counties set forth in the THE DE\'ELOP:\IF,XT OF {UXJCIPAL GOYF,RN IENT 65 schedule to the Act. In this schedule we find Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington united for judicial purposes and, under the above mentioned J.roviso, joint owners of the public buildings which had been erected in the town of Kingston. In 1851 certain other alteration!; were made in the territorial divisions of the province whereby new townships were added to many of the existing counties. Addington is described as I'eing composed of the town hips of Camden, Erne4town, Kaladar, :\nglesea, Sheffield. and Amherst T sland; while Lennox retained its original territory but was defined as Adolphustown (formerly Adolphus Town), Fredericksburgh, Fredericksburgh additional, and Richmond. By an Act of Parliament passed in 1860 the county of Lennox wa" incorporated with the county of Addington to form the county of Lennox and Addington and the union with Frontenac was continued a before. By the same Act the townshipo;; of Effing-ham, Abinger, Ashby, :md Denbigh were added to an(1 formed part of \ddington. In 1863 Frontenac was severed from Lennox and A(ldington, and each became a separate county for both judicial and municipal purposes. The only connection between the two, apart from the neighbourly feeling created by long association, is in respect to our county judges, whereby the judges of the two counties alternately exchange duties in the county and division courts. In I&)6 an attempt was made to improve the system of selecting county councils, as the number of members in some counties was so great that the councils were too unwie1dly to dispose of the business brought hefore them with that despatch that is supposed to characterize their proceedings. The new Act provided for the subdivision of the counties according to a sliding- scale under which our county \Va;;; rearranged with five divisions as follows: 1. The Hig-hlands Division, consisting of the townships of Abingcr, Anglesea, \ hby, Denbigh, Effing-ham, Kaladar, and Sheffield. IT. The Camden Division, consisting of the township of Camden and the village of Xewburgh. III. The Ernesttown Division, consisting of the village of Bath and the townships of \mherst Island and Ernesttown. IV. The U. E. L. Division, consisting of the townships of \dolphus- town, North Fredericksburgh, and South Fredericksburgh. V. The Napanee Division, consisting of the town of apanee and the township of Richmond. Two councillors, or commissioners as they were called, were to be elected from each division, making ten in an, and each elector, being entitled to two votes, could if he saw fit cast hi!; two votes for onc can- didate by making two crosses upon his ballot opposite the name of the fi 66 HISTORY OF LENKOX AND ADDIKGTOK candidate of his choice. For ten years the experiment was continued, and while it had a few redeeming features, which operated to some advantage in very large counties, yet, in the average county, the innova- tion was not regarded as a success. It was felt that the old system of sending members of the local councils as the representatives of the municipalities which elected them brought together as a county council a body of men in dose touch with the wants of every part of the county. Such representatives, being members of the councils of the lesser municipalities, were better able to give expression to the wishes of the body they represented than one or two individuals elected by the general vote of two or more townships. The policy of the local munici- pality should be in harmony with the policy of its representative in the county council, and a representative not cognizant of all the inner work- ings of the lesser body might very easily have defeated the aims of the electors who supported him. This opinion was quite general, and the Act was repealed in 1906, and we returned again to the original method of forming the county council. vVe have seen how in the early days the justices of the peace were the most important personages in the community. The squires were looked up to as the supreme local authority; for they not only adminis- tered the fin nces of the district, levied the rates, and appointed officials; but sat as judges in both civil and criminal matters. Little by little encroachments were made upon their authority, first by the town meet- ing-s, to which bodies were assigned certain rights, then by the district councils, and finally by the County Courts Acts passed in 1845. In the same year a law was passed providing tnat the county judge should preside as chairman at the Quarter Sessions of the Peace. The right of the justices to sit at the sessions was still recognized, and the justices present were authorized to elect a chairman pro temþore in case the county judge from sickness or other unavoidable cause was unable to be present. . The legislature went one step further in 1873 and declared by Statute that in order to constitute a court of sittings of the General Ses- sions of the Peace presided over by the county judge, it was not neces- sary that any other justice of the peace be present. Thus the squires were told in modest yet unambiguous language that, while their presence was not prohibited, the business of the court could be carried on without them. In the foIIowing year the legislators went one step further and enacted that whenever from illness or casualty the judg-e was not able to hold the sittings of the General Sessions of the Peace the sheriff should adjourn the court, or in other words while the presence of the THE DE\"F.LOP [F.XT OF Il.KICIP^L COVF.R IEKT 67 justices could be dispensed with, that of the county judge could not. It is many year5 since the justices have taken their places upon the bench alongside the county judge, but their right to do so could not be sl1ccessfu]]y cha]]enged. The statutory authority for the constitution of the court remained unchanged from lSoI to 1909, except the provisions relating to the chairman and to adjournment in case of the absence of the count}." judge. lIe is still styled the chairman of the court, and the present Consolidated Act of 1909 stilI recognizes the right of the justices to participate in the proceedings bv re-enacting the section of 1873 that the presence of the justices is not indispensable in order to have a regularly constituted court. :\nother inroad upon the jurisdiction of the justices was made by the Police Iagistrate Act first introduced as a part of the Iunicipal Institutions Act of 1866, and after Confederation so amended from time to time that now justices are prohibited from adjudicating- upon or otherwise acting in any case for any town Or city where there is a police magistrate. In this very prohibition, extended abo to cases arising in a county for which there is a police magistrate before whom the initiatory proceedings have been taken, these words appear "except at the Court of General Sessions of the Peace." This quotation from the Police Iagistrates Act of 1910 makes it clear that it never has been the intention of the legislature to exclude the justices from taking part in the sessions if they see fit to exercise their preroga- ti,"e. The result of a]] the foregoing legislation is that our justices of the peace to-day have been shorn of practical1y a]] their power, and to- day are the custodians of the Statutes and administer an occasional oath to the witnesses to conveyances. There are scores in every county, among them many of our best citizens; but not one in ten has ever presumed to take an information or adjudicate upon a case. The old- fashioned "Squire" who was a terror to evildoers and the standard authority upon all matters in his neighbourhood, has passed away with the stage-coach and wayside inn. Faithfully he served his day and generation as the local legislator and judge, the guardian of the public funds, and the administrator of the public business, and not unfre- ql1entIy his counsel and advice were sought in matters not faIling within the pale of his public duties, and his services were sought as arbitrator of the disputes between neighbours. By precept and example he gen- erally wrought for the well-being of his fellow-citizens. As a public conveyancer his presence in the community was a convenience, and many of the documents drafted by him display considerable skill and good judgment. To the old justices, who before the creation of our 68 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON present system of courts and municipal institutions, took upon themselves the burden of ministering to the people's needs, we can all look back with admiration and gratitude, for they were the stalwart men of one hundred years ago. In the year 1820, one C. Stuart, a retired captain of the East India Company's service, after a year's residence in the \\'estern District of Upper Canada, wrote a very interesting little volume entitled The E111,igrant's Guide to Upper Canada. He appears to have been a keen observer, and his reasoning is clear and sound, particularly in dealing with the adverse opinions of the day in respect to the gift by the British Government of a free constitution to the Canadas. In commenting upon the administration of justice in Upper Canada he writes: "At York (the capital) is the Supreme Court, consisting of a chief and two minor judges. These three traverse the three circuits into which the province is divided, namely, the Eastern, t,he Home, and the \Vestern in rotation; holding their assizes at Brockville, Niagara, and Sandwich, in the autumn yearly. Besides these in each District, there is a district court, which sits quarterly the day following the breaking up of the general quarterly sessions, and determines all minor civil suits. "The general quarterly sessions are the same as in England, and meet early in April, July, October, and January. "The magistrates or justices of the peace, and the various other parish or town officers are the same as in England; and are equally invested with the authority to correct and equally inattentive to the 'sacred duty of correcting the common vices of drunkenness, profaneness, and Sabbath breaking, which distort and afflict society. "As far as this remissness, which is everywhere a general feature of the human character, permits, and where these common principles of corruption, which are everywhere inherent in human society, interfere not, the administration of the laws decidedly partakes of the general excellency of the laws themselves. Justice may be said to pervade the province. A Canadian is free, in one of the fairest and happiest mean- ings of that term. He need fear no evil, to the correction of which human laws can reach, unless he himself provoke, and the public good require it." The Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada provided that when the census returns taken under an Act of Parliament showed that the junior county of any united counties contained 15,000 inhahitants or more, then, if a majority of the reeves and deputy reeves of such county in the month of February in any two successive years passed a resolu- tion affirming the expediency of the county being separated from the union and, further, if in the month of February of the fottowing year a TIlE DE\ ELOPMENT OF [UNICIPAL GOVERNME r G9 majority of the reeves did transmit to the Governor-in-Council a peti- tion for the separation, then the Governor, if he deemed the circum- stances of the junior county such as to call for a separate estahli hment of courts and other county institutions might, by proclamation setting forth the facts, constitute the reeves and deputy reeves a provisional council, and therein name one of its members to preside at the meeting, also therein determine the place for and the name of the county town. Twelve years before its consummation, conditions were ripe and the agitation began for the !:'eparation of this county from Frontenac; but little progress was made until the Hon0urable John Stevenson took the matter in hand and followed it up with that determination which charac- terized the man. Frontenac of course was opposed to the movement and used every means in its power to thwart the will of the inhabitants of Lennox and Adding1on. The greatest drawback, however, arose from the prolonged controversy over the selection of a county seat, there being no less than four aspirants in the field: Tamworth, Kewburgh, Napanee, and Bath. The case of Tamworth was thus summed up in a resolution presented at a meeting of the reeves and deputy reeves called for the purpose of considering the question: "\Yhereas this county being ninety miles long, we think that there would be an injustice perpetrated against the ettlers in the rear of the county if a frontier village should be chosen for the county seat; for of a necessity the inhabitants of the. new townships cannot for years have good roads, nor acquire wealth enough to have easy carriages to convey them to the county town; and if Bath, K ewburgh, or X apanee should be chosen the rear settlers would have to travel over eighty miles to do their county business. And whereas the \ïllage of Tamworth, in the township of Sheffield, approaches the nearest to the centre of this county and is a healthy location, we deem it the best available place for the! county seat." For obvious reasons this species of argument did not appeal to the county's representatives. and Tamworth did not long continue in the race. Bath's chances of securing the prize were little better than those of Tamworth; but Ernesttown fought stubbornly for the claims of the old village in the forlorn hope that in the bitter war waged between ewburgh and Napanee, the dark horse might win through a compromise between these irreconcilable contestants. Iatters became more complicaterl by the presentation of a petition from the inhabitants of Amherst! Island that in the event of a separation their township should remain in the senior county. ""hen just on the eve of the general election of I8ó3 the reeves and deputy reeves determined to force the hands of the government; and on April 18th. a meeting was held in the town hall, apanee, to con- 70 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON sider the best method of selecting the county town. In the month of February of the two preceding years the necessary resolutions had been passed affirming the expediency of the separation, and in the month of February o the then current year the necessary petition had been trans- mitted to the Governor, praying for the separation; but the yexed ques- tion of the county seat still remained unsettled. It was a critical hour for the two rival villages of Newburgh and Napanee when :Mr. J. J. '\Vatson of Adolphustown was called to the chair. Bath had retired from the contest, and the reeve and deputy reeve of Ernesttown joined forces with those of Camden to establish the seat of the county a X ew- burgh. All manner of wire-pulling was indulged in to outwit the cham- pions of the claims of Napanee. The first vote taken was to seal the fate of Tamworth, when to the surprise of many the vote of Camd( n went for the northern village in the expectation of capturing the nor- thern vote when the yeas and nays were called for the resolution favouring N ewburgh as the county town. Tamworth secured five out of fifteen votes, N ewburgh obtained but one more. It was apparent at this stage of the proceedings that N apanee would carry the day, and it would have befitted the wisdom and dignity of the meeting to have passed the re- maining resolution unanimously; but such was not the temper of the disappointed fighters from Ernesttown and Camden, and when a show of hands was called nine supported the claims of N apanee and the same six, who had voted for N ewburgh, still persisted in their opposition and, to their chagrin, the votes of the northern townships were all in favour of the present comity town. The opposition did not stop there. Much bitterness had been engendered during the long struggle, and the editors of the N apanee papers were not wholly blameless for the bad feeling created. The reeve of N ewburgh might with good grace have accepted his defeat; but his blood was up, and he petitioned the government to defer the question, thus causing a further delay. To offset this last move 1\1r. Stevenson prepared a counter petition signed by the repre- sentatives of N apanee, Kaladar, Sheffield, Richmond, Adolphustown, and North and South Fredericksburgh in which the attention of the government was again called to the fact that all the conditions precedent for the issuing of the proclamation had been complied with, and that the delay was "highly detrimental to the interests of the localities which your petitioners represent, and inconvenient and injurious to the great majority of the people at large." Finally on August 21St. when the elections were over and no further excuse could be found for withhold- ing from the people of Lennox and Addington the long deferred answer to their petition, the royal proclamation issued; the separation was an TIlE DEVELOPMEXT OF IUNICIPAL GO\.ER IEX1' 71 accomplished fact. X apanee was the county town, and J olm Stevenson was named as the person to preside at the first meeting of the provisional council which was called to meet in the. town hall, Napanee, on the loth of the following month. The Newburgh sympathizers bowed to the inevitable, and the N apanee press, content with the victory achieved, counselled that all local jealousy should cease, and that the provisional council enter upon their new duties in a proper spirit and with a view only to the welfare of the whole county. At the appointed time the council met and was composed of the following gentlemen: J. J. 'Vat- son, _ \dolphustown; J. 11cGinnis, Amherst Island; 'V. F. Peterson, Bath; S. 'Varner, Reeve, C. Fraser, Deputy Reeve, Ernesttown; D. Sills, South Fredericksburgh; I. Parks, North Fredericksburgh; J. X. Lap- urn, Reeve, G. Paul, Deputy Reeve, Camden; J. D. Ham, N'ewburgh; E. Perry, Reeve, J. Iurphy, Deputy Reeve, Sheffield; C. R. Flint, Kaladar and Anglesea; 1. Sexsmith, Reeve, R. Denison, Deputy Reeve, Richmond, and John Stevenson, Napanee. :Mr. Ste\'enson was unanimously elected warden and 11r. 'Vm. V. Detlor was appointed clerk. To the credit of all concerned the coun- cillors sank their former differences and entered upon the serious busi- ness of setting their house in order. A by-law was introduced at this first session providing for the issue of debentures for the sum of S20,OOO.OO to provide funds for the building of a court-house. At a meeting of the council called on December 18th to consider the by-law introduced at the September session the same was finally passed, and the incoming council for 1864 found themselves in funds for the erection of the court-house, which was energetically proceeded with. The County Courts Act had been in force for many years at the time of the separation, and Judge 1Iackenzie was the only judge in Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington. He presided at all the division courts in the united counties and the county court as well, which was held only at Kingston. Division courts in this county were held at .Amherst Island, 1Iillhaven, Conway, Tamworth, Centreville, Newburgh, X apanee, and 'Vilton. The separation called for an entire new set of officers for Len- nox and Addington. John Joseph Burrows, county crown attorney of the united counties, was appointed county judg-e of this county, and Judge 1Iackenzie remained county judge of Frontenac for a few years, when he resigned and removed to Toronto and resumed prac- tice. He was succeeded by Judge Draper, who died in 1869, when Judge Burrows was transferred from N apanee to Kingston and made judge of the county of Frontenac. 'Villiam Henry Wilkison, who had been caned to the bar in 1861 and was practising in Xapanee, .was the first 72 HISTORY OF LEKKOX AND ADDINGTON county crown attorney of this county and was appointed judge in 186 9 to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Judge Burrows. His Honour Judge Price was appointed in 1878 to succeed Judge Burrows, and His Honour Judge l\Iadden was made Judge of Lennox and Add- ington in 1903 upon the death of His Honour the late Judge Wilkison. The first sheriff of the county was Oliver Thatford Pruyn, who dele- gated his duties to his brother M. \V. Pruyn for a few years and after- wards to his son, Thomas Dorland Pruyn. He died in 18gS at his arm in the front of Fredericksburgh where he had continued to live after his appointment, and was succeeded by the present sheriff, G. D. Hawley. There have been no less than five county crown attorneys in the following order: \V. H. \Vilkison, W. A. Reeve, A. L. 1\lorden, S. C. \Varner, and H. 1\1. Deroche. John Bell :l\IcGuin was the first clerk of the county court, and upon hi death in 1887 was succeeded by the present incumbent \V. P. Deroche. Our county has been singularly fortunate in its public officers and particularly in the judges of the local courts. By an arrangement which prevails in very few other counties in the province the county judge of Lennox and Addington exchanges every alternate sitting of the county and division court with the county judge of Frontenac, so that each county has the benefit of the services of two, senior judges. At the time of his death the late Judge Wilkison had borne the honours of county judge thirty-four years, and the present judge of the county court of Frontenac has already completed his thirty-fourth year upon the bench. It falls to the lot of few public servants to render such long and faith- fd service to their country. His Honour Judge l\iadden now complet- ing his tenth year as judge is still in the prime of manhood and bids fair to maintain the record for longevity in service established by his predecessor and contemporary. Fortunately for the bar of the two counties, and fortunately for the litigants, our county judges have been men who ranked high in the profession and brought to the high office to which they were called not only the experience of a successful practice but what is of greater importance still the unblemished record of men of hig-h moral standing. The township of Camden claims the honour of being the birthplace of the county judges of both counties. TR \DESMEN, PRODUCTS, AND PRICFS 73 CHAPTER V TRADES IE , PRODUCTS, AXD PRICES The ::.ettlers in our newly opened territories of to-day suffer very httle inconvcnience in obtaining the staple neces aries of life whether it be in thc fore ts of 1\'ew Ontario or on the plains of the Xorthwest, and the prices paid are not much greater than those prevailing- in the towns and villages of the older settlements. The catalogues of the departmental stores will be found in the remotest corners and they serve as useful ruides in determining the values of the goods offered for sale. \Vhen there were no railways, express companies, or parcel post the merchant and cu,tomer were both sorely handicapped. The transportation facili- ties were of the most primitive character and the carriage of goods from the larger centres to the country store was slow and expen ive. From dire necessity the farmer had learned to wait upon himself, and his patronage of the store was confined to a few staples which he was unable to procure from the rivers, the forest. or the soil, or to manufacture from the raw material which those afforded him. To a certain extent he was his own butcher, baker, carpenter, blacksmith, tailor, and shoemaker, and he served himself in many other capacities. His wants were so few and simple that could he revisit the scenes of his toils and plea l1res he would stand agha t as he viewed our honest yeomen of to-day revel- ling in the luxuries and labour-saving devices of the twentieth century. The pack-pedlar was the first to serve his needs, and then the country store. and as his circumstances improved his patronage of the latter increased. As the merchant's sales increased and the cost of carriage was reduced he could not only lay his g-oods dowrr for less money but could sabsi t on a smaller margin of profit. Stores in the neig-hbouring villages or townships created competition, and from these several causes the cov- eted merchandise was gradual1y brought within the reach of the poorest inhabitant. A few references to the growth and development of the customer's means and the tradesman's sales will not be without their useful lesson. In the "Testimonial of Ir. Roger Bates." to which I have elsewhere al1uded. he writes: "As our family grew up in the Clarke settlement my grandfather wished to see them well settled before he died, and an' opportunity offered by the purchase of a military grant 74 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON from George Shaw of 600 acres which they drew in 1804 in the vicinity of Cobourg. "Whilst the lands were being cleared and a log house erecting they opened a small store close to the property now possessed by the \Vhite family. Here my father, Stoddard Bates, and my uncle, Lew Bates, planted an orchard, and we had a snug temporary residence. This store was supplied with goods by Enoch \tv oods, who brought the first assortment to Toronto. Everything at that time was very dear, but a system of barter was carried on that was of advantage to all parties. 11y father made a great quantity of potash which fetched at that time a good price. This in part paid for his goods. On referring to the old books now in possession of my mother I find some entries that give an idea of the general prices of goods, which people then had to pay: 1804, Gimblet, $ , Padlock $ , Jack-knife $1, calico $1 per yard, needles Id. each, Ball of cotton $7 , Board of pigs $1 dollar per week, old axe $2 , had to send them to Kingston to be ground, Tea 85., bk. 195., Halifax currency, barrel pork 27 to 30$ per barrel, flannel 6s. 3d. yard, salt 6d. per lb., mill saw fourteen dollars. "My father and uncle were partners in this store, which turned out very profitable, as the settlers round were always in want of something or other. The woods at that time were alive with deer and bears. l\Jlany were killed by the Indians who traded off their skins dressed by the squaws, which made useful garments. "For a long time my grandfather had to go with some of his neigh- bours all the way from Clarke to Kingston, 125 miles, with their wheat to be ground there. They had no other conveyances than bateaux, which were commodious as the journey would sometimes occupy five or six weeks. "Of an evening they put up into some creek and obtained their sal- mon with ease, using a forked stick that passed over the fish's back and held them tight as with a spring." Either Mr. Bates must be in error as to the time expended in mak- ing the round trip of 250 miles or much time was wasted owing to the rough weather encountered on the south shore of .Prince Edward county. The following account is copied from the original now on file among the archives of the local Historical Society: Mr. John Ham 1809 To Peter Smith, Dr. t s. d. Jan. 13 To 2 black silk handkerchiefs, @ 7s. 6d. . . . . . . . . IS 134 Balmy Pope, @ IS. 4d................... 1 8 Jan.I8 100 lbs. shingle nails, @ IS. I0d. ........... 50 lbs. plank nails, @ 9s. .................... 50 lbs. nails, @ 9 s. ................. to . .. F eb. 6 To cash paid him amounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 To I piece white cotton 37 yds., @ IS. Io d. 2 yds. shirting, @ 3s. ..................... 3 yds. Irish linen, @ 3s. 6d.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 wine glasses, @ 70d. ..... to to . .. . . .. . . .. 3 brown soap, @ IS. Id. .................... Cash paid him amounting to ................. I ar. 1 To 2 axes, @ IOS. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 To 85 iron, @ 6d. ......................... 6 Cash paid him amounting to ................ I barrel @ ................................ Apr.27 I barrel green tea ......................... Iay 30 I can of tobacco weighing 2 , @ 2S.. . . . . . . . . . 6 6 yards cotton, 2S. ......................... I Bohea tea ............................... I green tea ............................... Oct. I I I green tea ............................... 2 muscovado sugar, @ lod. .................. 8 I nail hamnler ............................. 6 indigo ................................. 5 I paper ink powder ........................ 3 knives and forks, 12S. 6d. per set ........ 3 I stick blacking ball ........................ 9 Cash paid him amounting to ................. 9 Oct. 12 To I barrel Liverpool salt .................. 9 o bushel ditto ............................ The following is copied from the original upon the same files: :\Ir. James Long I&x) To Rich & Robison, Dr. Jan. I To balance as per acct. rendered ............. 20 I qt. whiskey ........................... F eb. I I I do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )'Iar.II I do. do. ........................... 2 I I do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 I do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17 4 yds. cotton, @ 25. 6d. ................ 3 handkerchiefs, @ 25. ................... TR \DES:ME , PRODUCTS.. A D PRICES 75 1. s. d. 5 12 6 I 17 6 I 19 7 4 10 6 3 10 3 7 6 12 3 I IO 3 3 IS I 2 2 5 I 5 7 5 12 4 7 7 I 2 4 I 6 15 I IS 5 i. s. d. 10 3 97'z I 4 I 4 I 4 I 4 I 6 10 6 76 June28 July 20 Aug. 5 Aug. IS Sept. 9 13 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON' 12 I qt. whiskey ........................... I urag stone ............................ I hat .................................. I hat ................................... 3 lbs. sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I lb. pepper ............................. 2 handkerchiefs, @ 2S. ................... 3 hks. thread ............................ I lb. snu ff .............................. o yd. sprig muslin ...... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I paper pIns ............................ 4 yds. Bingal stripe ...................... I yd. tape .............................. 1.% yds. yellow flannel .................. 2 yds. shirting cotton ..................... 2 yds. cotton, @ 2S. 6d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 yds. calico, @ 3s. 6d. ................... . 1 yd. lace ............................... yds. muslin ........................... 9 hks. thJ ead ........................... 4 hks. thread ........................... Taylors thimble ......................... 7á indigo ............................... 1 spelli ng book .......................... 2 doz. buttons, 9d. ....................... A snuff box ............................. 3 gallons spirits ......................... A handkerchief .......................... I7á flannel 3s. 6d. ....................... o lb. powder ........................... 2 lbs. shot ............................. I lb. snuff .............................. A spelling book ......................... I bbl. salt .............................. A sha \v I ................................ 20 yds. cotton, @ 25. ................... o lb. allspice .......................... 2 gallons spirits, @ I2S. ................. Paid Henry German ..................... I gallon wine ........................... o doz. knives and forks ................. 23 IS 1.. s. d. I 6 I 12 5 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 6 I 10 16 I 4 8 6 6 5 7 3 4 6 9 4 6 4 2 1 6 2 1 16 3 4 4 40 2 6 2 2 2 10 17 6 3 9 5 2 I 4 I 16 II IS 5 6 TR.\DESMEN, PRODCCTS, _\ D PRICES Sept.27 I qt. spInto;; ................................ Oct. 4 I qt. \\'ine .."............................. 16 I qt. \\"ine "...."........................... 2 yds. gray cloth .................... ...... 18 5 yds. cotton, @ 2S. ........................ I pro stockings ............................ A pocket handkerchief ...................... I muslin handkerchief ...................... A sha \\"1 .................................. I sha \v I ...... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 yds. binding .................."."."...... Tape and thread ........................... 1}1 yds. calico, @ 3s. ....................... 1}1 yds. calico, @ 25. ....".................. 23 I lb. green tea .............................. X ov. 2 I dozen needles ................... _ . . . . . . . " ..-\ sad iron ................................ 7 I qt. spirits ................................ 14 I qt. spirits ................................ 17 Paid \Vm. Bailey .......................... 22 I gallon spirits ............................. 2 !'etts knitting needles ...................... 77 I.. s. d. 3 3 9 3 9 13 10 4 6 2 2 6 3 3 4 3 8 4 4 6 3 7 6 9 3 9 3 3 3 3 7 12 12 8 _-\ country store-keeper"s ledger as a rule is not very interesting reading, but a perusal of that of Squire \\ïlliam Dell, who conducted many lines of business in the township of Thurlow, ninety years ago, throws light upon the every day dealings of our grandfathers. As early as 1797 the Squire was schoolmaster to the Mohawkj upon a salary of [30 a year which was paid to him by drafts made upon Rev. John Stuart of Kingston, agent for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospe1. The departmental store is not a creation of the last few decades, as the entries made by the Squire in the hand-made book, stitched with shoe thread, now lying before the writer, reveal the fact that besides being coroner for the :\fidland District and a justice of the peace issu- ing summons, warrants, and executions he was a general merchant and dealt in every article that his customers could reasonably expect to find in a new country. "C'nder date of ::\Iay 1st, 1823, we find the two fol- lowing items charged to one Andrew Kenady: s. d. "For 6 gallons of whisky, @ 2S. 6d. .................... 15 "For Court costs assumed for you ...................... 4 6 78 HISTORY OF LE KOX AND ADDIKGTOK The record is silent as to the relation these two items bear to each other. The Squire dealt extensively in whiskey, selling it by the gallon. quart, and bottle, and does not appear to have handled any other intoxi- cant. It will be observed that the price is just about one fifth of what it is to-day and the quality no doubt was quite up to the standard. The store-keeper was the private banker of the neighbourhood, as in the same account appear the two following items: I. s. d. "Paid Robert Smith on your note taken up for you 9 7 "Cash lent when going to Belleville ................. I Many of his other customers were accommodated in like manner. The last item in that account "for a sow with pigs II, 5s.," lends a variety to their dealings not found in modern accounts. 'The following items selected from the account of Jacob Kitchenback for the years 1823 to 1830, inclusive, disclose a variety quite as remårk- able as the dealings with Kenady (Kennedy). It will be noted that the Squire's spelling, although he had been a school teacher, is not quite orthodox, but the writer has seen much worse in our county town during the past few months: s. d. "For one pair of shoes ................................ 10 "For paid to McClure .........................:....... 17 70 "Postage paid for a letter .............................. 4 "For 2 summonses for Philps & Lewis .................. I "For ballance due me on dear skins ...................... 6 6 When settling with a customer he very wisely made a memorandum of the fact, invariably stating the circumstances. The following memo- randa at the end of this account are a very fair illustration: "Jan. 14th, 1829. Settled with Jacob Kitchenback in full by an agreement between him and myselfe and in presence of his son Edward and a number of other persons, a calff skin and sheepskins due still, which he is to deliver at Morrow's Tavern in Belleville. "Received the calf's skin and some sheepskins dué a sheepskin." In those days a few lasts, awls, and other shoemaker's tools were indispensable in every fann-house, and factory boots were practically unknown. K early every man was his own cobbler, and the country mer- chant sold the materials for mending boots, and in some instances Squire TR.\DES:\IEX, PRODGCTS, AXD PRICES 79 Bell charged for making the repairs. Probably one of his many employees officiated at the cobbler's bench when not otherwise engaged. The following items are gathered at random from his ledger: "For grafting a pair of boots for your man and finding leather ........................................... "For one pair of half soles ........................... "For I yard of shoe lining .............................. "For out soles for your wife's shoes ................... "For sole leather and making your shoes ................ "For leather for a pair of men's shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. d. 4 6 I 3 2 I 8 7 6 10 This singular entry, perhaps for a one-legged customer, also appears: "For half of a pair of shoes ............................ Tnere must have been a seamstress in connection with lishment as we find several charges imilar to the following: i'For a cotton shirt and making ........................ For cotton and thread for a shirt ...................... 1\J aking the shirt ...................................... Trimmings and making a pair of pantaloons ............ Cotton for 2 shirts ..................................... l\Iaking and thread for ditto ........................... J aking a ,,"eastcoat ................................... For making a pair of pantaloons finding thread. silk, and lining ............................................ 5 the estab- s. d. 8 5 6 2 8 II 8 5 5 7 He occasionally dealt in live stock as is shewn by the following itel11 : "For a pair of oxen ............................... "..A. yoake and bo\vs ............................... "For a pair of steers sold you at Belleville ............ "For a heifer to St. Pier the French man ........... "For a cow and calff which is to be returned if not paid for .......................................... l. s. d. 18 15 7 6 6 10 2 IS 4 IS There appears to be no end to the Squires' resources for earning- a few shillings, as we find a charge against George Kitchenback "For the 80 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON use of my horses to break up 12 acres of land, etc., and putting in the seed." Other entries for horse hire appear: "For the use of a horse to Rawdon, 4 days at Is. 3 d .. . . . . . "For 2 days of my horse ............................... For my horses and slay to the big Island Marsh for a load o f hay ........................................... s. d. 5 5 5 I-Ie rented his oxen in like manner- "One cia y of my oxen .................................. 3 6 Another customer who purchased some pork and had some writing done was charged s. Ò. "For keeping a span of horses one night ................ 2 6 The following account is quite characteristic of the many bewilder- ing roles in which the Squire figured in his dealings with his cus- tomers : "Thurlow, Aug. 11th, 1823 James Limburner To Wm. Bell, Dr. For an emetic from Doctor A. J. Williamson ............ For cash sent in a letter to George Ridout, Esq., for you. Paid the postage of the above letter to York .............. Cash at Gregware's shop ............................... Aug. 2S For 2 summonses ............................ For a subpæna ............................... 26 Cash at Belleville for postage of a letter .......... Oct. 5 Paid for taking your tool chest and your selfe to the N appannee Mils .......................... Keeping a horse 10 days in pasture ............. Costs paid in Court for you ................... Paid Campbell for you ........................ For board and lodging when sick, weeks @ 7s. 6d. per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t I I s. d. 2 15 I 6 2 I 6 I 10 10 9 S 12 6 Among the other interesting facts to be gathered from the fore- going account we may observe the excessive postage upon the two letters and that our county town was then known as "the 1\ appannee lills." TR.\D(SMEN, PRODUCTS, AXD PRICES 81 The Squire also rented a house, but accurate a'ì he usually was 111 his figures I cannot follow him in his computation of the rent charged to one Joseph P. Hu)"Ck in the following entry: l. s. d. "Dec. 4th, 1829. House rent from Iay 4th, 1 29, to Dec. 4 th , 7 m. @ IDs. ............................ 4 In a more dignified capacity than that of mending boots and making ...hirts does the Squire appear at times: "For a trip to Judge Fisher's with slay and horses. . . . . "For going with you to Taylor and searching record and \\.riting .................................. "For writing and attending on an arbitration between you and Peter [oon .......................... "Attending you arbitration at Shannonvi1l(3 with Soper l. s. d. I 10 r 5 6 3 7 6 In the good old days the people borrowed from their neighbours with the usual results, but the Squire kept a strict account of the break- ages and articles lost, a plan that might prove advantageous to the lender if adopted in our day: "For a shuttle lost ................................ For salt lent at different times ..................... For the cutter broke by Augustus ................... 2 For tobacco lent at different times .................. For 4 loaves of bread lent your men and not returned.. .-\n ox ring broke and not repaired nor any furnished to replace it .................................. For com and pease borrowed and not returned. . . . . . . . l. s. d. 3 9 5 16 3 I 6 3 6 15 The following items gathered from his various accounts enlighten us as to the prices charged ninety years ago, and further illustrate the endless variety of the store-keeper's stock-in-trade: "For a bushell of onions to your brother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For 10 bushelIs of apples, @ IS. 3d. ................. For 1,000 feet 0 f lathing .......................... For 4 apple trees, @ 70 ............................ For slabs pr agreament ............................. For half a kid skin ................................ For 2 loads of wood by my son Stephen ............ For a pair of sleigh nmners ........................ 6 t. s. d. 5 12 6 2 2 6 5 10 6 5 82 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON To half a quire of paper ........................... For 20 bushells of potatoes at 2S. per bushell ... . . . . . . . For I bushell beets ................................. For 2 bushells of onions, @ 7s. 6d. ................... For 3 bushells of carrots, @ 5s. .................... For 4 bushells turnips, @ IS. ....................... To 182 Ibs. beef, @ 3d. ............................ 2 For one pound tobacco ............................ For I dozen awl blades ............................ For I bushells of wheat, @ 5s. ..................... For 2 cotton handkerchiefs, @ IS. 2d. ............... For 4}1 Ibs. porke, @ 6d. .......................... For 80 lbs. fresh pork, @ 40s. ................... For 238 feet 10 plank clear stuff .................. For 484 feet 7 4 boards @ 4s. 6d. ................. I For 600 feet boards ............................. I For 300 seasoned siding, @ 5s. 6d. .................. For a mill gudgeon 99 Ibs. at 6d. per pound .......... 2 For 2 flannell shirts, @ 12S. 6d. .................... I To a stripe shirt ................................. For a pair of ribed socks ..........,................ t. s. d. 5 15 15 4 6 6 I 6 2 7 6 2 4 2 3 4 2 12 10 0 2 20 10 13 3 9 6 5 8 7 4 An auction sale possesses a fascination for most people, and espe- cial interest must have been taken in that of Daniel Haight held at Adolphustown in 1829. He was a prominent man at the time, the father of eleven children, and the year before his death he held a dis- persion sale or vendue as it was calIed. The conditions of the sale as announced over his signature were as follows: "Any person purchas- ing, and not to the amount of twenty shillings, must make immediate payment, and those purchasing to that amount or upwards must give satisfactory security or the property will be exposed to a second sale. H it sells for more he is to reap no benefit, but if for less he is to make good the first sale, AIl that comply with these conditions shaIl have one year, without interest, to make payment in, and if at the expiration of that time they come forward and pay one half they shall have one year for to pay the other haU by paying interest. Daniel Haight N .B.- The security first entered in the list is to stand for the pur- chase by that individual for which his name is first entered. True copy of conditions of sale made public at the day of sale. R. Haight" TR.\DESMEN, PRODUCTS, AXD PRICES 83 The following inventory of his household furniture will throw COt1- !'iderable light upon the manner in which the early houses were furnished. Although he was a man possessed of no small amount of this world's riches, as appears from the inventory of the sale, and had some literary taste, as might be inferred from an inspection of his library, yet in the house we find the most expensive single article of furniture was tlie kitchen stove. This, too, was the only stove in the house, which was no doubt heated by the old fashioned fireplace. Blankets and quilts there were in abundance, but bedsteads were few. One was of fancy cherry; and doubtless the pride of the good wife's heart, and sacredly reserved for the use of visitors were the set of light calico curtains and the Uteaster sheet and cloth" used to decorate this article of furniture. The most of the family probably slept upon folding bunks, which served as seats in the daytime, and as bedsteads at night. 4th month, 1829." i. s. d. 3 10 5 7 3 3 10 6 3 I 1 U.-\. Iemorandl1m of the Household Furniture, A desk, black walnut ............................ I clock an d case .................................. 1 stove and pipes ................................. I looking glass ................................... I cherry stand .................................... I strong box "iro" ................................. 6 \Vindsor chairs. 45S.. 6 chairs, 18s. ................ 1 cherry bedstead and cord, 24S. ................... I set dark curtains, 25s. ............................ 4 window curtains, 1 stand cover. 2s. ................ 14 white flannel blankets, good ..................... 8 check blankets, 20S. ............................. 3 striped blankets, 18s. ............................ 5 Indian blankets, 5s. .............................. 7 quilts, 22S., I cradle quilt, 5s. ...................... 2 bedsteads and cords ............................. I bedstead curtains and mattrass .................... 5 straw bed ticks, 5 s . .............................. 3 cotton sheets, 7s., 3 linen sheets, 7s. ............... I et light calico curtains, Teaster sheet and cloth. . . . . 2 \\ll1ow baskets ................................. 3 ets of upper valance, head cloths and Teaster sheets. . 2 ink bottles, IS.; sugar box, IS.; bread dish. IS....... I pair spoon moulds, 75. 6d.; I pitcher. IS.; pepper box, IS Butter ladle, IS.: fat bottle, I . gd. .................. 12 8 2 I 3 4 5 12 12 14 5 19 7 2 2 1 2 I I 10 5 2 3 4 15 3 9 2 6 9 9 84 HISTORY OF LEN OX AND ADDINGTON 1 pair goId scaIes anù weights ...................... I pair pippe tongs, 3s. 9d.; copper tea kettle, IOS. .... T knot dish -"chopping bowl" ....................... I iron pot, 5s.; 10 gal. cask, 4s.; meat tub, 5s. ..... _' . . Wash tub, 3s.; dye tub, 3s.; pickle tub, 4S.; soap tub, 3s. I plaid blanket .................................... I map of the Holland purchase ..................... I map United States, 5s.; I map England, Ireland, etc. I large Bible, 155., 3 vols., Clarkson's Penetrations, 20S. I Buchan"s Domestic medicine ...................... 2 vols. Brooks', 6s. 3d.; 3 vol. PownaI, 3 s . 9d. ........ 1 Lewis Dispensatory ..........."................. 3 pair under valance, 2S. 6d., and 7s. 6d. ; 4 window cur- tai ns, IOS. .................................. I set muslin vallance, 2S. 6d.; 4 tablecloths, 3s.. . . . . . . . I I pil1ows, 4s. .................................... 2 caps, 3S. ........................................ 3 brass candlesticks, 5 s . ....."...................... I iron basin, 35. 9d.; I smoothing iron, 3s. 6d.. . . . . . . . I iron candlestick ......".."....................... 14 pair pillow cases, 2S. 6d.; 2 bolster pillow cases, 2S. 4 feather beds, 60s. ....."........................". 6 towels, IS.; 2 tin pots, 5s. ........................ 3 milk pans, 2S. 6d.; 9 metal spoons, IS. ............. 9 silver spoons, 5s. ............................... 10 case knives and 7 forks .......................... 3 tea cannisters, 1 s. 3d. ............................. I tin tea pot, 2S.; 4 tin basins, IS. 8d. ................ 2 decanters, 3s. gd.; 2 wine glasses, 9d. .............. [0 gal. glass jar................................. I blue-edged platter ............................... I green-edged plate, IS., I oval dish, 9d. ............ I pewter platter, 4S.; 9 earthern plates, 6d. .......... I bowl, 6d.; cups and saucers, 4S. 6d.; 2 sugar bowls, I s. 3d. ..................: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II saucers and cups, 4s.; 2 gal. jugs, 1 s. 2d. .......... I Elliott l\Iedical Pocket Book ...................... 1 Franklin Sern 1 0ns ............................... I Stackhouse's History of the Bible ................. 2 vols. Brown's Union Gazeteer ..1................... I vol. 16th, Report British and Foreign Bible Soc..... i.. s. 7 13 2 14 12 12 5 II 15 6 10 5 19 14 2 4 6 15 7 I I 19 12 16 16 2 5 10 3 3 9 7 3 I 8 7 6 I 3 2 7 2 d. 6 9 3 6 6 3 6 6 9 8 6 9 9 6 6 6 9 6 6 6 TR.\UE:' \H:X. PROUl'CTS, .\XU PRICES I vol. History of the United States of America ........ I vol. Elias Hicks' sermons ......................... 2 vols. X e\\'ton' s Letters ........................... I vol. Ricketson on I -Iealth ......................... I vol. Jersey Kurgy ............................... I vol. :\Iemorials Deceased Friend .................. t vol. Harvey's ::\Ieditation ........................ I vol. Reply to Hibbard ............................ I vol. John Scott's Journal........... ............. J vol. Barclay on Church Government .,............ I vol. Abridgment of ::\Iorse"s Geography ............ J vol. on Shakerism ............................... I vol. 'Yorks of the late Dr. Franklin ................ I vol. Journal of Richard Davi!' ..................... I vol. Lessons from the Scriptures .................. t vol. Lessons by Picard .......................... I vol. Sequel to the English Reader ................. 85 f... s. d. 7 6 6 3 7 6 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 I 3 5 2 6 3 2 6 5 2 6 I 6 t 3 3 6 114 18 8 An examination of the fol1o\\'ing list of property disposed of at the sale wil1 reveal the fact that the stock of an Adolphustown farm of eighty-four years ago would compare favourably with that of most farms in the same district to-day. In the inventory we miss the binder. horse-rake. and other farm implements in such common use to-day, although the fanning mill appears to have arrived upon the scene. ":\ List of property sold at vendue, January 26th, 1829, belonging to Daniel Haight of Adolphustown." ARTICLE SOLD To SURETY 4 Hogs....,.. '_' . . . . . .. Ricketson Haight..". Consider Haight.. . . . 4 Hogs............... Consider Haight.... Ricketson Haight. . . . 5 Hogs.... . . . . . . . . . . . . "" "" 6 Sheep, first choice. . . . . Ricketson Haight. " . . 15/3 per head. . . . . . . 6 u " '". . . . . Samuel Dorland..... 14/3 " . . . . . . . 6 cc " 'C. . . . _ I Ricketson Haight.... 10/ John D. Haight.. 7 " 6/9 per head. , . . Phillip Haight...... .............. . . . . . 11 Bull........ _ . . . . . . . . . 1 Ricketson Haisht. . .. ................... 1 "...... ........... " ".... ................... Æ s. d. 200 1 19 6 280 4 11 6 456 500 3 14 9 1 1 0 119 86 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON ARTICLE SOLD TO SURETY 2 Calves. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Daniel Ruttan. . . . , . . (Son-in-law) . . . . . . . . 2 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consider Haight.... ................... 1 Calf................. " , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Steers............ . . . . Ricketson Haight. . .. ....."....... -. . . . . . 1 Heiffer..... ......... Consider Haight.... ...... .. . . .. . . . . . . . 1 Ricketson Haight..... ................... .................., 1 Cow................. Noxon Harris.. . . . . . Marvil Garrison. . . . . 1 " ................. Job Dunham.. . . . . . . John Dunham.. . . . . . 1 " ................. Ricketson Haight. . .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 " ................, Reuben Haight.. . . .. ............. ..... 1 Heiffer............... Ricketson Haight. . .. ................. 1 Yoke Oxen. . . . . . . . . . . Consider Haight.... ........... ...... 1 Horse........ ....... Phillip Haight...... . ....... .... ...... . 1 Mare................ Consider Haight.... ..... . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 1 Gray Colt.... ....... Samuel Haight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Horse...... ......,.. John Mullet. . . . . . . . . (Son-in-law) . . . . . . . . 1 Mare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rowland Haight. . . .. ................... 1 Cutter............... Consider Haight.... ................... 1 Fanning Mill. . . . . . . . .. Ricketson Haight. . .. ................... 1 Sow and Pigs........ Consider Haight.... ....... ............ 1 Potash Kettle (1). . . . .. O:iniel Ruttan...... ................... 1 Set Harness.......... Consider Haight.... ................... 1 Leach Tub (2)........ Ricketson Haight.... ................... 1 Sleigh................ Marvel Garrison. . . . _ ................... 1 Saucepan (3). . . . . . . . .. Ricketson Haight. . .. ................... 1 Pot.................. " " . . . . . . . . .. ........ 1 "( 4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Andrew Quackinbush Ricketson Haight. . . . 1 Pan.................. Consider Haight.... '" .............. 1 Axe.................. Ricketson Haight. . .. ..... . . . . . . . . .. ... 1 Cake Pan and 2 Tin do. Consider Haight.... ................... 1 Chair and Sundries.... " " . . . . . . . . . .. ....... 3 Pails.................. ' , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Fork.............,... John Haight. . . . . . .. ............... - . . . 1 Handsaw............. Consider Haight.... . . . . . .. ........... 1 Waggon Chair (5). . . . . Ricketson Haight. . . . ................... 1 Pruning Knife.... . . .. Ricketson Haight. . .. ................... 1 Handsleigh (6). . . . . . . . ." " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chairs............... Consider Haight.... 4/1... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 " 7/9. . . . . . . . . . . . . George Bedle....... Edwin Mallory. . . . . , 1 Set Dutch Harness (7)' I Ricketson Haight.... ................... 2 Collars and 4 trace chains Marvil Garrison. . . .. .:...... . . . '.' . . . . . . 1 N eck yoke........ . . . James Ackerman, Sr. RIcketson HaIght. . . . 1 Pocket Compass...... John Clapp. . . . . . . . . Paid..... . . . . . . . . . . I Set Harness.......... Daniel Ruttan.. . . . .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ox Carte............. Consider Haight.... .................. . l 1 Chair............ eo . . . " ". . .. .................... Æ s. d. 1 13 6 2 8 6 12 6 6 10 0 2 15 0 2 19 0 4 0 0 3 12 0 4 10 6 3 19 0 1 15 0 23 0 0 25 12 0 12 1 0 17 14 0 11 17 0 19 17 0 2 9 6 1 8 0 1 0 0 3 12 6 3 16 0 5 0 5 10 0 11 0 5 0 8 3 6 3 ]0 3 6 9 5 3 7 6 8 6 3 9 4 3 5 6 5 0 1 4 6 Z 6 6 4" 10 6 1 8 6 3 6 8 0 17 16 0 6 1 0 13 2 TR.\DESMEN, PRODUCTS, AND PRICES 7 ARTICLE SOLD TO St:RETY 1 Cutter...............1 \dam Ackerman.... Jas. Ackerman, Sr. . 1 Two Horse \Vaggon... Ricketson Haight. . . . 1 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Saw (8)............. . I Phillip Garrison..... Marvil Garrison..... 1 String- Bells. . . . . . . . . . .1 , Philli P Haight. ..... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . 1 \Vood pt. of\Vaggon.. Daniel Ruttan....... .................... 1 " .. Samuel Dorland. . . .. ................... 1 Cheese Hoop (9}... . ... Job Dunham... . . .. ................... 1 Copper Kettle.. . . . . . . . IJ ohn Clapp..... . . . . Paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Griddle (10).......... Ricketson Haight. . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Toasting Iron.. . . . . . . ',J ohn Clapp......... Paid. . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . 1 Flesh Fork........... George Bedle....... Paid in \Vork....... 1 Pair Steel Yards (12).. .IReuben Haight...... ..........0........ 1 Lantern and Basin... . 'IReuben Clapp.. . . . . . .. . . 0 0 .. . . . . . . . . . 1 Pestle and Mortar (13). I Ricketson Haight.... ................... 1 Apple Peeler (14). . . . . . " ". . .. ................... 1 Iron fortar......... . ,Daniel Ruttan...... 0 ................... 1 Heckle (15). . . . . . . . . . . J ames Ackerman.... ................... 1 Tin Horn (16)... .. . . . .IGeorge Bedle....... .................. . 1 Cradle............... I Marvil Garrison..... .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Basket and Shears.... ..Rueben Haight.. . . .. .................. 1 Pan................ . I PhilliP Haight... .. ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Spider............... Reuben Haight.. . . .. .. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Tea Kettle.. . . . . . . . . . . I Ricketson Haight. . .. ................... 1 Kettle............... o I Phillip Haight. . . . . .. ..... ............ 1 Churn............... ,Phillip Garrison.. . . . Paid.. . . . . . . . . . . . . :! Tubs . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. Ricketson H aig ht. . " ................... 1 Keeler and Bowl (17)' I Le\ViS Lazier....... ................... 3 Trays (18)............ Ricketson Haight.... ................... 2 Trays and Bowls..... . I George Bedle....... ................... 2 Trays.......... . . . . .. Edwin Mallory.. . . .. ................... 2 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Haight.. . . . . .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cheese Knife ..... . . .. Daniel Ruttan. . . . . .. .. ................ 1 Keg................ .IJ ohn Haight.... . . .. ................... 1 Cheese Rack........ .. Daniel Ruttan. ..... ................... 1 Tub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Reuben Haight.. . . .. .........' ,. . . . . . . . 1 Bowl .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J obn Clapp..... . . .. Paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Phillip Garrison. . . . . I Paid. . . . . . . . . .. ... 1 Bread Tray. . . . . . . . . .. Reuben Haight.... . . 1 .................. 1 Tub ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .IJ ohn Haight.... . . .. ................... 1 Five-pail Kettle (19). . . John Frederick..... ..J ohn Dafoe......... 1 Whip...... . . . . . . . . . . IJ ohn Clapp. . . . . . . .. Paid.... . , . . . . . . . . . 1 Pail......... ...... . . I Le\\.is Lazier. . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 \Vhip................I" " ........ ................... 1 Waggon Chair. . . . . . . . I George Bedle., . . . .. .............. . . . . . 1 Bedstead and Cord (20) . j cOnSider Haight. . " ................... 1 Table................ William Hopson . . " ................... 1 " . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . Lewi s Lazier ....... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Æ : 1 4 2 18 2 0 1 6 Jl 16 8 536 4 fi 0 3 0 6 1 1 4 2 9 2 2 14 3 1 6 3 4 0 3 R I (; 12 0 ]7 1 2 8 2 1 5 4 12 0 ]0 0 t 8 2 7 3 8 3. 0 2 1 1 3 I 5 I -; 3 0 1 3 I 0 3 9 4 1 1 6 4 6 173 1 1 1 10 1 0 7 9 19 0 12 6 3 9 88 HISTORY 01" LENNOX AND ADDINGTON ARTICLE SOLD TO SURETY 1 Table................ John Clapp. . . . . . . .. Paid, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Half Rounds (21). . . . .." ". .... .... Paid..... .. . ... .... 1 Pail..,............... Lewis Lazier. . . . . . .. Paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Half Bushel Measure. .. Edwin Mallory. . . . .. ........ . . . . . .. ... 1 Saddle............... Daniel Ruttan . . . . .. .... .............. 1 Flour Chest. . . . . . . . . .. Ricketson Haight. .. ...... .... _ . . . 1 Pair Sieves..... .. . . . . " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Patent Plough ( 2). . . . . Phillip Garrison.. . . - Paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Plough............... Reuben Haight ..... ................... 1 Harro\v.............. Daniel Ruttan ...... ................... 1 " . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Consider Haight .. .. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cradle (23)........... Ricketson Haight. .. ................... 1 Set Blacksmith's Tools Consider Haight. . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pitch Fork.. . . . . . . (24) Samuel Borland..... Paid. . . . . . . ., .... 1 Cradle and Scythe. . . . . Lewis Lazier.. . . . . .. Andrew Quackenbush 1 Scythe............... " ".. . . . . . - ' , " 1 " and Snath . . . . . . . ." ".. . . . . . ." " 1 Scythe..........,.... Ricketson Haight.. .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- Consider Haight.. .. ................... 1 Hatchet.............., Ricketson Haight.... ................... 1- Scythe and Snath. . . . . .1 Reuben Haight. . . . .. ................... 1 Plough............... Ricketson Haight.... ................... 1 Bedstead............. Rowland Haight.... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Axe .............. . ., Ricketson Haight.. .. .................. 1 Combus Table (25). . . . . " " . . . .' ............. A lot of things in theshor l consider Haight. . .. ...... ............ A box of bucks - . . . . . . . " ". . .. ................... Sundries . . . . . , . . . . . .. R cketson Ha ght.. .. ............. .... 1 Cradle... ........... RIcketson Halght.... .................. . 1 Grind Stone. . . . . . . . . . Isaiah Thompson. . .. ................... 1 Punchon and Coder. .. Daniel Ruttan . . . . .. ................... 1 Empty Pipe... . . . . . . .. Ricketson Haight.. .. ........... . . . . . . . . 1 Spade and Shovel. . . . . I George Bedle... . . . .. ..' . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 1 Tub . . .. ............ Ricketson Haight.. .. '.......... ....... 1 Hoe and Clevis ....... ' , ".. .. ........... . . . . . . . . I Hand Irons and Tongs . 'Consider Haight. . .. ................... 1 Ton of Hay........... " " ................... 2 Tons of Hay. . . . . . . . . . John Mullette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Broad Axe... . . .. .... Ricketson Haight.... ................... 1 Beetle and Wedge. . . . . Consider Haight. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Trowels... . . , . . . . . . .. Daniel Ruttan ...... ............ . . . . . . . 1 Ox Yoke. . . . . . . . . . . .. Consider Haight . . .. ......... . . . . . . . . . . Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ricketson Haight.. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Grindstone............ Consider Haight. . .. ........ ,......... 1 Chair................ Ricketson Haight.... ................... ;I; s. d. 1 12 0 2 5 0 1 9 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 3 5 6 2 6 9 2 9 3 2 5 0 18 6 7 6 10 1 0 4: 11 8 3 1 3 9 0 8 5 1 0 1 11 4 2 1 5 3 13 9 3 9 3 7 1 9 9 3 9 8 3 2 9 1 16 6 2 1 0 4 3 10 1 4 6 2 2 1 4 6 1 18 6 2 17 0 8 3 9 3 7 9 1 3 2 7 6 2 3 ;1;326 6 8 TR.\DE:; IE , I'RODL'CTS, Ar\D PRICES 89 N 01'ES .. I. Potash Kettle.- Thi was a very large iron cauldron which would hold three or four barrels of water, sometimes more. It was called so because it was used ior boiling down the lye obtained from hardwood ashes. Xearly every farmer who could afford it had one. It was inclosed by a stone plastered wall having at one side an opening to receive wood, and on the other side a flue to produce a draught and vermit the :.moke to escape. Its rim rested on the top of the inclosure and at an ele\'ation sufficient to allow a fire to be made under it. Dy this means the water was evaporated more speedíly from the alkali, or impure carbonate of JX>tassa. a white metallic substance used for many purposes. It was one of the few things in demand which brought money in those days, and hence the ashes from the wood heaps and the house were carefully preserved. "2. Leach Tub.- This was usually made of boards, of oblong shape, and in the form of a U\m-barrels were often used-and secured on a thick plank, with a slight incline to carry off the lye. Before filling the tub coarse straw was put in the bottom over which some lime was scat- tered, and then it was filled with ashes, after which water was applied day after rlar. until the alkali had been all washed out, whcn it was conveyed to the kettlc and treated as above. .. 3. \ flat-bottomed pot with a cover, otherwise called a baking pot. They are still in use but of less consequence tlOW. The good house- wife in those days had not dreamed oi cook stoves. If she wanted to make a stew, she raked a few liye coals out in the hearth and set thio;; contrivance uJX>n them. "4. Xote refers to payments. "5. \ \' aggol1 Chair.- This was a trong splint-bottomed seat capable of holding two persons comfortably, and three at a pinch, made to sit on the inside of the box of a lumber waggon-the farmer's carriage then. As the wag-gon had to be used on the farm the box was movable and usually painted. I f a visit was contemplated or a meeting attended on Sunday, the box was put on, the chairs placed and covered with }\uffalo skins or quilts. "6. Hand Sleighs were about as useful in those days when the ground was covered with snow as a wheel-barrow is in summer now. "7. Dutch Harness.-In contradistinction to harness in which collar and hames are used, quite common now, but not so then. "8. This is a long- saw with a handle at both ends, a cross-cut sa\\, used for sawing timber and an important implement at that time 90 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON ','9. A wooden hook eight or nine inches deep and fourteen or six- teen inches in diameter in which the cheese curd is put and pressed. "10. Griddles have not gone out of date, but the griddles of that time had hoop handles with n eye in the top which enabled the cook to turn it round. When in use it was suspended over the fire by' an iron hook fastened to the crane. "II. Flesk Fork.-Used to turn meat in the pot. ';12. Steel Yards.-Every farmer had them. As there was a great deal of barter going on then they were a necessity. "13. ,Pestle and Mortar.-Very common in farmhouses then and useful. There were numbers of things required for culinary and other purposes that could not be reduced by any other means. "14. Apple Peeler.-A little machine for peeling apples. A great improvement on the knife and a prominent feature at apple bees. "15. Heckle.-A wooden instrument used to free the fibre from the stalk of the flax. "16. Tin Horn.-Used to caU the men to their meals. ?vlany a time in my young days have I awaited its pleasant call. "17. Keeler and BowL-The first a shallow wooden vessel of two or three gallons capacity used for holding milk in the place of tin pans which were not easily to be had, and were expensive. The bowl was a wooden dish usually made out of ash knots by the Indians, who were experts in making these dishes and numbers of other useful things for the house, such as splint brooms, spoons, ladles, trays, baskets, etc. which they exchanged for provisions. "18. Trays.-An oblong wooden dish made by the Indians, and used principally by the housewife for manipulating butter. "19. Five Pail Kettle.-A pot that would contain five pails of water. "20. Bedstead and Cord.-The old post bedstead has disappeared with its straw and feather ticks. The posts were morticed to receive the beams. The latter were pierced with holes about nine inches apart, through which the cord was passed lengthwise and crosswise and then drawn as tight as possible with a wrench made for the purpose. This held the frame together and supported the bed. "21. Half Rounds.- The half of a circular table which could be drawn out and pieces put in to extend its length, or they could be placed at the ends of another table. They were usually made of cherry. "22. Patent Plough.- This was a cast-iron plough with a wood beam and tail. It was first made, I believe, by \Vïllet Casey, and a great advance on the old ones which were made altogether of wood, except the abre which was of wrought iron. 1Iy father had one and sometimes TR.\DES IEX, PRODUCTS, A D PRICES 91 used it, but it was a clumsy implement and discarded as soon as pos- sible. "23. Cradle.-At that time the only implement in use for cutting gram. "24. nlacksmith's Tools.-Farmers and their sons were their o\\n carpenters, blacksmiths, and, to a large extent, also harnessmakers, shoemakers, coopers, and waggonmakers. "25. Combus Table.-Probably some kind of an extension or folding table." The next ten or fifteen years witnessed a decided change in the class of goods handled by the country merchants, or the ordinary cus- tomers from Richmond and Fredericksburgh were more fastidious in their tastes than those who dealt with Squire Bell. The writer has examined the original day-book of David Roblin for the year 1838, and parts of the years 1837 and 1839, and finds a great change in the class of goods sold. He carried on business as a general merchant on the Deseronto Road near the present residence of :\lr. Herchimer Ayles- worth. The following items are not exceptions but fairly represent the class of goods which passed over the counter week after week during the year: To 0 tea, @ 5s. 6d. .............................. To 34 lb. snuff, 3 s . ................................. To 7 yds. plaid, @ IS. 6d. ......................... To I lb. tobacco .................................. By 16 bushels ashes, @ Iod. ....................... To 4 bushels peas, @ 5 s . ........................... To 6 lbs. pork, @ 6s. .............................. 1"'0 I cv;t. flou r ................................... To I pro kid gloves ............................... To 2 plugs sweet tobacco .......................... To 2 yds. gingham, @ IS. 6d. ...................... To 6 yds. fustian, @ 2S. ........................... To 7 yds. lace, @ 3 s . ............................. T 0 lb. powder ................................. To I lb. shot ..................................... To I gun lock .................................... To 2,400 feet boards, @ 3S. 6d. ..................... To I dress hndkf. ................................. To 8 yds. calico, @ IS. Id. ....................... To 16 yds. factory cotton, @ IS. Id. ................ To 0 gallon whiskey, @ 55. ....................... J.. S. d. 2 9 9 10 6 I 3 13 4 I 3 IS 3 9 4 3 12 I I 6 7 1 2 5 4 4 3 9 5 17 4 2 6 92 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON To I yd. ribbon, @ 4d. ............................ 1'0 I qt. rum, @ 6s. .............................. To 10 yds. silk, @ 5s. ............................ To I table cover, 10S. ............................. To IO lbs. cheese. @ 6d. .......................... To 2% yds. buckskin, @ 6s. ....................... To I pack cards .................................. To I pro side combs .............................. To I fur cap ..................................... To I silk hdkf. ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . To 3 lbs. sole leather, @ IS. 6d. ................. To 10 yds. S 100m, IS. Id. ......................... To 3 yds. gray cloth, @ 3S. ........................ To I coun terpane ................................. To 3 yds. red flannel, @ 3s. gd. .................... t.. s. d. 4 I 4 7 6 10 5 4 13 6 1 3 5 15 7 6 5 3 10 10 9 II 6 II 3 It will be seen at a glance that the goods handled by :Mr. Roblin were very superior to those handled by Squire Bell. Tea at five shil1- ings and five shillings and sixpence was sold every day and was a luxury evidently unknown to the citizens of Thurlow ten or twelve years before. :\Ir. Roblin sold very little whisky, in fact it was very excep- tional to find an entry for intoxicating liquor, which leads to the sup- position that he did not carry it in stock but upon very rare occasions accommodated a customer with a quart or more. Silk handkerchiefs and dress goods, side combs and counterpanes would indicate a decided improvement in the purchasing power of the ordinary customer. The age of the deerskin skirt had passed, the maidens scorned the home- spun. and the merchant was called upon to carry an assortment of dry goods such as muslin, calico, factory cotton, pilot cloth, shirting, check, flushing. blue cloth, red flannel, bed ticking, moleskin, cambric, silk, and canvas, all of which I find figuring among the sales of a single week. The following blacksmith's account is among the interesting papers of our Historical Society: 18 3 2 J ames Long to J. Grant, Dr. June 4 To seting tyer .............................. To repairing a feller ........................ To baleng a kittle ......................... 7 To a cleves and ring ....................... AUg.IO To repairing a whippletree .................. t.. s. d. 2 6 6 I 3 2 9 TR.\D(S)II X, PROD"C'CTS, .\XD PRIC(S .-\ug. q. To sharpening a colter ...................... To a hook ................................ Dec. 8 To shoeing- a horse ................:........ 12 To a pair of andirons ...................... IS To a pair of andirons ...................... 17 To seting 4 shoes .......................... 18 33 Jan. 5 To an iron to a wooding horse .............. 10 To shoeing a horse ......................... Feb. 5 To jumping an axle ........................ 9 To eting I shoe ........................... Cr. By 14 pounds of \"eel ....................... July 9 By IS pounds of veel ...................... By cash ................................... Xov.23 By 92 pounds of beef ....................... Feb. 9 By 2 pounds of butter ................... Ballence due J. G. ..... .... ... ........ ... ......... 93 t. s. d. () 6 3 7 6 10 2 6 1 3 70 5 2 3 2 1 3 t s. d. 3 6 3 9 4 14 2 30 1 3 100 17 40 The following market quotations are from a copy of the Index pub1i5hed at ewburgh on April 27 th , 18 54: KIXGSTON :\L\RKETS s. d. s. d. Potatoes per bushel ....................... 3 6 to 3 6 Oats per bushel . ... .... ..... ... ...... .... 2 10 3 3 Barley per bushel .... ............. ....... 4 6 5 Rye per bushel . ... ......... ... ... ........ 3 6 4 Peas per bushel ....... ... .... ............ 5 6 8 Apples per bushel .. ........ ............... 2 4 Carrots .................................. . 2 6 Beef per cwt . ............................ 27 6 3 0 Pork ..... ... ... ......... ............-... 3 0 35 Ham per lb .... ...... ... ...... ........... 70 Flour per cwt. ...... ... ...... ..... ....... 20 21 3 Buckwheat per cwt. ....................... 6 3 Indian meal per cwt. ..................... 13 <) 9 HISTORY OF' LENNOX AND ADDINGTON r utton per lb. ........................... Veal ..................................... Butter ................................... Cheese ................................... Tallow .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eggs per dozen ........................... Fowls per couple ......................... Partridges per couple ..................... Geese each ............................... Turkeys each ............................ s. d. 10 5 10 1 8 2 6 2 2 6 s. d. 6 3 1 6 8 to 1 2 3 2 5 6 6 6 In August, 1855, are found the following quotations upon the same market : KINGSTON MARKET s. Potatoes per bushel....................... 3 Oats per bushel .......................... 2 Peas ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beef per lb. .............................. Pork per lb. .............................. IIams per lb. ............................. Flour per cwt. ........................... 25 Indian meal per cwt. ...:.................. 13 Mutton per lb. ............................ Veal per lb. .............................. Butter per lb. ............................ Cheese ................................... Tallow ................................... Eggs per doz. ............................ Fowls per couple ......................... 2 I-Iay per ton ............................. 40 Straw per ton ............................ 20 Wood per cord ........................... I 1 August 7, 18 55 d. s. d. 6 4 6 9 3 6 3 5 7 6 7 7 9 4 3 7 II 6 6 6 3 In the copy of the Standard published on February 7th, find the following quotations of the N apanee markets: s. d. Flour per cwt. ........................... 25 to Rye pe r bu s. ............................. 7 6 Rarley per bus. ........................... 4 Oats per bus. ............................ I 9 27 14 5 4 9 9 3 60 25 12 6 1856, we s. d. 27 6 8 9 2 TR \DESMEN, PRODl'"CTS, ASD PRICES Peas per bus. ............................ Potatoes per bus. ......................... Indian meal per cwt. ...................... Oat meal per cwt. ......................... Beef per lb. .............................. Iutton per lb. ............................ I>ork per C\vt. ............................ Venison per lb. ........................... Lard per lb. ............................. Butter per lb. ............................ Eggs per dozen .......................... Cheese per lb. ............................ Apples per barrel ......................... Potash per cwt. .......................... 'Y ood per cord ........................... Hay per ton ............................. s. d. 3 6 2 II 6 IS 3 3 3 0 3 6 10 10 6 2 27 6 7 6 4 0 95 s. Ù. 4 II 3 20 4 4 to 3 2 4 7 I I 9 2 6 10 SO It was not the custom of the merchants in those days to advertise the selling price of their wares, but Thomas Lamb demands the atten- tion of the reader in the same issue of the Stmldard by the glaring head line h)lark? Read?? and Learn? ?" Having engaged the attention of the reader by this device he then most modestly begs leave to acquaint him with the fact that he has removed to those near central and com- modious premises on Dundas Street recently vacated by Robert Easton, Esq., and proceeds under the following heads to extol the quality of his wares' Dry Goods, Broadcloths and Ready lade Clothing, Groceries, Sugars, Teas,. Tobaccos, Liquors, Brandy, Gin, Scotch Islay, Proof and Whiskeys, Hardware, Knives and Forks, \Veavers Steel Reeds, Boots & Shoes, FUR CAPS. All he craves on the part of a discerning public is a timely inspec- tion. For the purpose of comparison I append extracts selected from the accounts of different individuals as they appear in a ledger of a merchant carrying on business in 1\ apanee in 1859. These accounts possess an additional interest as they mark the transition from sterling to decimal currency. The gross amount of the purchases is invariably carried forward in decimal currency but the book-keeper could not break away entirely from his pounds, shillings, and pence and seems to lapse involun- tarily into the old method. 18 59 Jan. 4.0 tea, 3 s ., 3 oc .; 15th.0 tea, 6oc., 30c. ............... 22 I tea, Soc.; .0 mustard, 30c., 15c. .................... Jan. 4 To I tea, 25. 6d.; knobs, 2d. .......................... To 5 flann el }I,í, 6 I 8 ................................. Jan. 5 By turkey, 43 c .; 3 pecks potatoes, 50, 37.0c. .......... Jan. 5 To I tea, 6oc.; set spoons, 20C.: 7 calico, lId., $1.28. . . . J an. 22 8.0 lining, 6d., 95c.; l.silk, $1.00; 1 ribbon, 20C. ; 4 trim- ming, 2S., I4C. ................................. To bot. electric oil, 55., 1 oz. condition root, lac....... ] an. 6 To pro .Pnmella boots, $1.75; 7th I tea, 2S. 6d.; 7 calico, la, 5S. 10d.; spools, IOC. ........................ Jan. 7 .0 tobacco, 34 5 ., 17 c ; 15 th I tea, 60, 17 th ; 7 Cobourg, 37 s . $2.59; 1 HoIland, 20, I Selecia, 125. ............ Jan. I I To 1 horse rasp, 47c.; 2 spe11ing books, 12 C., 25c. ..... Jan. II To I doeskin, $1.75; Ji cassemere $1.50, $1.32; I casse- mere, Ç)Oc. ..................................... Nov. 23 To % tea, 3s. 6d., IS. 9d.; trimming, 7s. 6d., $1.50; 28th trimming, 9s. 6d., $1.90; I tea, 3S. 6d. 7 0c . ........ Jan.14 To slate 13, peas 3,1 qr. paper 17, pencil 1,2 penholders I, 2 button 8 .................................. l\1ar. 2 To Ji silk, 7s. 6d., $1.32; cash 50 p!'. rubbers, Soc.... . Apr. 19 muslin, IS. lac.; braid, 8 ........................ J an. 22 To I qt. molasses, 9d. .............................. Oct. 19 I ribbon, l d., 20d., 2 sk. silk 3d., 6d.; 10 fruit 3 d ., . 4 d. keg lead 14 S . 40d. ........................ Mar. I 100 goat hair lustre 25, $2.63; 3 Cobourg }I,í 80; 1 lining, 13 ............................................. 96 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON $1.5 0 .54 1.49 .81 2.08 1.94 I. 10 3.5 2 3. 68 .7 2 3.97 4.45 .44 2.62 .18 .15 3. 10 1.3 8 DOMINION _ ..,',HliUOtJfOTE:L. - __ 1,, I.lln . ----'!M- .... ___ ! I 11; P' ... · ". ;:,1 " r ... i . "1-' 1 - -fir '_;-:'! "':' . ' Li " _ \ . f'Y, II! ' --- -.-.-. .... '..:- . . J ,. _to .. l ' I ... _ ..,_1"'", '\ .t: ..' " '''''o . r ..... DOMINION HOTEL, ODESSA. .1". ,. ; ". : .. . . ... 'r."t'Ni' ' .., ',M,o- ,'_. ..... "V'".\;' tt!'.,J: L . - '\0 ,,9- - ."\ '''' J: . . " ,\ " . ": , ,f. ' at about half-past cight 0 'clock, (in those days doors in the country were seldom fur- nished with locks), I was rather surprised to find two boys, Read and Hazard, sitting by the stove and prctending to be studying their lessons, an unusual proceeding- before nine o'clock, when school was 'called in: ., [ went to my desk and occupied the intervening time with 'pre- paratory work.' At nine as usual I went out to 'ring the scholars in,' \\'110 immediately came flocking in from the grove adjoining the school, and proceeded to their seats, but Hazard and Read suddenly jumped up, put down their books, and each puIIing out a jack-knife and a large apple from their pocket:-; began 'predatory operations.' "I instantly asked the two boys if they were aware that 'school was in,' at the ame time ordering them to put away their knives and apples, and go to their de ks. Hazard 'flunked' at once and obeyed, not so Read, \\'ho shouted out: 'I didn't take the knife out for you and I shan't put it away for you.' I was young then. twenty-two years of age, supple and fiery, and having no whip in the school-room (as I always governed by 'moral suasion') I rushed to the door, with the inten- tion of exploring the aforesaid gro\ e for a suitable sapling wherewith to comply with Solomon's injunctions. Quick as I was, Read, being nearer the door. sprang to it before me, and facing about, presented his open jack-knife, effectuaIIy debarred my egress for a moment, and but for a moment. Keeping my eye well on his. . . . . . . . (I gave him a right good thrashing) . . . . . . . . and finished by putting him out of the door. . . . . . . . and thro\\'ing his slate and books out after him; and that was the last I ever saw of Read. The whole section laughed heartily over the result of 'licking the teacher' and the universal judgment was 'serve him right.' "Exami1latio1ls for T caclzers' Certificates "Later when I engaged as teacher in the Prince Edward District I found that the Common School Act had been amended. Township and 132 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON county boards of xaminers had superseded the Township Commission- ers, and examinations were held periodically. The place of examina- tions selected for Sophiasburgh was Demorestville. . . . . . . . . On the appointed day teachers requiring certificates of qualification met the bJard, and after two hours' oral wrestling with reading, writing, arith- metic, and geography, all succeeded in passing. It is perhaps needless to add that the examinations were a mere farce, neither the examiners nor the examined were qualified. Still the material and the machinery employed were the best procurable, and fully equalled the remunera- tion. "County councils had also been empowered to appoint county super- intendents of schools, who were generally paid four hundred dollars ($4 00 ) a year, and had to pay their own travelling expenses, and to visit each school in the county at least once a year. They ".ere also empowered to grant certificates of qualification to teachers. Township superintendents were also appointed; but no qualifications \\"ere then required from either class of officers. "My next examination was before the school superintendent for the county of Hastings, who was also \Varden of the county, :Mr. \Yilliam Hutton. I found him ploughing on his farm. .. . . . . On stating my errand, that I had taken a school in Thurlow near a farm which I had bought, and that I desired a certificate, he proposed to examine me en route to the house, ploughing as he went. He gave me for spelling 'One fox's head,' 'two foxes' heads' 'one lady's bonnet,' 'two ladies' bonnets.' nut his grand attack was in grammar, and he asked me to state what kind of speech were each of the 11ine 'thats' which were in the follow- ing sentence: 'The lady said in speaking of the word that, that that that, that that gentleman parsed was not that that, that she requested him to analyse.' Having gone through this satisfactorily, I was complimented by the superintendent and informed that I was the first teacher he had examiñed who had parsed all the 'thats' correctly; and........ at the house he wrote me out the required certificate of qualification. I never was before any board of examiners or county superintendent again, but went to the Toronto Normal School and obtained a First Class Provin- cial Certificate, Grade A, in 1856, subsequently finishing my scholastic career as an 'Inspector.' "To Egerton Ryerson and to him alone, is due the astonishing im- provements effected in common school education from 1846 to 1876. It is hardly possible for the present generation to conceive of the state of our public common schools, or the qualifications of the teachers a half century ago prior to the Ryersonian era. The one great mistake of his THE cOUXT\' SCHOOLS 133 life was the ambition to be the only 'Chief uperintendent,' and using his great powers and influence to arrange to be succeeded by a Cabinet Iinister, thus thro\\ ing our educational system into the domain of politics. ...... The abolition of the depository was also a mistake; but that mistake was not his." (Sgd.) "\V. R. Bigg," "Drockville, 1896." In 1871 was passed an _\ct providing for the appointment of County Inspectors of Schools who were to supersede the Local Superintendents. This important piece of legislation (:i(l more to improve the common schools than any other one measure. C nder the old system some mem- ber of the community, supposed to be well educated, was generally chosen for the position of superintendent; and not un frequently a resi- dent clergyman for the time being was honoured with the appointment. He might be a most exemplary gentleman in many respects, yet posc;ess no qualifications for the duties of his office. Cnder the new .Act only such candidates for the position could be appointed as had passed the necessary examination and obtained certificates of qualification from the Council of Public Instruction. The new system not only provided that competent men should have the general supervision of the schools; but extensive powers in respect to school sites, buildings, equipment, and the settlement of disputes between sections, or factions of one section, were vested in the inspectors, who were to devote themselves exclusively to the duties of their office. In this county :\[r. Frederick Burrows was appointed under the Act; and to him is largely due the present efficiency of our schools. For thirty-fi\'e years he travelled from the shores of the Day of Quinte to the sparsely settled mountainous region one hundred miles north of tl1(: frontier townships. The cheerless and unsightly old school-houses have. under his direction, been replaced in many sections by more artis- tic buildings designed in many tnstances by himself. The teachers have been encouraged, he trustees enlightened, and the pupils delighted by his semi-annual visits. He has had to beat down many deep-rooted pre- judices; but by his pleasing manner and indefatigable energy he brought about a wonderful improvement in every part of the county. Cpon his retirement, in 1<)07, the northern townships of Lennox and Addington and Frontenac were formed into a new school division and placed under the inspection of fr. :\1. R. Reid, a former teacher in the Xapanee Collegiate Institute: :\[1'. D. A. Xesbit. headmaster of the Xewburgh school. was appointed Inspector of the remaining town- 134 HISTORY OF LENNOX .\XD ADDINGTON ships of Lennox and Addington. By thus reducing the area under one inspector more time is now devoted to the individual schools; and the good work begun by 11r. Burrows is being enthusiastically carried on by his successor. l\Iuch still remains to be done in the matter of planting trees and otherwise adorning the school grounds and buildings. I t is to be hoped that this will be speedily accomplished by the early intro- duction of school gardens and instruction in agriculture in every part of the county. ADOLPHCSTOWN 135 CHAPTER VII .\DOLPl-fUSTO\\' A.1though the first settlement of the other front townships, Ernest- town and Fredericksburgh wa.... contemporary with that of Adolphus- town, yet, at the very mention of pioneers, it is to the latter that our minds naturally revert. \ \' e have become so accustomed to looking upon this little township, the smallest in the province, as the stage upon which so many eventful scenes have been enacted, that we involuntarily asso- ciate it, one way or another, with nearly all the great events of our early history. If we attempt to picture to ourselyes some episode in the daily life of our forefathers, we naturally turn to Adolphustown to seek some lucal colouring for our picture. From an historical point of view it has always been, is now, and is likely to maintain its place as the banner township of the province. :\Iany, and among them the writer, would be only too pleased to disprove this statement and award the honour to some other locality. the mere mention of which awakens in our hearts the hallowed memories of early associations. But the task is too great, and we will not attempt it. X 0 ramparts ha \.e there been raised to resist an invading fue, and the clash of arms has never resounded within its peaceful precincts; yet every acre of clearing is a battlefield upon which momentous issues were determined. Not alone in wielding the axe or breaking the soil did the pioneers of Adolphustown excel; but, with the same sturdy resolution, they faced the serious and difficult task of evohoing a system of self- government, and blazed the trail, followed in after years by other muni- cipalities, by the introduction and encouragement of social. religious, and educational institutions which alone can rescue a community from degeneration. I do not mean to belittle the importance of the achieve- ments of the settlers of other parts of the province; but upon taking a general survey of the entire field and bearing in mind the size of the township and the fact that its inhabitants were engaged exclusively in agricultural pursuits, we cannot in fairness give to Adolphustown a place second to any other municipality in the work of laying the founda- tion of our present greatness, as we are pleased to style it. So accustomed are we to trace the beginning of many great move- ments to '>ome incident in the history of this township that there is a 136 HISTORY Of LEN OX AKD ADDINGTON danger of investing the pioneers with too dazzling a halo. They were but human and subject to the same infirmities that beset US; but they had received a lesson in the rough school of experience and emerged from that ordeal nobler and better men. The suffering and persecution which they had endured left them better equipped for the trials of the new life in the wilderness. The weeding-out process had taken place before they left their homes on the other side of the line, and few, if any, enlisted under the Loyalist banner and remained steadfast in their ranks but the strong in heart, men not easily carried away by a new cry or passing fancy, men capable of independent thought, and prepared to sacrifice all their possessions in defence of their honour. Such were the first settlers of Adolphustown who landed on Hagerman's Point on June 16th, 1784. To the same class belonged the pioneers of Fredericks- burgh and Ernesttown, and to a certain extent those of Richmond and Camden; and much of the history of Adolphustown will find its parallel in the other townships of this county settled during the same period. Owing to its isolated position the family names in Adolphustown have undergone fewer changes during the past century than any of these four other townships. This circumstance, and a certain amount of commendable pride in the acHievements of their forefathers, have developed a personality about the inhabitants of Adolphustown quite distinct from that of the residents of other parts of the county. From like causes the Amherst Islanders can be distinguished; and the writer is not alone in his belief that it is possible to detect, in each of these townships, a slight accent or inflection of speech differing not only from each other but from that of every other part of the county. ::\lr. Thomas W. Casey in his Old Time Rccords relates an an1t1s- ing incident illustrating the resentment of the inhabitants of Marysburgh towards their neighbours across the Bay for asserting their superiority over them. "The 'Fourth-towners', as the residents of Aclolphustown were then called, had the credit of being 'a good deal stuck up,' con- sidering themselves a good deal ahead of their neighbours. The 'Fifth- towners,' who lived across the Bay in .l\Iarysbu, rgh were inclinecl to resent this and assert their own equality for 'smartness.' One day, when the court was in session, a challenge was sent to the Fourth-town- ers to test their 'smartness.' They were invited to pick out their three best wrestlers and have it out with the Fifth-towners. Of course they took that 'stump.' Samuel Dorland. Samuel Casey, and Paul TnUllpOl1r were chosen to hold up the reputation of Adolphustown. \Vho were their opponents is not known. A[XJLPIICSTUW X 137 "The hour wa::-; fixed, and a near-oy field was selected where hun- dreds were on hand 'to see fair play' and help decide which township had the oe:--t men. These were all notèd athletes, and they were then ) oung anù in thcir prime. Samuel Dorland, afterwards a Colonel in the militia and a leading official in the :\Iethodist Church, \\ as an expert \\Te<:;tler, and used to boast, even in his old days, that he seldom if ('ver met a man who could lay him on his back. lIe soon had his man down. Samuel Ca ey, who afterwards became a leading military officer and a prominent justice of the peace, was one of the strongest men in the township, hct not an expert wrestler. He was !-o powerful in the legs, that his opponent, with alI his skill, could not trip him up, and at last got thrown down himself. Paul Trumpour, who was the head of what is now the largest family in the township, was not so skilled in ath]etics: but he was a man of immense strength. He got his arms well fixed around his man and ga\ e him such terrible 'bear-hugs' that the poor fellow soon cried out 'enough,' to save his ribs from getting crushed in, and that settled it. The Fourth-town championship was not again dis- puted." The causes which led to the migration of the Loyalists and their arrival in Cpper Canada have already been dealt \\ ith in the introduc- tory chapters. The first survey of the township was made under the direction of :Major Samuel Holland, Surveyor-General; but the actual work was performed by J. Collins. Deputy Surveyor-General, assisted by Captain Shen\ood and Lieutenant Katte, during the fall of 1783; but it was not subdi\"ided into lots until the following year. It was named after Ado]phu , Duke of Cambridge, tenth son of George III. On the early maps the village was described as Hollandville, so named after the Surveyor-Genera], but the name did not find favour with the inhabitants and was dropped. The townships along the front were surveyed from east to west and numbered accordingly, Kingston, First Town; Ernesttown, Second Town; Fredericksburgh, Third Town; Ado]phustown, Fourth Town; then crossing to Prince Edward the numbers continued, :\larysburgh. Fifth Town; Sophiasburgh, Sixth Town; ..\meliasburgh, Seventh Town; then recrossing the Bay and numbering- from west to east. Sidney. Eighth Town: Thurlow, Ninth Town; Richmond, Tenth Town. In the fir t three townships the lots are numbered from west to east, from which it is quite properly inferred that first having determined the breadth of the township, the surveying party returned along the same route, marking and numbering the ]ots; and this is borne out by the 138 HISTORY OF LENNOX A D ADDINGTO fact that the Surveyor-General upon reaching the Fourth Town pitched his tent there and made his headquarters near the present \'illage of Adolphustown, (hence the name Hollandville) and from this point directed the survey and received the reports of the several men operat- ing under him. These townships continued to be known as First Town, Second 'I'o-wn, etc., for many years; in fact at the present time it is not unusual for the inhabitants of Prince Edward to designate these original townsI1ips of that county as Fifth Town, Sixth Town, and Seventh Town. From a map now in the Bureau of Archives, and prepared by Col- lins pursuant to an Order-in-Council of 1790, we learn the original names of the several bodies of water about the township. \Vhat we now call the Bay of Quinte, extending from Trenton to Amherst Island, is set down under different names; the name Quinte being applied only to that portion extending easterly from Young's Point. The trangular body of water between Glenora and the High Shore is described by Col- lins in his report of the survey as Savannah Bay, but is not designated by any name upon the map. The small bay between Young's Point and Ruttan's Point is marked as Perch Cove, and that between Ruttan's Point and Bygott's farm is called Bass Cove. The indentation between Bygott's Point and Thompson's Point is Little Cove, and the southern portion of the reach opposite Thompson's Point is called The Forks, while the northern part from Casey's Point to Mohawk Bay is described as the North Channel. Hay Bay is also subdivided, the easterly divi- sion being known by its present name, Hay Bay, and the westerly part being called East Bay. ]\/[ajor Vanalstine was the recognized head of the band of Loyalists who first settled in Adolphustown, and was appointed to the command of the company before they sailed from N ew York. He was a typical Dutchman, rotund in form, with a swarthy complexion, and spoke the English language very indifferently. He brought with him many negro slaves and, having suffered many privations himself, he entertained a kindly feeling towards the individual members of his company, and was always ready to extend relief to the needy. There was no system of municipal government, in fact, no means of administering the affairs of the community during the first few years of the settlement, and the good-natured Major exercised a fatherly supervision over the entire township, and many a dispute terminated in a friendly compromise through his timely mediation. He was placed in charge of the govern- ment stores and provisions, and in distributing them among the inhabi- tants was kept in close touch with every family. .\DOLPII l:STüW N 139 LTp to Iï88, when the Court of Common Pleas was established, ål1 C pper Canada \\ as governed by martial law; not indeed by drum-hearl tribunal with its summary procedure and ever-ready executioners, but, owing to the absence of any regularly established court and officers for the administration of justice, the captains in command in each locality was requested to enforce thc English laws, and the means of carrying out these instructions werc, to a great extent, left to their own wisdom and ingenuity. They do not appear to havc abuse(! the authority con- ferred upon them, but on the whole to have exercised it impartially. F rom the very day they left N ew York, they had been accustomed to look upon themsch-es as the natural guardians of the companies placed under their command and the arbitrators of any disputes that might ar e. Prominent among the oldcr settlers of Adolphustown were Captain Peter Ruttan, l\Iichael Sloat. Xicholas Hagerman. and Philip and Thomas Dorland. One or more of these were frequently called upon to assist in determining some of the vexed questions that arose betwecn 11eighbours and to share with Vanalstine the responsibility of settling the disputes and, to the credit of the contestants and the arbitrators, it is. aid that their awards were accepted without .ca\'il and regarded as pre- cedents for the guidance of others. To )'Iajor Peter, howe\'er, was. largely due the peace and harmony that appears to have prevailed before- there was an organized effort to regulate their affairs b) the appointment of public officers. The Loyalists had not abandoned their temporary canvas dwellings. before a serious dispute arose over the eastern boundary of the tOW11- ship. The battalion settling in Fredericksburgh had been promised lots in the same township; but it was found that a sufficient number had not been laid out to accommodate them all and, but for the intervention of the Surveyor-General who supported Vanalstine and his company, Col- lins would have extended the limits of Fredericksburgh westerly so as to absorb the whole township of Adolphustown. The )'Iajor stoutly maintained the rights of his company and demanded that they should not be disturbed in the territory that had been assigned to them nor annexed to the neighbouring township where they would lose their identity as a separate community, a they would be greatly outnumbered by Colonel Roger's corps, for whom provision was being made in Fredericksburg-h. A compromise was effected, but not until the Surveyor-General and his Deputy had nearly come to blows over the matter, by cutting off twelve lots from the easterly side of Adolphustown and giving them to Roger's. men. This tract has ever since been known as "Fredericksburgh Addi- 140 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON tiot;al" and is so described in the official maps of the township of Freù- ericksburgh to-day. Adolphustown was a small township in the first place, and the loss of this territory so reduced it that it became, and is still, the smallest township in the Province of Ontario. It would be remarkable if so many people could live side by side and be brought into daily contact with each other without manifesting some desire for a form of local government in which they themselves might participate. No matter how wise, just, and impartial a despot may be, the Anglo-Saxon cannot forget the privileges which were won by his ancestors at Runnymede; and while we would not characterize as tyrannical the leadership of the commanders of the various corps of Loyalists, yet it could hardly be expected that the settlers, for any length of time, would be content to have their affairs administered by anyone man or set of men in whose appointment they had no voice. As the clearings grew in size, and live stock was introduced, and cattle and other animals wandered away through the forest to a neigh- bouring clearing and mingled with their kind, frequent differences arose. not only as to the ownership of stray animals, but also respecting the damage done to the growing crops, and the necessity for devising some uniform regulations to govern such matters. In their former homes they had been accustomed to thei r town meetings which, then as now, afforded an opportunity to the disgruntled to air their grievances. It frequently makes little difference whether or n t any active steps are taken to remedy the real or imaginary complaints of certain members of the community, who for weeks go about the streets or among their neighbours picturing in glowing colours some impending calamity that is about to overtake them. The public meeting is the cure for all such. Having once for all delivered themselves of their burden, and dis- charged what they conceived to be their duty towards the public, they resign themselves to their fate if the public conscience does not appear to be aroused by their warning, until some new phantom arises to dis- turb their equanimity. Such nervous, often well-meaning, individuals exist in every municipality to-day; and they serve a useful purpose, not so much by the wisdom of their suggestions, as by awakening the more staid and philosophic citizens to a sense of their individual responsibility. It was thus that the citizens of Adolphustown were convened to dis- cuss public questions at a town meeting held on ]\;Iarch 6th, 1792, and a similar meeting was held on March 5th, 1793, although the Act legalizing such meetings was not passed until July, 1793. The meetings held after the passing of the Act did not differ materially from those held prior to its enactment, which points conclusively to the fact that the Statute ,\DOLI' Ill'STüW X 141 was framed for the purpose of giving to the other municipalities of the province that same limited measure of self-government which the citizens of Adolphustown had devised for themselves before the matter had been taken up by the Legislative ..\ semhly. The Legislature fol- lowed the precedent of Adolphustown, even to the date of the meetings. h) decreeing that all town meetings should be held annuaIly on the tirst :\Ionday of Iarch. It is true that most of the actual business of the township was car- ried on by the justices of the peace, but the very fact that once a year the ratepayers were summoned together to discuss all que tions of a local character and to appoint their own officers to administer the Pru- dential Laws and to perform the other statutory duties devolving upon them, operated as a safety-valve anrl sati fied in a measure that natural longing- for self-government. In the old minute-book, which is prohably the most unique of its kind in the province to-day. was kept a record of the different earmarks adopted for distinguishing the cattle, sheep, and pigs, under the some- what misleading heading .. Record of Iarks for the Inhabitants of .-\dolphustown." The following- are a few of the marks selected at random from the old record which commenced with the year Iï93: "George Ruttan-a hole in the right ear." "Peter Yanalstine-a slit in the end of the left car and a slit in the under side of both cars." .. _ \lexander Fisher-a half-penny under the right ear:' This mark was afterwards taken over by Robert ::\IcAfee, \\ hich transfer was indicated in the record by a cross placed over the name of the first owner of the mark and the name of the second owner inter- lined. "David Barker-a swallow fork in the rig-ht ear." "Paul Trumpour-a crop off the right ear with a slit on each side of the same." "Thos. J. Dorland-a crop off the right ear and a hole in the same." ., Samuel Casey-a crop ofF the right ear and a swaIlow fork in the left." In recognition of his ability and services :\Iajor Yanalstine was the first justice of the peace in the township to receive his commission; and ÌJl due course a similar honour was conferred upon Thomas Dorland, Xicholas Hagerman, Peter Ruttan, ::\Iichael Sloat, and Alexander Fisher. The last named afterwards became the first judge of the ::\Iidland Dis- trict. Ruttan had been a captain in the regular army and was somewhat proud of that distinction, and with the newly acquired title of "Esquire," 142 HISTORY OF LEKKOX A D ADDI GTON which was ' not used indiscriminately as it is to-day, he felt himself to be a man of considerable importance and was not disposed to yield first place to any man in the township. He was particularly envious of the old leader, l\lajor Yanalstine. It frequently transpired that the har- lTIOny of the meetings was disturbed by the reluctance of Squire Ruttan to concur in the opinions expressed by Squire Vanalstine. On one occa- sion Ruttan appeared at a meeting clothed in full regimentals and de- manded that proper respect be paid to that uniform, which had seen active service in His :l\lajesty's army. Yanalstine tactfully declined to be drawn into an altercation with the old soldier, who for once carried the day and scored a victory over his rival. The old lVIajor retained the respect of those among whom he lived and was buried with military honours in the north-west corner of the burying-ground. During the last decade of the eighteenth century Adolphustown was recognized as the most important settlement in the l\Iidland District. It numbered among its inhabitants many leading men in almost every walk of life. Kingston, from its strategic position, had long before been selected as the military and naval centre, and much of the glory of the Limestone City was due, not so nutch to the enterprise of the ordinary cit izen, as to the fact that it was the seat of many government and other public institutions maintained and supported, not by the municipality, but by the public at large. Notwithstanding this disparity of fortuitous circumstances, when the Courts of the General Quarter Sessions were established in 1793, the little township, which could not boast of even a village of any dimensions, was placed on an even footing with its more pretentious urban rival. The first regular court was held the first Tuesday in July, 1794, in Paul Huff's barn on Hay Bay, as there was no public building in the township at the disposal of the justices. The next session was held in January of the following year; and as there were no means of heating the barn, which had served the pur- pose very well in the summer season, application was made to the l\fethodist body for the use of the new church which had been recently erected upon the same lot. Objection was taken by some to making the "house of prayer" a "den of thieves," with a timely explanation that the reference was not made to the lawyers and court officials, but to the criminals; but the scruples of the congregation were overcome, and justice was dispensed from the pulpit of the Rev. \Vm. Losee's Chapel. The citizens of the township then took the matter in hand and in 1796 built a court-house by voluntary subscription near the site of the present town-hall. The erection of the building gave the locality some .\IX)LPIll'STOW 143 prom1l1ence and may be regarded as the beginning of the village of Adolphustown. Previous to the building of the court-house, there were a few scattered residences in the vicinity, among them being that of Kicholas Hagerman, which was situated on the Day shore almost in front of the U. E. L. burying-ground and only a few rods from the C. E. L. landing-place. That point of land lying hetween the creek and the Bay was known as Hagerman's Point. Shortly after the landing of the Loyalists. a little child, worn out with fatigue and exposure, died. and was the fir t refugee to be buried in this county. In the neighbouring woods they digged a grave and. as they laid the tiny form to rest. many a sunburnt pioneer tried in vain to conceal his emotion. A few months later. one Casper Hover, a relative of Barbara Heck, was killed by a falling tree, while engaged in clearing his land. His body was laid beside that of the little child; and the spot was for years recognized as the general burial-place; and here the ashes of many of Adolphustown's illustrious dead now lie mouldering. Tombstones they had not, and slabs of wood, long- since decayed. were the only markers for the graves until in later years tone monuments were introduced; but they, too, have crumhled away or the inscriptions have become so obliterated that few can now be deciphered. On June 16th. 18Rt, the corner-stone of the monument now stand- ing at the edge of the old burial-ground was laid with :\Iasonic Honours by R. \Y. Bro. .\rthur )'IcGuinness, D.D.G.:\I. of Belleville. before a great concourse of people assembled 'from all parts of Canada to com- memorate the centennial celebration of the landing of the Loyalists. Patriotic addresses were delivered by L. L. Bogart, then over eighty years of age, and the oldest living male representative of the U. E. Loyalist band, A. L. :\Iorden, Dr. Canniff. D. \Y. Allison, Sir Richard Cartwright, and Rev. D. V. Lucas. In due time the monument was completed and upon its face was inscribed: "In :\Iemory of the U. E. Loyalist;; who through loyalty to British Institutions Left the l7. S. and landed on these Shores on the 16th of June. 1 ïRt.' , A more enduring monument to the noble band of pioneers is the sweet memory of their loyalty and sacrifice embalmed in the hearts of the pre- sent generation of their descendants, who with a commendable zeal are 144 HISTORY OF LENNOX A D ADDINGTON taking active measures to preserve all the old landmarks In the town- ship connected with its early history. \Ve have seen how the Courts of General Sessions were establisl1ed in 1793; but a new difficulty arose at this point as there were no lawyers duly authorized to practise: and it was felt that the dignity of the bench could not be maintained without some restrictions being placed upon the advocates who were to appear before the courts. To overcome this difficulty an Act was passed in J794 empowering the Governor, Lieuten- ant-Governor, or person administering "the government of the province, to authorize by license under his hand and seal, such and so many of His l\Iajesty's liege subjects, not exceeding sixteen in numbers, as he shall deem, from their probity, education, and condition in life, best qualified to act as advocates and attorneys in the conduct of all legal proceedings in this province." Three years later all persons then admitted to practise in the law in this province, derisively styled "heaven-born lawyers," were, by an Act of the Legislative Assembly, incorporated as the "Law Society of Upper Canada" upon practically the same basis as that Society to-clay exists. Nicholas Hagerman was one of the favoured few of "sufficient pro- bity, education, and condition in life" and was the first lawyer admitted to the bar in the county of Lennox and Addington. He was a man of refinement and education who had studied law before he left Kew York; and the honour conferred upon him was not unworthily bestowed. He continued to practise until the time of his death, and for a long time enjoyed the monopoly of being the only practitioner in the county. He had no regular office hours, but went about his daily occupation and, when waited upon by a client, he would shoulder his axe or scythe and repair to his dwelling to turn over his musty volumes, or render such other professional service as the circumstances warranted. The founda- tions of his home built upon the shore have long since been washed away by the encroaching waters of the bay. He was buried on the east side of the old burying-ground just north of an old oak tree, but no stone to-day marks his last resting-place. He had two sons, Christopher and Daniel, both of whom were elected to parliament in 1821, Christopher for the electoral district of Frontenac, and Daniel for Addington. Daniel died before the House assembled; but Christopher took his seat, and in time became one of the most illustrious men of his day. He studied law with his father and afterwards with Allen ]\;IcLean of Kingston, and it not un frequently happened that father and son were opposed to each other on the same .. ff , 1,1 ;- "\ ", ::' r - " !r . , a._- :\ -' ' " '-' "\',' 4'.t I ,..j.. ..J\ . ! -; :V, ' , A.11" : 'fr,- , } y "",R'o 4. . \.: '.< } "I - __. . J'. ,'íþ' ..:: < :/ ( ;J >Ì\"J r 1 . .. . .: . \ . " . \ . , :. \ . '... , \, \ \ ....-.. , , "'0"- ... '\ o I .II '.' . 'Io1\ ; -t , " ' !,. ! :" V' i'l' I " REV. WILLIAM CASE. REV. ROBERT CORSON. --- THE SWITZERVILLE CHAPEL. BUILT 1826. ADOLPIlUSTOWS 1405 case. On one uch occasion Chri topher scored a ignal victory over his father, at which the father exclaimed: "Have I raised a on to put out my ey s"; whereupon Christopher quickly retorted: "No, father, out to open them." In 1815 this same son was appointed a King's Coun e1, and afterwards hecame Solicitor-Ceneral, and finally Chief- justice of the Province of Untario. A fair estimate may be formed of the recognized ability of the early inhabitants of .\dolphustown by scanning- the list of members of the Legislati\'e Assembly chosen from the men living in or brought up in this township. In the first legislature Philip Dorland was elected: hut being a Quaker he refused to take the oath alHI his election was annulled, and :\[ajor Peter Vanalstine was elected in his stead. To the next seven parliaments Adolphustown contributed the following mem- bers: Thomas Dorland, John Roblin, \\ïllct Casey, Samucl Casey, Daniel Hag-erman, and Christopher IIag-erman. The inhabitants of Adolphustown are a peace-loving people but, in time of need, never fail to respond to their country's call. During the war of I I2 Captain Thomas Dorland was the first commissioned officer in the township and was placed in command of a company at Kingston: Captain Trumpour commanded a company of horse during the same campaign; and Christopher Hagerman \\as appointed aide-de-camp to the Lieutenant-General commanding, with the rank of Lieutenant-Col- onel. The young men of the township have at all times regularly en- listed in both the infantry and cavalry branches of the \'olunteer ser- vice; and a brass tablet in the Anglican 1\Iemorial Church in the village Commemorates the heroic death of Captain Thomas \Yellington Chal- mers who fell on the battlefield in South Africa in his \'aliant attempt to rescue a wounded comrade. Thi:; county alwavs has been and is likely to remain a stronghold of :\f ethodism. ...\s early as I ï88 a young man by the name of Lyons came to Adolphu town and engaged in teaching school; and on the Sabbath he would colIect the people together in the house of one of his employers and conduct religious services after the order of the 1\Iethodist Epis- copal Church. :\Iethodism was not popular among many of the Loyal- ists. who had been brought up to believe that any other doctrine than that contained in the thirty-nine _\rtic1es of the Established Church was not only rank heresy, but its exponents were little short of traitors to the throne of Great Britain. Lyons' preaching was bitterly opposed by certain extremists; but as there was no law to cover the alleged offence of exhorting the inhabitants to accept th faith as he eXplained it, his opponents contented hemselves by holding him up to ridicule, 10 146 HISTORY OF LENXOX A D ADDI GTON boycotting his school. and rendering his residence among them as unpleasånt as they could. Such territory did not appear to be a very promising field for the T\lethodists; but first impressions are not always reliable, and so it proved in this case. In 179ü \Villiam Losee paid a visit to this part of the country and preached the tenets of J\1ethodism along the Bay of Quinte, and among other places in the tavern of Con- rade Van Dusen at Adolphustown. There has been considerable misapprehension as" to the locality of the VanDusen tavern; and most writers have taken it for granted that it stood in the village just east of the court-house. The writer has before him a conveyance of lot number sixteen in the first concession Qf Adolphustown from Conrade VanDusen to Richard Davern, dated October 2nd, 1815, in which the expressed consideration is seven hun- dred pounds. It was upon this lot that the tavern was built, and the consideration would indicate that the buildings must have been of more than ordinary value. Daniel Davern, a grandson of the grantee, still residing upon this lot, helped to remove the stone foundation of an old building which his father assured him was the same upon which stood the old VanDusen tavern. After selling- the farm he moved to the vil- lage and lived just east of the court-house, a fact which accounts for the error. In the body of the document the name of the grantor is spelled "Conradt Van Duzen ;" but his own signature. which appears in a plain round hand, is "Conrade \ anDusen," which should dispose of the ques- tion of the spelling of his name. In those days the wife could only bar her dower by appearing before the proper official to be examined, in order that he might certify that her consent wa, given "freely and volun- tary, without coercion or fear of coercion on the part of her husband or any other person." Such a certificate signed by John Ferguson, District Judge, is attached to this interesting old document. Losee was a nervous, intensely energetic man, and had the use of only one arm, the other being withered. Above all he was a Loyalist and had known many of the residents before he emigrated from the United States. A Loyalist and a :Methodist preacher! Such a paro- doxical combination had never been conceived and, out of mere cur- iosity, many who had scoffed at Lyons and :McCarty went to hear the one-armed Loyal :Methodist, who by his piety and earnestness won the hearts of his listeners. So popular was he that a petition was presented to his conference to have him sent to this county; and in the following year he returned, the first regularly appointed :Methodist minister in Upper Canada. .\DOLPIlLSTOW 147 .-\mong Losee's most devoted supporters was Paul Huff, who lived on the south shore of Hay Day on lot eighteen in the third concession, and it was at his house that the congregation from that part of the town- ship used to meet for divine worship, and at which was establisheõ on February 20th, lï92, the first regular class meeting in Cpper Canada, The attendance at the meeting increased so rapidly that the living room at Huff's would no longer accommodate them, and it was determined to erect a meeting-house. Paul Ilut1 donated the lan<1. and twenty ub- scribers undertook to pay 1108 towards the building fund. The huild- ing wa:, to be erected under the direction of Lo ee, and was to be thirty- six feet by thirty. two storie" hi h, with a gallery. The most liberal subscriber towards its erection was none other than the same Conrade VanDusen at whose tavern a few year before l\fcCarty had heen arraigned as a vagabond. The foundatiuns were laid: and soon there arose an imposing structure still standing to-day as a monumcnt to th t good man who well and truly laid the corner-stone of :\rethodi m in C pper Canada. O\-erjoyed with the success of his first effort at church building Losee set about with renewed energy to improve the accommodation in the other townships; but he was permitted to foster the advance of his holy cause for 0111y two years, as that bright intellect, overburdened with the work of his ministry, \\ a" shattered by a blow it had 110t the strength to withstand. His pathetic collapse is thus described by Playter in his Histor}' of .1/ ctllOdisIII : .. He was the subject of that soft, yet powerful passion of our nature. which some account our weakness and other our greate t happiness. Piety and beauty were een connected in female form then a:' well as now, in this land of woods and water, snows and burning heat. In the family of one of his hearer:,. and in the vicinity of Xapanee River, was a maid of no little moral and personal attraction. Soon his attention was attracted, soon the eed of love was planted in his bosom, and. soon it germinated and bore outward fruit. In the interim of suc:- pense as to whether he hould gain the person. another preacher came on the circuit, visits the same dwelling, is attracted by the same fair object, and finds in his heart the same passion. The two seek the same person. One is absent on the St. Lawrence, the other frequents the blest habitation, never out of mind, One, too, is deformed. the other a person of desirable appearance. Jealousy crept in with love. But at last the preference was made, and disappointment like a thunderbolt overset the mental balance of the first itinerant minister in Canada." His historian tells us that he returned to Kingston in 1816 to dispose of 148 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON some property he had acquired while here; and that he was upon this visit completely restored to his former mental health and visited the old Adolphustown charge, where he preached to his old parishioners, and then returned to N ew York. In 1805. near the old chapel on Hay Bay, was conducted the first camp-meeting ever held in Canada. From far and near the adherents of the :Methodist Church came in their bateaux, filled to the gunwale with tents, bedding, and provisions, or in lumber waggons hauled by the slow-moving oxen, which with swinging gait wended through the forest to the meeting place. N ever had the woods of Adolphustown echoed such shouts of praise and song as went up from the hundreds of earnest worshippers under the guidance of such saintly leaders as Case, Ryan, Pickett, Keeler, 1\ladden, and Bangs. In the same neighbourhood, in 1819, occurred the saddest event that ever befell that part of the county. All nature seemed to smile on that bright Sabbath morning of August 20th, as eighteen young people, jubilant with the spirit of the season, seated themselves in a flat-bot- tomed boat at Casey's Point, and the young men plied the oars as they turnecl the prow towards the opposite shore to attend quarterly meeting in the Losee chapel. \Vith innocent jests and snatches of sacred songs they moved merrily over the surface of the bay until, as they neared the landing-place, the boat began to leak and, in the confusion which fol- lowed, capsized. plunging all the passengers into the water. The service :,'as in progress, and the officiating clergyman had just given utterance to the prayer that "it might be a day long to be remembered" when the congregation was startled by screams of terror, and rushing from the church saw the unfortunate victims struggling for their lives. Every effort was made to save them from their perilous position, but of the eighteen, who a few minutes before were overflowing with the happi- ness of youth. only nine were saved. On the fol1owing day nine coffins were ranged side by side in front of the chapel, and the Reverend 1\11'. Puffer, taking as his te.xt "I know that my Redeemer liveth," elldeavoured to preach a funeral sermon; but was so overcome with emotion in the presence of a large congrega- tion, who could not restrain their tears, that he was unable to finish his discourse. In the old grave-yard near by may still be seen the last rest- ing-place of the drowned. It is needless to say that the disaster was long remembered; and the sympathy of the district went out to the stricken families, among them being some of the best known in the county. Of the dead there were two Germans, two Detlors, one Bogart, one Roblin, one Clark, one 1\Iadden, and one Cole. . 'y d' ----I....,. 'c' Jt Æ-' _ / f._ fi,..'. .., , "" , " dt . ''': .. .." .. - ".,-' " . . "lr.;{,<'" .->1 I . . ' ,. :i:.. )\ ' , . ...... ':",- '-: . .,. ), 1 ' ; {r,-:- t'l. . . ..... '-. .. 1'. 4/., . ji ., , . 'j ?> : <. ... J ,.,.-"," . ,. .. " f ..f ,It ... 11,7 J J ... - " ... . ' - , " .. . . . ! -7i., "-:: _... . I r" . ,.- . lei - THE U. E. L. MONUMENT. ADOLPHUSTOWN. .. .... -; r . t . L.. . :: . ......., - .... .. .. ' :- I \.(. : '1' - . . I " .' .. . t. "- ' 'J-'1' . ., ,, .. ,:;' ": . ' t. . "::.., ':" :;.. .:/. ' . v I ,1, .c ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. ADOLPHUSTOWN. , - ADOLPH USTOW r-; 149 \ \ïthout commenting upon its literary merits I reproduce a poem published in a .:\ apanee paper thirty-six ) ears after the sad occurrence: Come all ye young people of every degree, Reaù o'er these lines \\ hich are penned down by me; . \nd while you are reading these lines which are true, Remember this warning is also for you. In the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and nineteen, On the twentieth of ,,\ugust on Sunday I mean, The place where it happened I also \\ rote dü\\n The loss may be told of in Adolphusto\\ n. These people were in health and all in their prime, All modestly clothed in apparel so fine, To Church they were going their God to adore, They to. reach the said place, had a Bay to cross o'er. The boat being small and their number eighteen, To go o'er together they all ventured in, They launched away, singing a sweet exercise, The moments near by them were hid from their eyes. The voice of Jehovah speaks unto us all, To always be ready and come at His caB, And while you are reading these mournful lines o'er, Death may be sent for you and enter your door. The boat being leaky the water came in, To bail with their hats they too late did begin, They looked at each other, beginning to weep, The boat filled with water and sunk in the deep. Their friend on the shore, to help flew with speed, _\nd eight of the number from the water was freed, There were brothers and sisters, and parents also Soon heard the sad story which filled them with woe A seine was prepared to draw them to land, Their friends with loud weeping all round them did stand, Such scenes of lamenting I ne'er saw before; The loss was so fatal that none could restore. 150 HISTORY OF LEN1\OX AND ADDI GTON There was John and Jane German, Peter Bogart also, There was Mary .and Jane Detlor in the water below, There was Matilda Roblin and Betsy 1fcCoy, Betsy Clark, Huldah 11adden and the late 11ary Cole. To unchangeable regions their spirits had fled, And left their poor bodies inactive and dead, They solemnly- were borne into the Church yard Their graves in rotation for them were prepared. On the 1fonday following their coffins were made And into the same their dead bodies were laid. Their friends with loud weeping on the shore did stand, Their bodies preparing to enter the sand. The sermon delivered on that mournful scene By one, Isaac Puffer from Job, the nineteenth, Although these dead bodies the \\'orms may destroy, They will see God in glory and fullness of joy. , The sermon being o'er and brought to a close \Vith a few words of comfort addressed unto those, \Yhose ht>arts were quite broken and filled with grief. And in a few moments those bodies must leave. And now we must leave them beneath the cold ground, Till Gabriel's trumpet shall give the last sound, Arise ye that sleepeth, arise from the tomb, And come forth to judgment to hear thy just doom. It may not be generally known that the Canadian Society of Friends also had its origin in the township of Adolphustown. As early as 1790 two Quaker preachers came to the township by appointment, and held services there; and the Society was first organized in Upper Canada by James Noxon, who lived in Adolphustown. \Ye find his name among the list of inhabitants as late as 1814, at which time he is said to have moved to the township of Sophiasburgh, which is probably correct, as his name does not appear upon the records after that date. He was pathmaster in 1797 and 1798 and clerk of the township in 1799. It is not improbable that one of his chief reasons for removing was thal he might be in closer touch with the Friends of that township where the ADOLPIICSTOW 151 :,eed had taken deept'r root. Just how Brother Xoxon overcame his scruples about taking the oath prescribed by the Statute to be tahen by every officer of the township the records do not inform us. . \mong the prominent men hailing from this old township some mention should be made of David Roblin. He was born in 1812 and in 1832 moved to Xapanee where he engaged in busine :5. He was a Reformer of the Baldwin school, and first entered public life as repre- entative of the township of Richmond in the District and County Coun- cils, which position he held for eighteen years, and rendered such good service to the municipality electing him and the united counties at large that he achieved the unique distinction of filling the warden's chair for seven consecutive years. In 185-1- he was electe(l to Parliament over the Honourable Benjamin Seymour, and continued to represent thi" county until 1861, when he was defeated by :\Ir. Augustus Hooper. epon the occasion of his death in 18f)3 the Napanee Standard, which had always opposed him in politics. paid the following tribute to his memory: "111 all his busines:; transactions he had the reputation of heing an honest man and an upright dealer. He was of a disposition to ecure many friends and in business this often cost him too much. J Ie was too gell- erotts to secure and lay up much wealth, although at various timt.'s he possessed a large amount of property. He was highly respected and esteemed by all who knew him; even by his strongest political opponents. .\ most obliging friend and neighbour he had many warm friends." 152 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTOX CHAPTER VIII ERNESTTO\VN AND BATH The Township 0 f Ernesttown. the second township laid out in this part of Upper Canada and hence known as Second Town, was named after Prince Ernest, the eighth child of King George III. It is described by Deputy Surveyor-General Collins, whose report of the survey bears date November 7th, 1783, as "a tract of land six miles square situate on the north side of Lake Ontario, bóunded in front by the said lake, and in depth by the ungranted lands belonging to the King; .on the east by the ungranted Iands as aforesaid, and on the west by a township marked on the plan NO.3 (Fredericksburgh)." He pays it the compli- ment of having "twenty. three thousand and forty acres of land, which appear to be equal in quality to the best Iands in America." This township was first settled in 1784 by members of the Second Battalion of Sir John Johnson's regiment, the King's New York Royal Rangers. The Report of the Ontario Bureau of Archives J I905J thus epitomizes the career of this illustrious soldier: "The name of Sir John Johnson is overshadowed by the greater name of Sir \Villiam Johnsoll, his father. Yet his own services were many and important. He joined the army as a volunteer in the Revolutionary \Var and operated largely among the 1:Iohawk Indians. He raised and commanded a regiment of two battalions in Canada, named the Royal Greens. He defeated Herkimer in 1777 at Fort Stanwix and suffered defeat in 1780 at Fox's l\lill. He was knighted by the King at London in 1765. After the war he was appointed Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs in British North America, Colonel-in-Chief of the six battalions of the militia of the Eastern TownslÚps, and a member of the Legislative Council. He resided in Iontrea1. He married I\lary, daughter of John \Vatts, Presi- dent of the Council, New York, and had one son \Villiam, a colonel in the British army, killed at \Vaterloo. Sir John died at Montreal in 1822." It will be remembered that in the allotment of the townships Cap- tain Grass was given his choice and selected the first township, King- ston, the main consideration which moved him being its proximity to Cataraqui; but the followers of Johnson, and their descendants, have had no cause to regret the choice made by their leader, as the Deputy ERXESTTOWN AXD BATH 153 Surveyor-General was not amiss in his description of the soil, ahhough far astray as to the present dimensions and acreage of the township. A:-; a matter of fact Ernesttown contains 68,6+4. acres, and the inhabi- tants still maintain that it is "equal in quality to the Lest lands in America. " If we could have passed along the Lay in the early pring of 1784- from the site of the present village of Bath to that of l\[illhaven we would ha\'e witnessed a remarkable scene. There, scattered among the openings in the dense forest, were pitched scores of military tenb, which had seen years of service in the Revolutionary \Var. \Vandering- along- the beach, ur fishing- from the sides of the large bateauh anchored a short distance from shore, were the <:'unLurned veterans from the l\[oha\\ k \'alley and the Cpper Hudson. Hovering over the camp-fires, preparÏt)g the rations that had been doled out by the officers in charge, were the housewi\"es, attired in their quaint costumes, while the restless children chased the curious squirrels through the wood or amused them- selves with casting pebbles in the water. To the number of four hundred, the largest company assembled in any township, they thus waited for weeks, until the surveys were completed and the lots ready for the drawing" Among them were many men who had left, or been driven from, comfortable homesteads in the State of N ew York, for no other offence than loyalty to the throne which they had been taught to respect. If we could have mingled among them we would ha\'e heard the familiar names, ::\Iiller, Fairfield, Fraser, Booth, Baker, ::\Iabee, Rose, Finkle, Pruyn, Brisco, Snider, Amey, and score of others which have from that day to this been associated with the steady march of progress of this grand old township. Finally the survey was completed, the drawings took place, and as the head of each family received his location ticket he pulled his stakes, shouldered his tent, and the little procession, father, mother, and children, moved away towards their new home. Their belongings were few,-a bundle of clothes, some bedding, and cooking utensils, so few indeed, that in most instances they could all be carried upon their backs. Hav- ing arrived at the destined spot they laid down their Lurdens and gazed about them. They were all impressed with the loneliness of the dense forest, which only here and there admitted a ray of sunshine, yet this was to be their home. That word, with all its tender associations of the past. ho\\' empty it sounded! nefore the night set in they had barely time to pitch the tent and prepare a hasty meal. Exhausted with the labours of the day and overcome with emotions to which none dared give expression, they laid themselves down upon a mattress made from a few hemlock boughs cut from a neighbouring tree. 154 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON "Vhat dreams disturbed those slumbers in the stillness of the for- est night, broken only by the hooting of an owl, or the howling of some wild beast startled by the unexpected presence of the strange intruders in their familiar haunts? Could their wildest nightmare picture the obliteration of the forest, and see rising in its stead grassy slopes over which wandered herds of well-kept stock, anù stately homes from the open windows of which came the Hotes of a piano accompanied with songs of merriment from well-dressed lads and maidens? Or, most marvellous of all, a well-groomed husbandman and his modest spouse speeding in a horsefess carriage along a level highway, past spacious barns and neat cottages connected by telephones, and before each of which the empty mail box "awaited t.he postman's delivery of the daily mail? \Ve are safe in assuming that no such visions arose before the tired sleepers. How stupendous must the task before them have appeared, as on the morrow they wandered over their domain to select a site for the log cabin! On every side stood the tall timbers like stalwart giants raising their proud crests one hundred feet about the ground, a silent challenge to this puny creature, man, to dispute with them the mastery of the soil over which they had held sway for a thousand years. There was no time to moralize; a cabin must be built, and the stubborn forest sub- clueù. How well their work was done is attested by the comfortable homesteads throughout the township to-day. The officers were favoured by receiving lots upon the front, while the privates were located in the rear concessions; and as the children matured they settled upon the lots back farther still. The early history of Ernesttown does not differ materially from that of Adolphustown in respect to the trials and privations of the pion- eers. As Adolphustown village was the legal centre of the :Midland Dis- trict outside of Kingston, so Ernesttown village, afterwards Bath. so named after the famous English health resort, was the commercial and educational rival of Kingston, and promised, in its early days, to become a town of importance. The township filled up so rapidly that in 181 I it had a population of 2,300, the largest of any township in the province. It was about the time of the war of 1812 that the leading village of the township was given its present name and, by 1816, notwithstanding the depression that had followed the war, it had made such progress that Samuel Purdy felt justified in establishing a stage line between the village and Kingston. This first venture in the stage business proved so profitable to the proprietor that in the following year he inaugurated a line between Kingston and York, leaving Kingston every 1fonclay ERNESTTOW A D BATn 155 morning at six o'clock and York e\'ery Thursday mornillg at the same hour. This new enterprise \\ as announced by the following adverti e- ment: "Persons wishing for a passage will caB at Ir. David Brown's Inn, King:'ton, "-here the stage books will be kept. From twenty to twenty-eight pounds of baggage \\ ill be allo\\ ed to each pa"senger, over this tIiey must be charged for. All baggage sent by the stage will be forwarded with care, and delivered with punctuality, and all favours acknowledged by the public's humble ervant. (Signed) amuel PunIy Kingston, January 23rd, 1817. .D. stage fare eighteen dollars." Before the introduction of this stage line to York the ordinal'Y means of travelling between Kingston and .. .:\Iuddy York" was by the large flat-bottomed boat propelled by oars. Únce a wcck this awkward craft could Le seen going up the bay to the Carrying Place where it was hauled out of the \\ater and turned over to Asa \\Teller, a tavern-kee}J('r. He had a low-wheeled truck waggon built for the purpose, upon which the boat was placed and hauled across the isthmus by a yoke of oxen, where it was again consigned to the water, and the oarsmen continued their voyage along the shore to the capital. The only alternative was by horseback, which !'en'ed the purpose very well if the traveller was not encumbered with much baggage. The usual starting point was from Finkle's tavern at Bath, from which place a white guide conducted him to the Trent, where the Indian agent fur- nished him with a nati\'e guide, who accompanied him along the Indian trail through the forest to his destination. \\'hile _\dolphustown village was the legal centre of the 1\Iidland District after the establishing of the General Sessions, Bath may claim the distinction of being the seat of the first court held in .:\Iecklenburgh (the name was changed in 1792) by Judge Cartwright, and as this was before any court-houses were built, Finkle's tavern was used for the purpose. The old village also has the di:,tinction, we will not say honour, of being the scene of the first execution by hanging in Canada, and the saddest part of the story is that the victim, who thus paid the death penalty by being s\\ ung from the limb of a tree near the old ta\'ern, was innocent of the crime of which he was convicted. He was charged with stealing a watch, circumstantial evidence pointed to him as the thief; but he protested his innocence. claiming that he had pl1rcha"ed it from a pedlar. The evidence could not have been conclusive and consisted mainly of the finding of the stolen article in his possession; but this, in the opinion of the judge, cast upon the accused the onus of proving how he came by it. The pedlar belonged to the itinerant class. and had 156 HISTORY OF LENNOX AKD ADDIKGTON passed on to some other section of the country, where he could not be reached. The prisoner could not, under the law as it then stood, give evidence on his own behalf, so, by reason of his failure to establish his innocence, the general rule of law was inverted and he died upon the gallows. \Yhile the judge was pronouncing sentence a spectator in the court interrupted the proceedings by protesting against the conviction; but the audience was in sympathy with the finding of the court and hissed him down. A few months later a pedlar repassing through the neighbourhood confirmed the words of the unfortunate man by stating that the watch in question had been sold by him under the circumstances alleged by the prisoner at the time of his trial. The date of this trial is unknown, but it must have been some time between 1787, when the first criminal court was held at Bath, and 1793, after which the courts were held alternately at 'Adolphustown and Kingston. At this first criminal court a negro was convicted of stealing a loaf of bread and was sentenced to receive twenty-nine lashes. No interval of time passed between the sentence and the execution in the early days, otherwise the first hanging might not have taken place. There was no whipping-post ready to receive the convict, so he was lashed to a bass-wood tree but a few yards from the hotel; and the court ad- journed for a few minutes to allow the spectators an opportunity to witness the whipping. The bass-wood tree served its purpose so admir- ably that it was adopted as a part of the equipment of the court; and for many years after it ceased to hold its victims in position to receive the lash it was pointed out to travellers as one of the objects of interest in the village. The road between Bath and Kingston w,as one of the first, if ':.1ot the first, road of any importance built in the province and, when the original mail road from Kingston to York was first l id out Bath was considered too important a place to be ignored; and the road followed the shore from Kingston to Bath, continuing through Adolphustowl1 to Young's Point, then known as Dorland's Point. Here a ferry carried the travellers across to Lake-on-the-110untain, whence the road con- tinued to the head of Picton Bay and through Prince Edward County, passing Bloomfield, Wellington, and Consecon to the Carrying Place, thence along the lake front to York. This road, as finally completed, was known as the Danforth Road, having been built under government contract by one Asa Danforth, who commenced operations in 1798, and completed his contract in 1801. Danforth had his headquarters at Bath, where he lived with Henry Finkle. . r -\ \t ... _._ .... 1 ... - , .. .. -- . THE FAIPFIELD RESIDENCE. BATH. r .... . t: . . . 'Pt .Î I- _ c ;. '"A" . r--- M " fl.' r r--o .., 'l "'I . .., -"':.fr, _" .' . .... , "". " ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. BATH. f;RNf;STTOWN AXD BATU 157 General Simcoe conceived the idea of a grand military highway extending from one end of the province to the other, to which he gave the name of Dundas Street, but his term of office was terminated shortly after its construction was begun, and it was many years before it was completed. The first macadamized road built in the province of Ontario was that portion of Dundas Street lying between King:-;ton and Xapanee. This once mag-nificent highway was commenced in 1 37 and completed in 1839. It was due to the enterpri e of John Solomon Cartwright, then judge of the Iidland District Court and member of the Legislative Assembly, that the plan of Governor Simcoe was revived, and the pro- \'incial government was induced to et apart $120,000 for the undertak- ing, which sum it was expected would be repaid from the tolls collected at the gates placed upon the road every five miles. The engineer in charge of its construction was James Cull, grandfather of [rs. H. 1'. Forward and Irs. Peter Bristol of Napanee. The work wa,; well done, but the cost exceederl the estimate, so that it was necessary to obtain a further grant of $12,000 from the go\'ernment in order to complete it. In 1859 the united counties of Frontenac, Lennox and Adrlington purcha ed the road from the gO\'erl1l11ent for $.V),200 to be paid il\ twenty equal annual instalments of $2,460 each, without interest. \Yhen the united counties ,,-ere divided in I (j.... anel Lenno::\. ancl .-\ddington became a separate municipality, the county of Frontenac a sumed the obligation to the government. and the two counties adjusted the liability by Lennox and _\ddington undertaking to pay to Frontenac the "ltIll of S20.000 in equal instalments, extending over the same period as the original debt to the government. Regarding- the negotiations for the purchase of the road which were first commenced in 1850, the Xapanee Bce of July 16th, 1852. says edi- torially: "\Ye are gratified to learn that the Counties' \\" arden. D. Rob- lin, E q., our thoroughly enterprising townsman, has effected a reduc- tion in the price of the Kingston and X apanee )'Iacadamized road. It will be remembered that the road was struck off to the \Yarden on behalf of the Counties' Council for iI5.400. It will also be remembered that the county objected to the legality of all the bids over iI2,300, and they claimed that they were entitled to the road at that price, that ha,'- ing been the \Yarden's bid. "On October 28th. 1850. the \\.arden lairl the matter before the government, asking a reduction. The claim of the council has been finally acceded to, and the road now stands at i12,300 against the counties; only $2,300 above the upset price and more than i3,ooo lese; 158 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON than private parties would have gladly pa-id. \\' e trust that this fact will have the effect to enable the people of these counties to determine as to who is the 1110st deserving their gratitude and confidence, the man who prates about government abuses, and which, peradventure, have only an ideal existence, and who labours not assiduously for the good of the counties; or him who exerts his abilities untiringly and efficiently in their behalf." Frontenac kept up the payments to the government, and collected annually from this county the amount agreed upon until a few years after Confederation, when through some means, which perhaps it might be well not to inquire into too carefully. Frontenac discontinued the payments, and Lennox and Addington took advantage of the situation and made no further contributions to the coffers of the sister county on account of the purchase price of the road. For many years after this 11ew route for the government road had been adopted the line of travel still continued along the shore from Kingston to Bath and thence to N apanee. In turning over the old Statutes of 1828 the writer ran across an Act, from the preamble of which, if he did not observe the date, one might infer that it was of quite recent origin. It reads as follows: H\Yhereas in consequence of a dispute having arisen between the justices of the peace of Ernesttown and the justices of the peace of Fredericks- burgh, in the Midland District, respecting the right of either party of such justices to take charge of a public road running from front to rear between the aforesaid townships of Ernesttown and the gore of Fredericksburgh, or to which party of right the making and repairing of such road belongs; in consequence of \vhich dispute, the aforesaid road. though much travelled from necessity, is dangerous and difficult to travel on account of being left. in a great measure for a long time past, without being mended and improved." Although there is excel- lent material for making good roads in every part of this county the civic authorities are for the most part pursuing the same policy that was introduced by the Act respecting "Statute duties on Highways and Roads" passed in 1798, with the result that our highways may be classed among the worst in the province; and it is not to our credit that that part of the first macadamized road in the province lying within the limits of this county has by neglect lost all resemblance to what it was eighty years ago. In the chapter upon schools I have dealt at some length upon the deep interest the first settlers of Ernesttown took in the matter of edu- cating their youth. ERX :STT{)WX AXD n.\TlJ 159 .\ century ago Bath wa the military centre of the count) where the \"oluntccr from the other town hips used to mcet for training; anù during the \\ ar of 1812 the township contrilmted the following officers for the ùefence of our county: Lieutenant-Colonel James Parrott. Cap- tains Joshua Booth, C. Fralick. Xorris Brisco, Pcter Daly. Robcrt Clark, and Sheldon Hawley; Lieutenants Davis lIamhly, I renry Day, John Richards, Daniel Fraser, Robcrt \\-orlet: and Ensigns Isaac Fraser, David Lockwood, Daniel Simmon , Abraham \mcy, Solomon John, and John Thorp, Scnior. \Yhile the pre ent inhaùitants of this township are largel) prohibi- tionists their forefathers wcre evidently 110t so inclined, as the first brewery and di tillcry in Cpper Canada was built by John Finkle 110t far from Hath; and to afford the puhlic an opportunity of sampling his products his brother Ilenry kept for many ycars the only tavern between Kingston and York. fhe Kingston Ga:;cttt' of April 19th, 1RI7, announccd "A Pcarl and Pot Harley Factory is to be established in Erne tto\Vn. It is said this i the tìrst establi hl1lent of the kind we recollect to have heard of in Cpper Canada. \Ye have seen somc of the barlcy and think it equal to that imported. Such domestic manufactories ought to be encouraged by the community." As Gourlay writing of the same year states that there was a barley hulling mill in Ernesttown we conjecture that both writers referred to the same establi llInent. During the first twenty years of the settlemcnt of this county nearly all of the buildings were constructed of squared logs, which could he shaped for the walls quite easily by the aid of the cross-cut saw and the adze. They were substantial and durable, cool in ummer. and warm in winter. Lumber was not u ecl for the simple reason that there were no means of producing it except with the whip-saw, to operate which required such exertion that lumùer was u ed only for the manufacture of furniture. vehicles, doors, and other articles where it was impractic- ab!e to use the heavier material. \\ïth the introduction of saw-mills towards the close of the eighteenth century lumber became more com- mon; but the log-house still found favour with the inhabitants. The saw-mills, as a rule, were furnished with a vertical saw, and the power was obtained from the old-fashioned undershot wheel, although in some instances that were favourable for its erection the overshot wheel was used. One of the most widely known men in the county was Henry Finkle of Dath, He was a son of Dr. George Finkle (or Finckel), a Prussian by birth, who came to America between 1740 and 1750, and engaged in 160 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON the fur trade with the Indians. At the breaking out of the Revolution- ary \Var he sided with the King and met the fate of most of the Loyal- ists by having his property confiscated, and was compelled to seek safety in flight. Accompanied by his three sons he came to Quebec, where he lived until his death about 1783. His son, Henry, when only sixteen years of age enlisted in the Engineer Department of the British army, where he beca'1ìe familiar with the use of tools, which knowledge proved to be of great service to him in after life. Upon receiving his discharge from the Engineer Department he joil1ed 1vlajor Jessup's Battalion in the regiment under the command of Sir John Johnson. At the conclusion of hostilities he found himself among the refugees destined for the shores of the Bay of Quinte and was alloted lot number six in the first concession of Ernesttown. He built the first frame house in the township about the year 1800 and, although there was a saw-mill at N apanee at the time, he cut all the lumber entering into its construction with the cross-cut and whip-saw upon his own premises. He led the way along many lines and is credited with having built the first wharf upon the Bay of Quinte, the first brewery, distillery, and Masonic Hall in the county.* He also erected upon his own farm a school-house and teacher's residence which he donated to the community, and the 11asonic Hall he gave to his brethren of the order. He kept for many years the only tavern between Kingston and York, and owned and operated several sailing vessels upon the lake and bay. He is said to have been the first man in Upper Canada to emancipate his slaves. He died in 1808 and was buried in Cataraqui cemetery. After his death his widow retained for many years an interest in his vessels and was part owner of the first steam-boat that plied upon the waters of Lake Ontario. The first timbers were laid in October, 181 5. and she was launched and christened the FrontcnQc on Septem- ber 7th, 1816. The length of her keel was 150 feet, her deck 170; and she cost about t20.000. Just before the launching of the FrontenQc there came to Canada a young man named Henry Gildersleeve. a native of New Haven, Connecticut, where his father owned extensive ship- building yards. He was naturally attracted to the Finkle shipyard, anrl upon paying it a visit he met a greater attraction in the person of Lucre- tia, the handsome daughter of \Vidow Finkle. He found congenial employment i n assisting to complete the FrolltellQc, married Lucretia, * His biographer Anderson Chenault Quisinberry claims that the frame dwelling the brewery, distillery, and Masonic Ha;! were the first buildings of their kind in Upper Canada. See Genealogical Memo.-anda of the Quisinberry family and other families pdge 143. RNESTTOWN A D BATH 161 and in 1817 superintended in the same yard the con truction of the teamer QUCCIl Charlotte, the fir t steam-boat upon the Bay of Quinte route. This was the beginning of the shipbuilding industry of the Cilder leeve family, who for nearly a century have taken a prominent part in the navigation of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence. The Quccn Charlottc was launched in the spring of 18Ü and made emi- ,,"eekly trip from the Carrying Place to Prescott, calling only upon the bay at Trenton, Hallowell (Picton), Adolphustown, and Dath. Helle- ville, then kno\\ 11 as J eyer's Creek, had not yet attained sufficient im- portance to be included in the stopping placeo;;, and Dt:Seronto wa not upon the map of the hay or yet gi\'en any name. R. R. Finkit-. for many years the jovial wharfinger at Dath, wa a grand on of Henry, as was also Henry Finkle who fur many years carried on a carriage fac- tory at Newburgh and operated a line of stage coaches between Kingston and Napanee, one of which may be seen in our illustration of the I )ominion Hotel, Odessa. I have referred el:-;ewhcre to the unpleasant experience of I r. Lyons in Adolphustown by rea'>Ol1 of his having conducted religious er- \-ices not in accordance with the teaching of the Established Church. Jore dra tic measures appear to ha\.e been adopted in the case of :\Jr. JcCarty. The following is copied from a hi"tory of the ::\Iethodist Church publi hed in Hallowell (Picton) in IR32: "In the course of the ame year (Iï& ) :\Jr. James l\[cCarty repaired to Canada and settled in Erne ttown. J fe was formerly from Ireland; but remaining some time in the "Cnited State , and having fre- quent opportunities of hearing the celebrated \Yhitficld when on his last mission to America, he became a convert to the \Yhitfieldian cause, and a zealous promoter of experimental religion. He made no preten- tion of any union with the ::\[ethodist connection. either in Europe or the "C nited States; hut profe..;sedly avowed himself one of \Yhitfield's folJowers. "St)on after his arrival he began to warn sinners to flee from the wrath to come and to encourage such as had ta<;ted the comforts of reli- gion in former days. lIe preached Christ to the people of the various neighb=)Urhood , who generally attended his meetings in large numbers. Being accustomed to the manners of the Church of England. he read his sermons, but with that deep feelin and eng-agedness that they produced a happy and lasting effect on the mind of his hearers. Convictions were multiplied, which were succeeded by conver ions; and numbers of [ethodists that were in the country before him. joining heart and hand with him in the work of the Lord, a jealousy was soon excited among 11 162 HISTORY OF LENl'OX AND ADDINGTON those who were advocates for the lifeless forms of the Church of Eng- land. Fearing that :Methodis1l1 might become established they soon raised a persecution against 1r. lV1cCarty, in order to extinguish the flame of pure religion which had already begun to spread. There were three individuals who ranked among the officials, and leading characters, that were by far the most active in that infamous and wicked scheme. Of these were the Sheriff, 1r. L-, a militia captain. I\1r. C-. and the chief engineer. 11r. L-, the sheriff often declared boldly that there should be 110 religioll established but that of the Church of England. But yet the people would assemble in private houses, and Mr. 11cCarty, true to his l\laster's work, would meet with them and preach. Greatly enraged at this, his enemies could fix no other alternative for its abolition than that of banishing 11r. l\:lcCarty to the United States. "An edict had been issued by the government. that all vagabond characters should be banished from the country. They therefore seized upon this advantage to effect the seclusion of lr. .McCarty with that groundless pretext. "As he was preaching one Sunday therefore at the house of 11r. Robert Perry, Senior, four men armed with muskets came to apprehend him and take him to the jail at Kingston. TIeing conscience-smitten. doubtless for their atrocious design upon the Sabbath Day, they, how- ever, left their arms at the house of 1\1r. Perry, a short distance from the place of worship. Upon the bail of 1\1r. Perry for lVlr. 1\1cCarty's appearance in Kingston on the following day, the men left him and returned. On their arrival at Kingston the next day, 1\1r. Perry pre- sented 1\lr. 1\lcCarty to the sheriff and demanded his bond given the day before. But the sheriff refused absolutely to take any charges con- cerning him. They therefore bid him good-bye, and retired. The enemies of 1\1:r. lV1cCarty however, rallied the same day and thrust him into prison, but he was again liberated by 1\1r. Perry's bail. 'Vhen the time had expired for which he had been bailed, he with 1\1:r. Perry repaired again to Kingston to receive his destiny, where by the orders of the chief engineer, he was put on board of a boat managed by four Frenchmen, who were directed to leave him on a desolate island in the St. Lawrence. This they attempted to do, but through 11r. l\lcCarty's resistance, they were induced to land him on the main shore, from whence he returned home to his family and friends." The writer further states that 1\1cCarty. while on his way to 1\lon- treal to institute proceedings against his persecutors, mysteriously dis- appeared and was never heard of again. He concludes his account of McCarty's fate with the following suggestion of speedy retribution UIJon ERNESTTOWN A D DATU 163 the head of the principal offender::;: "Captain C- afterwards fell into a tate of insanity, which continued nMny years and finally closed with his death. The engineer who ordered l\IcCarty to he left on the de olate isle clo ed his career in eight or ten days afterwards, and l\I r. L- also died suddenly in the course of two or three weeks:' .\ great deal has been written about this celehrated case; and while it is true that a man named :\IcCarty was banished from the district as a vagabond, it is not improbable that the facts have been distorted to suit the views of each particular writer. The foregoing is inaccurate in trany details even as to the name of the alleged vag-ahonc1. The only authentic account of the pro"ecution is presented in the official record of the Court of Quarter Sessions held at Kingston on April 13th and q.th. Iï()Q, at which the presiding- justices were Richard Cartwright. N eil IcLean, and Archibald lcDowall. From thi it appears that only one \\ itness wa called for the prosecution and seven for the defence; yet the court, after hearing the evidence and conferring with the grand jury, directed the accused to leave the district. The record reads a follows: "\Yednesday, April 14th. Iï90, Charle<:; Justin :\IcCarty appear upon his recognizance taken upon information that he is a vagabond, imposter, and disturber of the peace. '\ïtness for pro. sworn Benj. Clapp. For defendant, John Ratton, \\"m. \VilIiams, Emanuel Elrler- beck, :\lex. Laughlin. David Lent. Eliz. YanSickler, Florence Donovan. The court having heard the evidence for the prosecution, likewise the evidence for the defendant, will deliberate on the merits of the informa- tion against the defendant. The court having. c.onsulted with the Grand Jury, do order that the said Charles Justin :\IcCarty shall. within the space of one month, leave this district and not return, and that the Sheriff of this district shall see this order duly executed." .-\t the sessions held on Tuesday, July 13th, 1790, the folluwing entry i::; made: "Charles Justin :\IcCarty having been apprehended and committed by the Sheriff for having returned to this district after having left it, in consequence of an order of the last Court of Quarter Sessions held April 13th last, the court do order that the said Charles Justin ::\IcCarty shall remain in gaol until the Sheriff shall find a proper conveyance for sending him to Oswego." lIistorians have differed as to which township shall claim the dis- tinction of having the first :\Iethodist chapel in Cpper Canada, Adol- phustown or Ernesttown. Both were built after the same pattern, of the same size, under the direction of the same preacher, and in the same 164 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON year, and at the best the little township can claim but a few weeks advantage over the larger, yet we rarely hear any mention of the Losee chapel in Ernesttown. James Parrott took charge of the financial end and received the subscriptions; while Robert Clark, besides subscribing ten pounds towards the building, superintended its erection, working up- on it himself at five shillings and sixpence per day and, as it neared completion and the funds \vere getting low, he reduced his own wages to two shillings and ninepence per day. John Lake and Jacob 1Iiller also took an active part in raising funùs and procuring material for its construction. It was located about three and one-half miles east of Bath on the bay shore on lot number twenty-seven. 11any of the adher- ents afterwards moved to the fourth concession and tore down the church, took it with them, and re-erected it on the York Road near the village of Odessa, where it stood for many years until replaced by the brick church which is still standing. \\lhile the old church on the front was being built the first Quarterly 1leeting in Canada was held in ::\lr. Parrott's banI in thè first concession on September 15th, 1792. After the war of 1812 there was a very strong prejudice among the 1Iethodists of Upper Canada against the loyal Canadian adherents of that denomination remaining under the jurisdiction of the 11ethodist conference of the United States. The agitation continued until the year 182 7, when the first Canada conference was held at the village of Hallo- well (Picton), to which was presented a memorial that the Canadian Church should become an independent body not later than the year 1828. This memorial came before the general conference at Pittsburgh in :May, 1828, and a resolution was passed granting the prayer of the Canada l\lethodists. The second Canada conference was held in the S'witzer chapel in Ernesttown in October of the same year, and was presided over by Bishop Hedding and, in accordance with the resolution of the general conference, the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada was organized, and Rev. \Villiam Case was appointed the first General Super- intendent. The first Church of England clergyman to visit Upper Canada, in fact the only refugee c"tergyman, was the Rev. John Stuart, frequently styled the father of the Upper Canada Church. He was born at Harris- burgh in 1730, received Holy Orders in 1770, and was appointed mis- sionary to the Mohawks at Fort Hunter. He remained in charge of this mission after war had been declared, but suffered so many indig- nities at the hands of the revolutionists that he emigrated to St. John in 1781. He taught school for some time in l\lontreal until he was promised in the autumn of 1783 the chaplaincy to the garrison at Catara- ERXESTTOWN ASD BATH 165 qui. He yi ited the ettlements along- the bay, at Xiagara, and the Grand Ri\"er in the summer of Iï t1-, and finalI) settled at Cataraqui in August, Ii8S. where he continued to li\"e until his death in IRI1. lIe was held in such high esteem that he was appointed Chaplain to the Cpper IIou e of .\s:-,embly at its first se ion in lï 2, and was tendere(l. hut declined, the commission of the first judge of the Court (ìf Common Pleas uf the :\Iidland Di trict. In lïYes the natural advantage of a fair water-power, time has not demonstrated that that alone can pre--erve a village from decay. Bath posse:,ses a tyle of architecture all its own, the old frame buildings, with the covered balconies. There are several of these old mercantile houses providing for a store or place of business in the lower story and a dwelling-house in the upper. They seem to helong to an- other age and carry us back to the days of our grandfathers. It requires but little effort upon our part to re-people them as they were eighty years ago. Standing in the doorway is the master of the house, clad in knee-breeches and cut-away coat with high, rolling collar. and a black scarf about his neck. As he gazes out upon the lake he takes a pinch of snuff from a silver box which he doses with a snap and tucks away in the pocket of his silk wai--tcoat. Cpon the balcony above his spouse is sitting upon a straight-backed chair to relieve the pressure of the tight- fitting bodice. the lower part of which terminates in a Y -shaped point i68 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON and makes the huge crinoline look twice as big as it really is. The next moment we are aroused from our reverie and brought back to the twen- tieth century by the appearance of a modern residence sandwiched in between these relics of "ye olden time." Bath is a strange admixture of the past and present. but so pro- nounced are the evidences of its former busy life in an age that knew not cement walks and plate-glass windows, that we almost regret that these modern innovations were ever introduced. Above it all there is an atmosphere of refinement, a certain something that recalls the Frasers, Clarks, Fairfields, Shibleys, and others whose names we rever- ence, men who rise far above onr estimate of the present generation, for they began with nothing but their strong right arms and hearts of steel: they worked upon the raw material, and left us the fruits of their labours. \Vhen we are brought face to face with these quaint reminder!' of the sturdy pioneers. and look upon the old firesides. before which they sat planning for the uplifting and comfort of their posterity, we are pay- ing but a small portion of the debt we owe if we pause to give expres- sion to our veneration for the builders of the oldest village in the pro- vince of Ontario. Some of the historic old landmarks in and about Bath are still standing. . In driving along the bay shore a little less than one mile west of the outskirts of the village there may still be seen on the farm now owned by 1\,11'. Isaac Brisco, an old one-story frame dwelling that differs little from many other old houses in the county, except that it bears the unquestionable marks of antiquity. That was the old Finkle tavern, the first public-house between Kingston and York. About twenty yards west of it stood the old bass-wood tree, the first whipping-post in Upper Canada. From the highway we can command a view of the bay shore, and jutting out into the water is a gravelly point now overgrown with scrubby cedars and showing not a trace of the industry that was carried on there a century ago,-the shipyard from which was launched the first steamer built in Upper Canada. As we near the village, just before crossing the bridge our atten- tion will be attracted by another quaint old residence on the bay shore, a frame building with a stone addition built on the west end of it. Here lived the Rev. John Langhorn: the stone addition was built by him for a study, and in it was stored his famous collection of books. As we enter the village we pass the town-hall, not nearly so old as the style of its architecture would suggest. This may be said to have been built under compulsion in d f)6. The courts used to be held in the lower story of the school building, and besides being cold and uncom- ERNESTTOWN AXD BATH 169 fortable, the noise from the exercises in the room above interrupted the proceedings, and His Honour Judge Burrows objected to delivering his judgments to the accompaniment of the multiplication table recited in unison by the junior class in the upper story. lIe lectured the council of the village upon the poor accommodation provided, and removed the court to ::\lillhaven, promising to return when a suitable court-room was placed at his di posal. This had the desired effect, the council took prompt action, and the present town-hall was erected. Several destructive fires have wiped out many of the old buildings. and among them the old ta\'ern, where now stands the modern Day View Hotel. (h.er the way is an old stone building, the original store of B. F. Davy & Co. 'fhere were few industries in Bath sixty years ago in which the Oavys did not have an interest. The old frame ta\'ern now replaced by the brick one was kept by Peter Davy, and under it::; roof was oorn and brought up Benjamin C. Davy, the first lawyer of prominence and the first \layor of Kapanee. General merchants, liquor dealers. tavern-keepers. g-rain buyers. farmers. and ship-builders, the Davys were a busy family. The old frame building west of the Bay \ïew Hotel and occupied for many years as a store by 1\lr. E. lcKenty was many years ago the 0]<1 \ .anClake hotel. Going down the eao;;t side of Church Street there will be found standing at the water's edge a comfortable looking- old rough-cast house in an excellent state of preservation, in which lived a century "ago ::\fr. Benjamin Fairfield, a representative of Lennox and Addington in the sixth Parliament of C"pper Canada. ''"hen visiting the village it might be well to continue the journey two miles farther east to :\lillhaven. Just after crossing 'Mill Creek we will come to an old rough-cast house on our left, the home of Isaac Fraser, representative of our county in the Legislative :\ssembly from ] 8Ii to 1820; and a few feet east of the house will be seen a small stone building, the first registry office in the county of Lennox and Addington. Passing on through the village there are few relics of the olden days until we reach the home of ::\lr. Frederick \Yemp, who will show us the taproom in which the \\ïdow Losee. generations ago, served liquid refreshments to the gentry from Kingston. when exercising their spirited horses along the first wen constructed road in this part of Cpper Can- ada. The following is a list of the business men of Bath during the past sixty-fi\'e years: lerchants: B. F. Davy & Co., James Donnolly, John Lasher, John Xugent, Samuel Rogers, Rogers & \\Tright, ,Yo H. Davy & Co., J. 170 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON . & S. Lasher, Daniel 1\1cBride, F. & I. 1\lc 1ullen, Richard Olrls, E. D. Priest. S. & 1\1. T. Rogers, John S. Rowse. Edw. \\'right, D. T. For- ward, Balfour & Armstrong, Chas. Cummings, 1\1rs. Chas. Fairfield, Gautier Ferrin, J\lrs. Nancy Grant, P. B. Hogle. Edmund 1\1:cKenty, D. J. Campbell, Frank H. Priest, Hudson Rogers, D. T. Rowse, Joseph Trimlet, 1\lr5. E. B. \Vright, Thomas E. Howard, \\'m. Johnston, Over- ton Ball, Charles Burley, J. M. \Vemp & Co.. \V. H. Hall, R. 110tt, E. H. \Yemp, Robinson Bros. \Vharfingers and Ship-owners, Grain and Coal: W. H. Davy, Allen Dame, R. R. Finkle, G. A. \Vartman. Carriage Makers and Blacksmiths: Balfour and Armstrong, \Vm. Cardwell, John WiJ1iams, E. D. Priest, Samuel Rogers, Billings Laird, Charles Lewis, Charles Campion, \Vebster 1\1iddleton, Fairfield & Boyes, Chas. Collins, Allen Lewis, J edediah Fry, Charles Lewis, George ::\10ran, laxwell Robinson, Armstrong Bros., \V. J. Calver, Samuel Jaynes. Tailors: \Villiam Blair, James Harris, 1\1atthew Sharp, Andrew BJair, J. Covert, Jos. Trimlet, Peter Pappa. Carpenters and Builders: Abraham Harris. Davis Asselstine, Lyons & Richards, Richard Ruttan, John Shepherd, A. \V. Davy, J. H. :Mur- doch. Hatter: \Vm. Burley. Saddlers and Harness 1\1akers: S. B. Hart, Reuben Greaves, R. R. Finkle, James Johnston, Thos. C. Johnston, Robert Mott, Thos. Sea-- ward. J. J. Johnston, Wm. Shibley, E. P. Shepherd. Shoemakers: F. Prest, \Vm. Buzby, Daniel Hickey, Patrick .McQuirk, \Y. & E. Reeves, Thos. Bain, Robert Kittson, Wm, Topliff; Lemuel Irons. Cabinet-Makers: D. T. Forward, Elias Price, Thos. Gardner, . Hiram A. Hoselton. Ship-Builders: P. R. Beaupre, \V. H. Davy & Co., Luke Cun- ningham. Iron-Founders: Charles Tripp, D. T. Fonvarcl. Tinsmiths: Harry Boyle, W. H. Hall. One of the chief if not indeed the main industry, in this as well as all other townships in this section to-day, is the manufacture of cheese. \Ve take it as a matter of course that every farmer shall have a certain number of milch cows and that in the neighbourhood there shall be a cheese factory. It was not so fifty years ago, and the following letter written by Dr. Depew from Odessa on July 6th, 1866, shows how the innovation was viewed at that time: "A few mornings ago I was pass- ing through the north-western part of the township along by Neville E:RNESTTOWN AXD DATH 171 Switzer's, the Switzer Chapel, and so on up what is called the Se\'enth Concession }{oad. and truly to any persun who can enjoy the beauties of country scenery, no finer ride than this may be sought for, early on a summer's morning. "i\larks of industry and thrift are abundant everywhere; beautiful fields of waving g-rain aTI the roof, thrust a spear through a hole which served as a chimney, and thus relieved Steve of his sucker. This operation was repeated several times, to the great amusement of the neighbourhood, before Redden was able to account for the mysterious disappearance of his half-cooked supper. The old gentleman grew quite enthusiastic in describing the nightly revelries over at Skibereen. This was an Irish settlement in the vicinity of the \Y oollen :l\1 ills , where seventy years ago, there were some dozen or fifteen shanties inhabited by a boisterous lot of emigrants from the Emerald Isle. They gained an unenviable reputation for drinking and fighting, which was partIy redeemed when 1\1r. John Booth took up his residence among them and within the bacchanalian precincts built a respectable dwelling, thereafter known as Skibereen Castle. and now own d by Mr. B. G. Ham. John Link continued for a time to run the mills, and built the first house, in what is now the heart of the village, just opposite the grist- mill, upon the site now occupied by the handsome cottage of 1\11'. B. Toomey. He thought he saw an opportunity to better himself by exchanging his 1\lill Creek property for a water-power owned by Ben- jamin Booth about four miles down stream. The trade was finally con- summated, but not until both parties had worn themselves out in a law- suit over the terms of the exchange. Link took over his newly acquired property, established himself in business there, and founded Link's l\Iills. Booth assamed control of the mills at Mill Creek and for three quarters ER (STTOW AXD DATU 177 of a century the family was closely identified with the manufacturing indu:-:.tries of the village. In every public movement they were to be found on the side of progres" and advancement. Every church in the yillage is built upon land donated by them. The last link in this long family chain binding the Bouths to the business interests of Odessa was --evered a few months ago when B. ..\. Dooth sold out his woollen-mills and removed to Gananoque. f The first school-house in the village was built seventy-fi\re years ago upon the ground now occupied by the drill shed. \\'m. JIenzy went to school there to \\'m. Carleton, \\ hom he has not yet quite forgi\'en for attempting to punish him for an offence which he did not commit. The teacher used to make the ink for the neighbourhood and kept a large jug of it in the school-hou e. In a scuffle during the noon hour the ink was upset and spilled upon the floor, and some one informed the teacher that Henzy was the guilty indi\'idual. Carleton came back to the school- house in a fury and summoned Henzy to the front. Up he went, de- dared his innocence, and called his accuser's attention to the fact that his left arm was broken and in a sling- at the time, and that he was not likely to be engaged in any scuffling. The teacher produced his tawse and ordered him to hold out his hand. The pupil at the time weighed 180 pounds and was not disposed to be bullied too far. He released the fractured arm from the sling and extended it towards the tawse, at the same time clenching his right fist and drawing back his arm in a position ready to deliver a blow if the teacher attempted to inflict the threatened punishment. Carleton took in the situation and, believing discretion to be the better part of valour, directed the pupil to take his seat. \ll the schooling Benz)" recei\red was one month's tuition under this teacher. John Babcock, now in his eighty-ninth year, took a keen delight in telling about the pranks the boys played in the old red school-house se\'enty years ago. and indulged in a hearty chuckle as he eXplained in detail how a flock of geese welcomed the" old teacher Kineberry as he unlocked the door one n:orning. This notorious old pedagogue used to pay too frequent visits to the numerous ta\'erns in the neighbourhood; and it was while he was recovering from one of his periodic "sprees" that Frank Iancur installed the feathered class. The old school-house did service as such until 1860, when a brick one was built upon the present school lot. In 1885 it was replaced by the well-equipped two-story building which still ranks among the best in the country. One of the teachers who is still remembered by the old residents was Daniel ::\IcRae, an old discharged soldier of the British 12 178 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON army. He had sen"ed as trumpeter in his time, and organized the first Odessa band. \ Yhile ulton active service a bullet had grazed an upper eye-lid which in healing left a tiny aperture, but quite large enough to serve as a peep-hole. through which he could spy out the mischievous boys, who never felt secure from detection, when to all appearances the teacher was asleep. A change came over the village upon the completion of the maca- damized road. Before that time there was very little business carried on outside of the mills. Now and then a small store would be opened up; but the stock was small and the customers few. Bath had good stores and commanded the best of the trade from nearly all parts of the township. By means ?f the new road goods could be easily transported by the merchants from Kingston or N apanee; and the farmers in the neighbourhood found it to their advantage to deal in their own village where credit could be easily obtained, and there was a considerable sav- ing in the matter of tolls. The first tradesman of any consequence was Parker S. Timmerman, who opened up a general store on the north side of :\Iain Street one block from the bridge. He was the first reg-ular postmaster and entered upon his duties as such in 1840, although his commission was not issued until 1841. Before his appointment Timothy Fraser had been in charge of the mail for a short time. 1\lr. Timmer- man continued in office until his death in 1897, thus establishing a record for long service in Canada. The office is now in charge of his son, John A. Timmerman. In 1859 he built the stone building on the south side of the street, and to it removed his store and the post-office; and there the office has remained ever since, except for a short period. . In the old coaching days, when a load of mail. uncler the protection of two armed guards, was hauled day and night over the new highway. it arrived at :l\1ill Creek about four o'clock in the morning. By the dim light of a tallow candle the contents of the bags would be emptied upon the floor, and the postmaster and his assistants would sort out all that was intended for his office, and re-deposit the remainder in the bags. together with such outgoing mail as had accumulated since the last load passed through. The guards superintended this process and, as soon as it was concluded and the mail again placed upon the vehicle, they mounted up behind, the driver took his place at the reins and, with a crack of his whip, the horses dashed away towards the next stopping place, where the operation was repeated. To 1\:1 r. Timmerman this method of distributing the mail appeared to call for a great deal of unnecessary work, as each postmaster between King-ston and Toronto was obliged to handle all the matter destined for those offices which had ER E TT()WX AXD n.\TII 17!) no.t yet been reached by the carrier. "\\'hy not," he asked himself, "ha\'e a small separate Lag for each distributing point along the line, and avoid the superfluous work of handling a large quantity of mail matter intended for other offices?" lIe communicated his idea to the inspector at King- ston. who approved the suggestion; and in a few months the small bags were pro\.ided, and the plan of the :i\Iill Creek postmaster was put into operation. A a H. Hough was a contemporary of :\Ir. Timmerman but engaged in many more lines. He began with a foundry for the manufacture of plough.., to which was afterwards added a blacksmith shop, then a gen- eral store. began buih\ing churches for their re:,pective followers. For ten years or thereabouts they held services in the houses of the prominent member:,; and about the year 1803 the first church, known as St. Ebenezer, was erected in the vicinity of Close's Iill on Big Creek. This name is still presen'ed as a Christian name in some of the families who, at that time. were enrolled among its members. The Fretz, Smiths, Fralicks, Sickers, Alkenbracks, and nristols appear to have been among the most influential families who, for forty or fifty ) ear:', endeavoured to maintain in their new home the church of their forefathers, but \\ere ingularly unfortunate in having as their first clergymen men who were addicted to the intemperate use of intoxicants, a habit which was far more prevalent among all classes one hundred years ago than it is to-day. It is reported that one of these shepherds of the Lutheran flock died from injuries reeei, ed from a fall while under the influence of liquor. Such a circumstance could 110t fail to produce a disastrous effect upon the congregation, especially at a time when the Iethodists in "the same and neighbouring townships were organizing temperance societies and using cvery effort to wipe out the evil of strong drink. . Although the congregation was a small one and, even \\ ith the aid received from other parts of the county, could not afford to maintain a pastor in as comfortable circumstances as the other denominations, they clung together until the middle of the nineteenth century. One by one the families drifted away to the 1ethodists, until but a faithful few remained under the pastorate of the last minister, the Rev. :1\1r. Plato who, unable any longer to stem the tide. followed the example of his parishioners and joined the ::\1ethodi t Episcopal Church himself, and for many years was a much respected itinerant preacher of that faith in Eaç,tern Ontario. The Lutheran Church in this county, while appearing to have been organized in Frederick burgh, had appointments also in Ernesttown, 184 HISTORY OF I.ENNOX AND ADDINGTOK Camden, and Richmond, making up one circuit, all in charge of the same minister. For many years the parsonage was on the York Road on the farm owned by .1\11'. Edward Kaylor. The Ernesttown congregation was a ,,-eak one, and joined with the ::\lethodists and Presbyterians in the use of the same church, built on the old Amey farm on lot sixteen in the second concession. The joint use of this meeting-house rendered their absorption by the :Methodists an easy matter, and many of the members of the latter body now worshipping in this same old church on the Odessa circuit will find upon an examination of the records that their forefathers vçere baptized. married, and buried by a Lutheran clergyman. "There was a small class near Switzerville, but no regular .meeting- house; and the members soon joined hands with their neighbours the 1\1ethodists shortly after the building of the Switzer Chapel, which, so far as can be ascertained, must have been erected shortly prior to 1822. There were Lutheran classes also at Camden East. "Upon the farm of John Bower, at the site of the present village of Strathcona, there was a stone Lutheran church which was torn down some years ago and the present 1\lethodist church erected in its place. rhere were a number of Lutherans scattered along the river front in the township of Richmond, prominent among them being the Kimmerlys, Browns, Olivers, Bowens, and Sagars. In 1828 David Kimmerly offered to donate the land upon which to build a church, and a meeting was called to consider the proposition; but the church was never built. All the Lutheran congregations dispersed with the breaking up of the parent body in Fredericksburgh and, so far as this county is concerned, the Lutherans as a separate denomination ceased to exist about the year 18so. "The following reminiscences of 1\11'. Peter Bristol of K apanee, now in his ninety-third year, but who still styles himself a Fredericksburgh boy, were furnished by him to the writer in an-interview: "I was born on lot twenty-three in the Second Concession of Frecl- ericksburgh on December 27th. A.D. 1820. . I remember distinctly the incidents of my boyhood days, even the funeral of my grandmother, which occurred in my third year. She was a dear old lady, and the ceremony took place at my grandfather's house, to which a number of planks had been brought to form seats to accommodate the neighbours. I was crawling about the floor, childlike, under one of these benches. when one of the assembled friends stepped upon my fingers, at which I howled lustily and disturbed the solemnity of the ceremony. The corpse was lying at the time on a plank in a corner of the room, for, although FREDERICKSllt:'RGlI lS5 the funeral \\ as in progress, the coftln, which was being made by a car- pcnter in the door-yard outsidc. was not yet ready for the remain . There was no elaborate e pense in connection with the burial of the dead,-a plain pine box, unpainted and uncovered, was considered all that was necessary. She was buried at the old Lutheran church at Dig Creek. .. :\ly father li\'ed in a log hou e of one room until I was ten years of age. It wa,;; two stories, and in order to reach the upper story we mounted a ladder in a corner of the lower part of the dwelling. The furniture was of the simplest character, and little of it. Iy father wa!; considered an average prosperous farmer, fully up to the times, and had one hundred acres of land, of which only five acres were cleared at my earliest remembrance; yet he managed to raise and educate, so far as there was opportunity, a family of thirteen of which I was the second. He had one horse and but one yoke of oxen up to the time he built a small frame house when I was ten years old. There were wild anim ils about at the time; and when I used to go to bring the cows home to be milked I have seen as many as five deer at a time. \Volves were very coml11on, and we had to gather our sheep in every night and shut them in a closed pen to protect them from the marauding intruders. " ly first school days were spent under the care of ::\Iiss l\fargaret Perry, who afterwards married David \\'iIliams of Ernesttown. The school-house stood just over the town line in Ernesttown. on the farm of Davis Ha\dey, grandfather of Sheriff G. D. Hawley. It was a smaIl frame building about a mile from my father's house, with very few pupils in attendance, among them being the sisters of the late Zina I-Tam. I had no books except a spelIing book, and the only subject to which I devoted myself the first summer was the mastering of the alphabet. "A few years after this an Irishman called Paul Shirley, came to the neighbourhood and offered his services as teacher for the winter in a log school-house situated in the front of the third concession of Fred- ericksburgh, near or upon the land of Jacob Dettor. :\ly father, John Ham, Jacob Detlor, and Henry Ham took the matter in hand, and made a bargain with Shirley, and I went to that school that fall and winter. I walked through the bush about a mile and a quarter with my sister to school, stopping on the way to pick up the Ham children who accompan- ied u" through the woods over two streams which in the autumn we crossed on fallen timbers. I then took up the study of geography and grammar. I also attended school on the farm of the father of the late Sheriff Pruyn and had to travel two miles and a half. This was the last I attended in this county. The reason I was shifted about from one 186 HISTORY OF LEKNOX AND ADDINGTON school to another was that the district was not divided into sections, and the schools were not kept open with any regularity. and my father would send me wherever he thought I could receive the best training. ":\ly people were l\lethodists, and attended service first in one school-house and then another, \vhichever was most convenient. 110st of our clergymen were local preachers, farmers who went out on the Sabbath day and conducted divine service. I remember seeing in the pulpit, or rather behind the teacher's desk in the school-house, the fol- lowing gentlemen expounding the gospel: Rufus Shorey, Davis Hawley, John Ham, and George Sills. The service consisted of singing, con- ducted by two or three old men and women, prayer, generally a yery long one, and an exhortation without selecting any text from which to speak. The first regular preacher I ever heard was when Elder \\ïlliam Case came to our neighbourhood. "The crops consisted of wheat and corn principally; I was t\\'enty years old before I saw any barley or knew what it was. Every farmer made maple sugar, raised his own po!atoes, wheat, pork, poultry, beef, and mutton, but pork was the chief article of diet in the way of flesh. I have known my father to pack at one time three large barrels of pork for the family use. Tea was a luxury and cost one dollar to one dollar and a half per pound. "The clothing was made principally of linen for summer, and full- cloth and flannel for the winter, all of which were woven at home. \Ve grew our own flax, and after pulling, (it was never cut), we spread it out on the sod, turned it over weekly with a wooden fork. and ,,"hen sufficiently rotten it was dried and gathered up and bound into bundles, and was next put through a process called crackling. This consisted in putting it through a machine which broke it up so that the fibres were loosened and could be separated into strings. It was then drawn over a board with hundreds of nails projecting two or more inches through it 50 that it presented a surface of small spikes; and by drawing the flax over it the nails acted as a comb and removed the woody substance from the fibres. The fibres were then spun into thread by the women, and wound into balls as large as a man's head. After this it was leached by immersing the balls in a \\'eak solution of lye, and put in the loom for weaving, Two thirds of the children's clothing, both boys and girls. consisted of this gray linen, which was not dyed but retained its natural colour. "I remember the first time I saw the village of N apanee. I was about five years old and went with my father and mother in a lumber waggon, the only wheeled conveyance we had, to visit Henry Kimmerly FREDERICKSDL'RGII 187 whù had married my Irother's sister and lived on what i now known as the Daly farm on the De eronto Road. \Ye cro!' ed the rÌ\"er on a float- ing bridge near where the new iron bridge now stand . Roblin's Hill was then very rough and stcep. There were a number of dwellings at Clarkville at that time; but the village on the north side of the ri\"cr all lay edst of the pre ent John Street, except a few scattered houses on the knoIls in the we!'tern part of the present !'ite of the to\\ n. The old :\Ic X ('il house then stood where it.. ruins stand to-day and was the finest residence I had c,"er seen. In coming from my father's house to K apance we passed two or three frame houses; all the re:-:t were built of logs. 'Yhere the CampbeIl house now stands there was a small grove of second growth pine and other scrub trees. As I grew older I used to accompany my parents upon this trip ahout once a year. """e did not deal in the ;;;tores at Napanee when I was a boy, as there was no market, and there \\'rlS one in Kingston: and my father took his produce either to King-stun or to Bath, which latter place \\"e con- sidered the bu-.iness centre of the county. Henry La her conducted what was called a fanners' store in Bath. It wao;; managed by him for the farmers, who formed themselvcs into an organization and saved for themselves the profits which u;;:.uaIly went to the middleman; hut Lasher bought them all out one after another. Later on the Da,'ys grew up there, Peter and Benjamin, and became influential men, and monopolized the business, but not until Lasher had made a fortune. .. As time passed on we got more in touch with N apanee; but did not \ isit it often or trade much there until it became the county town and I had gro\\ n into manhood and was shifting for myself. l\fy old friend Henry Forward was one of the principal merchants, and con- ducted a general store on the !'outh side of Dundas Street just east of the Harshaw Block. Old Dan Pringle, as everybody called him, kept hotel on the corner where Smith's jewellery store is. and that was head- quarters for the farmers from our neighbourhood; although the Brisco House afterward" became the popular resort for the Ernesttown, Fred- ericksburgh. and Adolphustown people. "Then I fir;;;t became at all familiar with X apanee or, as it was very commonly called, The Appanee, Clarkville was of much more importance relatively than it is to-day, and the greater part of the village was on that side of the river. "The first brick building 1 ever saw \\'as the little house east of Iadden's store on Dundas Street; and so far as 1 know it was the first one built in apanee. "I remember the first election I ever witnessed. It was over seven- ty-five years ago, about the year 1836. John Solomon Carh\'right and 188 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON George H. Detlor, the Tory candidates, were running against Pet.er Perry and larshall Spring Bidwell. They ran in pairs; Perry ami Bid\vell were called the rebels by the other side. There was only one polling-place in the county and that was at Bath. It was a little booth on the edge of the village. I was quite a young man at the time amI didn't know much about the issues; but I could understand that the people were greatly excited. The taverns of Bath were crowded with men wrangling about the votes. vVhisky was flowing freely, and there were plenty of drunken men and brawls in the streets. There were lots of taverns all over the country. There was Charter's tavern near the head of Hay Bay, John Davy's over near Sandhurst, and Griffiths in the second concession about four miles west of Charter's. Ernesttown must have had a dozen at least. "There was quite an excitement in the county over the 1\101'1non missionaries who \'\'ent about the different townships preaching and bap- tizing the converts. Quite a number were baptized in Big Creek. Brig- ham Young was here himself, and, if I remember aright, he preached at Bath. That must have been nearly eighty years ago. The headquar- ters of the :Mormons was not in Utah then, but somewhere in Ohio. Joseph File and his family, John DetIor, Junior, and two Lloyds went away with the missionaries to their 'Promised Land'; but they all came back but one of the Lloyds who died out there." AMHERST ISLAr--D 189 CHAPTER X A [HERST ISLAXD If the writer were di posed to give a free rein to hi" imagination what a tempting- field for romance lies before him in the island to\\ n- hip! In the first chapter I have pointed out how it formed a portion of the seigniory of La SalIe. o doubt he asked to have it included in the grant of Fort Frontenac owing to its strategic position, commanding, as it does. the entrance to the Hay of Quinte. That he attached some importance to the insular part of his possessio115 is apparent from the fact that he bestowed upon it the name of his faithful lieutenant Tonti. Before that it was known by the Indian name Ka()uene go. It i the only portion of our county that was included in this the first patent of land issued by the Crown in the Province of Ontario. The next white owner of whom we have any record was Sir John Johnson. Just how ir John became the posses or is not known: but in the absence of another account we cannot do better than relate the story as it has been so often told. His father, ir \\ïl1iam, was held in hig-h e:,teem by the !\Iohawks, and one day as he ""as parading before them in full regimentals, an old chief named Hendrick, who envied him his gold braid and shining epaulets. accosted him most gravely and said: "Sir \\ïlliam, me dream a dream last night." The great white chieftain a:,ked him the nature of his dream, and he solemnly repliecl: " Ie dream Sir \\ï11iam that you made me present of your coat." Sir \YilIiam was so amused by the ingenious method adopted by his friend to ohtain a gay uniform that he stripped off his tunic and handed it to the delighted Chief. A few days later when he met him arrayed in the military uni- form, he said: "Good-morning, Chief." The old warrior saluted him in true soldierly fashion: whereupon his white companion continued: "I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed that you h d given me that island in the blue water o"er there," referring to _ \mherst Island. The tables were turned upon the red man, but, not to be outdone. he replied: "Ho! Ho! Sir \Villiam! you dream big dream! I give you the island; but we won't dream any more." In any event, about the time the Loyal- ists were settling upon the mainland. Sir John Johnson was recognized as the owner of this heavily timbered island across the bay. In due time it was inherited by his daughter Iaria Bowes, who, in 1835, sold it to the 190 HISTORY OF LEXXOX AXD ADDlXGTOK Earl of Iount Cashel, and in 1 57 it became the property of 1\1ajor R. P. l\Iaxwell of County Down, Ireland. . Another story is told of the remarkable manner in which it once changed hands; but in repeating it here there is no intention to associate the transaction with é!ny of the names here mentioned, if, indeed, the occurrence ever took place. The story runs that a game of cards was in progress at the home of a wealthy lady in Ireland; the stakes were high, the lady was a steady loser, and in desperation put up her Can- adian estate and lost it. The title deeds were made out in the name of the winner, who thus became the owner of Amherst Island. Iajor IaxweIrs brother managed the estate until 1871, since which date l\fr. W. H. :Moutray has been the resident agent. About hvo thirds of it is at present owned by resident farmers: the remainder, about 5.000 acres, being held under lease from 1\1r. Henry Percival- l\IaxweIl the owner. At the time the settlers began to take up the land it was densely wooded with oak, ash. hickory, maple, beech. and elm, and a few clumps of pine, cedar, and spruce. The pioneers were U. E. Loyalists, who crossed over from the main shore, principally from Ernesttown, and purchased farms on the east end, or head of the island, as it is called. Among the first to settle were the Howards, \Vemps, Richards, l\1cGin- nesses, IcDonalds, l\Icl\1ullens, Hitchins. Instants, and 1\1cKentys. The first transfer of title to an actual settler of which we have any record took place in 1803. Soon after this emigrants from Ireland began to settle on the west- ern end, among them being the Pattersons, Prestons, Gibsons, Girvins, Cochranes, Cousins, Kerrs, AlIens, Spiers, Polleys, l\IcQuoids, Glens. Burleighs, and Saunders. They had very little, if any, capital; but what was more to the purpose they brought with them strong sound bodies. good moral characters. habits of thrift and industry, loyalty to the British Empire, and a reverence for things sacred. These sterling qualitiec; have been transmitted to their descendants, than whom there are no better citizens in Ontario to-day. Ey a proclamation of Governor Simcoe bearing date July lóth. 1792, the province was divided into counties for the purpose of parlia- mentary representation. - Among the nineteen original counties was the county of Ontario composed of uIsle Tonti" or Amherst Island; ulsl e au Foret," now Simcoe Island. Grand or \Volfe Island. and uIsle Cau- chois" or Howe Island. In 1798, when a general rearrangement of the counties took place, the island county was broken up into its several component parts, and the islands \vere attached to the mainland opposite them. A)IIIERST ISL.\XD 191 By this new ubdivision Amherst Island became and has e\'er siuce remained a part of the county of Lennox and ..\ddington; but the attach- ment ha... at no time been \'ery strong. Its insular position accounts in some measure for the lack of interest shown by the inhabitants towards the other parts of the county. There have been no to\\ n lines to quarrel over, no drainage system extending into a neighbouring municipality, ami no union schools maintained in part by another township. Several miles of deep blue water separate them from the mainland and they are just as near to Prince Edward or Frontenac a... to the remainder of the CottIlty of which they form a part. The daily boats, eluring the season of navi- g-atinn, are timed with a view of carrying the pa engers from the island to King:--ton and returning them to their homes the same day, while there i..; no communication between the i...land and X apanee. It is quite natural that the inhabitants :;houlrl folIow that course offering the lea t resistance and should do their marketing- and trading- in Kingston instead of :r\apanee. Had they been cònsuIted at the time of the separation of the counties they would have heen attached to Frotl- tenac. In fact they pre ented a petition to the government praying that thi=-, be done. It was a reasonable request an1-\ it . .j t ,I " i '!'} _ c t. .I' T _ ." 'l' · J., ì : .,... ":... :.' .-.... . i ".:. : J' ' . '.,' .... ........., ...... ... ... .- . .;..-q. , ./ i;.': .:. t .,; .... ... . } 'l II " ,... - . . .. ' '6/1" - "1" ... i ,:-- ",_ .- J' ..: . . I _ , _ :i 'i:' . r;,: .. . - . . ,. 4 - :1' i.:... - ." E _,I, .. . . .H:: 1.----- .'. j :'1' _ 1 ;r , - ;.' 1_" .,.. .' ",.'. _. '. , '- '.';1':( .- , r!' t1 r:' _ "....... . - - -. 'E:" '" " ... \04 f":- i -";';;- I - _. t :. N" ... C"..f- '\ . R". ,-$" , 11- t' \ flf'-t. 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' II HI: .JP\ . >C " . i ' ' p :,å t ' '.' . '" , , \#I . l tJI . .t; t:--, . ;11: '. t ;, , . ,;., A1,:':";' r-,... JI':.. :; .. ".[1" ..-:: . r j'" ::- l. "':t' '-'Y' .. !' :." Þ- ; ti . . . -:' .' . . {,..,'tf"ic .;; / , .. I , .:J:. '\","f'" :. ,. . .;.; \ . "- ;. .t i.." , . to" 1 I. . J ') '-' f,.. .,. :;.t \>1, .'.'. ' : \ :> -'It, r.l 'J ( ] ' ' 1"", \ t ..r ,( . 'j'" ... , f; \ .::.:t. .... , 'j--' 'I"'> . " ,it;... '. " i''^' .:: -Jt t.' ",,-,t. ... " ,.. 'f ýf; -- 1 , }: .';t l'rt .'. ' ,: . ; ;:[..1. J:' ". .;IFff vt t- J,. ..' it' ";fit '" :.t.'1 .ir;: e. '" I I . Is'" , .... 1 ..-1t .. I _: : dI o: " ..t .... UJ UJ Z < n. < z oJ .. :.-' ; j , :. {t ' :.i+. ... ......i: ." to .' :.- II .. 1\ HERST ISLAr-;D 193 Gin'in as ruling elder . Ko le s than sevent)-four members \\ere en- rolled upon the first list of communicants. A sub4antial frame huild- ing was on erected near the road upon the lot where the church now stand:,. .ðl r. lcCurdy remained but a short time and demitted his charge in 1853. After a vacancy of two years the Rev. James l\IcIntosh wa:-. in- ducted, and for twenty years remained the esteemed and faithful minis- ter of a devoted and appreciative congregation, who to this day love to recall the good results of his ministrations. He died in 1875, and over hi grave in Pentland Cemetery a suitable monument was erected by his loving friends. among whom he had laboured until {leath summonc(l him to hi reward. The Re\o. Howard Stcele assumcd the charge in Ik76, and was followed by the Rev. \lex. IacLennan who died in IRXo. In the month of February, 18 I, the pre:,ent incumbent, the Rev. James Cumberland, :\L\.. \\ as inductcd. and ha the di...tinction of hav- ing senoed his congregation longer than any other clergyman in the county, and the esteem in which he is held, not unly by the adhercnts of his OW11 church, but by all denominations upon the island, peak:. vol- Utne=-, for his ability as a minister, a kind-hearted g-entleman, and a puh- lic-spirited citizen. As soon as he was fairly settled among his parish- ioners he looked about for the means of providing a more suitable place of worship. A site was donated by :\[r. \\ïlliam ABen, and under the management of Elders \\ïl1iam :\lc:\Iaster, \\ïlliam Fleming, and Henry Filson, all of \\ hom ha\Oe since passed away, the present church was commenced in 1883 and completed in 1884 at a co t of R.ooo. Robert Kilpatrick, Alexander IcKee, David Reid, \Ym. IcQuain, Robert Fil- son, and Robert Patterson were also active members of the building com- mittee. Xear by stands the manse built fifty years ago upon a site don- ated by l\[ajor :\Iaxwell. :\Ir. Cumberland has taken a deep interest in the early history of the island, and to him I am indebted for the greater part of the n'aterial uron which this chapter is based. In no part of the county, unless it be at ErinsviBe, have the :\Iethod, ists such a small percentage of the population as on Amherst Island. Eight or ten families. at the most, profess adherence to that body; but what they lack in numbers is fully compensated for by the zeal displayed in loyalty to their church. Prior to 1874 they worshipped in the Orange Hall at Stetta; but in that year, through the efforts of the Rev. :\Ir. Ferguson, backed up by hi<; small but enthusiastic congregation, the pre- sent church was erected. and the neat little parsonage was soon added, to provide a home for the resident clergyman. Among the reverend gent1e:nen who have from time to time been stationed there, especial mel1- 13 194 HISTORY OF LENKOX AXD ADDIXGTON tion might be made of the Reverend Ie srs. Pyke, Brown, \Yhite, Orser. Lidstone, and Pearce, but none more distingui hed than the pre- sent scholarly pastor the Rev. G. Haughton Porter, l\I.A., S.T.D., author of the Realit}, of the Di'ville 1If O'l.!cmCllt in I sracl, which work has giycn him a place among the theological writers of the day. The earliest records we have of the island having ministrations by the Roman Catholic clergy date beyond the middle of the last century, ,,,hen the Rev. Father l\1cl\1ahon came from Kingston and held ser- vices at the homes of the members of his church. He was succeeded by the Rev. Father Donoghue. during whose term his handful of follow- ers. numbering about ten families, built in 1860 the church in which they still meet for worship. The land upon \\"hich it was built was the gift of the late J aIm .\IcConnack. He was followed by the Rev. Father l\Ic\Yilliams who lived at Railton, but for over twenty years was the regular priest of the parish. He took an actiye interest in all matters affecting the welfare of the i landers and was one of the promoters of the cable line connecting the island with the mainland. The first schools upon the island were established about eighty years ago. They were of that primitive type which have been fully described in the chapter upon the early schools of the county. That satisfactory results were attained in the old log school-houses has been attested by the intelligence of the generation that has just passed away. The stan- dard has steadily improved; and at the present time illiteracy among the i landers is very exceptional. Among the teachers of the early days Robert Burleigh, George T right, J ohl1 Robb, and l\Iiss Moffat are still remembered and frequently referred to as having done excellent sef\'ice in the education of the youths of the township. The island now has five public schools and a continuation school. an of which are efficiently maintained and are doing satisfactory work. Not content with the aid giyen to their local schools the islanders have led the way in higher education by a voluntary contribtion of $500 towards the endowment of Queen's Cniversity, in return for which that institution awards free tui- tion to one student, to be nominated annually by the municipal council. In the early days of the settlement the ordinary farm consisted of fifty acres, upon which was built a log cabin near the shore. The greater part of the inhabitants were sailors, who followed their calling during the summer, and cut cord-wood and thus cleared the land dur- ing the winter months. The greater portion of this wood found its way to the Kingston markets; and large quantities were piled upon the shore near the wharf to furnish fuel for the steamers plying on the Bay of Quinte. .\:\llIER T I L.\ [) 195 _\, the clearings enlarged and the p'lmlation increa...ed, they turned their attention to til1ing the land. and the rich soil gcneral1y yielded a hountiful harvest. The main crop \\ as harley, and that grown upon the i land held first place and commanded the highest price upon the Oswego market, So great was the demand for this superior article that for many ) ears the farmers sowed little ebe, with the rc",ult that the land wa'\ becoming exhausted. A ho'\tile tariff against Canadian barley destroyed that indu:--try; and the fanners viewed with alarm the loss of their market, and had visions of their broad acres lying idle and the bailiff taking possession of their chattel property. Their worst fears proved groundless, and the check to the rich harvest of barley, rich at the expense of the soil devoted to its culti\"ation. prove(l a hlessing- in disgui:,c. They turned their attention to dairying' with mo....t gratifying results. There are two wel1-manag-ed cheese factories upon the island. one at Stella and another at Emerald. hoth posses..ing excellent shipping facil- itie and turning out a good quality of c11ee'\e and butter that yield pro- fitable returns to their patrons. \Yell-bred herds of milch cattle now roam o\'er the fields that were being rapidly impoverished by the barley, the phantom of the bailiff has melted away, and the yeomen of the island \\ ere never so happy and prosperous as at the present time. As in other parts of the county, the development of the cheese industry brought with it a remarkable improvement in the raising of pigs and, as ha been humorously remarked, the farmer ha" found it greatly to his ad\ antage to market his grain upon the hoof. The shoals off the shores on both sides of the island are famous fish- ing grounds, where salmon trout and white-fish abound in great num- bers. Cntil a few years agn there was a small fleet of fishing smacks, which might be seen putting off in the early morning to lift the nets, returning later in the day laden with the choicest specimens of the finny tribe that our great inland lakes can furnish. ow the more prosaic motor boats have crowded the picturesque sailing vessels off the waters. There are few sportsmen on the bay. or either side of the eastern end of Lake Ontario, who ha\"e not spent a pleasant day at "The Brothers," trying to tempt the black bass to take their bait or rise to the fly, and if sufficiently skilled in the art of "The Compleat Angler" they can depenrl upon returning with well-filled baskets. About 1832 David Tait. a master shipwright from Scotland, landed at the foot of the island. The best of oak and pine timber grew near the shore in larg-e quantities; and the enterprising Scot saw, no doubt, a reasonable possibility of estab1i hing a useful industry. He built his 196 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON first schooner, the David Tail, near the east end. After being success- fully launched, a cable was attached to her bow and a score or more of row-boats manned by twice as many sturdy fishermen towed her around to the north shore, where she was fitted out and put into commission for the grain and lumber trade. Mr. Tait built and repaired vessels at different places on the 110rth shore until 1847, when he established a shipyard near the upper end of Stella Bay, where he pursued his calling for eleven years, during which time he employed a staff of sixty or seventy men and built over fifty sailing vessels. They were of the schooner type with centre-board. Only one was for a resident of the island and that was the good ship The Bachelor, built for \Yilliam Scott, a general merchant at Stella. The modern ship-builder would make little headway with the equip- ment of the Tait shipyard. The oaks and pines, after being stripped of their branches, were hauled to the shore by oxen, just as they fell from the stumps. vVith adze and whip-saw his expert workmen hewed and sawed them into shape and fitted them together. His terms of contract were simple and easily understood, one dollar for each bushel of capa- city. By 1858 the timber suitable for ships was so depleted that the yard was closed and the owner removed to Picton. The islander who could not handle a boat would be very much out of place, and there are few, if any, of the inhabitants who are 110t as much at home upon the water as upon the land. Their forefathers from the counties of Down and Antrim were well skilled in manipulating a sail, and their own insular position has kept the succeeding generations in practice, with the. result that the crews of the lake-going vessels are yearly recruited from the seafaring mariners from Amherst Island, many of whom own and sail their own vessels, carrying coal, grain. and lumber to the bay and lake ports. The training in endurance and the handling of a boat is well illustrated by the experience of the late Sam- uel Glen, who seventy years ago, killed and dressed two pigs, took- them one and one-half miles to Stella, placed them in a skiff, rowed them to Kingston a distance of ten miles, disposed of the carcasses, made his purchases, and rowed back again in one day. Many of the best known mariners upon the lakes served their apprentict,>ship in the island fishing boats or took their first stand before the mast under such well known masters as Captains Thomas Polley, Nathaniel Allen, Hugh Glen, Joseph and Henry Saunders. Captain T. Saunders, who as a lad took. his first lessons in navigation upon the waters washing the shore of Amherst Island, now commands the largest ship sailing upon the Upper Lakes. The picturesque sailing vessels of fifty years ago are being . A rlIF.RST ISLAr-;'D 197 crowded off our inland waters by the whalebacks and steam barges, and the Jack Tar of the Great Lakes will soon be forgotten or remembered only in song and story. The following article was contributed to the Napanee Rea'vcr three years ago by the Rev. 1r. Cumberland of tella: "There is a short chapter of Canadian History \vhich you will not find in any of the school histories. It may be classed with the Battle of the \ \ïndmill at Prescott, as one of the closing scenes of the lackenzie Rebellion of 183ï-8, al hough not so erious in its results. "Having met with no better success on the Xiagara frontier than at :l\Iontgomery's tavenl. it seems that lackenzie turned his steps eastward and planned a nig-ht attack on Kingston over the frozen river in the win- ter of 1838. For some reason the attack was not made, although the soldiers and citizens of the Limestone City were quite prepared to receive him and any who might choose to accompany him. "Two filibusters, Dill Johnston, a Canadian, and Van Rensselaer, an American, did, however, get a large number of patriots' collected at Hickory Island, below Gananoque, but these nearly all dispersed when they heard that the volunteer militia were ready to march against them. "Bill Johnston and a few kindred spirits, however, remained in their hiding-places among the Thousand Islands, eluding the vig-ilance of the authorities of the law, and living the lives of pirates and outlaws for a time. They took possession of the steamer Sir Robert Pcel, and after robbing the passengers and plundering the ship, set fire to her. "They also came in boats to the north shore of Amherst Island, and in the dead hours of the night made an attack 011 the house of ì\Ir. Pres- ton. They placed guards at the entrance and then proceeded to attack and plunder the inmates. :\1 rs. Preston managed, however, to elude the guards and proceeded to give the alarm. Bill and his gang of ruffians met with a wann reception from Ir. Preston and his brave sons, one of whom was slightly wounded by a pistol shot. The pirates beat a hasty retreat when the alarm was given. This wanton attack naturally alarmed the citizens of good Isle Tonti, as it was then called; for what safety could they have in their homes with such a gang of lawless des- perados hovering about. A company of volunteers was soon enrolled, armed. and placed under command of Captain John S. Cumming. A stone house had just been built by \Villiam Gelson, on his farm, opposite 'The Brothers' (islands). \ \ïthin its strong walls the company was sta- tioned for a time until a :;uitable barracks was built on the Patterson farm at a point in fun view of the Lower Gaps. Here the men were 198 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON quartered until peace was restored and they were disbanded, each man being allowed to take his flint-lock home with him. In this age of long range rifles the old flint-locks would be considered out of date. Yet in the hands of these hardy pioneers they would no doubt have rendered effective service. The great yictory of \Vaterloo had been won twenty- three years before with exactly the same kind of weapons. But the enemy, no doubt considering that 'discretion is the better part of val- our,' kept away from our shores. "These men, who in troublesome times. stood ready to defend their country and their homes, have all answered the last 'roll call,' but their names and their memories will long be remembered with respect on Amherst Island. "The barracks in which they were quartered have long since disap- peared, and the stone house above referred to, situated near the North Shore on the farm since owned by Captain Henry Saunders, is now an uninhabited ruin; sic tC11l/,ora mutanfllr. n The following is a list of names enrolled in the Amherst Island Volunteer Company, organized upon the occasion above referred to, and fairly represents all of the pioneer families upon the island, at that time: John S. Cummings, Captain; \Villiam Dundas Hale, First Lieuten- ant; John Hitchens, Second Lieutenant; Robert Burleigh, Pay- master-Sergeant; James Preston, Sergeant; Hugh Spring, Sergeant; Joseph Gonue, Henry Davy, Thomas Treleven, John Trelevan, Samuel McMath, Hugh l\:fcl\Iath, Thomas Cousins, Anthony I verso, \Villiam Cousins, James Mcl\:fath, Thomas \Voodsicle. \Villiam Patterson, Hugh l\1cMullen, Aeneas l\:fcl\fullen, \\Tilliam Craig, John Gibson, \Villiam Gib- son, \Villiam Gelson, Archibald Hutton, James Annet, \Villiam Clark, John l\:fcQuoid, James l\lcQuoid, John Pentland. Hugh Patterson, David H. Preston, Alexander Spiers, Hugh Higgins, James Castello, John Ic- Clintoc, Edward Allen, \Yilliam Irvine, Frances Mcl\laster, Samuel l\fcWaters, Samuel Smith, John Tindall, John McKenty, John McCabe. Thomas l\lurray, James Scott, Samuel Barry, Francis Cantell. ] ohn Dusenbery, John \Veller, Stephen Tugwell, James Finigan, Jacob Baker, Philip Baker, Joseph \Velsh, John l\lcVeen, Samuel Glen, James Strain, James l\fcFadden, John Larck, Antoine Lavernia, Dennis Lavinac. Andrew Finlay, \Yilliam Kinsley, Joseph Boyd, James Brownlee, John Glidden, James Finnie, John Brookmire, Augustus Haighter. James Hobbs. The mercantile business of the island has been in the hands of very few men, \Vm. Scott, Captain Polley, George \Vright, and J. S. Neil- A:\11I ERST I L.\:\ D 199 on ha\'e been general merchants at Stella, the la t named having been continuously in business for forty years. \t Emerald 16srs. Fowler & IcGinness catered to the \\ ants of that end of the island which is now sen'ed by I r. Reg-inald Instant. The county has produced many goo(l and great men, but none have been held in hig-her esteem and vcneration by his friend.., neig-hbnurs, and fellow citizens than the late Daniel Fowler, }{.C...\. } Ie was born in county Kent, England, in I 10, the eldest son of a large famil . Ill' was a school-fellow of the late Lord Beaconsfield,' and left school at nineteen years of age. From his boyhood he showed a strong prellilec- tion for drawing, a taste that \\"a" not encouraged hy his parents, who intended him for the profession of the law, In due time he \\ as articled in Doctors' Commons and entered upon a course of study for which he had no liking. .\fter his father's death he forsook the grave precincts of the la\\ courts to commence the study of art and entered the studio of J. D. Harding. of whom Ru....kin makes favourable mention. At the age of twenty-four he went to the continent, and spent a year in Switzerland. Italy, and the cities of the Rhine and Ioselle. During this :->ojourn he made many sketches which furnished suhjects for some of his best paint- ings in after years. Returning to London he married and settled òown to an artist's life, but his health failing him, his physician advi ed a change to sur- roundings that would expose him more to the open air. He emigrated to Canada in 1843 with his wife and family and settled upon Amherst Island. He bought the farm west of Barry' Point, a secluded and beautifully situated spot. with a grove of tall cedars extending to the shore. It was an ideal home for the artist who. through a small opening in the trees, commanded a dew of the blue waters of the bay, with the picturesque shore line of the mainland in the distance. Here in his quiet retreat, which he appropriately named "The Cedars," he spent over half a century and witnessed the tender !'aplings planted by him and his faithful wife grow into large and stately shade trees. For fourteen years he devoted himself to the culti\"ation and improvement of his farm, and during this period never touched a brush. He then paid a visit to England and renewed hi" old associations, which revived his passion for art with a fOH'e not to be resisted. C pon his return to Canada he resumed the practice of his profession and con- tinued it with faithful and devoted indu"try for thirty-five years. The history of his career during this period i" coexistent with that of Can- adian art. Hi..; pictures \\'ere awarded manv prize.. at the Prm"incial 200 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDlKGTOr-; exhibitions between 1863 and 18ï5 and he materially assisted in improv- ing their art department. In 18ï6 he carried away from the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia the only medal awarded in America for water- colour painting. In 1886 he received the diploma and medal at the Col- onial and Indian Exhibition in London. He was one of the founders of the Royal Canadian Academy, and, to the regret of many, declined to allow his name to be placed in nomination as the first president. He lived a secluded life, and for years at a time was not off the island; yet he was so fully engrossed in his paintings, his garden, books, and family circle that he reckoned those years among the happiest he spent. }J ature has been most bountiful towards Amherst Island in fur- nishing it with many beautiful and picturesque little coves, nooks, and points, which have been sketched by 1'\1r. Fowler and rendered classic by his artistic genius. He had a style peculiarly his own, and his strong broad touch and daring colours can be easily discerned. As a painter of still life and flowers he had perhaps no equal among his contempor- aries. Although he mingled very little with the outer world, he kept in close touch with the leading questions of the day and particularly with the political changes in England. He designed the little Anglican Church at Emerald and was a liberal contributor to the building fund. The desk, altar, and windows also bear testimony to his artistic taste. He took a deep interest in the island volunteer company and gave some of his little master-pieces as prizes for marksmanship. Altogether he was a fine type of the English gentle- man; and his good wife fully sustained the best traditions of the truly refined and cultured English lady. She came, on her mother's side, from the well-known English family of Leake, which has furnished to the British navy and army some of its most daring commanders. 1\1r. Fowler died September 14th, 1894, in his eighty-fifth year. His widow survived him by nine years, dying in August, 1903, aged ninety-two years. During the war of 1812 a few men of the Royal Artillery are said to have been stationed on the cliff overlooking the Upper Gaps. Two guns, a six and twelve-pounder, stood ready to send their greetings to the enemy, should any of them chance to pass that way. Having waited in vain for an opportunity to test their marksmanship upon the expected invaders, the officer in command felt that he and his men could render better service elsewhere; but they had no means of transporting their guns to the mainland. The legend informs us that the guns were buried upon the cliff which has since been known as "The Battery," and the artillery-men rowed across the bay and found their way back to the A ll1 ERST ISL.\I'\D 201 barracks; but the Luried field-pieces were neyer disturbed. It is a romantic spot, commanding a view that naturally appeals to the imagina- tion of the painter or poet, and a chorus of dissent \\ould be raised if any antiquarian, with pick and shovel, attempted to verify the legend which for a century has passed current among the youth of the island. It was sacred ground to .:\1r. Fowler, and to his children rendered more !'acred still by the father's bru h. His daughter, :\1 rs. Annie Christie, seated upon the cliff, compo ed the following beautiful lines: ABOYE THE GUNS \\"here the waters of uinte surge and sigh \\ïth a sweet, mysterious minstrelsy, O'er silver shingle, through whispering sedge, A\nd murmurous spaces of cave and ledge, \ Vhere the blue-bells nod from each mossy edge; \\'here 0\ er Ontario's field of blue Lies such calm as reigned when the earth \\ a!' new; \\'here on lovely Quinte's breast impearled The passing stain of a moke-wreath curled Is all that tells of the living world; \ \"here the cliff hangs oyer the flood belu\\, A sombre shadow above the glow, I, with my face to the shining west, In a restful mood in a world at rest, Lie at my length on the grassy cr st. Back from the edge a fathom's space. Clasping the cliff in a close embrace, Binding the curve, like a fillet found On a maiden's tresses, a grass-grown mound Guards from the verge's utmost bound. \Vhat is it? A midnight haunt of elves \ Vho make their home in the rocky shelves? A witch's circle? Or Nature's way 'To keep from danger her lambs that stray On the slippery slope in the summer day? Far other. Here, so the legend runs, Lie buried two of old England's guns; And the circlet that crowns the lifted crest, In its emerald bravery softly dressed, \Vas a rampart once for her soldier's breast. 202 HISTORY OF LEN:r-;OX A D ADDI GTOr-; The zephyrs ,,'ander, the blue-bells blow (rer the muzzled watch-dogs that sleep below. In the years gone by did they show their teeth? Belched they their fiery, sulphurous breath \\ïth a blast of flame and a bolt of death? \Vas there a day when the silence broke, And the echoes of headland and inlet woke, Not to the nesting wood-bird's note, Or the dipping oars of a fisher's boat, But the hoarse, harsh bay of an iron throat? Story tells not. Their work was done \Vhen the peace that wraps us was earned and won; All but forgotten they quiet lie; But from under the sod. as the years go by, They send us a message that may not die. Oh! land of promise, that front'st the sun! With untried feet set to a course unrun, Out to the future thy fair hands reach, But bend thine ear to the silent speech And heed the lesson the guns would teach. The strength and the spirit that forged those guns Live and burn anew in the souls of thy sons. Keep them, Canadians! deep, though dumb, In prairie, and valley, and city's hum, For a need that-God grant it I-may never come. But as blossoms whiten and grasses wave From the cannon's scarce-remembered grave, So from your buried strifes must rise Love's infinite possibilities, And the flower of the nation's destinies. RI CII :\10:'\ D 203 CHAPTER XI RICI I IOXD The name H,ichmond is taken from the ame source as LeI1l10)\., the latter being- derived from the iamih name Lennox, and the former from the town of Richmond from which the family receive,- its ducal tit Ie. The story of the front of Richmond differs little from that of the townships south of the ri\ er. except that it wa a few )TarS behind them, and the first settlers came, not in large companies but in small groups. and in many instances single families. rhe one centre of attraction was the south-east corner of the township at The _ \ppanec Falls. and the greater portions of the chapters dealing with that village belong to the history of the town hip of which it formed a part. The business of the front of the township was not all created in the village at the falls; stores of no mean importance carried on a brisk trade at other point" on what we no\\ call the Deseronto Road. As recently as seventy-five years agü Da\-id Roblin had a general store about a mile ea--t of De"eronto. and many years prior to that a tore had been conducted in the same locality by Ir. Kimmerly. A\ more pretentious rival to Xapanee was at her very doors, at the corner \\'here the Deseronto Road branches off near the residence of 1r. I. C. Bogart. From the time the first saw-mill was set up in K apanee tons of saw-dust were dumped into the river with an utter disregard of the damage it might eventually do to the shipping interests. \Yhether or not the business men about thi corner expected that in time the ri\'er above the bend would become impassable and that their location \\'ould mark- the head of navigation and become a famous port the writer has been unable to ascertain. They must have had g-reat expectations in that direction when they bestowed upon their little hamlet the imposing name of Liverpool. Of course there had to be a ta\-ern. Xo matter how small the place of business, a public-hou...e appeared to be indispensable. There were 110 high licenses in those days, and it did not require much capital to set up in the business. .-\ taproom, with a bar across one end. served as a sitting-room as well; and when it was time to close the bar it was not nece<.;.;:ary to clear the room; but a latticed frame hung from the 204 HISTORY OF LENKOX A D ADDINGTOl\;' ceiling by hinges, was lowered so that the bottom of the frame was flush with the outer edge of the top of the bar, and this made, with the front of the counter, a partition shutting off that part of the room containing the liquors from that in which the guests were assembled. \Vith such a room, stocked with a few barrels of whiskey- and beer, and an extra bed-room or two, an ordinary dwelling could very easily be converted into a tavern. In the days of the stage-coach, before the railways were constructed, the wayside inn was a greater necessity than to-day. The weary tr3'- veller stopped where night overtook him; and if the inn was crowded it was only a matter of a mile or two before he could reach another. Thus there was the John Fralick Tavern at Morven, the old Quacken- bush Tavern in Clarkville, the Red Tavenl in Napanee, the Gunn Host- lery at Liverpool, and another on the Deseronto Road next door to the old Kimmerly store. The old red frame building on the north-west angle formed by the intersection of the Slash Road with the Front Road is the tavern in which, long ago, John Gunn stood ever ready to furnish refreshments to whomsoever honoured him with a call. On the op- posite corner, in the white frame house, was the general store of George H. Dettor. On the south side of the main road near the water's edge was a brewery and distillery operated at one time by Charles and James Cull, behind which was a wharf extending far out into the river. The farm to the east, one of the first to be taken up on this side of the river, was owned by Elias Huffman, in whose family it has remained for over a century. He formerly settled upon what is now known as the CampbelI place on the south side of the river; but being disappointed in the character of the soil, he moved across to the north side and brought up his family in a large log house, which was superseded by the frame dwelling still standing on the south side of the road. It is reported that some membeRS of the family, rather than go around by the floating bridge to visit the new Richmond place when the log house was building, used to ford the river across a bar near what is now known as Campbell's Rocks. It was from this log house that the two sons, Jacob and Elijah Huffman set out on foot, with a few days' rations in bags over their shoulders, to seek their fortunes in the wilds of the northern part of the county, and became the founders of the Huffman settlement at Moscow. Another son, Isaiah, remained on the old homestead, out- lived the commercial enterprises of the neighbourhood, and built the handsome brick residence on the north side of the road where he died in 1890, highly respected as one of the few remaining pioneers of the early days of Richmond. RICH :\1Ol"D 205 One of the early resident of Selby was Edward Storr, who was born at Selby, "\. orkshire, England, and who, when a post-office was first establi hed, bestowed upon it the name of his birthplace. Before that it wa known as Gallagher's Corners, taking the name from the pro- prietor of a tavern about one fourth of a mile ea t of the present vil- lage. Like the rest of the county there was no shortage of taverns in this neighbourhood; Selby was favoured at one time with no less than three. Gallagher's was the popular inn for a time, and all the traffic from the northern country pas ed his door, as the Richmond Road had not been built. ' Among the first families in the vicinity were the Roses, 1[cKims Decmans, Donovans, IIolcümhs. and 1fcX eils, names that have no fam- iliar ound to the present gcneration, so great have been the changes in the owner hip of property. This is in striking contrast with the town- ship of Adolphustown where the roll-call, except for the Christian names, differs little from what it was a century ago. The fir t school-house, built over seventy ) ears ago, wa about one- fourth of a mile west of thc village. This in time gave way to the Union School-hou e, which was originally con tructed as a place of public wor- ship as well, was provirled with a pulpit and seating capacity for 0\ er one hundred persons, and was t1 ed by the two ::\lethodist bodieo;; and the Anglicans. The pupils came from boundary to boundary, the section being- six miles in length. One of the ablest teachers sixty years ago was "-m. ),[c::\Iullen, who afterwards moved to Xapanee and took a posi- tion upon the staff of teachers of that town. Selby had its full quota of general merchant , among the first being Patrick Phelan, Da\'id and John \Yartman, and Thomas anrl John \\-esley Sex smith ; it also ooa..;ted a drug store kept by C. D. Sweet. "Then the creek had a larger and swifter current than it has at pre- sent Thomas Sexsmith built and for a numbcr of years operated a saw- mill, which proved a source" of profit to him elf and a convenience to the neighbourhood. X apanee ,,"as brought nearer by the building of the Richmond Road; and the better facilities for reaching the merchants of the town had a depressing effect upon the local trade of the village. The stores gradually dwindled away, in time the taverns closed their doors, and Selby shrank to its present proportions, The first white man to settle north of the Salmon River was Jo eph Pringle, who with his wife Barbara took up land on the north bank about midwa\" between the present village of Roblin and Forest l\IilIs. They were monarchs of all they surveyed, both in fact and name. for the old g-entleman and his comely spouse, an aunt of ::\Ir. Allan Oliver on the De eronto Road, were styled respectivel\'. "King" anrl "Queen," 206 HISTORY OF LEKXO AXD ADDINGTOi\ by all the later settlers, who paid homage to them as the pioneers of the north of Richmond. Their son, Joseph Pringle, was the first \\Thite child born north of the Salmon River. This river took its name from the great number of salmon which used to come up the stream. They managed to leap all the falls and rapids until they reached those at the site of Forest Mills, which were too high and swift. Great quantities of them would at certain seasons congregate at the foot of the falls, and it was an easy matter to scoop out a cal't-Ioad in a few minutes. This barrier they could not overcome, and none were to be had ab ve this point. This fact distinguished these falls from all others upon the river, and before any mills were upon its banks they were designated as The Falls. The second man to move into the northern wilderness was John vVindover, who was married to a sister of Joseph Pringle. He settled upon a lot about one mile north of The Falls and built a log house there about eighty-five years ago. J ames Davis, the third settler in this part of the county. took up land in the vicinity of \Vestplain. The only bridge over the river for years was at The Falls; and all the traffic from the northern part of the county had to. cross at that point. As the settle- ment increased, a road was cut through the bush along the north bank to the site of the present village of Roblin; and a small hamlet sprang up there in the vicinity of The Falls. The first house was built by Chauncey \Vindover about seventy-five years ago. There soon followeô the IcConnels-John, James,'and \YiIliam-Calvin Dafoe, Aaron Oliver, and Peter Bumhour. Ezra A. Spencer saw an opportunity to serve his neighbours anô earn an honest penny out of a saw-mill; so he built a dam across th(" stream. erected a mill, and set up in business in opposition to Archie JvIcN eil, who had established mills at The Falls, which lost their old name and were known as l\1cNeil's :!'vIills, a name which was retained until a post-office was established. when it was changed to Forest l\iills. Spencer's venture proved so profitable that he built a grist-mill a few years later: and a village sprang up about the two mills, known as Spencer's :Mills. This village, now called the old village, was on the road running east and west, in fact the only road through that part of the county, for the Richmond Road had not yet been constructed. Spen- cer's l\1ills had its full quota of taverns kept, in the early days, by Christopher Huyck, Orin Pringle, and Bernard and Lambert Vanalstine. There were three or four stores. Among the early merchants might be mentioned Robert l\lartin, \V m. Paul. and George Parrott. The place also boasted of a last factory, a broom-handle factory, and a tannery owned by \Villiam Vandusen. RICH :\W;>. D 207 In IgS2 the Richmond Road was huilt. and a11 the northern trafflc that u ed to fo11ow the north bank of the ri\'er and cross it hy the bridge at kX eirs Iills was di\"erted from that route, cro:' t:d the river at Roblin. and came straig-ht south by the new road to Xapanee, with the re ult that the old yi11age of Roblin was side-tracked, and the traffic that formerly passed the doors of its hotels and merchants no longer had occasion to do so. The route proposed by the road company was cast of the pre...ent line. and \\ ould have passed north and south through the centre of the old vi11age, but Spencer protested against his property heing cut up. This diversion of the proposed line was the beginning of the end of the old yi11age of Spencer's li11s. Dy degrees many of the old stores and dwellings were abandoned or moved O\'er to the main thor- oughfare, and a new yiIIage \\ as formed. In I 56 the government granted the prayer of the inhabitants for a post-office. and it was proposecl to calI it SpenceryiIIe after Ezra A. pencer, who was stilI the leading- man of the place; but that name had already been appropriated in another part of the province; so it \Va, named after the most popular man in the county, :\1 r. Da\'id Roblin, the sitting- member for this riding in the old Parliament of Canada. In Ix60 a correspondent of the Standard drove through the county in the month of August and summed up his observations concerning his trip through Richmond a:' fo11ows: "Rye, hay. and barley are being cut, winter wheat is ripening. the spring crops are the best I ever saw. The orchards are loaded with fruit, and we have prospects of an abundant han'e t. Our grain buyers may as weIl begin to fill up their coffers. and ""e may all look out for a hetter time coming. "In our dri\"e we passed through Selby. a smart little vilIage four miles north of this place. I t has a population of some three hundred. four stores. two churches, town-hall, two inns, and one carriage shop. A new school-house is being erected. There are :-.everal mechanics' shops; and a large amount 'of bu"iness is done in the sale of dry goods. grocer- ies. and provisions; and great quantities of produce.-potash. shingles, and lumber are purchased here. This is the seat of the township of Richmond, and has a fine settlement surrounding it. "Roblin village lies five miles north of Selby and has some two hun- dred population. There is a good water privilege here on the Salmon Riyer with a saw-mill and machine shops. also several stores, tavern, etc. "Two miles below this place lies Vader's :MilIs, another good privi- lege with saw-milI and machinery. Two miles lower down is :\IcNeiI's :\IilI, (Forest Iills) with saw and grist-milI and factory." 208 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON CHAPTER XII THE BEGINNING OF NAPANEE N apanee takes its name from Appanea, the Indian appellation of the falls before the white man took up any land in the vicinity. The signification of the word is unknown. \ V e have no reason for believing that the place had attracted anyone, either red or white, to settle at this particular point before the building of the first mill in 1786, although it has been suggested that it was the site of Ganneious, one of the out- posts of the Kenté mission established about the year 1669. There is no direct evidence that this post was seven miles up the N apanee River, and there appears to be no particular reason why it should have been so located as the river was not recognized as a link in any of the great trade routes across the country. Doubtless the Indians, who were ardent lovers of nature, had, when passing this way on their hunting expeditions, paused to admire the foaming waters, as they tumbled noisily over the limestone ledges, and had deemed the place of sufficient importance to assign to it the euphon- ious name which happily has been retained. The white man, with a view of utilizing the power, built his little hamlet in the vicinity of nearly every waterfall in the older parts of the province, and these have grown into villages, towns, and cities; but the Indian was not influenced by any such utilitarian motive. At certain seasons the fish might gather in great numbers at the foot of the falls; but fish were so plentiful in all the lakes and rivers that that alone would not be a very strong induce- ment for founding a village at the place. Noone has ever found relics to indicate that an Indian village ever existed here; and no mention has been made of the place by any of the earlier travellers. For the same reason, that it is not to-day in the direct line of any of the great water routes, the river could not have been used to advantage for that purpose two or three hundred years ago. No stream in the pro- vince is more difficult to navigate, owing to the great number of falls and rapids which render a portage necessary every few miles. Although the town has easy communication with the bay and lake at the present time and is on the main line of our oldest railway we must confess that in early days, when the red man held sway, Napanee, or the site upon which N apanee now stands, was of little consequence. The most thickly .... II r .'\ ,""- '. ''1 ',4 ... 1. . .,. t .., . \I' -...--. . .. . ".. .:' ,. . --.: ... .-. '- ---- -- " ,.. .. ..Þ ..-.....,."......' - -1 . - -,- } y/' , -' - -- eo. 1'"".)\'- '... ".'1. COVERED BRIDGE. NAPANEE. 1840-1909. . { ..... {.\ :.' _ .._I I . I' \,. \ , . ':, : - ,r I , It I _! t . " . . U- .-- - . -. - _06 ,..:" -.... G. T. R. BRIDGE, NAPANEE. BUILT 1855. '... \ \ " \ J ", <, \ ;J 't' --, " "-'..:" / ;r I ' I; , t -: . : --, :'1i - :'"- . "'"'T,,-.>" "'::.. . =:--.,# ;/- '-- - ..- -. '.......- .,t- ....- - - ;.. \)-.-'!..;, .... 'r '. ) ::z-,"",,- ., p; -í -r ' 'I':: II; ( ;.2 · -:! \ I" . f . -..;, 1,.1 . ..1 -- ...;: " g I ,, H III u:'.,. ); :;; :::: : :::::::::::::::: ...... L- .- 1: .., . e .... E s: :......c. :i:ii '}' .- J ,., '. .. ... . - ; ALEXANDER CAMPBELL RESIDENCE. NAPANEE. 1.... ....... j,,- ... - \ ' "ml ,..- , . 't THE OLD RED TAVERN, NAPANEE. THE BECI I G of NAP.\NEE 209 settled part to-day was, in its primitive state, a s\\ amp over-grown with reeds and scrubby bushes, a breeding-ground for mosquitoes, where the frogs all summer long nightly answered the croaks of their brothers in the marsh under the hill. The inhabitants of N apanee were a long time in determining what part of the land upon which the town is now built should become the business centre of the place, and what should eventually be set apart as the choicest residential quarters. Roblin's Hill was not considered suitable for dwellings, owing to the shallow soil, the supposed difficulty in obtaining drinking water, and the steep climb that was necessary in order to gain the summit; yet Ir. David Roblin, in his day the most influential man in the county, chose it a!:j a site for his house. Clarkville was limited to a narrow strip along the base of the hill; but lr. Archie Ici\ eil, a shrewd and calculating business man, had such confidence in its ultimate destiny that he built a store there, and erected a substantial house, surrounded by beautiful grounds decorated with shrubbery and flowers. Although no one at the present time would seriously contemplate putting his money into a dwelling east of the N ewburgh Road, the "King of N apanee," Allan Iacpherson, did not hesitate to build on the bank of the ri\'er the handsomest house in the county at the time of its erection. The popular and prosperous Alexander Campbell went to the other extreme and selected a site for his magnificent residence on the other side of the river beyond the limits of the corporation. In fact the primitive condition of the land upon whidl N apanee now stands was such that, but for the presence of the water-power, no one would have selected it as a site for a town; and it has been only through the energy and enterprise of its citizens that the natural difficulties in the way of the settler have been successfully o\'ercome and transformed it into one of the prettiest sites in the province. The question of drainage, which should be one of the first considerations, but is too frequently overlooked, has baffled generations of town councils; and it is only in recent years that the difficulty has been faced and a system inaugurated at a very large expenditure of money. The records inform us that at the building of the first log flour-mill On the south side of the rÎ\'er in Iï86 a clearing was made of one and three-quarter acres; but the writer has yet to learn from any acknow- ledged authority the e.."Xact position of that clearing. The first mill was built on the south side of the river because it afforded the most con- Yel1\ent location; that side of the river bank sloped gently to the water's edge at the foot of the fall, while the other side was rough and steep. 14 210 HISTORY OF LEKNOX AXD ADDINGTOK A sluice-way could be constructed on the Fredericksburgh side along au easy grade; whereas the Richmond side presented no such facilities; and the canal constructed about the year IR.J.o was the only final solution of the difficulty encountered in conducting the water from above the falls to the mills below. There doubtless were some residences for those in charge of the mills: for while we are accustomed to speak of the first mill at N apanee, meaning the grist-mill, there were in fact two, a sa\v- mill and a grist-mill, and, the former was, as a matter of convenience, built first in order that it might be used in shaping the material for the grist-mill. \Ve find in the account-book of Robert Clark several items of expenditure in connection with the building of the grist-mill, and among them the following: "To clearing one acre and three-quarters of Land for a mill, at seven dollars per acre -13." It would not be necessary to clear this quantity of land for a mill alone, and, as the entry is among others for expenditures incurred just as the mill was approaching com- pletion, it is probable that the greater portion of this clearing was for residences and gardens for those connected with the mill, unless \ye assume that 1\1r. Clark omitted to make the charge when the work was actually done, an omission he was not likely to make when we consider that the other entries all appear to be in their proper sequence. The land lying along the bank of the river from the foot of the falls to the agri- cultural grounds, containing not quite two acres, would be very well adapted for the purpose, and was probably the first clearing in Napanee. Allan l\lacpherson himself first lived within this area before he built on the other side of the river; and old residents state that there 'were several small houses in that vicinity occupied by employees of the mills. Near the edge of the sand pit 11a y still be seen a part of the foundation of the 1\lacpherson house, and the land south of it in the centre of which is a clump of bushes, was his garden. Across the road, in the Agricultural Society grounds and about three rods east of the main entrance, was l\lacpherson's barn. Some of the stones which formed its foundation are still cropping out of the ground. The village needed room for expansion, so it leaped across the shallow strip of soil where the race track is to the more suitable locality above the bend in the river. There several streets were laid out, many of which have since been closed, residences, taverns, and other buildings were erected, and a busy village soon followed and took its name from James Clark, upon whose land it was built. In the early part of the last century the Cartwrights built a grist- mill on the Richmond side of the river near the present site of the old THE BEGI:!\XIKG OF X.\PAXEE 211 Herring foundry. This new mill gave an impetus to the villag-e that had already begun to spring up on the north side: but it was not until about the year 18.1-0 that there was any serious thought of extending the limit of the corporation we:-;t of Ea t Street and then only when, by a process of elimination, expansion in e'"ery other direction was consiQcred out of the question. The old Iacpherson re:,idence, the old English Church which !'tood on the corner of Thomas Street and the Newburgh Road and the building up of Salem (Yine's Corner), all bear testimony to the confidence the first residents hacl in Ea!'t 'Yard as the real centre of the town. For many years nearty all the business of the village was trans- acted in this di!'trict, which contained the first store, ta\ ern, church, and school-hou!'e on the north :,ide of the river. There is still standing on the north side of Dundas Street, on a high foundation, with the end of the building next the street, one of the old relics of the glory of thc east end. This was the famous Red Tavern, the scene of many a lively scrimmag-e when whisky was cheap, and it \\ as not considered the duty of the town constable to interfere whcn the country hoys saw fit to cttle their little differences by a rough and tumble contest in the tavern yard. At that time Piety Bin was separated from \Vest Bridge Street by a low, wet ravine, and the high ground in the west end of the town was covered with pine trees, a few of which, having escaped the axe of the woodman, are still standing in the grounds of the Travers' residence, originally built and occupie(l by the Honourable John Stevenson. That part of the to\\ n just west of Robert Street, which contains so many handsomc dwellings, was almost inaccessible, and could be reached only by crossing a creek beyond which was a swamp in which the water was e\'eral feet deep even in the time of some of the present inhabitants. The river was first spanned by a floating bridge, replaced from time to time by wooden ones, which were frequently damaged by ice-jams in the spring, until a substantial covered wooden bridge was constructed in 1840. This pro\"ed to be one of the most remarkable bridges in the province: indeed it is doubtful if any other structure of its kind e\ er stood so long and carried such an enormous amount of traffic with so little repairs. It was torn down in 1909, and the planks forming the lattice-work were, after sixty-nine years of constant service, found to be still so sound that they were utilized in street crossings in the outlying portions of the town, and bid fair to out-live some of the new material laid down at the same time. The present iron bridge is built on the site of the old covered one; and there may be seen on the south bank of the river a few yards from the highway, a portion of the grading which formed the approach to one of the wooden bridges that did service prior to 1840. 212 HISTORY of LENNOX AND ADDINGTON There still stands in the grounds of the Agricultural Society a little building in which many of the old residents of the town received their first and only education. For many years in the second quarter of the last century a school was conducted in the basement of the building now occupied by 1\1:r. Samuel :McCoy. So far as known this was the first building devoted to school purposes in Clarkville, and the first teacher of whom we have any record was a 11rs. Dier, supposed to be the widow of the first doctor of N apanee. Later on the school was moved to an old two-story building at the base of the hill, and there it remained until about the year 1846, when John Solo111on Cartwright donated the strip of land off the north side of the field, atterwards purchased by the Agri- cultural Society, and upon it was built the cottage school-house. The first trustees of that school were James Henry, John \V. Perry, and Robert Lowry. The old two-story house in use before it was built was torn down about forty-five years ago; and there was found in the chimney by 1\lr. Thos. S. Henry, a rapier, which he presented to the masonic lodge of the town, and which is still among the properties of that society. At the time of the building of the Clarkville school there was on the other side of the river, near the big elm tree at the railway bridge, a school-house one and a half stories high, said to have been built by Allan Macpherson at his own expense. The lower story was devoted to the school and to public meetings of almost every character, and for some time it was the only public hall in the village. In the upper story lived the teacher. This was the first school-house built in N apanee but, before it was erected, a school was for some time conducted in an old building on the river's bank near the falls. \Ve have been unable to fix the date of its erection, but it must have been ten or fifteen years earlier than the old one standing in the Agricultural Grounds. As the land upon which it stood was expropriated by the Grand Trunk Railway the old building was torn down and rebuilt on Piety Hill, where for many years it was used as a dwelling-house. In 1892 it was called upon to make way for the handsome residence of :Mr. H. B. Sher- wood. This time it was moved to Roblin's Hill as a Church of England Mission; and in 1900 it made its last journey and suffered the humilia- tion of being transported to the country, where it now serves as an addition to a cheese factory on the Palace Road. The question naturally suggests itself, why didn't the people of Clarkville patronize the school on the other side of the river? That was the one thing the residents on the Fredericksburgh side would not do, for by so doing they would be admitting the superiority of the Richmond THE BEGINNING OF NAPAN E 213 side, and the rivalry between the two sides was too keen for that. Clark- vi lIe had its own tayern kept by Andrew Quackenbush, who afterwards retired and moved out to his farm, its own store kept by A\rchie :\IcN eil, and the l\IcN eil residence with its beautiful grounds, and its own doctor, in fact the only one in the vicinity. It was with grave apprehension that the residents at the foot of the hill witnes"ed the growth of the village on the other side of the stream, and it was to check the expansion in that direction and to maintain their own identity that the cottage school-house was built. The first mill had been built on that side of the river, the township of Fredericksburgh had taken its place among the important settlements of the county when Richmond was regarded a in the backwoods, the first school in the province hacl been opened within its boundaries two years after the landing of the Loyalists; and it would be a serious blow to the pride of the inhabitants of that township to haye to send their children to be educated in another and, to them, inferior township. So for a time the two schools were maintained within sight of each other; and many a battle royal was fought on the banks of the stream between the pupils of the rival institutions. It was not without a struggle that the residents of Clarkville saw their glory departing; but an inexorable fate had decreed that the town should be built up on the Richmond side of the river. Few of the old landmarks of its former greatness now remain. The old :\IcN eil house is stilI standing; and anyone interested in the old village will be repaid by a visit before it at last tumbles down. It is not on the Clarkville Road, but on the short street south of it, and is well situated on a rising piece of ground overlooking a bend in the river, an ideal spot for a house. The front is almost concealed by a wilderness of plum trees and lilacs, and the yard is overgrown with weeds; but inc;ide will be seen evidences of comfortable arrang ments which few modern houses possess. Two spacious fireplaces on the ground floor have their counterparts in the rooms above; and the huge chimney in the rear is all that is left of the old kitchen. It was built before stoves were in general use and when wood was the only fuel; and the yawning cavity unçer the old chimney across which was swung the iron crane, supporting the kettles of savoury stews, has in its day supplied many a banquet to the guests of the old mansion. From the position of the rooms on the ground floor it is appar- ent that the dining-room was in the addition to the rear of the main building. In the vacant lot in front of the house stands an old pine tree, from the branches of which McNeil used to susp nd the carcasses of the beeves slaughtered by his \\ orkmen. The base of the tree served as a 214 HISTORY OF LEKNOX A D ADDINGTOK hitching-post towards which the butcher's victims were hauled by a rope about the horns. A street used to run behind the house; and on this street, nearly opposite the dwelling, stood the tannery of \Yilliam Templeton, grand- father of the present bearer of the same name, the editor of the N aþa1lee Beaver. It was a two-story building, the lower part and a basement on the slope of the bank being used as the tannery, and the upper story as a dwelling for the proprietor. During a dry season chips of the tan bark may still be seen on the edge of the bank. East of the tannery was the carding-mill of Andrew Quackenbush, who obtained the power to propel his machinery from an old-fashioned horse tread-mill. A part of the old Quackenbush tavern is still standing east of the l\lcN eil house, an<1 is at present occupied by 1\lr. George Grass. It formerly had an addition to it, which has been removed. In the addition was the court-room in which the Court of Requests was held and the Fredericksburgh magis- trates sat for the trial of petty offences. The Henry house, built by Dr. Brewster over eighty years ago and afterwards purchased by the late James Henry, is still in the family, and in a good state of preservation. On the opposite corner stood the ::\IcN eil store, and near by was the Ramsay store in which the late Sir John A. Macdonald is said to have had an office for a short time before he began to practise law in Kingston. His biographer makes no mention of his ever having resided in N apanee, but the writer has interviewed many old residents who positively assert that he did; but they differ as to his having practised law in the village. There appears to be no roo 1 for doubt that young lVIacdonald was for a short time in Ramsay's employ; and it is not improbable that while so engaged he displayed his aptitude for unravelling knotty problems. and was intrusted with some of the legal business of his employer; thus giving rise to the belief that he actually practised law in Napanee. An anonymous correspondent of the B ea'iJer forty years ago referred to Sir John A. as a regular attendant at divine service in the old school- house in East \Vard, and speaks of his taking a prominent part in pitch- ing the tunes, an accomplishment which his biographer has also over- looked. The Methodists and Anglicans used to hold their services in this building before any churches were erected in N apanee. The mis- sionary in charge of the N apanee parish at the time was the late Rev. Saltern Givens, who in the course of an address delivered by him at the laying of the foundation-stone of the present St. l\lary Magdalene Church, stated that John A. 1\1acdonald was one of a number of young men who used to meet on week evenings in the school-house and prac- tise the hymns and psalms for the Sunday following. THE BEGIXXIXG OF XAP.\XEI 215 About twenty-five years ago, when paying a flying vi it to the town during a general election, and engro sed as he mu t have been with so many calls upon his time, with that characteri"tic thoughtfulness which he po essed in such a remarkable degree, Sir John did not forget his old Clark\'ille friends; but found time to call upon the \\ïdüw Henry, \\ hose dwelling was only a few rods from the store in which he had served fifty years before. Cpon that occasion he remarked that he wa familiar with every stone in the foundation of the old building which is still standing and is the first house on the north side of the street east of the Agricultural Grounds. The ordinary citizen of N apanee would indignantly scoff at the idea of there Leing a log house in. our town, yet if he would strip the clap-boards off the house just across from the old) Ram ay store he would find that there is at lea t one, and this one built only sixty years ago. Ir. fhomas S. Henry was among the first pupils of the new Clark- ville school. .\Lout the same time John X ewton taught in the school on the other side of the riyer; later he was ucceeded by the late Dr. Grange. As a lad I r. Henry went to a circus, the tent of which was pitched on the west side of East street near where the residence of :\1r, F. \Y. Smith now stands, and remembers seeing the elephants led away to the woods, -the present site of the court-house and jail. The first Academy in Napanee was built in 1846 on the lot north of the \\Y estern 1ethodist Church. and the first head-master was the Re\'. J. _\. Devine, I.A. One of the most popular masters of the Aca- demy was Robert Phillips, who began his career as a school teacher at Asselstine's Factory, Enlesttown, in 1R42, and afterwards taught in the Public School and High School at Bath until 1855, when he accepted the head-mastership of the Academy. The tru tees at that time were Dr. Carey, father of the Yenerable Archdeacon Carey of Kingston, John Denson, John Stevenson, James Blakeley, John Gibbard, and Allan Templeton. The Academy was then used both as a High School and Public School, there being twenty pupil in the former department and forty in the latter. There were seyeral private schools in the town which also accommodated a large number of pupils. Under the new head-master the school improved; and the attendance increased to such an extent that it was found nece sary to provide more accommodation. \nother building was erected south of the Academy, and for a time it was used exclusively for the High School pupils and the other building was given over for the use of the Public School. This arrangement did not prove very satisfactory; so in 1864 the Board decided to erect a brick building on Bridge Street to accommodate 216 HISTORY OF LENKOX AND ADDINGTON all the classes of both schools. The contract was awarded to John Herring at $7,950, work was commenced at once, and the new Academy, the present \\T est \V ard chool, was opened in 1865 with JVlr. Phillips as its first head-master. Napanee, with a population of 1,400, was justly proud of the new building, which was by far the handsomest school structure in the county. At the time it was deemed sufficient for the entire school population of the town. The Clarkville school had been closed, and the old building near the railway bridge had been removed. The splendid reputation for good schools which for sixty years our town has boasted of began with 1\lr. Phillips. He was thorough and painstaking, and was loved by his pupils and highly esteemed by the citizens; and when he resigned his position in 1867 he was presented with many testimonials of the affectionate regard of all classes of the community. Only a few years had passed after the erection of the Academy, as the West Ward School was called, when the residents of the East Ward were again heard from. The one building in which the Grammar and Public Schools were housed was found to be inadequate for the purpose. More school rOOm was needed, and the East Enders saw an opportunity of regaining some of their lost prestige. The English Church was being torn down and removed to \V est Ward, the trade of the town had nearly all passed beyond East Street, the greater portion of the Fredericksburgh traffic now reached the town by way of the bridge on Centre Street, the Richmond Road had diverted all the northern travel down Centre Street that used to reach Napanee by way of Selby and Vine's Corner; in fact every public improvement for years, except the building of the Court- house and jail, had deprived the east end of the town of some of its former advantages. A new school was needed; and it was high time that that part of the town, which eighty years before had been the centre of the life and trade of N apanee, should receive some recognition from the other wards. It was unfair that the young children of the East Ward should be caned upon to walk from one end of the town to the other to reach the school. These and other arguments were pressed upon the trustees, who com- mitted the serious mistake of deciding upon the erection of a second Public School. At that time no one foresaw the rapid strides that would be made in the next twenty years in our educational institutions. It was intended that the new building should furnish accommodation both for the Grammar School and for the Public School pupils residing in that part of the town. On April 30th, 1872, Mr. George Cliff presented the plans and specifications of the school-house, which were accepted by the THE BEGIKXIKG OF KAP.\ EE 217 Board; and building operations were well under way in a few weeks' time. In less than a year the building was ready for occupation and on April 16th, it was opened without any ceremony except a few impromptu remarks from one or two trustees and the architect. During the first term no less than one hundred and eighty pupils were enrolled, and these were formed into three classes, which were so congested that it became necessary to engage a fourth teacher at the beginning of the second term. '. By lð82 more room was required for the accommodation of the classes of the High School, which met in the Academy. The only avail- able building in any way suitable for the purpose was the Roblin resi- dence on Roblin's Hill, and the School Board concluded to secure it. A new difficulty arose as this house was not within the limits of the cor- poration; and as it was impracticable to move the large building down the hill so as to comply with the requirements of the School Act the only alternative was adopted by extending the boundaries of the town to include this property. Thi was accordingly done, and this building was the home of the High School for several years. It was an ideal location in some respects, but very inconvenient, especially during the winter season. The ceilings were low, the ventilation none too good, and it was not long before parents complained about the long walk and the crowded rooms. If Napanee were to maintain its reputation for afford- ing educational facilities to its population it became apparent that the day for erecting a suitable building for the High School could not be much longer deferred. A most competent staff of teachers under l\Ir. Cortez Fessenden was giving excellent satisfaction; but they could not do jus- tice to themselves or the ever increasing number of pupils in their cramped quarters. A new building \\ as an imperative necessity and, in the face of a strong opposition from some ratepayers, the Board wisely determined that one should be erected in keeping with the needs of the town and county. The present Collegiate Institute, although built over twenty years ago, is in every respect an up-to-date building, owing to the care bestowed upon tne plans by the building committee in investigating all the latest improvements in school architecture and equipment; and select- ing what they believed to be the best; and the thorough test it has since undergone has amply proven that they erred little, if at all, in their judgment. :l\Iany objections were raised at the time to the site and, while it is to be regretted that a more central location could not be obtained, it will be found upon taking a survey of the town that suitable grounds nearer the centre could not be secured. The building was 218 HISTORY OF LEXXOX AXD ADDIXGTO erected in the years 1889-1890, and the committee was composed of A. L. ::\Iorden, Chairman, \\T. F. Hall. D. H. Preston, \Y. Coxall, T. S. Henry, A. Henry, \Y. Templeton, and H. Y. Fralick. Ir. Fred Bartlett \yas the superintending \rchitect; and the con- tracts for the work were distributed as follmys: \Ym. and Hugh Saul, Camden East, stone-\york and excavating "Pm. Evans, brick-work George A. Cliff, carpenter-work Ir. Lang, Belleville, slating Boyle & Son, galvanized iror.-work, plumbing, etc. John \ V allace, plastering, and D. Ash, painting. If the roll of any class of public servants in N apanee should have been more carefully preserved than any other it is the list of teachers who have from time to time taught in our High School and Public Schools; but, unfortunately, no such record is in existence to-day, or, if it be, its whereabouts is unknown. In referring to the two grades of schools one naturally places the higher in rank first; but, in the hearts of most people the teachers of the Public Schools hold a place so dear that no associations in after life, apart from the family ties, can ever dislodge them. It may be that other towns have been blessed with the same patient, faithful class of Public School teachers as N apanee; but it \yould be difficult to conceive how any could have better. In our rural schools the teachers too frequently make use of the profession as a stepping-stone to some other calling, and, although they may possess ability and apply themselves faithfully to their work, they cannot enter into it with the same spirit as the teacher who has dedicated her life to the training of the little ones and feels the awful responsibility that rests upon her shoulders. I purposely refer to the female teachers ; for, with the exception of 1\lr. James Bowerman. who rendered excellent service in our Public School for twenty-two years. the teachers who have for more than a generation devoted all their energies towards the educa- tion of the children of N apanee have all been women. Hundreds of grown-up men and women in apanee to-day. and as many more dis- persed over the continent. when all other faculties have grown dim, will cherish with loving memory the happy days spent in the class-rooms of J\Iiss C. H. Ballantyne, l\iiss Jennie F. \Valsh, ::\Iiss Lucinda Aylesworth, and :Miss :Mary E. Fraser. The head-masters and assistants of the High School and Collegiate Institute have, for the most part, been men of the highest standing in TIll:: llEGIXXIXG OF XAI'AXEE UJ their proie::-::-ion; ant! many of them are to-tidY filling !:.omc of thc most important po::-itions in the eùucational work of our provincc. The folluwing is a complctc li;:,t of the teachcrs who have been engaged in the ;:,chools of Xapanee u iar as the writer, from the sourccs at hi di po al, hdS ueen able to a::-certain thcm. Head-masters of Grammar Schonl aud Cnl!egiate Institute -:\re sr . Tho , Xewton, J. A. Deyine, Jamco;; rang-e, John Thomp- 'on. R. Phillips, E. n. Harper. H. -:\I. Deroche. John Campbell, R. rathe- son, C. Fessenden, T. 1. Henry, C. J. Flach. H cad-masters of Public School fessrs. Thos. Xewton, J. A. Deyine, James Grange, John Thomp- son, \. Ru scll, Alex. -:\[artin, Peter elson, II. V. Fralick, A. C. Osborne. J. Bowerman, J. R. Brown. C. IT. Edwards, J. C. Tice. Assistaut Teachers il, the Grammar School and Collegiate Institute -:\[is E. J. Yeomans, -:\[essr . eo. Shuntcliff, D. C. -:\[cHcnry, Staf- ford Lightburn, D. F. Bogart, \Ym. Tilley. S. J. Shorey. C. F. Russel, J. J. -:\fagee. \\T. Chipman, X. \\ragar, G. Kimmerly. C. C. James, R. F. Ruttan. G. A. Chase. J. II. Hough, 1. F. Libby, \\T. R. Sills, liss C. L. Roe, -:\[es rs. A. -:\fartin. G. H. Rcid, A. E. Lang, L. Bowerman, G. "". :\forden, T. Colling, \Ym. Loêhead, F. \'.. French, A. G. \\ïl on, fisses farga.ret Xicol. fargaret Smith, :l\Iessrs. J. F. VanEvery, F. . Selwood, -:\[iss E. A. Deroche. -:\Iessrs. :\1. R. Reid. R. A. Croskery. .\. I. Burnham, -:\fiss E. I. Henry, !\fessr . T. C. Smith. H. E. Collins, Iisses Jessie Iitchell, J. L. Galloway, -:\fr. E. .-\. : \Iiller, -:\Iisses C. Saunders, Isabella -:\1oir, Helen Grange, l\Iessrs. H. J. Haviland, J. -:\1. Hutchinson, Lewis l\Iight, :Miss A. 1. Dickey. 1essrs. J. E. Benson, R. S. Jenkins, \V. B. Taylor, \V. B. Brown, E. J. Corkill. Assistant Teachers of the Public School :\1rs. Dier, 1essrs. Faulkner, Tripp, Corey, O'Connor, Jas. IcCann, l\Iichael Dolan, Richard Corbett. John Burnip, Kelly, Fisher, l\Iisses X el on. Quair. frs. Chas. Chamberlain, l\Iiss Schemehorn, Alfred l\forgan, 1iss Amanda Fralick, -:\Ie srs. J. \V. Bell, J. Fox, Stafford Lightburn, Robert \Yilliamson. \Villiam Ic Iullen, :Misses Iary \Yright, Charlotte Fralick, fargaret Butterfield, Iessrs. \Vallace Blakeley, Ori- 220 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON , son D. Sweet, Thos. Laduc, Misses Mary C. Rennie, Sarah Chamber- lain, 1\ir. Wm. Bryers, Miss H. Davy, Mrs. G. Robson, 1:1isses E. Brown, A. Hosey, L. Vandyck, J. F. vValsh, A. Yourex, L. Aylesworth, M. Phelan, Mary E. Fraser, C. H. Ballantyne, Mr. A. M. Anderson, Miss B. Phelan, Mr. R. R. Lennox, Misses E. Gillen, Lydia Caton, T. Mc- Creight, Ella James, Mr. W. J. Black, Misses F. Sawyer, W. B. Kaylor, G. L. Wagar, Eunice A. Shipman, Mr. M. R. Reid, Misses A. Tude, A. 1\1. Detlor, B. Lafferty, S. McLaurin, L. McLaurin, N. L. Grange, Mr. J. D. Henry, Misses E. B. Vrooman, Catherine A. Grange, Minnie Grange, S. H. Mills, Misses Mary Lamey, Margaret O'Brien, Mrs. Eva Toby, 1\:1iss Dora Casey, Mr. vVm. R. Sills, Misses Emma Allen, L. Wallace, 1\1r. Frank Anderson, Misses Edith Harris, H. Ethel Mair, Jessie E. l\1air, Etta Harrison, Jessie Crysler, Etna R. Baker, Florence G. Hall, Mata Wales, Elsie A. Parks, rvIabel Caton, Lillian Caton, Emma E. Vanluven, Blanch Hawley, Norma Shannon. THE GROWTH OF NAP.\Xt:E 221 CHAPTER XIII THE GRO\YTH OF NAPANEE As X apanee (m e,l its origin to the grist-mill ereded in 1786, it was quite natural that the mill should play an important part in the history of the village. For years it was the leading feature of the place, and many of the most prominent families of Napanee were, in one way or another, interested in its operation. After it had passed into the hands of )'lr. Cartwright he began to look about for a capable mill-wright to make some needed improvements and superintend the operation of the new mill. Such a man he found in young John Grange, who had emigrated from Scotland in 1794 and settled in or near Syra- cuse in the State of N ew York. A fter some correspondence Grange entered into an agreement with Ir. Cartwright to come to N apanee and take charge of the mills. He was the progenitor of the many branches of the Grange family who for over a century have been intimately asso- ciated with the development of the town. The birth of his son \\'illiam, in 1800, was an event of some importance, as it is claimed that he was the first white child born in Xapanee; though the same distinction is claimed for James I. Vanalstine said to have been born in the same year. After concluding his engagement with Ir. Cartwright, Grange pur- chased from him a large tract of land, which became the Grange home- stead. At the time of the purchase he believed that he was getting the land upon which the town now stands, and claimed that that was the understanding between them; but upon examining his title he found that a substantial reservation had been made of all the land bordering upon the river, so he was forced to build his dwelling about a mile north of the town. Disappointed in not securing a portion at least of the water privilege at the falls, he developed a power and built a saw-mill upon the stream crossing his farm. This was used to advantage for two generations for the benefit of himself and neighbours; but as the land lying along the hanks of the stream was cleared the flow of water was so reduced that it could not produce sufficient power to turn the wheel except during the spring freshets. Eventually it was abandoned, the dam was washed away, and little, if any, trace now remains to point out the location of 222 HISTORY OF LENXOX AXD ADDlKGTON the first power developed in the county other than that at the falls in N apanee. About the year 1812 the mill was rented to Allan 1\Iacpherson, who in his day was the most prominent and influential man in the village. He kept a general store at the foot of Adelphi Street near where the office of the Gibbard Company now stands; and in the store he kept the first post-office opened in N apanee. He owned and operated a distillery and a saw-mill near the base of the falls on the opposite side of the river, and was extensively engaged in the lumber business. He was mar- ried to a daughter of Judge Fisher of Adolphustown, and was himself a Justice of the Peace and a member of the Court of Requests for the seventh division of the District, which comprised the township of Rich- mond and a part of Hungerford. Altogether "l\Iac," as he was fam- iliarly called, had very good reasons for posing as the Laird of N apanee ; for no one man either before or since his time has wielded a greater influ- ence in the community than he. He was conscious of his own import- ance, and by some was regarded as overbearing; but we can readily con- ceive that .a man with so many business enterprises upon his hands would find it necessary to assert and stand by his rights. He built the old 1vIacpherson residence, which is still standing on the bank of the river in East 'VVard, and was in its day the most imposing building of its kind in the county. He took a lively interest in all matters affecting the public welfare, and built the first school-house in N apanee. \Yhile he scrupulously insisted that every man he dealt with should live up to his obligations he was kind to the poor, and always ready to extend a helping hand to his friends. Among the clerks employed by him in his store was an old bachelor, Frederick Hesford, who owned a hundred acres or more in that part of the town now known as Upper Napanee and through which runs a street named after him. Upon his death he willed this land to different members of the family of his employer. Allan 1\Iacpherson, upon being appointed Crown Lands Agent, removed to Kingston, and was succeeded in business by his son Donald, who for many years was reckoned among the prominent men of the village. There was no surveyor's subdivision of the village into lots when the first buildings were erected; and it was not until the year 1831 that a regular plan of the site of the town proper was prepared by Samuel Benson, P.L.S. This plan shews a pot-ashery, a grist-mill, and a saw- mill on the north side of the river. N apanee proper, as originally laid out, extended only from the river to Thomas Street and from East Street to \Vest Street, thus excluding the limits of the first village, all of which TIlE GRoWTH OF X .\P.\X Er 223 hi\' east of East Street. In the subdivision of what is now known a" East \Yard that triangular portion bounded by Bridge, Dundas, and _-\delphi Streets has not to this day been laid out into lots. This omission is explained by the fact that it was built up before the arrival of the sun"eyor, and any attempt upon his part to lay it out into regular lots not corresponding with the land occupied by the se\"eral owners would ha\'e led only to confu:,ion. This also accounts for the irreg-ularity oi many of the holdings in East \Yard which are not uniform in size or shape. C'ntil recent years Xapanee had more places where intoxicating liquor was sold than were necessary for thè good of the inhabitants. In the local press of IRS5 a correspondent complains ahout there being no le:-:) than seventeen licensed drinking places in the village. Such appears to have been the condition of affairs from the beginning, and two of the first buildings to be erected on :\Iain Street after the survey by Benson were ta\"erns, both built by the same man, Daniel Pringle. The fir t was built near the site of th present Royal Hotel; and shortly after it completion he sold out to Iiles Shorey and immediately proceeded to erect the Tichborne House on the corher now occupied by the Smith Block. Among the first buildings erected on :\Iain Street between East and John Streets \\ as the frame building still standing on the .comer opposite the Rennie Block, which was built and for many years occupied as a general store by John Benson. who li\"ed on the corner of Bridge and East Streets now owned by Ir. John Thompson. Ir. Augustus Hooper, who afterwards represented this county in the Legislative Assembly, received his start in life in this store as managing clerk for :\Ir. Benson. About the same time the first building erected on the corner at the other end of the same block, where now stands the Albert Block. was built by John Y. Detlor; here for many years he also carried on business as a general merchant. The trade of the town gradually extended westward along :\Iain Street, and about the year 1840 the Ierchants Dank corner for the first time was occupied as a place of business. It was here that David Roblin, afterwards one of the leading men of the county and for many years its representative in Parliament, began his career as a X apanee merchant, having come to the village from the front of Richmond, where he had kept a store for three years. He carried on an extensive and profitable business; and for a long time this was regarded as one of the most popular sites in the village and town, a reputation which it failed to maintain after the erection of the Leonard Block. as the present build- 224 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON ing was first called. Year after year witnessed the erection of more stores along Main Street until Centre Street was reached; and about the middle of the last century Campbell's corner opposite the Campbell house came into favour with the country folk and received a very large share of their patronage. Beyond this point on Main Street all efforts to establish a profitable business house of any kind have, with very few exceptions, invariably failed. This westward trend of trade between the years 1820 and 1855 had a depressing effect upon the merchants of the east end, where Wm. Miller, A. C. Davis, and a few others succeeded in keeping pace with their rivals west of East Street. Clarkville struggled hard to hold its grip upon its customers; but the once thriving suburb was doomed, although at one time during this period there were no less than four stores across the river kept respectively by B. Hane, Archie McNeil, Donald l\:1cHenry, and Thomas Ramsay. At the present time our county cheese board meets every Friday during the factory season. We have our "Hog Days" for the shipment of pigs, and our "Turkey Days" when car-loads of fowls are purchased for the Christmas trade in our large cities. Our surplus horses, cattle, and sheep are now purchased by buyers going through the country at irregular intervals to suit their own convenience; but about seventy-fi ve years ago there came into existence what was known as the "Fair Days," when a general mart for the disposal of all such produce was held on the first Tuesday, \Vednesday, and Thursday in the months of March, June, September, and December. These Fairs were established by Royal Proclamation, and were looked forward to by both the country and townspeople as very important events. The streets were thronged upon these days with thousands of people from all parts of the co mty, who exchanged their stock and other produce for the ready cash of the drovers and buyers from different parts of the province. Refreshment booths, hucksters, and even Punch and Judy Shows were much in evi- dence, and the hotels and merchants reaped a rich harvest from the crowds. When first inaugurated they were semi-annual, being held in l\larch and September, but met with such favour, both from the farmers and the villagers, that later on they were held every three months. For weeks before the appointed time hand-bills were scattered throughout the county. One of these notices, about fifteen inches square printed in heavy type and bearing date February 15th, 1841, now lying before the writer, reads as follows: "The N apanee half-yearly :t\Iart or Fair will be holden at said place on the first Tuesday in l\Iarch next (being the 2nd ,. , j. ... "\,1 \ \ I ", I \ '\ ". " \. , . ARCHIBALD MCNEIL RESIDENCE. CLARKVILLE. L .. rx- J- . ---.;; - , - I I II _I I I LII I ,I . - . -....... ....! r- - I I; I . j I. r ,:,..A '" "':.... ,. \ I. . . - - " ALLAN MACPHERSON RESIDENCE, NAPANEE. TIlE GROWTH OF KAPANEE 225 of the month) and two following days, when every description of cattle will be offered for sale; and when cash will be paid for all sorts of grain. Farmers and others will find it to their interest to support an establish- ment which has already proved so beneficial to the country at large ami to the District in particular." \Vith the advent of the railways, the gen- eral improvement in shipping facilities, and the changes in the methods of dealing in these commodities, the "Fair" has long since become a thing of the past. In 18 5 2 I\apanee was made a police village, whereby three trustees were permitted to spend, for purely local purposes, a certain portion of the taxes levied upon the property within its limits; but in other respects it remained a part of the towll hip of Richmond and was under the jl1r- i diction of the township council. In 1855 it rose to the dignity of an incorporated \ illage and the first council was constituted as follows: John Benson, reeve; Ceo. H. Davy, Donald :\Iacpherson, Robert Esson, and -\braham Fraser, councillors. On July 18th, 1855. at a public meeting caIled for the purpose of considering the propriety of building a market house and town-hall, a series of resolutions were carried favouring the project. The quðtion of purchasing a fire-engine was also discussed, and a resolution recom- mending the council to take immediate steps to secure one was carried. The council promptly submitted a by-law for raising- :1I .200 upon the debentures of the village, :1I ,000 for the market house and i200 for the fire-engine. The by-law was carried, the engine purchased, and the con- tract let for the building now standing in the market square; but not without a spirited correspondence in the local press as to the propriety of expending o n1t1ch money upon what was styled by one correspondent a useless ornament. One of the leading bu iness men \\ ent so far in his criticism of the faulty construction of the roof as to prophesy that it would collapse within five years' time. The original resolution of the ratepayers' meeting called for a stone building; but the village fathers in their wisdom chose brick instead. The lower story was Riven over to butchers' stalls and accommodation for the country folk bringing their products to market, and the upper story for a public hall, as at present arranged. The fire-engine created quite a sensation in the village as one might infer from the following editorial which appeared in the Reformer of January 23 rd , 1856: "On Thursday last our village, or at least the boys of our village, were quite elated by the arrival of our long expected fire- engine purchased from :\Iessrs. Perry and Co., :l\Iontreal. It is quite a small affair indeed, but perhaps will sen'e us for some time to come. 15 226 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON "About four o'clock p.m. she was brought out for the purpose of testing her merits and halted in front of 11r. Shaw's Hotel, where the water flew briskly, to the great amusement of many who for the first time beheld a fire-engine in operation. A few hip, hip, hurras, and pro- bably a few toasts drank, and a march up street ended the afternoon's amusement, when she was laid up for a further test at some future period when necessity called. "Perhaps the purchasers are well pleased with their bargain and do not consider they have paid too much for the whistle! But let us ask a few questions. Considering the size of the engine does not $700 look large for it? The hose is' a separate thing, we understand, for which is paid only four shillings a foot, two hundred feet then, the quantity required. would be worth $160. Besides a hose-cart, the price of which cannot be less than $40, so that with other appurtenances, hooks, ladders, etc., our engine will cost considerable money, probably upwards of a thousand dollars, does this not look large? Perhaps not, we do not wish to be the first to complain." The event of the year, however, was the laying the corner-stone of the town-hall, which took place on June 11th, 1856. Programmes of the procession and order of proceedings were scattered broadcast through- out the county, announcing most elaborate preparations for the "auspi- cious occasion." At the appointed hour the various bodies and indivi- duals to take part in the event were marshalled in order, two and two. on Dundas Street. First in order was the N apanee Sax-horn Band, fol- lowed by "a body of constables with their batons," then came the dif- ferent organizations of the county: municipal officers, professional gen- tlemen, school children, and citizens generally. So complete were the arrangements for the grand parade that no one appears to have been omitted; and if all who were invited to take part responded to the call of the grand marshall. there would have been no one left but the women and babies to line the streets as the procession marched to the market square, where the officers and members of Union Lodge with their visit- ing brethren, who brought up the rear, were to perform the solemn cere- mony of laying well and truly the huge block of limestone which still supports the south-east corner of the building. Then followed the speeches of the orators of the day; after which the procession was re- formed and marched along Bridge and Dundas Streets to Shaw's Hotel, where they dispersed. As we have already said. the question of the separation of the coun- ties was agitated for years before it was brought about, and quite natur- ally there arose out of it the question of the location of the county THE GROWTH OF N.\PAl'õEE :.27 to\\n. Xe\\ burgh, nath, anù Xapanee all aspired to the honour, anù each presented many good and sufficient reasons for its claim. The I1ldex espouseù the cause of Xe\\ burgh, while the Standard anù Re- former scoffed at the pretensions of both the other villages. Dath had no champion in the press and did not long continue in the race. The strife between the other two contestants was prolonged and acrimonious; and an estimate of the spirit in which the warfare of \\ ords was wagell may be formed from the following editorial which appeared in tht..' Reformer of February 2ïth, 1856: "The Index is somewhat sur- prised to see the apathy of the X apanee journals on the question of the late meeting of the reeves and deputy-reeves of Lennox and \ddington to decide on the propriety of a separation of the above named counties from Frontenac. \fter quoting the notice of the meeting from the Standard the editor remarks that the Reformer was judiciously silent, which is vcr} true as regards our silence, but to the word judiciously we Leg to ask an exception. "The drive of business at that time was such as to prevent our being in attendance at the meeting, con:::.eql1ently no notice \\ as taken of it; but should we ha \ e noticed it, the purport of our remarks would not have varied materially from that of our cotemporary. The meeting \\ as held in the pn: sence of the authorities, the mution was put and unanimously carried. The Indcx asks 'why were not the yeas and nays on the question given '-simply because there was no 11egation offered-a very plausible reason, in our humble opinion. He further informs us that 'Theologians say that hope is made up of expectation and desire' and that 'our cotemporary hopes for a separation of the counties,' and so do we hope for it in the fullest acceptation of the term, and our next February meeting we trust, will grant us the decision in the right way. Hear what he says again: · If Addington consents to the separation she will see to it that she has the county town situated within her own limits,' or words to that effect. "\\"e would ask in the name of wonder, providing the separation be ratified, where would the county town be situated? Certainly our cotem- porary cannot imagine for a moment, that the inhabitants of these counties would consent that Rogue's Hollow should be thus honoured! And yet from his language that would be inferred. :\Iighty :\Ioses! How Some folks aspire! It reminds us of a fable. How preposterous the idea. "In way of consolation to our friend of Xewburgh. we cannot blame him in striving to uphold the interests of his darling viIlage, for it is natural so to do; but that must he considered a very poor pretext indeed 228 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDI GTO for asserting it to be the proper place for the county town. Perhaps there is not an individual residing three miles on this side of that place who has an occasion to visit the ambitious village twice a year, and probably very many who live in the western part of Camden much oftener visit Napanee than they do Newburgh-doing so with much greater ease. Newburgh's advantage as a market is very inferior, which fact is easily substantiated. On the contrary our advantages are, or soon will be, in that respect all that can be desired, showing superabundant advantages over our aspiring lneighbours. This fact is so well estab- lished that it needs no controversy, and all that may be said by our cotemporary hereafter cannot, in any way, affect these verities. A thing once substantiated by self-evident truths cannot be refuted. Our neighbour, therefore, may as well rest content with his present position, for we predict he will never see the day when Newburgh will be honoured as a county town." The solution of the vexed question has been described in another cha pter. There was something incongruous in the village of N apanee having been proclaimed a county to'lCJn 7 and the only remedy was to have the corporation raised one step higher in the municipal scale. It had passed from a hamlet to a police village, from a police village to an incorporated village, and on June 30th, 1864, an Act of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada received the royal assent, whereby the village became an incorporated town from December 1st of the same year. At the ensuing election B. C. Davy was elected its first mayor, John Stevenson, reeve, \\ïl1iam l\lcGillivray, deputy-reeve, and \Vm. l\1iller, John T. Grange, S. McL. Detlor, :M. T. Rogers, John Gibbard, John Herring, and H. T. Forward, councillors. The following is a list of Iayors from the date of incorporation to the present time: Iayors of Napanee 186 5- 6 -7 Benjamin C. Davy I86 -9 1870-1 James C. Huffman 1872-3-4 Amzi L. l\iorden 1875-6-7 \Valter S. \Yiliiams 1878 Archibald McNeil 1879 Charles James 1880-1 Alexander Henry 1882-3 Charles James 1884-5 \\Tilder Joy r886 L"riah \Yilson 1887-8 Dr. H. L. Cook 1889-90 Thomas G. Carscallen 1891 Jehial Aylesworth 1892 Edward S. Lapum r8<)3 Raymond ..\.. Leonard IRq4-5 Charles Stevens 1896 John Carsom 1897 Dr. G. C. T. \Vard DAVID ROBLIN. , JOHN HERRING. ::1/1 ... BENJAMIN C. DAVY. J " (. JOHN GIBBARD. THE GROWTH OF XAPAXEE 229 I C)S Thomas Jamieson 18 99 Thomas D. Pruyn 1900- I Thomas G. Ca rscallen 19 02 George F. Ruttan 1f)03 John P. Yrooman I90-J Iar hall s. radole 1905-6 John Lowry 190ï-S Herman Iing 1909-10 T. \\". Sil11p on, :\1.D. 1911 Amos S. Kimmerly 1912 \\"111. T. \\-aller 19 1 3 \\". A. Steacy For many years, especially since the opening of the driving- park just west of the town, Kapanee ha been the centre of attraction on Dominion Day; and the leflding feature of these celebrations has ùeen the testing of the peed of each and every horse in the county and of some from a distance that had any preten:,ions as racers. July 1st, I 6ï, the natal day of Confederation, was adverti ed to be a gala day in our county town, to which the country people came in crowds to hear the Royal Proclamation and witne"s a grand military dis- play. A platform was erected on the north side of the town-hall \\ here the ceremony was to take place. The Forty-Eighth Battalion was repre- sented by two companies from the town, one from Odessa, one from Ernestto\\ n, and another from Amherst Island, and the K apanee Artil- lery Company turned uut to s\\ ell the numbers of the soldiery. The merchants were ,supposed to ohsen-e the holiday; but most of them remained behind their counters to take full advantage of the crowd of customers passing their doors, and evidently felt that they had answered all the claims upon their loyalty by displaying before their places of business all the faded flags and bunting they could muster. At eleyen o'clock, the appointed hour, the :\1ayor, Ir. B. C. Davy, read the Proclamation before the assembled crowd and the militia, who had been commanded to stand at ease but appeared to be very uncom- fortable in executing the order. Cpon the platform were the municipal officers of the county, seyeral clergymen, and no less than five prospec- tive candidates for the coming election. These aspirants for parlia- mentary honours took advantage of the occasion and, after a few well chosen remarks as to the future of our great Dominion, each occupant of the rostrum ill turn advanced many cogent reasons why the free and inde- pendent electors of Lennox and Addington should commit to him the welfare of the riding. The crowd good-naturedly endured the speeches thus inflicted upon them and, after giving three cheers for Her ::\Iajesty and the new Confederation, dispersed to the several hotels and restaur- ants to indulge in what was to most of them a more pleasing pastime. After dinner the volunteers re-formed on the market square and went through some evolutions in what was said to be very good style. 230 HISTORY OF LEN :SOX AND ADDINGTm'; The present Napanee Band had 110t been organized, and such attempts at entertainment as were furnished by the few instruments col- lected for the day did not render the occasion more enjoyable to those who were musically inclined. N apanee has made a decided advance since that day in the entertainment provided for its visitors on July 1st. The tame and tiresome proceedings of this the first day of Confederation would appear more ludicrous still if compared with Dominion Day, 19 12 , when no less than 10,000 visitors poured into N apanee to witness an aeroplane flight, horse races, and baseball matches in our beautiful park, to say nothing of the circus which also pitched its tents within the gates. l\fr. Benjamin C. Davy, the first :1fayor of Napanee, was born at Bath in 1829. He was educated at the Bath Academy and after studying law with Sir John A. J\facdonald was called to the bar in 1850. He began the practice of his profession in his native village, where he remained but a few months, and then opened an office in Kingston, which he gave up in a short time, and came to Napanee, where he con- tinued to practise his profession until 1872. H is office was in the frame building west of the Campbell house, and was the favourite rendezvous of a group of congenial townsmen among whom Napanee's first lawyer was a leader in all matters affecting the welfare of the municipality. \Vhen Manitoba was attracting the attention of the eastern provinces in 1872, he \\'ent west with a view of settling there, but ill health com- pelled .him to return. He died in February, 1874, from an attack of pneumonia contracted through exposure in the election campaign of Sir John A. J\1acdonald, for whom he entertained such respect that he neglected his own comfort and health in his efforts to secure his return. He was popular among all classes, and was regarded by the profession as one of the leading lawyers of this District. :Mr. Davy enjoyed a monopoly of his profession until 1856, when :1fr. John Mac1'1illan opened an office, but did not continue long ill prac- tice in Napanee. George A. Hine's name appears among the legal cards in 1861, and \Ym. H. \Vilkison was called to the bar in the same year and gave the first serious opposition 1\11'. Davy had to encounter. After the separation of the counties and the establishment of the courts in the new county there was an influx of the gentlemen of the robe, and by 1866 there were no less than six law offices in the town: Thomas Scott, E. J. Hooper, \V. S. \Villiams, \V. H. \Yilkison, O'Reilly & l\facnamara, and Davy & Holmsted. :\1r. Holmsted, Senior Registrar of the High Court of Justice at Osgoode Hall, is the author of ::.everal standard works upon Ontario practice. THE GROWTH OF :-;APAKF.E 281 James O'ReiIly, Q.C., of Kingston, was a celebrated law)er and obtained nutch uf his business from this county. l'he opening of so many offices in X apance had a marked effect upon his retainers from this :,ection. To retain hi" connection with his old clients he opened an office in the count) town and placed his junior partner, .:\1. J. .:\Iacnamara in charge. During the next ten years anothcr group of legal gentlcmcn were soliciting the patronag-e of a suffering public. Among the number were \\T. \. Ree\ e, F. ::\IcKenzie, \V. R. Chambcrlain, Stephcn Gibson, D. H. Preston, \. L. ::\Iorden, Fred \\P. Campbcll, Thos. J. Robcrtson, \\P. E. Lees, H. 1. Derochc, and Cartwright & Cartwright. The last mentioned firm \\ as composed of John R. Cartwright, at present Deputy Attorney-General of Ontario, and James S. Cartwright, Iaster in Chambers at O"goode Hall. To treat of the doctors of 1\ apanee in a fitting manner and give to each a space commensurate with the place he filled in the live" of the old families would require many chapters. \Ye have but to mention such names as Chamberlain, .\sh, .\lIcn, Trousdale, Carey, Grangc, Clare, Bristol. and Ruttan to the old residents to awaken tender memories of the past and bring forth scores of interesting experiences well worth recording. The physician is so closely indentified with the inner life of his patients and is the chief actor in so many critical events fraught with joy and sorrow upon which hang the very life and death of those who place themsehres in his hand::., that he is more than a professional atten- dant. His duties do not end with the treatment of ailments but, apart from his strictly professional services. he ha:-; frequently thrust upon him the awful responsibility of confidential adviser upon the most delicate questions affecting the family relationship, and, when the angel of death is hovering near, a more sacred duty still. He must be patient, alert, tender, and courageous.-qualities that <10 not always g'O hand in hand. X apanee has been highly favoured in this respect; and in the long role of skilled physicians who have practised in the town and surrounding country few indeed have not reached this high standard. Even at the ri k of resting under the charge of an unjust discrimination I will single out for comment only three, as representative types, knowing fuIl weIl that I am doing an in justice to many others. Dr. James Allen was a graduate of Edinburgh University, came to Canada shortly after graduation, and settled first, about 1839. at Conway, where he practised his profession for two years. He then moved to Kapanee and lived on the corner of Bridge and East Streets, where now stands the brick residence of .:\Ir. F. \V. Smith. He had an office and drug store on the south side of Dundas Street near the site of \VaIler's 232 HISTORY OF LEKKOX AXD ADDINGTON store. He was ranked as a skilful doctor, but the life of the pioneer possessed a charm for him; and about the year 1844 he purchased a farm near Lime Lake, sold out his store and practice to Dr. Shirley, and retired to his estate to do battle with the forest. He there became the leading man of the settlement and raised a large family of eight boys and five girls. He abandoned his profession as a calling, but went to the relief of his scattered neighbours when urged to do so, and invariably declined to accept a fee for the services rendered. N early all the AlIens, and there are many of them in the northern part of Hungerford and Richmond, are his descendants. ...\t a birthday party given in his honour nearly fifty years ago no less than sixty of his grandchildren assembled under one roof to pay their respects to the old gentleman. Dr. Oronhyateka never acquired fame in his profession; but no Canadian physician ever acquired greater international notoriety than he. He was a bright young Indian fifty-three years ago; and upon the occasion' of the visit of the Prince of \lVales to Canada in 1860 he was chosen as the representative of the Mohawk band to present an address to His Royal Highness, who was so impressed 'with his intelligence and manly bearing that he persuaded him to accept a royal bounty,-a course in medicine at Oxford. In due course he returned to Canada and in August, 1866, began his professional career in Napanee. He had an office in the Cartwright Block and built the red brick residence on the crest of Roblin's lIill. He could not entirely free himself from his natural adherence to the cures of the red man and in his professional card announced his faith in the herbs prescribed by his forefathers. He remained but a few years in N apanee, when he removed to Western Ontario, and finally settled in London, where he became indentified with the Independent Order of Foresters, of which Society he became the High Chief Ranger, and as such acquired a world-wide reputation. The typical family doctor of the old school was the late Dr. Allan Ruttan. He was a son of Peter \IV. Ruttan who claimed to be the first white child born in the township of Adolphustown. His grandfather, \Villiam Ruttan, (spelled Rattan in the original records) was enrolled in the old l T. E. L, list still preserved in the Crown Lands Department at Toronto, and was assigned lot number eighteen in the first concession of Adol phustown. The story is told of \Villiam Ruttan that he was very fond of music and dearly loved, after a hard day's work, to take down his old violin and entertain the family with a few selections. This same instrument had helped to shorten many a tiresome day in the voyage around the Gulf and during the winter's sojourn of the Loyalists at Sorel. He was TilE CROWTH OF NAPAXEE 233 a follower of H,c\". \\ïlliam Losee. in fact one of the largest contributors to the building fund of the old l\Icthodist chapcl on lIay Day. Losee could not tolerate a violin, and remonstrated with Brother \\ïlliam upon his worldliness in being- so familiar with one of Satan's contrivances for luring the faithful from the fold. Ruttan could not see eye to eye with his piritual adviser upon this point; but the preacher was firm, so he finally yielded, and proposed to give it away to a negro who had long desired to possess one. This was also objectcd to upon high moral grounds, so tu appease the missionary the dcar old fiddle was thru t into the fireplace and consumed to ashes. Dr. Ruttan was born in .\dolphustown in IR2G, and after passing- through the common school of the to\\-nship took a preparatory course of instruction at the Picton Grammar School, and graduated from .McGiIl University in 185:2. Immediately after graduation he commenccd to practise in X ewburgh and in a short time acquircd an enviable reputa- tion. \ Yhcn the final vote was takcn fixing X apanee a:, the county to\\ n he evidently felt that the chances of N ewburgh g-rowing into a populous centre \\ ere not \'ery cncouraging, so he removed t() Picton, greatly to the regret of the citizens of the village and surrounding country, who, upon his departure, prescnted him with a silver service and an address testifying the esteem in which he was held by all classes in the com- munity. He remained in Picton less than two years, when he retunled to I\ apanee and purchased the only three-story residence in the town,- the old brick dwelling-housc on the market square, where he lived until a few years before his death, when he remO\'ed to the dwelling on Bridge Street now occupied by his son, Ir. G. F. Ruttan, K.C, He died in 1898, universally respected by all who knew him. He was a tall, power- ful man with a strong face indicating grcat force of character, yet in the sick room he was gentle, and had a great affection for his patients, He was often heard to remark that he would be unable to operate upon a child if he allowed himself to pause and think of the appealing cries of the little sufferer. He possessed great originality, and in treating many of his difficult surgical cases devised and made his own mechanical appli- ances. In his conversation he was plain and blunt, with a touch of humour that removed the sting of his sometimes caustic comments; and between him and his patients there was a oond of sympathy stronger thal1 that arising simply from the confidence in his medical skill. For many years he was the representative of this District on the Ontario :\Iedical Council, and by this connection acquired more than a local reputation as one of the leading physicians of the province. 234 HISTORY of LENKOX AND ADDINGTON CHAPTER XIV RE nNISCENCES OF NAPANEE The late Ir. Thomas H. \Yaller, until a few months ago one of the oldest business men of the town and gifted with a remarkable memory for details of places, names, and events, a few weeks before his death furnished the writer with the foIlowing information regarding the business section of N apanee as it appeared sixty years ago. In 18 4 8 1Ir. \Val1er, then a lad of fourteen years, was apprenticed to one \Vm. Parish with whom he learned the tin-smith trade. This he followed successfuIly until his death, graduaIly enlarging his business by the addi- tion of a plumbing and steam-fitting plant and a hardware store carried on by himself and his son, \ViIliam T. \Valler. The present generation would 110t recognize the main street of N apanee of sixty years ago as described by this old resident. 1\lost of the buildings were frame, one and one-half or two stories high and, as a general rule, the upper portion was used as the residence of the pro- prietor of the business carried on on the ground floor. One of the most prominent men of the tOW11 was Squire Alexander Campbell, who con- ducted a general store on the south-west corner of Dundas and Centre Streets, in a two-story frame buiiding with a verandah extending along the entire frontage on both streets. This served as a shelter for some of the coarser wares exposed for sale and as an excellent loafing place, where the idle used to congregate to gossip or wile away the hours of waiting for the stage-coach with the mail, as the post-office was kept in the rear of the building, and could be reached either by going through the store or by a rear entrance from the verandah on Centre Street. The Squire prided himself on a well kept garden, which extended from the rear of the store to :\IiIl Street. On the erection of the present brick building, known as the 1\IcJ\luIlen Block, the frame store was moved to the middle of the block, where it still remains. Just across the street on the north side stood an old frame tavern which l\Ir. Campbell purchased, tore down, and built the Campbell House upon the site. He also built the handsome stone residence across the river, and in front of it a substantial stone waIl above what is still known as Campbell's Rocks. Here, in a high fenced inclosure, he kept for years. a herd of deer captured in the northern part of the county. He was the RE IXISCEXCES OF Ar.\NEF. 235 econd po tmaster of 'S apanee, following . \llan Iacpherson, and wa:;. succeeded by the late Gilbert Bogart, \\ ho in turn \\ as followed by the present postmaster, Dr. R. A. Leonard. \\"e"t of the old Campbell store was a frame building in \\hich for a time was published the N aþallcc Standard,. next to it was another two- story frame building. part of which was recently replaced by the brick tore of [r. John Elli on. For some time the upper story of this build- ing was u..;ed as a school-room and the luwer part as a tin-shop and ware- room by the late John Herring, who made a c;pecialty of sto\'es and ploughs and had his workshop and foundry on Iill Strect in thc old building aftcn\ ards u ed as a soap factory and latcr still as an c\'a- porator. He afterwards was extensively eng-ag-ed in the manufacture of agricultural implements and employed a largc number of workmen in the factor) built by him next door to the Gibbard factory in East 'Yard. He re-organized the Kapanee Gas Company, which in other hands had proved a failure, and for many) ears enjoyed the monopoly of upply- ing the municipality and its citizcns with gas from his plant. .\lr. Hcrr- ing was a man of great originality, enterprise, and persevcrancc. He amas::-ed a mall fortune in the paper busincss at X apance Iills (Strath- cona) and sold out for a good round um when the industry was upon a g-ood pa) ing basis, but. unfortunately, embarked in a losing venture which swallowed up nearly all the saving.. of a lifetime. He built a glass factory nearly opposite the Grand Trunk Depot, equipped it with all the modern appliances, and imported German glass-blowers and workmcn from the Cnited States; but conditions were not favourable for its suc- cessful operation and its founder suc;tained a loss which would have crushed a man of ordinary energy and resource. \\ est of the Campbcll Housc. \\ here F. ,Yo Yandusen's harness shop now is, 1r. Benjamin C. Davy had his law office, and the rest of the block through to Robert Street was occupied by a number of low, ram- bling, frame houses. In the rear of one was a bowling-alley, in another was IcBean's cabinet shop, in which a member of the family still resides, and in a third one Tom Hussy, the hatter, manufactured plug hats adapted to all degrees and stations in life. On the north-east conler of Centre and Dundas Streets, no\\ occu- pied by the Robinson Company, there stood a small frame building where the father of the late George 'lills had a harness shop. Just east of it in another frame building the old gentleman lived. The next building was also a frame one in which a cobbler named Lamphier lived. and made, and mended boots; next to him was Conger's dry goods store. .\bout the middle of the block was Robert Esson's general store, and 236 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON adjoining him was a carriage factory and blacksmith shop. Every block in what is now the business part of the town appears to have had its tavern or drinking place and this one was no exception, as next door east of the carriage shop was Andrew Stevenson's saloon. N ext door east was Gleeson's saloon, and near the corner, where Chinneck's jewel- lery store now is, was a drug store kept by J. C. Huffman and Dr. David Ash. On the corner, where \Vallace's drug store is now, a man named :!\Iorris had a tailor shop; and when Grange was burned out in 1857 on the other side of the street he moved across to the pre 1Ïses occupied by the tailor, and in 1860 built the brick building on the corner which has ever since been occupied as a drug store and by some one or more mem- bers of the Grange family until 1\1r. T. B. \Vallace took possession ten years ago. On the south-east corner of Centre and Dundas Streets, now occu- pied by 1r. Fred L. Hooper, the druggist, stood a low frame building, the west part of which was a shoemaker's shop cunducted by Benoni Briggs, and the eastern part a grocery kept by a man named Embury. A little later George Sexsmith had a tailor shop on the corner, and east of the store occupied by Embury was another building which had many short term tenants, but eventually was used as a grocery and dry goods store by George Quackenbush, ,dlO, in order to assure his doubting friends that he was in business in earnest, painted a huge sign across the front of the premises which read, "An Established Fact, George A. Quackenbush." The stone bakery was turning out bread, buns, and sweetmeats from the ovens of. Edward H. Dickens; and in the next store, occupied by 1\11'. \Valler, the late Thomas H. vValler was serving his apprenticeship under \Yilliam Parish. All the other buildings in the block through to John Street were frame; and among the various occupants during the decade foll?wing 1850 Thomas Trimble had a butcher shop in partnership with a man named \Yatts, ::\1rs. Scales, mother-in-law of J. T. Grange, had a small grocery, and 1\1rs. Millburn created dreams in the millinery line. \Ym. 1cl\1ullen dealt in dry goods and groceries, and next door was Grange's drug store. Over the drug store was the home of the N apanee Standard which was burned out at the same time as the drug store. On the J\Ierchants Bank corner James Blewett had a store, over which was a barber shop conducted by a coloured man named Huffman. Crossing John Street to the site of the Albert Block we would have seen a rickety old frame building tenanted by \Vm. FeU, a baker, and Davis Fraser, a tailor. To maintain the average of drinking places there were two in the centre of the block, one a saloon managed by Lafayette Davy, adjoining which was Joseph Halfpenny's shoe shop. Next door "' ---- ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. -=1 " ALLAN MACPHERSON. \ --- -, WILLIAM GRANGE. . . \; , , " ... -z r. ....: GEORGE H, DETLOR. ., RE IINISCEKCES OF ':-;APANEE 237 was Shorey's hotel, and over the sheds of the hotel was a hall used as a court room before the division of the countiö. On thc other side of the hotel Henry Douglas, who had learned his trade with John Herring, had a tin-shop. The general store of H. T. Forward was near the corner, where John Denson, one of the most public-spirited men of his day, also kept a store in the building now standing upon that lot. The other side of thc treet wuuld havc prc ented as g-reat a con- trast. Old Dan Pringle, as e\'ery onc called him, catered to the wants of man and beast at one end of the block where the Smith building now is, and at the other end, upon the ite of the Rennie Block, George Davy had a store. Davy bought the Pringle corner, the old Tichborne House, and managed it himself for many years. East of it was one of the few brick buildings on the street, in which John S. Edgar had a drug store. It was about this time that Henry Douglas gave up the tin-shop across the street and commenced business as a general store-keeper in the old frame building which he continued to occupy to the time of his death, The old stone building is an ancient landmark. In one part John Blew- ett had a general store, over which he lived; in the other half was Joseph Gunsolus' saloon. Between the saloon and the corner the mother of Ir. Criah \\ïlson had a small grocery, and latcr on \\ïlliam Lamphier had a shoe store. The Brisco House wa__ then a small two-story brick build- mg which has since been enlarged; and the opposite side of the street presented a yery sorry appearance with a row of tumble-down build- ings and lumber yards. \Vhile East \\"ard was losing its grip upon the business of the town there were still some substantial firms in the old ward with a large annual turnover. The two-story brick building on the east side of East Street was not a part of the Brisco House property until recent years; but was known as the \\-arner Block and extended through to Dunda" Street, the lower story on the corner being a part of the ,\" arner property. In this corner was situated the store of :\larshall Roblin. In a frame building east of the present alley way was :\Ieagher's flour and feed store. X ext door east was \\Tilliam :\Iiller's store, and adjoining this was John Ste- venson's store. On the same side of the street was a grocery kept by a man named Foster, and \Vales' corner was occupied by a bowling- alley. On the corner of Adelphi and Dundas Streets was the general store of Alexander Davis. He afterwards built and moved into the brick building east of the Henry Block. now used as an auditorium for a moving picture theatre. Two frame buildings occupied a part of the corner where the Cart- wright block is; and when the Granges rebuilt the corner of Dundas and 238 HISTORY OF LEKNOX AND ADDINGTON John Streets J. C. Huffman moved down to the corner of East Street where the Daly Tea Company's offices are now. He controlled a goodly portion of the drug trade, and in his palmy days built the large brick dwelling now owned by H. L Deroche. \'Yhen the Cartwright Block was built these two frame buildings were moved eastward and are still stand- ing at the foot of Adelphi Street, but their order is reversed. One wa for many years used by the late J ames Perry as a woollen-mills office: but upon the west side of it can still be deciphered the Huffman drug store sign, painted there fifty years ago. The other frame building next door to the Gibbard Company's finishing room stood near the present site of Boyle & Son's store and was the first store occupied by Doyle & \Vright as a hardware store. In the same locality Rennie made a spe- cialty of penitentiary boots, and further east in the same block were the dry goods stores of \V. H. Fralick and \\lm. V. Detlor. R. V. Powell had a tin- hop where Kormile's ,,-arerooms are; and where now stands the small brick blacksmith shop was one of the busiest hives in the vil- lage, in fact the most historic store of N apanee, that of Allan Macpher- son. There can still be seen beneath the floor of the shop the old cellar in which \Va::; tored the surplus stock of whisky. This was once the hub of N apanee, for IVIacpherson's industries were all directed from his store, in which was also kept the first post-office. Perhaps no part .of the town has undergone a greater change than the river front. From the bend in the river just above Light's dock, extending all along the northern bank up to the falls, there stood piles of lumber to the height of fifteen feet or more. This lumber was the product of the mills farther up and was hauled to the river's bank by the teams, summer and winter, to be shipped to its destination. It was a common occurrence to see four or five schooners loading at a time; and the merry call of the workmen and deck-hands could be heard from sunrise to evening, above the clatter of the boards and planks, where now a deathlike stIllness reigns, broken only by the occasional put-put of the motor boats. \Vhere 1\1r. \\Taller's residence now stands on Bridge Street there was a clearing; but the rest of that part of the town was covered with trees from which the choicest timber had been cut. All that area south of the park and north of the Deseronto Road found its natural drainage outlet through the depression between Dundas and Bridge Streets. and far into the summer a pond of stagnant water was found at the lowest point in the vicinity of the residence of Mr. T. G. Carscallen. Unsuited as it was for the purpose, it was a favourite bathing-place for the youth of the town; and J;11any a time did. young \Valler and his companions, after a hard day's work, meet at this pond for their evening swim. RE:\IU\ISCEKCES OF KAI'.\:\'I':E 239 The woods about the site of \ \r e t \ \T arù School were a famous pigeon rookery, where the wild birds came in flocks towards evening and roosted in such numbers in the trees that frequently the branches ga\ e way under their weight. ::\lr. \\Taller recalls having frequently gone in the night, with an old mu:,ket, and in a few minutes secured as many as he could carry home in a bag slung over his shoulder. Another method in common practice for capturing the pigeons in the open was by means of a net forty or fifty feet long by twenty or more in width. The net would be held in place about three or four feet above the ground by means of small posts placed at regular intervals and controlled by the operator by a series of cords. .. \ small quantity of grain would be scat- tered upon the ground under the net. As a flock of wild pigeons ap- proached, a tame decoy, a stool pigeon, traineù to lure them to their fate, would fly upward..:, and conduct them to the tempting grain; and as they hegan to feed under the net the operator in ambush would pull the cords, the JX>sts would tumble over, and the net drop upon the unsuspecting birds, who thrust their heads through the meshes where they \\ ere securely held until their necks were wrung by the heartless hunter. ::\11". \\. alter remembered an occasion when the late O. 1'. Pruyn, former sher- iff of this county, captured two hundred and fifty pigeons in this manner at one haul. Thus to reconstruct from one's memory the entire business portion of a town as it appeared sixty. years ago is no slight task, as will be apparent to anyone attempting to recall the various occupants of a row of buildings ten or twenty years ago. The foregoing statement, based upon the information funlished by ::\lr. \\'aller, ha:; been submitted to other old residents, who made but few alterations in the original. These slight changes have been adopted after being verified from other sources. That part of DUllda Street near the foot of ..\delphi has never lost its standing as an important business and manufacturing centre, for when the ::\Iacpherson interests began to decline the Gibbard industry began to take root. It was a lucky accident that gave the Gibbards to Kapanee. John Gibbard, who at the time of his death was justly entitled to be styled "}Japanee's Grand Old ::\lan," was born near \Yilton in 1812. His father, \\ïlliam Gibbard, was a carpenter and mill-wright who erected more mills in this and the adjoining county of Prince Edward than any other one man. Among others he built a saw-mill and a grist- mill near Thompsonville at the first water-power that was used on the river north of Napal1ee. John learned his trade with his father and worked with him until he was twenty-four years of age, when he shoul- dered his basket of tools and set out for Oswego. He walked to Cul- 240 HISTORY OF LEN NOX AND ADDINGTON bertson's \Vharf (Deseronto) where he expected to catch a boat to carry him across the lake, but waited in vain for hours for the vessel to arrive. Night was coming on and no boat was in sight, so he gathered up his tools, returned to Napanee, secured a situation, and spent the rest of his days in the town, which probably he would never have seen again but for the belated vessel, which did not arrive in time to pick up the passenger waiting impatiently upon the wharf. He continued to work at his trade for many years, and assisted in the erection of the :Macpherson house east of the N ewburgh Road and the grist-mill on the other side of the river 1ear the falls. Later on he devoted himself to the manufacture of fanning-mills, and in 1860 leased a mill on the canal, in which he turned out sashes, doors, and a few lines of furniture. This factory was burned in 1864 but was rebuilt in 1868, when his son, \V. T. Gibbard, was taken into the business and the firm of J. Gibbard & Son appeared. In 1871 they abandoned all other lines and devoted themselves ex- clusively to the manufacture of furniture; but just as the business had become nicely established another destructive fire, in 1874, again reduced factory, plant, and stock to ashes. Again it was rebuilt on a larger scale, and for eighteen years the firm prospered and proved a boon to the town, affording employment to a large number of workmen; but ,vas once more wiped out by fire in 1892. After this fire the Gibbard Furniture Com- pany was organized, a new factory vvas built, the most modern machinery installed, and business resumed with greatly increased facilities for meet- ing the demands of the trade. :\1r. \V. T. Gibbard, the manager amI leading stockholder, relieved his aged father of his former responsibility and proved a worthy successor. A few months ago the reins were handed over to the sole male representative of the third generation of this branch of the family, 1\lr. George Gibbard, who, following in the footsteps of his ancestors, continues as manager of the leading industry of N apanee. John Gibbard died in 1907 in the ninety-fifth year of his age, universally respected by all who knew him and especially by the employees of the industry he had established. The following list of professional and business men of Napanee is copied from the Canada Directory of 18 5 1 : Allan, David, chemist and druggist Bartels, James F., conveyancer Bartels, George, carriage maker Beeman, T., saddler Benn, James, blacksmith Black, Rev. J.,. \Vesleyan Blewett, John, grocer Briggs, Noel, shoemaker Brown, Rev. 1., Epis. 'Iethodist Bruton, Charles, grocer . , .. .......... .. . -- ... """ '\ . -:- , . \. " ...., . , i '"'-- .\.. ,.... .. 1" "'" . . f. · , t?.-'" , . l ' ,'" - :., . . . i' fa .- J ,. f ." \ . , t'" ... , f . ..' , SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD AT NAPANEE, 1877. l -I f - ,. ... A \; " .- '" , .... . -) . " r"- ....".' .... ,. " -.... ./ - r ' I' '... \.. . . ----.... - -- . NAPANEE SNOW-SHOE CLUB. 1885. Back r0w-Left to right. James T. Loggie. Thomas Trimble. \Villiam C. Smith. George Kapier. John Roblin. \V, A. nox ee. Frank Jemmett. Dr. Harry \Vray. C. Z. Perry. Fred Blcwett. Albert Empey. Front row-Left to right. \Villiam Shannon. John \V. Robinson. \Villiam Trimble. Joseph Kirby. Joseph :\IcAlister. RE II"ISCE CES of X AP.\XI-:I 2-1.1 Campbell. Alex.. po tma ter Carey, Dr. Francis V. Chamberlain, Dr. Thomas Chatterson, John, grocer Chrysdall, John, lath factory Clapp, G. S., land surveyor Clark, Leonard, blacksmith Clark. Andrew L., saw-mil) Close, Thos., carriage maker Cooper, John, tailor Cornell, George, innkeeper Davey. Geo. H., general store Detlor & Perry, general store Dickens, Edmund, baker Doney, Solomon, shoemaker Easton, Robert, general store Edgar, John, carriage maker Fink, Hiram, blacksmith Foot, Benjamin, tailor Forward. H. T., general store Fraser. Davis, tailor George. F. J., general store Georgen, T. \Y., general store Greenleaf, G. D., printing-offic Gunn. \ \ illiam, general store Halfpenny, Joseph. shoemaker Hamilton. A., carriage maker Hill, lath factorv Herring, John, foundrv and tin- shop Huff, Th05.. blacksmith Huff. Eliakim, cooper Huff. \\ illiam, cooper James & Peterson, general store King, John. innkeeper Lamb, Thos., general store Lamphier, \VI11., hoemaker Lamphier, John, shoemaker Lauder, Rev. \V. B., Anglican l\Iacpherson, Donald, general stor l\IcCulloch, James, tailor IcLaughlin, James, tailor :\Iackay, A. E., Clerk Divi"ion Court l\Iadden, S. S., tanner and shoe maker \Iartin, James, general store l\Iiller, George, addler Ioray, Joseph, blacksmith .Va/,a1lee Bee. The. weekly paper Parish, '\'m., tin-smith Perry. John ,Yo Smith, cloth fac. tory Pringle. Daniel. hotel keeper Rust. carding-mill Reynolds, Re\-. Ir., 'Yesle an Schermerhorn, Asa, grocer Shirley, Dr. Thomas Shorey, Iiles. hotel keeper Stevenson, Andrew, grocer and saloon Storr, Edward, shoemaker Templeton, 'Ym., tanner Trom, James, saddler Vine, David, grocer \\ïlson & Co., general store \\ right, 'Vm., general store An anonymous contributor to the Standard gave the following pen picture of X apanee in 1861: "Take your stand on Roblin's Height and look down upon X apanee, and even though you hail from the would-be ambitious K ewburgh. you will be forced to admit that its appearance is rea))y imposing. On its south-eastern side the waters of the N apanee River. having cleared the rapids. flow softly around a semicircular bend 16 242 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON evidently intended by nature for the site of a large city; and as far as the eye can reach a fine country for settlement stretches away back from the town in every direction. "The town itself presents the appearance of a circle of houses with the Town-hall as a centre. It is a British town, being a beautiful mix- ture of red brick blocks, whitewashed cottages, and blue-stone buildings, with a few dirty, dingy, rickety structures which in the olden time went by the name of houses, but ought now to be numbered amongst the things that were. Near to the Town-hall you observe by far the most conspicuous object in Napanee, a spire that might do credit to any city, and at sight of which the shade of John \Yesley would rejoice, could it only be conjured up to behold it, for upon inquiry you discover that it is another monument to his name, and to the name of a greater than \Yesley. Posterity will never blush at this deed of their fathers. "A magnificent block next arrests the eye. I t is the Campbell House, to all appearance little inferior to the Astor House of N ew York. But no Yankee lives there, for British colours float proudly over it. An- other building south-east of the town-hall attracts the gaze. It is the justly celebrated Grange's Block, a beautiful ornament to our town, and where business is piled en masse. A person may there have anything he wishes for, cheap coffee and tea, cups and saucers to drink them out of; clothes of all sorts, and soap to wash them with; furs to keep out the cold, and physic to cure it; drabs and drugs for all weathers and dis- eases; a tooth extracted; a limb set; a lawsuit settled; or a book or news- paper printed. "A way on the western side of the town, on the rising ground, amid dark pines, you behold the elegant mansion of the town reeve, John Stevenson, Esq., one of the wealthiest of our citizens, and at our last election no mean candidate for a seat in Parliament. The Canada Pres- byterian Manse, a neat building of brick, stands close by. Had you a glass in your hand, you might discover on the top of that stone struc- ture on the north-west of the town a cross, for it is a Church which belongs to Rome. The Church of England with its tower and turrets, on the east side of the town, next catches the eye. Apart from the business and bustle of our streets. it occupies the centre of God's acre, the sleeping ground of the dead, in venerable silence and solemnity a house of the living God. A few lingering trees fringing the suburbs, now con'tending alone with the breezes and the beasts, sing and sigh of the waving forests passed away. "But why tarry so long viewing N apanee from a distance when you might, by leaping into one of the numerous conveyances continually RE IIXISCEKCES OF XAPA EE 243 passing townward, soon be in it" centre. \Ye would ask the reader to do so \\ ere it not that we wish to walk with him into town and view it somewhat at leisure. Crossing the rh-er by a wooden bridge with tim- bers still sound althoug-h bearing- the date of 18.1-0. the :,tupendous arches of the Grand Trunk Railway bridge excite your admiration; and as. you tand gazing at its workmanship, a train of thirty cars shoots overhead, proving that it is a structure of strength as well as of beauty. "The bridges pas:,e(l. the town at first sight presents no very inviting aspect. Old dwarfish hou:,es meet the eye, but they are not to be despised; for as many a one does a large business in a little house, so it is in some of these. Let us go along Dundas Street, taking a few notes of anything noticeable by the way. The first building is the carriage and sleigh factory of J. Rooney, who has a good display of cutters of the newest styles. Passing what seems to be a watering-place for horses, T. Close's carriage factory stands surrounded with dismembered bodies of carriages and sleighs cattered in sad confusion, after the rough and tumble fashion of null's Run. The means of repair, however, :Mr. Close says are close at hand. T. :\Iooney shoes horses and repairs guns amid a range of dismal shanty-like things which the past age forgot to take with it. Davis stands high as a haberda"her under a low veran- dah. O'Byrne's big blue boot tells that its master has a good footing near. "At ,,\. n. Dunning's door winter clothing is piled up, with a red or green sash waving overhead, Allingham's Cabinet and Furniture store supplies the town with sideboards and sofas on the shortest notice; and near by the village artist challenges competition in the art of realizing the poet's wish, enabling people from the country 'to see themselves as others see them.' \\ïth the sun for his senior partner, he has, gen- erally speaking, bright prospects. Foster's window displays hoops and skirts, hats and feathers_ :\Iil1er, his neighbour, sells candlesticks, ropes, and carpets: and Rogers disposes of a considerable quantity of hardware, and Ix>ots, and shoes to those who put up at Fletcher's Hotel. Huffman disposes of drugs, Rennie of penitentiary boots and shoes, and H. Doug- las of stove pipes, pails, and brooms. At Harrington's new store you may have cheap sugar, at L. Doney's smoked hams, and you may fill your- self drunk at Davy's or the Lennox Hotel. places of great resort on Fair days, and in the neighbourhood of which fights and other convivial sports are often exhibited. "The Phelan lump sugar, suspended in the street, and the Parish kettle of uncommon size, speak as eloquently for their possessors as the wooden bu"t decked with artificiai flowers in the window of :\Iiss Lowry. 244 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON J. C. Huffman and John Grange give cash for rye smut, \YiIliam Mcl\lul- len tables it down for pot ashes, and T. Beeman is prepared to pay for 10,000 hides. Abel Yates wilJ keep a man for a dollar a day; S. T. Clements will take out his teeth or put them in, at a moderate charge; \Vilkison. Hine. or Davy will mete out the law to him or sell him land; \i\Taddel will make him a saddle or harness for his horse; Lewis, the coloured. barber, will shave him; Blair will make him a good coat; and Lamphier or Briggs a good pair of boots; Clarke or Carnal will mend his watch; and George Wilson will fit him out for the winter; Robt. Easton will insure his house or his life; and anyone may have a night's lodging under the Town-hall free of charge. In a new shop Charles l\lcBean sells new goods at new prices, and has a regiment of Lilliputian soldiers guarding his window; Rennie & Co. guarantee that their goods will neither fall short in weight nor in measure, and yet it pays them to sell sixpenny cotton for fourpence a yard. Such is a short, but by no means exhaustive outline of the business of our streets. "The different trades and professions of "K apanee rank as follows: The town keeps thirteen sons of Crispin making its boots, and eight tailors cutting out and patching up its garments; nine men making har- ness for its horses; three butchers killing its oxen and sheep; two watch- makers regulating its time; four houses licensed by law to sell that which sows the seeds of disease, and creates quarrels; seven ministers proclaim- ing the gospel; three lawyers laying down the law; two hundrecl and fifty scholars attending its schools. and five teachers teaching them; four bakers baking its bread, and two thousand people consuming it. "In the centre of the village in an open square stands the universal town-hall, a useful but by no means ornamental brick building. Town- halls, all the world over. are at best a nondescript class of buildings, and appear to us to defy the genius of architects, whose maxim is that a building should always convey to the public some definite idea of the pur- pose for which it was designed. The failure, no doubt, is attributable to the fact that the town-hall is intended to serve no purpose in particular, but is meant to be available for every purpose under the sun. Viewed in this light that of N apanee nobly fu]fil its mission. Once within its walls you can buy and sell beef. listen to revival sermons and theatrical entertainments, sit and stare with amazement at a continent, an island, or the whole Arctic regions passing through the building upon canvas, get yourself or others entangled in the meshes of the law, choose one man to represent you and another man to misrepresent YOlt in Parlia- ment, be bought by ladies at bazaars, or sold by gentlemen at an auc- tion, be humbugged or enlightened by a public lecturer, attend a schoo] REMINISCENCES OF NAPANEE 245 exhibition, or take lessons in dancing. In short, in N apauee, as in every other town-hall, idle person" often spend idle hours and throwaway idle dollars. "The Campbell 1 louse also deserves special notice. Its handsome and cheerful appearance from without, and ample accommodation within are sufficient to account for the rapidity with which its fame has spread, and its popularity increased. Guests, we believe, not only receive a kind and warm reception at the hands of its able proprietor, but they are also attended to by men and women of their own colour and country, and not. as in most American hotels, by the sons and daughters of Ham, who ever hring- to mind the accursed institution of the South, that bone of American contention. Our large and stately grist and saw-mills rattling away by the ri\"er's side, urged on by a never failing water-power, and our thriving stores and woollen factories are exactly what our Campbell House would lead lb to expect. The very fact that 9.000,000 feet of lumber are annually exported from Xapanee is a giant truth which speaks \'olumes for its flourishing trade. "The different religious denominations in Napanee are the Roman Catholic Church. the Church of England. the Pre,byterian. and the Epis- copal and \\'e"leyan letho<1i"t Churches. the services in which are con- ducted by seven clergymen. This sounds well for the morality of the town; but when you set alongside of it the fact that there are four tav- erns and a great many more low unlicensed g-rog-g-erics. you will be apt to suspect the population are not all saints. Each sect advocates from the pulpit and the platform unity and harmony amongst Christians, and apparently in earnest! But at the same time the acts of the one body towards the other seem to say: 'Stand by thyself. come not near to me, for I am holier than thou.' Public meetings for the a(l\'ocacy of meas- ures affecting the ood of the community. instead of being- protracted meetings, as might be expected where so many gentlemen of the cloth are on hand, often turn out distracted meetings, or what are cal1ed fail- ures; imply bec:.lu"e the clergy do not stand shoulder to shoulder in the cause. "Theatres. Panoramas, Dioramas. Cycloramas, Tom Thumb gather- ings (and scarcely a week passes without something of the kind), are generally well attended; and when an instructive lecture on history or science is announced it is no strange occurrence in Napanee to see the speaker of world-wide celebrity draw a crowd of no more than twenty to hear him! The political assemblies of N apanee, as in every town in America from the Straits of Belle Isle to the Straits of Florida, draw out 246 HISTORY OF LENNOX AKD ADDINGTON those whom even the camp-meeting horn cannot bring within the sound of a sermon. Representation by Population is the only article in some men's creeds; and they are eager to embrace the glorious opportunity. of bearing witness to it before the world when an election day comes round. "There are two temperance societies in town; one in connection with the Good Templars and the other known by the name of 'The Napanee Teetotal Society.' The former has seen better days than the present; but its star is again in the ascendant. Although its members are few we believe that some of them are enthusiastic in the cause; and this is one of the elements of prosperity in any enterprise, either for the aggrandize- ment or amelioration of man; for no great undertaking ever yet succeeded without having an enthusiast at its head. But it strikes us that the object of this Society is to form a little social gathering of Good Templars, and not to reform or cure the town of N apanee, or any other town, of drunk- enness; and a little more exertion put forth outside their division might tend both to strengthen their body, and advance the cause it seeks to promote. The other Society is of recent origin, and is intended for those who wish merely to pledge themselves to abstain from the use of intoxi- cating liquors as a beverage, without joining a Society where badges, pass-words, and an outlay of cash are required. We trust the two Societies will, by a friendly co-operation, do much in reclaiming the drunkard and preventing the sober man from being led captive to destruction by a stronger than himseIf,-strong drink. True prosperity can never attend a town while drunkenness stalks rampant in its streets; and N apanee is so stained with this and other vices, that our river, black though it be itself, makes a tremendous leap to get past it as soon as possible. "Another evil requiring remedy is that of children strolling, or loung- ing idly, (yea, worse than idly) at street corners after sundown. The education th2t is acquired there is not of the best kind. It is easily learned, but not so easily forgotten. It is there that superfluous Eng- lish words are picked up, unnecessary habits formed, and rowdyism, which sometimes shows itself in Town-hall meetings, fostered. Tom would be far better at home than abroad of an evening. "N apanee is not deficient in musical talent; on the contrary, it may be justly said to be passionately fond of it. It signifies not what street you pass through at the close of the day, you are certain to hear sweet music sounding forth from a piano or a melodeon that is being touched by some gentle hand. It can also bear a favourable comparison with other towns for female beauty and accomplishments. One has only to RE IXISCEXCES OF :"JAPA:"JEE 247 attend a school exhibition or a bazaar to be convinced of this; and young men from the country desirous of settling in life would do well to attend on such occa:,ions. Our town may lack beautiful trees to shade and shelter its streets, but it is not lacking in young and beautiful belles. Children, and dogs too, are yery numerous; and it is no unusual occur- rence to be awakened at midnight by a barking quarrel which the latter have engehdered. Let war come, Xapanee is garrisoned with more than a yolunteer regiment." 2 8 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON CHAPTER XV DIVERSIONS AND RECREATIONS OF NAPANEE During the winter of 1865-6 there were many vague rUI110urs afloat that Canada was to be invaded by the Fenians, whose programme was to subdue our country as the first step towards the liberation of Ireland. Little attention was paid by the authorities to this war scare until the beginning of 1Iarch, when the Government thought the situation was serious enough to warrant the calling out of ten thousand volunteers in order to be in a position to resist the proposed invasion. Lennox and Addington shared in the general excitement; and a public meeting was called in the town-hall at N apanee for 1Iarch 13th, to take into consideration the necessity of raising volunteer companies to aid in the defence of our country. Patriotic addresses were delivered by 1r. George \\'ilson, Thomas Flynn, Dr. Bristol, F. \Y. Campbell, Geo. A. Fraser, and John T. Grange; and resolutions were unanimously carried requesting 11essrs, Campb Il and Fraser, who had acquired some military training, to raise two companies in N apanee. There was not at the time any military organization in the county except in the old township of Adolphustown, where Captain Sweatman had maintained a company. St. Patrick's Day came; but the Fenians did not put in an appearance. The two companies were enrolled in N apanee and their services tendered to the goven1ment; but the :L\Iilitia Department in- formed the gentlemen who had completed the organization that their services were not deemed necessary; but that arms would be sent to them as soon as the necessary arrangements could be completed. The young warriors of this promising town were not content with being thus neglected; another public meeting was called, at which the military authorities were roundly criticised; and a Home Guard was enrolled to patrol our streets and keep a sharp look-out that no conspiracies against Her 11ajesty were hatched in our midst. Two companies were formed at Tamworth, one at Bath, and one at Enterprise. An Artillery Com- pany was also formed in N apanee, and during the early summer months met three times a week for drill in the town-hall. The Adolphustown boys, who in time of peace, had prepared for war, were at the front covering themselves with glory; while the other newly enrolled companies were at home c1amouring for clothing and DI\ (RSIOXS AXD RECREATIOXS OF N.\PANEE 2-109 arms, and indulging in all sorts of misgivings as to the probable over- throw of the empire unless these accoutrements were promptly supplied them. It never occurred to them, until the visit of Drigade- lajor Shaw to this district in July, that the Commander-in-chief and his subordinate" had been too busy in mustering and pushing to the front the fully-equip- ped and well-drilled companies from other parts of the country to devote any attention to the wants of the fresh recruits of Lennox and \dding- ton. On the evening of July lith the :\Iajor, arrayed in feathers and gold braid, with a sword dangling at his side, created quite a sensation in Tamworth by summoning Captains Douglas and Brown to a conference. The Captains ignified their willingness to produce their volunteers for inspection; and on the following morning, although the day was wet and disagreeable, messengers were despatched through the concession and side lines; and by one o'clock in the afternoon Captain Douglas stood at the head of fifty-four burly yeoman at one end of Front street, and fifty-two answered to the roll-call of Captain Brown at the other end. The :\Ia jor was astounded at the promptness of the response, con- gratulated the Sheffield men upon their soldierly appearance, and promised to return a favourable report to the 4\djutant-general anel to see that they were peedily equipped with all the necessaries to place them in a po ition to participate in the defence of their country. !'fhe Company at Dath wa also accepted, and Napanee's hour of trial arrived on the evening of the 19th. The \rtillery Company was put through the various military evolutions in which they harl been instructed and acquitted themselves creditably. In the course of his address the :\Iajor referred to the unenviable notoriety Xapanee had gained during the Fenian excitement, at the \djutant-g-enerars office and throughout the district, and hoped that the reputation of the town would he retrieved by displaying more of a patriotic and military spirit in the future. During the following week he inspected the Infantry Com- panies under Captains Campbell and Fraser and, while he promised to make a favourable report, he again took occasion to lecture the good people of X apanee and explain to them that if they wished to shew their loyalty to the Queen they should not wait until the foe was actually upon our soil before making a move. Our citizens accepted the rebuke and. although the war scare was over, for a time the military spirit was rampant; and public meetings were called to discuss ways and means of defraying the expense of our volunteers at a military camp, which it was proposed should be held in this county in the autumn. The infection spread to Ernest own; and in August another company of Infantry 250 HISTORY OF LEKKOX AND ADDINGTON under Captain Anson Lee was formed at Odessa. The town coun il appropriated $500 for the erection of a drill shed, petitioned the county council to supplement this sum by $1,000, and the govenlment was expected to contribute as much more. "R. J. Cartwright (the late Sir Richard) signified his willingness to donate a site. Rumours of another contem.plated invasion were current in Septem- ber; and the local force scented a bloody engagement when a Fredericks- burgh farmer laid intormation before the .i\Iayor that suspicious looking craft were from time to time discharging in the night at :McDonald Cove cargoes which were suspected to be Fenian arms. His \Vorship, ::\iayor Davy, instructed the Chief of Police to investigate the matter; and three waggon loads of patriots "armed to the teeth" drove to the spot, determined to sell their lives dearly or return with the munitions of war of "The Irish Republic." This land force was to co-operate with the local navy, which consisted of the old steamer John Grecnway, which was lying at the dock at the time. The town council, which happened to be in session, embarked upon the steamer and proceeded down the river to the appointed rendezvous. Early the next morning both parties returned to town, having done no more serious damage to the supposed invaders than to frighten away a small boat alleged to have been engaged in smuggling liquor to the other side of the line. The county council met in September and declined to entertain the request of the town for a grant for the erection of a drill shed, so the plan fell through; but the county military organization was completed; and the December number of the Canada Ga::ette announced the forma- tion of the 48th Battalion with Captain Anson Lee of Odessa raised to the rank of Lieutenant-colonel. The same number proclaimed Lieuten- ant Edward Stevenson. Adjutant of the Napanee Battery Garrison Artil- lery. The Fenialls had abandoned their designs upon Canada and, save the few who were languishing in our prisons, were said to be directing their steps towards Mexico, with the avowed intention of settling things down there, expelling the French. and sending the Emperor Maximilian about his business. The cold weather and the municipal elections were coming on; and the citizens of the county soon forgot the stirring events of the year then closing and again settled down to their ordinary pur- suits. At no time have the young men of Napanee taken very kindly to soldiering; the two Infantry Companies organized in the town made a poor shewing at the annual inspections, and more than once the com- ments of the Inspector were not at all complimentary. The reasons assigned at the time were the lack of interest shewn by the town council, DI\'ERSIOXS AXD RECREATIOXS OF XAPAXEE 251 and the want of a drill shed or other suitable quarters for the accom- modation of the volunteers. For a time the annual camp was held in the fair ground ; the "palace" being et apart as quarters for the men, while the tents of the officers, ho pital tent, and officers' mess tent occu- pied po itiüns facin the east entrance. . \s some four hundred men used to a semble at these annual drills the town, for a while, \\ ore quite a military air. N apanee has always been ambitious in the matter of sports. At the present time the Curling Club, although labouring under a great disad- vantage in having a very inferior rink, has more than held its own against BelleviIle, Brockville, and Kingston, and has to its credit more trophies than any other club in the Eastern League. I t was organized about twenty years ago by Dr. Bissonnette and the late \V. A. Bellhouse. For many years the 1\ apanee Hockey Club scored many brilliant victories against the neighbouring towns and cities, but has been unable to main- tain its record through the want of a rink. The Collegiate Institute football teams have captured all the cups that have come within their reach, and baseball has had its intermittent periods of popularity, and whenever a team has been put in the field it has made a fair showing. For over twenty years the ancient game of golf has had a few ardent votaries, whose annual defeats have not quenched their love for the sport. Fifty years ago there were two or three bowling-alleys in the town, while tcrday there is none, nor has there been for thirty years. The time is ripe for the revival of this excellent game and the introduction of bowling on the green. \Yickets. stumps, bails, and cricket bats are terms unfamiliar to the rising generation and this. too, in a town which twenty-seven years ago held the championship of the province. Captain F. S. Richardson has found no successor to fill his place upon the green: but it is to be hoped that the young men now coming to the front in the sporting world will regain for Napanee the good reputation it once had of being the best cricket town in the province. The "gentleman's game" took the lead in manly sports before N apanee assumed the dignity of a town, and the matches with the neighbouring villages were among the leading events of the season. The following report of a contest between Xapanee and Bath played on the Bath cricket ground on July 28th, 1860, will be of interest to the "old boys:" "Bath winning the toss sent Napanee to the bat at 11.3 0 a.m. 252 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON Napanee-First Innings Charles Ham, b \Yilmer ... . . 3 A. Campbell, run out ....... 9 G. Taylor, b \Yilmer ...... I \Y. Casey, run out ......... 52 .1 no. Taylor, b Cameron .... 4 C. Jenkins, b \Yilmer, c Ash- ton ..................... 17 Jno. Stevenson, b Cameron.. 5 .Tno. \Vilson, band c vVilmer. 12 \V. Blewett, b Cameron .... 0 Thos. Crampton, band c Cam- er011 .................... 2 C. Donoghue. not out ....... 4 1û9 Byes ...................... 16 \ Yides ..................... 7 Total...............13 2 Bath-First Innings \Vilmer, st Ham. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 R. B. Price, b Ham ......... 5 R. R. Finkle, leg b. w. . . . . . . . . 0 1. Cameron, b Ham, c Steven- Son ..................... I C. Ashton, b Ham .......... 10 Haywood, b Carey, c Steven- son .................. _ . . I I. Price, b Carey ........... 0 Dr. Ashton, b Carey, c \\Tilson 0 R. Stinson, b Carey, c Camp- bell ..................... 0 I. .T ohnston, not out ......... 5 H. Rogers, b Carey ........ 2 Byes 44 4 4 8 Total Bath-Second Innings Haywood, b Carey . . . . . . . . . . I H. Rogers, run out ......... 3 Finkle, run out ............. 10 \Yilmer, not out ............ 20 47 Dr. Ashton, b Carey ........ I Byes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 R. Stinson, b Carey ........ 0 R. B. Price, st. Carey ...... 5 51 1. Johnston, b Carey ........ 3 First Innings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 8 I. Cameron, b Carey ........ 0 C. Ashton, run out ......... 0 99 I. Price, st Ham ........... 4 N apanee-First Innings ..... 13 2 "The play.on both sides was good. Carey's score of 52, and his bow ling in the second innings showed him to possess no common skill as a cricketer, while \Yilmer displayed great judgment and a clear know- ledge of the game by his steady scoring and the manner in which he carried out his bat in the second innings against Carey's anrl Ham's bowling. C. Ashton made a fine score of ten. The fielding on both sides was good, and some splendid catches were made. After the game all adjourned to Stinson's Hotel where a capital dinner was prepared, to which ample justice was done in that hearty style in which cricketers so excel, when J\1r. Stinson, the president of the Bath Club, with some DI\'ERSlOXS AXD RECREATIOXS OF .KAPA.KEE 253 very appropriate remarks, prescnted a very fine hal1, with three cheers, to the Xapanee Club, which was responded to by .:\1r. J. Taylor the presi- dent of the club in a very nice manner, and checrs rcturned. Cheers to the ladies who::,e presence graced the field. rc:,ponded to by Ir. II. Rogers in an eloquent spccch, and cheers for the Cmpires and Scorers when the clubs bid each other adieu, SOOI1 to meet again and renew the contest. ,. On June 9th. IRïJ. a match was played bctween Kingston and X apanee on the ground of the King ton Club with the following score: apanee-First Inning, Farmer, J., b Galloway ..... I H a \\ ley, c Corbett .......... II I umford, b Ormiston ...... 0 Geddes, b Galloway ......... 8 Farmer, R.. b Galloway . . . . . . 0 Chinneck, b Ormiston 0 Stevenson, b Ormiston ...... 13 Pruyn, c Galloway ......... 3 \Vebster, b Galloway. . ... . . . 1 Abrams, not out ............ 1 \Yaddell. b Galloway. .. . . . . . I Byes, leg byes and ",ides .... 28 Total ............... 68 Second Innings Farmer, J., run out ......... Hawley, b Galloway ........ Iumford, b Gal10way ...... Geddes, c Carruthers ........ Farmer. R., b Ormiston. . . . . Lhinneck, b Ormiston ....... Stevenson, run out ..... . . . . . Pruyn. b Galloway ......... \Vebster, not out ........... Abrams, b Ormiston ........ \Vaddell, b Galloway. . . . . . . . Byes, leg byes and wides .... Total ............... Kingstou-First Inning Ful1er, b Pruyn ............ Glidden, b Pru) n ........... Ormiston, c Abraflls ........ Jones, b Pruyn ............. Dickson, c AbraI1lCj . . . . . . . . . . Corbett, b Pruyn ........... Galloway, b Abrams ........ \lexander, b Pruyn ........ Burkett, b Pruyn ........... Hendry. not out ............ Carruthers. c Hawley ...... Dyes, leg byes, amI wides . _ . I 1 o 17 10 4 4 12 3 4 I 2() T ota I ................ 83 8 3 o 8 3 5 3 o o o o 23 econd Inning,; Dickson, c Chinneck ........ Corbett, b Pruyn ........... Jones, b Pruyn ............. Gal1oway, b Abrams ....... Hendry, c Chinneck ........ Alexander, b Pruyn ......... Glidden, b Pruyn ........... Carruthers, b Pruyn ........ Ormiston, not out . . . . . . . . . . . Byes and wides ............ 6 5 2 o 9 4 5 o 50 3 3 ,. 37 "apanee. 1 5t and 2nd innings. II 8 Kingston, 1 st and 2nd innings. 120 laJonty for Kingston ...... 2 \\ïth two wickets to spare. 254 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON Few towns possess better natural advantages for obtaining beautiful recreation grounds than Napanee; but in its early years 110 effort appears to have been made to secure a proper place for field sports or to set aside .any of the vacant lands for a park. The cricket club used a pasture field or commons, and the school children were confined to the narrow limits of the land attached to the school buildings. The first step towards providing a park was taken about twenty-five years ago by a few lead- ing citizens, among them being His Honour Judge \Vilkison, \Vm. :Miller, Nelson DoUer, Stephen Gibson, and several other public-spirited men. The beauti ful driving park to the west of the town is the result of their labours. To the generosity of l\1r. Harvey Warner the town is indebted for the more central square that bears his name. The trees, shrubs, and flow- ers were donated by the Horticultural Society, which is largely responsi- ble for the marked improvement in the cultivation of flowers in all parts of the town. Our river front is and has for years been an eyesore to everyone; and it is to be hoped that some united effort will, in the near future, be made to render it more presentable. A stranger approaching our town by water receives a first impression that is not easily shaken off. A municipal wharf, at which steamers, and visiting and local motor boats could discharge their passengers, is badly needed and could be provided at a very smaU cost. The grounds of the Agricultural Society are used for public pur- JX>ses one day out of three hundred and sixty-five. In commenting upon this beautiful spot forty-five years ago, when the "Palace" was first used, the editor of the Weekly Express said: "The grounds so beauti- ful by nature now requires a touch of art. It would cost twenty-five cents a piece or less to plant elms or maples around the whole plot, and in a few years the place would become a public park, a greater ornament to the place than it now is, and a resort for pleasure seekers who most delight to bask in ambrosial groves." Forty-five springs have come and gone, and those longed-for elms and maples are still unplanted. If the very sensible advice of the editor had been acted upon, N apanee would have had in the east end of the town, at a trifling expense-an ornamental pleasure-ground that other towns, less favourably situated, would be glad to spend thousands to duplicate. No doubt the Society would have been only too glad to see its pasture field turned to such good account. It is only in recent years that the citizens have begun to appreciate the facilities for boating which they possess, and many have yet to learn the beauties of that part of the N apanee River above the faUs. A more ideal stream for the canoeist it would be difficult to find, parti- cularly that tortuous part of it meandering through the overhanging trees and along sloping meadows between the town and :Mink's bridge. BANKS A D BANKIKG 2!;5 CHAPTER XVI BAXKS L\XD BAXKIXG As the settlements advanced and transportation facilities improved, money began to circulate, and it was not long before the thrifty farmers and merchants of Lennox and Addington began to accumulate savings. Iany of these were invested in the ",tock of the early banking institu- tions of the province, especially the so-called Bank of 17 pper Canada, and the Commercial Bank of the .Midland District, both of which had their headquarters at Kingston. Earlv in 1837 a bold attempt, the honour of which belongs to Bath, was made to found a bank of our own. The previous years had been a period of feverish prosperity in lJ'pper Canada and in the United States; and in the latter country many schemes of wild-cat banking had been floated. In t; pper Canada the restrictions imposed by the official class upon the incorporation of bank, had been very severe; and although in some cases dictated by a real desire for "sound money" they had also tended to the profit of their authors. This had aroused much discontent: and a movement had been begun in favour of "joint-stock banking, without incorporation, after the English model."* l.nder deeds of settlement, a number of small banking institutions thus came into existence without need of legislative formalities, and by a deed of settlement signed at Bath and bearing date February lIth, I83ï, the several parties thereto agreed to become partners in a company to be known as the Freeholders' Bank of the Iidland District. Sixty- three subscribers were obtained, among them being such representative men from the county as Benjamin Ham, \YilIiam Sills, Peter Davy, Samuel Clark, John Hawley, Hammel :\Iadden, John V. Detlor, Phillip J. Roblin, Joshua B. Lockwood, and Elijah Huffman. The articles of partnership, containing about 8.000 words, were. for the convenience of the subscribers, printed in pamphlet fOnTI, and provided for every pos- sible contingency that could reasonably be expected to arise. The first six articles of this legal ma terpiece read as follows: ,. I. That they, the said several persons, parties to these presents, shall and will become Partners together in a Company, or Society, to be called THE FREEHOLDERS' BAXK OF THE :\IIDLAXD DIS- * Breckenridge, "History of Banking in Canada." (\Vashington Government Print- ing Office, 1910) 256 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON TRICT, and from time to time, and at all times, so long as they shaH continue Partners therein, promote and advance the interest and advan- tage of the Company, to the utmost of their power. "2. That the Company shall consist of 300 Shareholders, each of whom may subscribe and hold any number of Shares not exceeding ten Shares, and that each Share will be one hundred pounds of lawful money, of the Province of Cpper Canada: Provided always, and it is the intent and meaning of this clause that each person subscribing these presents as a Shareholder, must have good title in fee simple to and be in posses- sion of real and unencumbered property of the full value of the number of Shares and amount so subscribed by such Shareholder. "3. That no person shall, in his or her own right, be allowed pre- viously to the opening of the Bank, or at any subsequent period, to sub- scribe for or possess more than ten Shares of the said Company, save and except such Shares as shall come to any person or persons by bequest of any previous Shareholder, or as his or her, or their next of kin. "4. That it shall not be lawful or competent for two or more in- dividuals to subscribe for or hold jointly (except as trustees, executors, or administrators) any Share or Shares, and in no case shall any Share or Shares be divided into fractional parts. "5. That no benefit of survivorship shall take place between the Shareholders; and each of the Shareholders. as between one another, shall be entitled to and interested in the profits, and liable and subject to the losses of the Company in proportion to his or her Share or Shares, in the said Capital, Fund, or Joint Stock. "6. That the business of the Company shall commence when three hundred persons shall have subscribed these presents as Shareholders, and shall be conducted on the following principles: "That the Company shall issue their notes payable twelve months after the date thereof; the said notes bearing date from the day or time when the same shall be issued, and shall lend money in the Bank-notes of the Cbmpany, due at twelve months, as aforesaid, to such persons as may apply for the same, and shall convey to the President and Cashier of the said Company for the time being and their successors in office in trust for the said Company. their right, title. and interest, in, to, or out of, freehold property being intrusted to the Directors for the time being. The person receiving the said loan or advance shall also give a Promis- sory Note as maker thereof, payable to Cashier of the said Company for the time being, or his order, and due nine months after the date thereof for the amount so lent or advanced. The Company will renew the said Promissory Note as long as may be required by the borrower ". - '4 , .... . '4 --. ... .. j J- ... .""'- I- " . , ----- . . . -: ... - - .- .,.. --...- ..;..': . .... ........ _ .-r .. :- .. .. -"I:"" -. .. --...-.. "'" J ...---::--..-..;.. -. -... .. ............._- THE FIRST REGISTRY OFFICE OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. MILLHAVEN. AlI.Y ..IU1 Ji B ..... !.:.1l"Iù.W.. ... ,.,. 'II.....U.. '-J:..,' UI S1'IClC'T. ..,,- I" n- r ø '- "'t .ß AUJl . } -L.. r V , '.!ll' .1' ..Itli , !.I& l- I _J Í> ,J '}: ,J , "11>>1..\:\ U t I ) r&'fJ'r IJIS1'ICIC'T. /, Jr. .Ll .&'aU "\ , .... PROMISSORY NOTES. FREE HOLDERS BANK. BA)lJ...S A!'õD BANKI!'õG 257 upon the security of the real property so conveyed as in this clause before mentioned, and upon the following conditions, that the said person bor- rowing shall bring to the Office or Banking house of the Company, spe- cie, the notes of other banks made payable on demand, or the notes issued by the said Company, which shall become due according- to their tenor in six months after the date of the said renewal, equal to the amount of the note or obligation so required to be renewed. These con- ditions being first performed by the person so borro" iug, the Company will immediately re-discount upon the renewed note, and the real pro- perty and security as aforesaid, to the amount of the former note given by the borrower, by giving him the said amount (less discount) in the notes of the CompalIY, payable twelve months after the date of the said renewal,-and the Company will accelerate the effecting Exchange by every means consistent with the safety of the Institution that can be adopted, for the purpose of enabling the person borrowing, as aforesaid, to renew his note as aforesaid. The Company will also discount Promis- sory Notes, as in the present Bank Companies in the said Province with . approved endorsers. But for or in no other business, adventure, trade or merchandise whatsoever. than that of Banking, according to the description and system in this clause before mentioned." 'Promissory notes of five and twenty-five shillings respectively, beau- tifully engraved and printed by a X ew York firm, were ready for issue. It is doubtful, however, whether any of them were issued, for just at this moment the boom burst. Through the reckless system of discount- ing practised in the Cnited States, the credit system of that country had been strained till it snapped, and a financial panic ensued. In England. too, there was distress', and taking warning from the losses of their neighbours, on :March 4th, IRJ7. the Provincial Legislature struck a fatal blow at the Freeholders' Bank by passing an Act "to protect the public against injury from private banking," which forbade under heavy penalty any bank bill or note to be issued by any body, "associated without legis- latÏ\.e authority." Four institutions, which had actually begun operations. were exempted from its provisions, but of these the infant bank of Bath ,,,as not one. In vain :Mr. Peter Davy and 386 other freeholders of the :\Iidland District petitioned the Legislative Assembly that the Bank "may be allowed to continue its operations." A Bill was brought in, and after some amendments by the Legislative Council, which were accepted by the Assembly, passed on July 11th, 1837, "to afford relief to certain banking institutions heretofore carrying on business in this pro- vince, by enabling them more conveniently to settle their affairs, and for protecting the interests of persons holding their notes." This Act 17 258 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDIXGTOX allowed the shareholders of such institutions to appoint commISSIOners for settling their affairs; and under it the shareholders of the Freehold- ers' Bank appointed James Fraser, \\ïlliam Sills, and Benjamin Ham commissioners for the purpose. It is significant of the looseness with which affairs were at this time transacted in the province that the Bill was brought in on the motion of Mr. John Solomon Cartwright, J\Iember fo.r the county, and that on August 7th, 1837, the appointment of the commissioners was confirmed by the same John Solomon Cartwright in his capacity of Judge of the District Court of the J\Iidland District. The work of the commissioners took some time, and on February 14 th , 1838, a petition, apparently praying for certain further powers, was presented by them to the Legislative Assembly, and referred to a special committee. The original powers eventually proved to be sufficient, the affairs of the Company were wound up without the need of a report from the committee, and early in 1838 the dream of the would-be financiers of Lennox and Addington had vanished. The first Savings Bank opened in Napanee was purely of local origin and was known as the Napanee Savings Bank Society. The Com- mittee of 1ianagement consisted of R. J. Cartwright, J. Stevenson, J. Grange, J. F. Bartels, \V. IcGillivray, and Alex. Campbell, with the Rev. Dr. Lauder as Treasurer, and Robert Phillips, head-master of the Grammar School, Book-keeper. On Friday, October 5th, 1860, the books were opened for depositors, and the following rules were pub- lished : . 1St. The Society will receive any sum not under 25 cents. 2nd. \Vill allow interest upon each pound remaining in their hands for a period not less than two months at the rate of 5 % per annum, but will not on broken parts of a pound or for broken parts of a month. 3rd. \Vill not receive more than two hundred dollars from anyone individual. 4th. The Treasurer and Book-keepe will receive and payout moneys at the Town-hall between the hours of 7 and 8 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. 5th. Any sum not exceeding $5 may be drawn out 011 demand, and any over $5 upon giving a week's notice. 6th. All sums paid into the hands of the Treasurer will be forth, with placed on deposit in the Commercial Bank of Canada at Kingston. 7th. No money will be loaned or othenyise invested on any pretence whatever. 8th. Each depositor will be provided with a small book, wherein deposits and sums paid out are to be entered. No money will be received HANKS A:'\D 11.\1\ KIKG 259 or money returned unless this book be produced to have the proper entries made therein. 9th. No money is to be received or paid ont except in the joint presence of the Book-keeper and Treasurer, or if the latter be unavoid- ably absent, of some member of the Committee. And each deposit or repayment mnst be initialIed in the depositor's book by both of the above parties. Sir Richard Cartwright was the founder of this very laudable institu- tion; he and two other members of the Board, ressrs. fcGi11ivray and Bartels, gave their personal bond guaranteeing the investors against loss, and advanced the very excellent reasons for all persons of small means patronizing- the bank that the money "tInts placed out of their immediate control. will prevent their indulging many an extravagant desire, will teach them careful and provident habits, and in addition will be improv- ing- in amount to be ready for them at any moment when really re- quired." Fifty years later we see the same man, then :Minister of Trade and Commerce, placing- upon the Statute Books of Canada a similar pro- ,ision to encourage thrift among the poorer classes throughout the entire Dominion. The first chartered hank to open a branch in apanee was the now defunct Commercial Bank which on June 4th, 1864, opened its books for business in the small frame store on John Street between the Paisley House and the stone building used for many years as a butcher shop. The manager was the late Alexander Smith, who lived in the latter building and, from want of a better place, kept the bank books and cash in a safe. in hie:; dining-room. Over the dining-room the manager slept; and a hole through the floor commanded a view of the front of the safe and afforded an opportunity, if the occasion demanded it, to discharge into any would-be robbers the contents of a brace of pistols which were always ready at hand. The Commercial Bank continued in business for four years, when a panic was caused in the town by the announcement of its failure; but the Ierchants Bank came to its rescue, took over its premises, busine:,s, and staff. and remained in the old frame building until 18ïo, when J. J. \Vatson of Adolphustown erected on Bridge Street the building designed especially as a bank and dwelling and now occupied by Dr. Simpson. The lower story of the western end of the building was devoted to the bank, and the door now used as the office door of the surgery was the bank entrance. Behind the office to which this door gave admittance was the vault and private office of the manager. For ten years this was the headquarters of the bank in N apanee, when it was felt that a location on ::\Iain Street would be more 260 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTOK desirable and the building opposite the Campbell House was secured. Mr. Smith c mtinued as manager until 1893, when Mr. T. E. Merrett assumed control. The latter gentleman's promotion was rapid, but not undeserved, as he remained but two years in Napanee as manager, when, after a few brief changes, he was placed in charge of the New York branch and now fills the important position of Branch Superintendent and Chief Inspector of this, one of the largest financial institutions in Canada. He was succeeded in 1895 by the late \TV. A. Bellhouse, who gained great popularity in the town as an able and obliging banl(er, and a most enthusiastic golfer and curler. The present manager, 1\1r. E. R. Checkley, who had spent several years in the N apanee branch under different managers, relieved :1\1r. Bellhouse during his illness in 1909, and upon the death of the latter was appointed to his present position. In June, 191I, the bank moved into its pleasant and commodious quarters on the corner of John and Dundas Streets, where the genial manager and his obliging staff are still dealing in the coveted dollats and cents. The next bank to open a branch in N apanee was the Bank of British North America which carried on business for two or three years in the l\1iller Block on John Street, one door south of the front entrance to the Paisley House dining-room. A most singular fatality pursued the chief members of the staff; and the head office, apparently discouraged in the attempt to man an office in Napanee, concluded to withdraw from the town. The Dominion Bank took over the business of the Bank of British North America in January, 1878, and continued for a time in the same premises until accommodation was provided in the Blewett Elock on the Market Square corner. There has been a succession of able and popular managers in charge of the branch, who, together with the embryo bank- ers from time to time under them, have been a decided acquisition to th social life of the town. The business of the bank has steadily increased under their fostering care until now it is regarded as one of the most prosperous branches of the institution. The General 1\1anager of the bank, NIr. Clarence Bogert, is an old N apanee boy; and two of the man- agers, Mr. Baines and Mr. Pepler, now holding responsible positions in the Toronto offices, each secured their fair partners in life in Napanee, while in charge of the local branch. Following is a list of the managers from the opening of branch to the present tih1e, with the respective dates of service: R. A. Halliwell ................. from 1878 to 1883 R. D. Gamble .................. from 1883 to 1885 Walter Darling............... . from 1885 to 1888 \ ,... \, .., . ,.c ,. 1 . \ ... " - - ::t+:t-- .. .. REV. DR. BERNARD LAUDER. REV. SALTERN GIVENS. . ." J .....L"'.V t A'L"", ......-. J I II 1 .. ., I ... - '1 -- 'Ñ..3...r 1: -..... n.1t"r" .-:..:z ==:':..;;__....:. -== ---- ; r "'1' ï: I ,t' t' f ST. MARY MAGDALENE CHURCH. NAPANEE, 1840,1872. BANKS AXD BANKING 261 E. H. Baines .................. from 1 88 to 18<)7 Arthur Pepler .... ............. from 1897 to 189 T. S. Hill .....................from IB98 to 19 0 4 D. L. Hill ..................... from 1904 to 19J I G. P. Reiffellstein from 191 I to the present time. The last to enter the field in N apanee was the Crown Bank of Can- ada, which, in 1906, opened a branch on the south side of Dundas Street in the ..\lbert Block, where it has remained ever since; but upon amal- gamating with the Northern Bank in 1908 the name was changed to The Northern Crown Bank. Vp to the present it has undergone few changes; but it is rapidly making history under its energetic manager, Ir. R. G, H. Travers, who has been in charge of the branch since a few months after its opening. Prior to the coming of this bank to X apanee there were only two banks in the county. the Ierchant" and Dominion, but now there are ten, of which number three are in Napanee and a branch of the Northern Crown in each of the following villag-es,-Rath, Odessa, and Enterprise, a branch of the Sterling in Tamworth, the 11erchants in Yarker, and the Standard in Camden East and Xewburgh. 262 HISTORY OF LENKOX AXD ADDI GTO CHAPTER XVII NAPANEE CHURCHES Prior to 1835 there was no church in N apanee of any denomina- tion, and religious services were conducted in private houses or any room that could be found suitable for the purpose. \Ye gather from the Lang- horn records that there was a congregation of the English Church in Kapanee as early as 18D9 and probably much earlier. The village was at that time annexed to Bath ecclesiastically; but was not much credit to the mother church of the county. Of so little consequence was it that no wardens were chosen for three successive years, and even the rector of Bath was not greatly worried over the neglect. In 1835 the Cart- wrights donated the lot on the north-west corner of Thomas Street and the N ewburgh Road, upon which was built a plain stone structure, St. Mary Magdalene Church. It was about forty feet long by thirty wide, and above the roof there rose a tower in which was hung a bell, the first to summon the good people of N apanee to worship. Not a trace! of the old church now remains, as it was torn down and the material used in the erection of the new St. :l\Iary l\iagdalel1e which has recently been im- proved and is now one of the handsomest churches in the diocese. Even after the congregation had provided a place of worship, no resident rector was appointed, but the Rev. Saltern Givens, missionary to the l\Iohawks in the Tyendenaga Reserve, took the parish in charge and conducted services every Sabbath until 1849, when the Rev. \iVm. Lauder was appointed the first rector of the parish of N apanee. He was succeeded in 1862 by the Rev. J. J. Bogert, l\1.A., who removed to Ottawa in 1881, and was followed by the Rev. Archdeacon T. Bedford-Jones, LL.D. The present rector, Rev. Arthur Jarvis, assumed charge upon the removal of the Archdeacon to Brockville in 1890, and retired from active supervision of the parish in 1908, since which date the church has had two Vicars, the late lamented Rev. F. T. Dibb, and the present incum- bent, the Rev. \V. E. Kidd. The \Y esleyan iethodists were but five years behind the Anglicans, and in 1840 built a brick church forty by sixty feet on the site of the present Trinity Church. the land being also donated by the Cartwright estate; in fact the site of every church in the town was a gift from this family. It was dedicated by the Rev. Gilbert Iiller, who was stationed x .\PA EF. CIICRCIIFS 263 in X apanee at the time; amI the pulpit was afterwards filled hy man) prominent preachers, among whom were the Reverends Robert Corson, D. H. ladden, John Black. \ \ïl1iam Haw. anel 13, Slight. In 1800, while the Rev. F. Berry was in cha ge of the church, steps were taken to build a new stone church which was intended to outstrip in !'ize and grandeur every other place of worship in the District. The congregatiun re pundcd to the call of the pastor, subscripti011s came pouring in, the noble edifice, as it was at that time considered, was begun, and the last touch on the extcrior was the erection of the weathcr-vane "hich took place on Octo-- ber 2jth, I OI, and was an evcnt of uch importance that thc whole town turned out to \\ itne!'!' the performance. A local reporter tints de cribed it: "The finale was placed upon the spire of the new Stone Church in our vil1age on Ionday p.111. It was quite exciting- to witness the opera- tion. To see men, and these our own citizens, bu ily eng9. but owing- to ill-health was forced to retire after a stay of five years. Father :McDonough came to Xapauee in 1874, and won such love by his unfaltering adherence to the duties of his sacred office and his uni- form courtesy to all that it was to the deepest reg-ret of all denominations that he was transferred to Picton in 1889. His place was taken by Rev. Father Hogan, who proved a worthy Successor to Father )'IcDonough. and for fifteen years upheld the dignity of his profession. and at the same time ingratiated himself into the hearts of all classes in the com- munity. The Rev. P. J. Hartigan took charge of the parish in 1904, fol- lowing in the steps of his predecessors by ministering to the congrega- tions of both X apanee and Deseronto. In J9 0Ú .-\rchbishop Gauthier visited Xapanee, with a view of car- rying out the long contemplated division of the parish, which was hap- pily effected by each congregation unòertaking to support a pastor of its own, Father Hartigan was left in charge of Deseronto, and Father T. P. O'Connor was appointed to the new parish of apanee. The congre- gation has more than fulfiJJed the expectations of the Archbishop and, besides maintaining their own pastor. have beautified and improved theÏr church under the guidance of the present pastor, who has proven him- self to be a devout and scholarly gentleman, amiable and energetic. Dur- ing his pastorate he ha!' instalJed å set of bealltifulJy executed Stations 268 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON of the Cross, enlarged the auditorium of the church, erected a new vestry complete in its appointments and a chancel adorned by artistic memorial windows donated by l\'Ir. John F. vValsh, and the estates of Mrs. Ellen 11cNeil and 11iss 11. A. Blewett. A new altar of chaste design and perfect workmanship completes the interior of this beautiful church, in the decoration of which no expense has been spared. Major Vanalstine of Adolphustown was a Presbyterian and was responsible for sending for the first minister of that faith who came to this district. This was the Rev. 11r. McDowell, who came to Canada in 1800 and settled in the township of Ernesttown; but preached at dif- ferent points upon a circuit extending from Brockville to the head of the Bay of Quinte. Of him Dr. Canniff wrote: "No man contributed more than he to fulfil the divine mission 'go preach' and at a time when great spiritual want was felt he came to the hardy settlers. The spirit of christianity was by him aroused to no little extent, especially among those who in the early days had been accustomed to sit under the teachings of Presbyterians. He travelled far and near, in all kinds of weather, and at all seasons, sometimes in a canoe or bateau, and sometimes on foot. On one occasion he walked all the way from the Bay of Quinte to York, following the lake shore, and swimming the rivers that could not other- wise be forded." The Presbyterians were loyal to their church, and there were a great many throughout the county: but they were scattered over the whole territory, and not strong enough to build churches for the several congregations; so, as a rule, they held their services in private houses, school-houses, or any public hall that could be secured for the purpose. N apanee was no exception to the rule, and this denomination was the last in town to provide for themselves a place of worship. The Presbyterian Church, a substantial stone structure forty-four feet by sixty-five feet, was commenced on July 1st, 1864, and by the fol- lowing spring the lower portion was ready for use by the congregation. The dedicatory services of the basement took place on Sunday. March 12th, 1865. The Rev. John B. Mowat of Queen's College preached in the morning, the Rev. W. McLaren in the afternoon, and the Rev. Pat- rick Gray in the evening. On 110nday evening following the ladies held their first tea-meeting, which was the forerunner of the regular annual gatherings for which that congregation has become famous. The clergy- man- in charge at the time was the Rev. John Scott, who had come to N apanee some two years before, and before the building of the church conducted services in the old Academy and afterwards in the town- hall He was highly esteemed by all denominations; and the commodious , , \. . . REV PAUL SHIRLEY. i) , . REV. FATHER BROWNE. ->>-:) ""-=' '. . . REV. CYRUS R. ALLISON. .,.... .. - ..,. REV, JOHN SCOTT. t. . NAPANEE CHURCHES 269 building provided for the Presbyterians is due to his energy and persever- ance. There was a halt in the building operations some time after the dedication of the basement, and the main audience room was not com- pleted until 186g, when it was opened for public worship by the Rev. Dr. IcVicar of Iontreal. The following clergymen have in turn offi- ciated in this church: Reverends John Scott, Alexander Young, Duncan IcEachern, \Y. \\T. Peck, J. R. Conn, and Dr. Howard. 2;0 HISTORY OF LENKOX AND ADDING'!'0N CHAPTER XVIII NAPANEE NE\\TSPAPERS The first newspaper published in this county was a five-column sheet issued on November 2nd, 1850, by the Rev. G. D. Greenleaf. It was called the Napallee Bee and, according to the announcement at the top of the first page, it was "Devoted to the cause of Civil and Religious Liberty, and to the promotion of Agriculture, Education, and l\lorality." The title extended across the top in a ribbon scroll, over a wood-cut of the village which is probably the oldest picture of N apanee in existence, and has been identified by many old residents as a remarkably accurate representation. On the south side of the river are two large buildings, a grist-mill and a brewery, and along the river front are six other build- ings scattered along the bank from the falls to \Vest Street. On the site of the big mill is a three-story building with a wharf extending from it half-way across the river. There are three churches; the English on Thomas Street near the Newburgh Road, the \Vesleyan l\lethodist Church on the site of Trinity Church, and the old \Vhite Church where the \ Yestern l\1:ethodist Church now stands. There were only two build- ings on Bridge Street west of West Street, one near the site of the Iethodist parsonage and the other across the street. There were three small houses in the vicinity of ,Madden's con1er; but west of that not a single house appears in the picture. 'rhe third issue published on November 16th, is confined to two pages; and the editor apologetically craves the indulgence of his readers for the appearance of the paper and by way of explanation states that one of his printers had taken "French leave" and had stolen a watch from another member of thé staff, so that the paper had perforce been neglected while the proprietor had been engaged in bringing the thief to justice. There are two numbers of the Bee among the archives of the Historical Society, anò they compare very favourably with the ordinary country newspaper of to-day both in subject-matter and appearance. The Bee was printed from a press constructed by its portly editor, who, in addition to printing the newspaper, conducted a cabinet shop, and offered for sale all classes of furniture for cash or in exchange for lum- ber or merchantable country produce. . The editor waged a relentless war against the liquor traffic, and the greater part of his editorials and communications were devoted to this r-; Af'.\XEF. NEWSf'.\f'ERS 271 subject. The Sons of Temperance were strongly organized throughout the province, and the proceedings of the various lodges \\ ere given a prominent place in the Bcc. ::\1 r. Greenleaf had the courage of his con- victions and did not hesitate to express his views in good strong Eng- lish when he thought the occa'\ion \\ arranted it, as will be seen from the following editorial, which appeared in the issue of July 16th, 1852: "I ath, though not large, is, nevertheless, a place of considerable com- mercial interest and importance. Situated on the margin of the Bay of Quinte, at or near its junction with the lake, eighteen miles above Kings- ton and about two from ..\mherst Island. it becomes the central depot and mart for the penin:;ular part of Adolphusto\\ nand Fredericksburgh, the front of Ernesttown, and the alxn-e named Island. J [a\'ing- no \\ ater- power for mechanical purposes much of the business which would other- wise centre here is drawn to other points. Still, Bath has its advantages, and will steadily but slowly progress. "At present it is suffering materially from a moral plague spot in its very midst and which greatly cripples nearly every enterprise in the vil- lage; and, to an extent, in the surrounding country. \\' e speak of a miserable, unlicensed groggery kept by one S-, himself a filthy drunk- ani. On a recent visit to Bath the writer drove up to the house, sup- posing it to be an inn. The first salute \\ as a bacchanalian song by a gang of drunken rowdies in the bar-room. K ext appeared at the front door a bloated, red-faced, red-eyed hiccoughing specimen of Rum's work with a-'\\ïl1 ye-hic-will you ha-hic-have your horse put ou-put out ?' Sorry that he had stopped there the writer began to wish for better quarters: but being uncertain that his condition could be bettered for the time being by removing-, he thought to make a virtue of necessity and so stopped. Going soon afterwards to look after his horse, he found him hitched, with a lock of miserable hay so placed that the horse could not reach it by three feet. A retreat was at once decided upon, and another trial was made across the street at Hollisters. Here the horse fared better. By the way, we believe that 1\1r. Nelson Hollister is the most worthy of the patronage of the travelling public of any landlord in Bath. He has recently opened, is young, and appears to have some conscience in respect to the rum part of his business: and in all but this we can wish him success. Notwithstanding his knowledge of the Bee's opposition to the liquor traffic he gave his name as a subscriber. "As for S-, it is certainly a matter of surprise that the good people of Bath will suffer him, in open violation of law and order, to continue his moral and social nuisance in their very midst. Is there no remedy? Is the stranger to be decoyed into this unauthorized house 272 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON where his beast will be defrauded and his own quiet disturbed? And will the people in whose faces this wrong is perpetrated quietly or pas- sively give indemnity for the act? It is said that Mrs. S- is an excel- lent woman, and we believe it; but we cannot see as this should be a sufficient excuse for his going 'ullwhipped of justice.' But enough of this." The most extensive advertiser in the Bee was James Grange "at the sign of the Bottle and l\iortar"; and accompanying his advertise- ment were crudely executed wood-cuts, one of which pictured suffering humanity in distressing attitudes, with outstretched arms pointing hope- fully to the familiar sign of the fat, round bottle with the words "Grange, Druggist" upon the side, surrounding a representation of a mortar in the centre, with the wholesome motto of "Live and let live." E. A. Dunham announced to the public that he had a newly opened assortment of fresh goods of almost every description that he was pre- pared to dispose of in exchange for cash or wool. Robert Easton, "be- tween the sign of the Blue Bottle and T. Kettle" solicited an early call from his patrons, friends, and customers in need of bonnets, ribbons, and muslin-de-Iaine, and intimated that wool, grain, butter, and farm produce generally would be taken in exchange. Charles James was "pre- pared to offer such as favour him with a call the best bargains ever received in the way of broad-cloths, cassimeres, tweeds, plain and fancy orleans" and other goods, including prunella boots, teas, and tobacco; and would accept in exchange "Rye, Oats, Peas, Corn, and Shingles." Almost the only advertiser who did not express his desire to accept produce in exchange for his stock-in-trade was 1ir. B. C. Davy, barris- ter and attorney-at-law. This is probably explained by the fact that he enjoyed a monopoly in his particular line. The patent medicines and proprietary remedies proclaimed their wonderful cures through the columns of the Bee and the "Great Vege- table Magic Pain Destroyer," "The East India Hair Dye" and other nos- trums occupied fully one half of the advertising space. According to a census return published in the Bee in January, 1852, the population of Lennox was 7,955, made up as follows: Adolphus- town, 718, Fredericksburgh, 3,166, Richmond including Napanee, 4,071. N apanee village contained at that time 1,020 souls. Although the little paper persistently announced week after week that it was "pledged to no party either political or religious," and that it intended ever to seek fearlessly to maintain an independent course "unaw'd by influence and unbrib'd by gain" yet, when election time came, it could buzz as loudly and sting as severely as the 1110st partisan journal. -- ,- 1 "Tl lTH( 1I . q HEP()U'f. , .ot\ \- QI):.:, ',"' {; ' 1: "": ;PÛ : ' . !runor dnð ðði1\g101\ rðg. .. 1?i: ..:.,; .w:::::.:r-:::;;.'- .:t "': r! ' F= ' - :: :';:-.i::- - \ur.. 111 \Ib? , .'4 - -.r- . -",-'7- _. '-'; 'f' THE R ' \TL) '" fJ -. ... :..... ::_ ...j. 4 '_ _. _ _,. ; j, . :\f - t"..L ,"U1.-'",,1'I'''' m.IUT"-__ THt. .íþ, " EE ftl.E' ... '. -:7-_ .'7:'. . _ " 'P j .....1 ,.... .&>>Os.'U)II"'rTV^(3. "nl .. I ... ...... ...'Jo. - ---...... 'f l!í r;:: - :: :;..: .- i1 ...,",, .',,,,11..\ Jut 11' \I. I.. II 'u'\ .1- r\ ' '. -; S '" i1 . -- \ WE EKL\I' OLrfll' .\:ï:"" ('O\I\ n .;Hn.\I.. LiTEit \11'\\ xu-:\ nn:arn:-' I'\/; ""I I. I' - r " VOL I. NAPAN.J:. SATURDAY KARCB a6, 188&. iiH; _ . . 1 - ;ö:'.... . -. - , _. -- 1 - :';," :!ih J -.; '.:. _ . C 'J 0 rll\ rr. :1,,> <: . e:=- .I'D "'... .Þ-DDI"GTO ''':'\1:"'1. 'D":HT' ':H. HI I - -; \ .. · ' "I tl_ '1't' rt{ r :4 r, '..t\?t' . I" . (; t '-! .1\- ..., h. _ t ... \, , 1 - ù . .\ ? ' -. ; - =_ ;w. { I\- I ';- t : ;' (] - Jß -:' ' 1 1 1 '1 l "l r . t' _",,-h -,.. W I' ".",., . ') - . -" n " , i\ ' -'. .'t :- .: :_-- .;.;... '. .-'._; -:. ".. . .. .', \\- \ r-; '-" ÑAPA EE B E A\TEI{. - t ;:; : '\ '\. . ."""", -", .._ . ..... ..; ItIO-;;;;. D:;;;-..' - - ,. ,.. . \1' ( ihtt 1:tCI! Jd !l (txp c. E A . \1' J;;; ;;; ; 1Jr _ , , \ 6 1"'" . f / Z n , ' ?} !J:^. :t >. , . ( "'" J " ANO Te,,,'FR'NO . " , " ' r I ....':.::.....,: _ _____ LENNOX AND ADDINGTON NEWSPAPERS. XAPAXEE XF,WSPAPERS 273 Its appeal to the electors who were about to assemble in a fcw days at Gordanier's Inn in Ernesttown to nominate a candidate would hardly b( considered moderate even in our day: "C p, then, ye electors! Ye real friends of 'our Canada' and true conservators of religious equality and rational equal civil rights! Y c supporters of Progress and Reform: up, up, and at your post!!! The contest is not to be, wc trust, as it should not, one of partisan and favouritism, but of purely patriotic against selfish, of Christiall against scctaritm principles. On the one hand will bc arrayed the a(h.ocates of religious preferences and exc1usive rights; the supporters of a stand-still- and-do-nothing policy in relation to national impro\ ements, and the iriends of sectarian multiplication, ad i1lfi1litum, with the attendant neces- sary consequences of all such mea ures; and who thus labour to entail upon this infant country all the cur!'cs of such anti-liberal and anti- Reform principles." _ For nearly two years the reverend gcntleman continued to preach temperance through the columns of the Bl'e and periodically to apologize to his readers for issuing a half sheet owing to the scarcity of paper, until he finally suspended publication owing to the "very discouraging and disadvantageous circumstances" under which he laboured. A few weeks later, over the names of G. D. Greenleaf and C. Lowry, appeared the prospectus of the N apallce Emporium, a seven-column paper, \\ hich was in reality a revival of the Bee,. but the proprietor decided upon dropping that name and adopting the new one, "believing it to be better adapted to the contemplated character of the paper." The change of the name and size of the paper were not accompanied by any radical change in the tone and character of its reading matter. The editor could not get away from his text; and even the strong temper- ance element in the county looked for something more in a newspaper than temperance lectures and the records of the doings of the various temperance organizations, so it was not long before the Emporium was laid to rest beside its elder brother, the Bee. -In the year 1854 the leading men of N apanee felt that the time had arrived when the town and the surrounding country should no longer be (Iependent for the news of the world upon the Kingston press, whose columns were filled with attractive advertisements of the merchants of that place seeking to divert the trade from X apanee. The first press was purchased by Allan lacpherson. Robert Esson. B. C. Davy, and a number of prominent men were induced to take stock in the venture; and the N apallee Standard was first publi"hed at the office of Alexander CampbeIl over ::\facpherson's store at the ea t end of Dundas Street. It 18 274 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDI GTON was not long before 1fr. Campbell relieved the other stockholders of their shares and became the sole proprietor, with 1fr. B. C. Davy as editor. The latter gentleman wielded a versatile pen and never hesitated, when it suited his purpose, to express his likes and dislikes. After 1Ir. Campbell had opened his store opposite the Campbell House the print- ing plant was moved into an old frame building next door where its pro- prietor could conveniently exercise an oversight over the n;anagement. \Yhen Ir. Davy assumed the editorshÌp. at the princely salary of $4.00 a week, he entered into an agreement with his employer to protect him against libel actions. He had not filled the editor's chair many months before both himself and l\Ir. Campbell were defendants in a libel suit brought against them by one Rombough, for some offensiye language which had appeared in the columns of the Standard from the pen of the lawyer-editor. Before the trial took place 1Ir. O'Reilly. counsel for the plaintiff, offered to withdraw the action if the defendants would undertake not to publish anything further about Rombough. Da\y favoured a settlement upon these terms, and Solicitor-General Smith, counsel for the defendants, also recommended it; but Campbell refused to give the undertaking. with the result that the trial went on and the defendants were mulcted in the sum of $50 and costs. Needless to say the business relations between the proprietor of the Sta1ldard and its editor \vere promptly terminated; instead of the friendship which pre- yiously existed there arose a bitter enmity, and the angry lawyer vented his feelings through the columns of the Reformer, in which his fonner employer was styled a "petty tyrant" and the journal he himself had once edited "a miserable rag." 1ir. Campbell, however, continued its publication as the local organ of the Conservative party, and never lost an opportunity to strike back at his former editor, whose office was just across the street. These little pleasantries did not tend to increase the popularity of the Standard, which was sold in 1858 to l\JIr. Alexander Henry and 1ir. Clinton A. Jenkins. 1fr. Jenkins retired from the partnership in the following year in favour of l\:Ir. T. S. Henry. The plant was removed to the upper stories of the Henry Block on the north side of Dundas Street. where Henry Brothers continued as sale proprietors until the suspension of publication in 1885; at which time 111'. Alexander Henry was profitably engaged in the paper business at N apanee l\lills, and 1fr. T. S. Henry conducted the book store \yhich he has continued to manage to the pre- sent day. Among the journeymen who served their apprenticeship in the press- room of the Standard were the late \Villiam Templeton and G. 1\1. NAPANEE NEWSPAPERS 275 Beeman, the founùers of the J.\' apLmec Be a<. 'cr. The Standard was well named; and it is quite refreshing, even at this late day, to peruse its eùitorials, which deal not only with issues of local interest but with the greater questions affecting" the whole country. Among the editors who framed ib policy was I r. F. R. \ okome, the present managing editor of the Peterboro Examint'r. Encouraged by the proprietor, \\ho not only in\ited but sought the views of prominent citizens upon all matters \\orthy of discussion in the press, the correspondence column was one of its leading features. Through this medium the opinions of the ahle t men of the community were presented to the public, evils needing correction were fearlessly exposed, and a check was placed upon hasty municipal legislation. \\'hat was deemed worthy of approval in the individual or body corporate was highly commended, the public benefactor received his full share of praise, and what is ju t as important, the evil-doer, no matter what his station in life, was as unscathingly denounced. \Yhile this policy com- manded the respect of the general public, it at times rendered the editor chair not quite as comfortable as might have been desired. The Reformer was first published in the month of .\ugust, 1R54. by Iessrs. E. A. Dunham and J. \\T. Carman. In a \vell written pros- pectus, printed in the first few issues, the publishers announced that they chose the Liberal policy, "because of its peculiar adaptation to the con- stitution of our nature, and as best calculated to give operation and effect to those progressive measures which orig-inate in minds not meas- ured and bounded by personal and selfi"h interests." . \s its title indi- cated and its prospectus declared it was the local organ of the Reform party, and threw down the g-auntlet to the Stalldard, which was already in the field as the champion of the rights of the Conservatives. The Reformer contained some excellent editorials during- the first year, written by Ir. Dunham, who sold out in 1855 to a brother of his junior partner; after which Carman & Brother were announced as pro- prietors and J. \V. Carman as editor and publisher. The new editor proved himself as capable as his predecessor, and paid his respects to the Index with such marked attention that the ?\ ewburgh journal charged Ir. David Roblin with being the author of the castigations so free1y bestowed upon it. Those were the good old days, when the editors, lacking other matter, devoted a column or two to holding their contem- poraries up to ridicule; and as both the Stalldard and Index were pour- ing hot shot into the office of the Reformer the latter was kept pretty busy in repelling their attacks. 276 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON In glancing over an issue of July 25th, 1855, the conviction is forced upon the reader that the same old wail has been going up from the over- burdened ratepayers for sixty years. A correspondent writes: "1\1ain Street needs some six inches of fine broken gravel from one end to the other, say ten feet wide, rounded up in the centre so as to turn off the water, and then a nice covering of sand to make it passable at once; and this should be done now, and not wait till all the money is expended on the back streets where it is not half so much required." The Reformer was doomed to meet the fate of its predecessors; and after a few eventful years its career was ended, the plant was removed to Kingston, and the Standard had the field again to itself. The Bantling was a small four-page three-column sheet which does not appear to have been taken very seriously by the people of N apanee. It made its first bow to the public as a regular newspaper on January 1st, 1859; although a specimen copy was issued on Christmas Day of the preceding week, in which it was announced that "The Bantling is printed by the editor, edited by the publisher, published by the proprietor, and proprieted by the Devil." In the prospectus \\'hich appeared in the free specimen issue over the signature of Mr. T. 1\1. Blakely, an agreeable literary mélange was promised, out of all keeping with the size of the sheet, which, however, he led his readers to believe would be doubled if he received proper sup- port and encouragement. The editor cou1rl not be congratulated upon the selection of a title for a paper which professed to serve the subscribers weekly with the cream of domestic and foreign news. Although the Bantling did not profess to espouse the cause of either political party. one does not. ne d to peruse very far the few paragraphs devoted to local news before he can make a comparatively safe guess that the editor was not in full sympathy with the Conservatives, who swept ver)'thing before them at the municipal elections which were reported in the second issue. There was a rhymster who contributed to its columns; and in the number containing the election returns each successful candidate's alleged speech is reported in rhyme. The council consisted of five mem- bers, :Messrs. l\lacPherson, Bartles, Grange, l\1cGillivray, and Davy. Mr. l\1acPherson's speech is said to have been as follows: "My heartfelt thanks to all this crew, "Who have elected me is due; "Although I've bought you cheap enough, "With whisky, money, and such stuff, "I give you notice, one and all, "I've whisky now for sale on call." K.\P.\XEE EWSP.\I'ERS 277 Judging from the criticisms in the Balltlillg the :K apanec Fire nrigade could not have captured many trophies in 1859. Commenting upon a fire which was described as calamitou.., it said in its third issue: "The Fire-engine and Hook and Ladder were on hand, but were in very poor working order-the engine not having been worked since the fire on the corner of Dundas and Centre Streets, which is about 18 months ago, and the hooks having no ropes attached to them," The paper was not conducted upon lincs calculated to win the Sl1p- port of the a\'erage reader; and it would have been a serious reflection upon thc intelligence of the citizens of Xapanee if it has received their approval. During- its short career not a sing-Ie merchant availed himself of the advertising space placed at his dispo al. It contained very little news, and the articles professing to deal with local topics were crudc attempt:; at humour, such as parodies on the Holy Scriptures and letter__ from alleged correspondents supposed to be caricatures upon the lan- guage and spelling of the loquacious countryman. "Xothing in its life became it like the leaving if'; as its obituary notice, which appeared in the twenty-eighth number, was the best article published in its columns: "It is our painful duty to record the last week of a :\Ir. Bantling, who 'breathed' its last 011 July r6th. IRS9: after a lingering sickness of six months and twenty-one days. The remainc:; of :\Ir. Bantling will be removed from the office followed by its numerous mourners, to its final rest. It is to be hoped that the shops will be closed when the proces- sion is moving and a general mourning will be observed by all the citizens. It is lamentable that one so young, just blooming into life, should be cut off from the world; but disease seized him with an iron grasp and held on till the last breath of wind reluctantly departed from his body." In the general election of 1863, in which Sir Richard Cartwright was opposed by :\Ir. Augustus Hooper. all other issues gave way to the ques- tion of the eparation of the counties and the choice of a county town. Ir. Hooper favoured Newburgh, and Sir Richard championed the claims of i\ apanee. The Standard was placed in ,an awkward posi- tion and was forced to oppose the candidacy of the man, who, but for the local issue, would have received its support. :\fr. T. S. Carman had anticipated the situation, and thinking the time opportune for the intro- duction of a Reform newspaper. he accordingly established the IT" rckly E.rpress. It was a larg-e ten-column four-page sheet, well printed and edited, and received the liberal patronage of the business men of the town. The first issue, which was publi..hed in r862, made it dear that itc; avowed purpose was to oppose the policy of the Conserva- 278 HISTORY OF LENKOX AND ADDI GTON tive party, a course \\'hich it has followed \\ ith more or less 1'uccess ever SInce. About ten years later 11r. Carman sought pastures new' in a wider field and sold out to 1\11'. T. \V. Casey, who reduced the size to six columns, increased the pages to eight, and changed the name to the N apallee Express, \vith the motto "The greatest good to the greatest number." 1\11'. Casey understood thoroughly the newspaper business, was an eloquent speaker and an easy writer, but above e\'erything else, was a most ardent supporter of the cause of temperance and lost no opportunity to give his support to every measure and organization which had as its purpose the suppression of the liquor traffic. The columns of his paper afforded an excellent opportunity to lay before the public his views upon a subject which was so near his heart, and every issue was devoted more or less to the progress of the temperance cause. Such a policy, however commendable, did not appeal to a large number of his readers who did not share his views. After a few years he sold out to :Mr. John Benson, who discovered that the management of a newspaper was a 91uch more difficult task than he had bargained for; and it was not long before 111'. Casey's name again appeared on the front page as proprietor. In 1880 1\1r. \Villiam O'Bierne purchased the plant and infused new life into the paper, which had lost some of its former prestige. At no time in its history has the E:rpress so well fulfilled its purpose as a moulder of public opinion as under the management of 1\1r. O'Bierne. He fearlessly attacked what he believed to be detrimental to the interests of the town and county, and just as fearlessly supported every movement which, in his opinion, was for the public good. The same policy pur- sued by him in \Vestern Ontario has made his paper, the Stratford Bea- con, one of the brightest dailiec; in the province. In 1886 1\fr. J. C. Drewry assumed the editorship and became pro- prietor, and, while he gathered many items of personal news from the outlying districts in the county ancl condensed the general news of thl" week, there was a falling off in the editorial column, which more than anything else can give character to a newspaper. In 1890 he sold out to John Pollard and E. 1\fcLaughlin, who conducted it in partnership for four years. when the latter retired and l\Ir. Pollard became sole pro- prietor. He died in 1904, leaving the business to his son l\Ir. E. J. Pol- yard, who has recently installed new presses with electric motor power from which he issues weekly an eight-page sheet containing much inter- esting reading matter of a varied character. XAPAXEF. NEWS}' \PERS 27U In the month of :\Iay, I lq.. l\Iessrs. Dickens and Lamphier "having been a sured," as they announccci in their prospectus "of the :.upport of a large number both of the inhabitants of the to\\ n and surrounding countr) " and feeling- that the increasing- busines of thc place would war- rant the estahlishment of another paper. began the puhlication of the Lellllox alld Iddillgtoll Ledger. It wa an eight-column paper, the larg- est publi hed in the county up to that date, and professed allegiance to ncither political party, its proprietors declaring that they would "at all time:, be found doing hattle on the side of whatever is for the welfare and advancement of thc province and more particularly of the e coun- ties:' Judging from the few issues which the writer has been privileged to examine the Ledger wa far uperior to the ordinary country news- paper of to-day. At the time of its publication the American \Yar wa!' being bitterly waged; and the editorials dealing with the great issues bctween the ì\orth and South reflect great credit upon the ability of the editor who penned them. .\ll the editors of the local press of fifty years ago appear to have felt the responsibility cast upon them as purveyors of news and moulders of public opinion. l'hey e"\.cluded from their columns the petty personal items S0 common in the country pres!' of to-day, and of no possible inter- est to anyone except the friends of the correspondent') who have a mania for seeing their names in print. The news of the day was pub- li hed in a concise form, all questions of public interest were intelligently di cussed, and the editors, striving to keep abreast of the times, gave their readers the benefit of their views and awakened an interest in all matters affecting the public welfare. The Ledger merited a better fate than it met at the hands of the business men of the town and the electors of the county generally. The cleavage between the political parties, the Grits and Tories, was very pronounced in those days. The Reformer had very little use for any- thing of Tory origin, and the Stalldard could see very little virtue, if any. in any policy advocated by the Grits. Both papers were well edited, each hammered away at the other. and each had the support of the party it represented. The ordinary subscriber was sati"fied with one local paper, and the paper receiving his exclusive patronage was the one whose political views were agreeable to his ta"te. Little room was left for the independent journal; and the enterprising- young- men who soug-ht to establish a foothold for the Ledger and to teach the free and independent electors to think for themseh'es. found that they had undertaken a hope- less task. and from want of support were forced to retire from the field 280 HIS1'ORY OF LEK NOX AND ADDINGTON after a short but most respectable career as proprietors of one of the best newspapers ever published in our county. From the time the Rev. G. D. Greenleaf first appeared in the journal- istic field as the uncompromising foe of the liquor traffic some section of the press of N apanee had kept up the fight, but no writer in the pro- vince devoted himself quite so assiduously to the cause as the late Thos. \Y. Casey. For many years he was Grand Secretary of the Independent Order of Good Templars; and it was quite natural, when that Order con- cluded to publish an official organ, that K apanee should be its home and that he should be selected as the Editor-in-chief. In 1869 the Casket was first issued from the press of Henry & Bro. It was an eight-page, five-column weekly journal with an artistic heading and, to help out the subscription list, it took under its wing the Inde- pendent Order of Foresters and the Sons of Temperance, each of which organizations was allotted a certain amount of space under the controI of its o\\'n editor. The presence of so much ready matter in the press- room .of the Standard accounts in some 1}1eaSure for the frequency of the stirring articles in support of temperance, which, week after w'eek, appeared for years in the columns of that paper. For fourteen years the Casket waged a relentless war against the traffic; and it wouId be diffi- cult to estimate the important part it played in moulding public opinion and bringing about the temperance legislation of the past forty years. In the month of January, 1870, Cephas 1. Beeman published the first issue of the Addington Beaver, a four-page six-column weekly paper, the first and fourth pages of which were printed upon the presses of the Pembroke Observer by George 1\1. Beeman. The two inner pages, which were devoted to advertisements and local news, were printed by the pro- prietor at Newburgh. The paper was so well received by the public that, after it had passed the experimental stage, Mr. George 1\'1. Beeman and \\ïlliam Templeton purchased the plant, enlarged the paper to seven columns, and moved it to Napanee, where the publication was con- tinued under the name of the Ontario Beaver. Later on the name was again changed to the N apanee Beaver and the paper further enlarged by the addition of four more pages. In 1892 1\11'. Beeman sold out to his partner, who continued as editor and proprietor until his death in 190R since \\'hich date it has been published by his son. The Beaver has the unique record of being the only newspaper organized in this county which, at some period in its history, has not been obliged through finan ial distress, either to suspend publication or pass into the hands of its creditors. It has now a circulation of nearly four thousand, and is to be found in nearly every home in the county. X.\PAXEE :r\F.W51'.\PERS 2 1 Its popularity in recent years is in no bmall degree due to the space that for many years has been devoted to the early history of this county. The "Old Time Records" from the pen of the latc Thomas \Y. Casey have not only been read with the deepest interest by those whose ances- tors figured in the events so faithfully recorded, but have been eagerly ought after and preserved by historians and archivists in all parts of the province. It has a large staff of correspondents whose contribution.. fill many columns; and while the items tl1U supplied may not always posse s much literary merit or be of interest to the ordinary reader they have the desired effect of increasing the circulation. On the e\ e of the general election of 189ö the journalistic firmament of Ontario was enriched by a new luminary, the .Vaþallce Star. The "Salutatory" which appeared in the first issue announced as follows: "The J.Varaner Star makes its first bow to the good people of the town and county. It has come to stay. Its desire is to become a welcome g1.1CSt in every available hOl1 ehold, bearing- such reliable and impartial news, and views of methods and things as may best instruct and interest all with whom it may come into contact. "The Publisher believes that there is room for an independent and impartial journal, anxious and willing at all times to tell the trtlth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth regarding public affairs, no mat- ter what party or clique may be harmed or helped by the fullest possible information thus given. :.\fere party organs are prone to tell such things as help their party, and carefully conceal such as may tend to injure, From such, very one-sided and distorterl views are obtained. The pur- pose is to open the Star to a full. free, and fair discussion of what may come within its range; giving both sides a fair opportunity, so far as its limits will permit." The new competitor for the patronage of the public was owned and publi hed by :.\Ir. Charles Stevens. who adopted as the motto of his promising offspring "Equal Rights to all-Special Privileges to none." The raison d' {'tre for the sudden appearance of the Star could easily be gathered from an address which appeared in the same issue over the I name of the proprietor, in which he announced to the free and inde- pendent elect rs of the riding of Lennox that, upon the solicitation of a large number of friends, he had consented to allow his name to be placed in nomination as an Independent candidate at the coming election. In a three-cornered fight between ::\1r. Uriah \\ïlson, Conservative, 11r. Edmund Switzer, Patron-Liberal, and l\Ir. Stevens, Independent, 1Ir. \Vilson headed the poll; but the Star, although it had failed in its pur- pose to secure for the publisher a seat in Parliament. contrary to the 282 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON expectations of many, remained in the field as an independent journal. It was a spicy five-column little sheet which catered :to no particular party or class; and as was the desire of the publisher as announced in his "Salutatory" it was a welcome guest in many households in the county. From the same cause that produced the premature demise of the Ledger, the N apanec Star, after a brief and almost brilliant career, suffered a total eclipse and ceased to twinkle in 19 00 . CA IDEN AX'D EWßVRGII 283 CHAPTER XIX CA IDEX AXD XE\YBüH.GlI In the Proclamation of King George III bearing date July 24th Iï88, by \\ hich the first four lJi:-tricts of Cpper Canada \\ ere defined, Camden was named as the last of the townships making up the District of Iecklenburgh, and was the only town hip in the District 110t fronting upon a body of water. This circumstance largely cut it off from com- munication \\ ith the other townships and was a serious drawback to its settlement; for even in the townships upon the hay and river the rear concessions were a voided and considered undesirable. But as room had to be found for the newcomers they kept gradually moving- northward, and this, one of the best agricultural town hips in the province, soon came in for its share of the increasing population. It was named after Charles Pratt, Earl Camden, Yiscuunt Bayham, Attorney-General under Lord Chatham in IïSï. rai ed to the peerage in Iï6S, and afterwards Lord Chancellor of England. By the statute of Iï98, dividing the province into counties it was designated as one of the original to\\ ll hips of the counties of Lennox and Addington and was called Camden East, to distinguish it from a township of the same name in the county of Kent. \ Yhile the early settlers of Camden were sturdy men and true \\ ho merited all the praise that has been he towed upon them by their descendanb and the local historians, yet they did not undergo the same hardships that the pioneers of the front town hips were called upon to suffer. They probably toiled just as hard in clearing their farms and building their log cabins; but they were provided with better appliances and could ubtain supplies of a better quality and with less inconvenience than the U. E. Loyalists. The older townships were well organized, courts of justice were established. schools anll churches were built, and communication with other parts of Canada was comparatively easy before the settler began to take up land in Camden. They were for the most part the sons and daughters of the pioneers of the front townships, who moved farther back when there were no more lands to be had in the front. It is said by one authority, the Rev. "". Bowman Tucker: "David Perry was the first \\'hite man to build a house in Camden, and this 284 HISTORY OF LEN NOX AND ADDINGTON became the beginning of N ewburgh. His location was on the hiIIside in the north end of the village on the west side of the present Main Street and opposite the present Aylesworth homestead." This David Perry was a son of Robert Perry, one of the first U. E. Loyalists of Ernesttowl1. The date of this old building is inferentially fixed about the year 1820; but this cannot be correct, as John Gibbard's miIl was built six or seven years earlier than this and a dweIIing probably accompanied it, and Albert \\ïIliams settled at Camden East as early as 1804. As we go north, or more properly speaking north-east up the N apanee River the first falls we meet after leaving the town are at Strathcona. This hamlet has had a cheque red career and has changed its fortunes oftener even than it has changed its name. In the early twenties of the nineteenth century Adam Bowers built a mill at the foot of the rapids, and the place was for many years known as Bowers' Mills. Adam was a Lutheran and brought his children up in the same faith; and his son John built a stone church upon his farm at the Mills. The deacons of this church, according to the only record of it preserved, were Samuel Taylor, John Bowers, and Jehiel Brisco, and the member- ship consisted of the deacons and Charles K. Cook, Joseph Lockwood, J ames Lockwood, Harriet Bowers, Joshua Kay, IJames Leroy, l\Iartha Brisco, Andrew 1. Johnson and wife, Mrs. Rachael LoU, Widow LoU, Sr., J\1rs. Elias Huffman, Artemas Grange, FaIlura Granger, and Widow Granger. The tombstone of Adam Bowers in the old Lutheran burying- ground has escaped the general desecration which has wiped out nearly all the old landmarks, and may be seen to-day with its simple epitaph: "In memory of Adam Bowers who departed this life, Nov. 16, 1830. Aged 6g years." To this an admiring friend. Abraham Lott, an uncle of the late George LoU, added the following inscription: "An honest man here lies at rest "As e'er God with his image blest, "The friend of man, the friend of truth, "The friend of age, and guide of youth. "Few hearts like his with virtue warmed, "Few heads with knowledge so informed. "I f there is another world, he lives in bliss, "If there is one, he made the best of this. "Here beneath these earthly towers "Lie the remains of Adam Bowers. A. Lott." CAMDEN AND NEWBURGH 285 The place was of very little consequence under the Bowers and did not begin to assume any importance until about sixty years ago, when A. D. \V. Garrett & Co. purchased the water-power and began lumber- ing operations on a large scale. The firm was composed of A. D. W. Garrett, Samuel H. Cook, and Arnold Harris. They were all Ameri- cans from Ballston Spa, near Saratoga Springs, New York. They exported the product of the mill to the United States and paid their workmen in Yankee money. Everything about the place seemed to have a Yankee flavour, and the viIIage which sprang up about the falls was popularly known as Yankee 11il1s. Cook and Harris had no personal supervision over the industry, which was managed by the senior part- ner Garrett, who had an office in N apanee in the east end of the build- ing occupied by A. C. Davis in East \Vard as a general store. About the year 1855 his body was found at the foot of the falls nearly opposite his office, and the manner of his death was an inexplicable mystery which was never cleared up. He was known to have had large sums of money about him and, as none was found upon his person, it was gen- erally supposed that he had met with foul play; but there was no clue to indicate how or at whose hands he had met his untimely death. The friends of Garrett looked about for a suitable person to look after their interests in the partnership, and the remaining partners were as deeply interested in securing a competent person to manag-e the mill. :\Ir. Reuben \Vright of Ballston Spa was sent over to investigate and protect the estate of his unfortunate nephew. He took up his rèsidence at the 11i1ls and displayed such aptitude that, with the consent of all parties interested, he was appointed manager. He exercised a general oversight over the timber limits, the getting out of the logs, and the mar- keting of the products, and gave his son, Hiram M. \Vright, the contract of sawing the lumber. Another son, now our esteemed townsman, Reu- ben G, \Vright, was book-keeper from 1862 to 1867. A few years after the new order of things was established, Harris died and a brother-in- law of Cook, by the name of Cochran, took his place in the firm, which was thereafter known as Cook and Cochran. In 1861 a post-office was established, and a new name, N apanee 1Iills, was selected, one that from its very inception gave rise to confusion. In the early seventies the only survivor of the original partners died, and Cochran sold out the mill to H. 11. Wright & Co. and the timber limits to the Rathbun Co. H.:\1. Wright & Co. organized the N apanee Paper Company, composed principally of Napanee gentlemen, conspicu- ous among the number being fr. \V. F. HaU, the first Secretary, John R, Scott, and Alex. Henry. The Paper Company tore down the saw- 286 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON mill and erected on its site a paper-mill, which for many years proved a very profitable investment. After the Paper Company was fairly launched the Wrights turned their attention to a new industry, the raw material for which was found upon the old Bowers' farm which they had purchased. Extensive strata of water limestone well suited for the manufacture of water-lime were discovered in the ridges a few yards from the river. Quarries were opened up, and the stone was hauled to N apanee to the old Lane l\lill at the foot of Robert Street, where it was converted into water-lime. The business was carri d on for some ten years. when the Rathbun Company purchased the Bowers' farm, which was also found to have large deposits of clay peculiarly adapted to the manufacture of Portland Cement when combined with marl, which had been discovered in unlim- ited quantities near Ivrarlbank. A cement plant was erected, and enlarged from time to time, dwellings for the workmen were built and a large number were removed from Napanee, where they were no longer required for the forgotten employees of the defunct glass factory. The marl was hauled in from the north by the train-load; and the Star Brand of Portland Cement manufactured on the old Bowers' farm acquired reputation for excel1enc second to none on the continent. These were the days of prosperity for Napanee Mills, whose weekly wage bill exceeded that of any village upon the river. The place wore an air of contentment, every house was tenanted, the large boarding-houses were filled to their utmost capacity, the corner store did a thriving business, and the N ewburgh merchants threw out tempting baits to secure a por- tion of the trade of this busy village two miles down the river. In the course of a few years the local supply of raw material for the paper-mill became exhausted, other mills with unlimited capital and more favourably situated entered the field, dividends were reduced, and the Company was wound up. The Cement Company was taken over by a larger concern which transferred the business to Marlbank, the plant was dismantled, the workmen's houses became untenanted, many were sold and removed, and but few of those that remain are now occupied. The store has been burned to the ground; and the once promising village has a most cheerless prospect before it. After the South African war the name was again changed to Strathcona, in honour of Canada's High Commissioner to London, who gave $1,000 to a public library for the village. Noone is better qualified to speak of the past and present of N ew- burgh than Mr. George Anson Aylesworth, who was born in the village, has studied carefully its history, and followed closely its progress. In C.UIDl:X A D FWßCRGH 2s7 the econd volume of Papcrs a1ld Rccords of the LC1I1lO t" ami Addi"gto" Historical Socict-" appeared a well \\Titten article from his pen upon his native village, \\'hich with his kind permission is herewith reproduced: .. It is not quite the same with K ewburgh as with that Engli h vil- lage celebrated in the Cornhill Iaga7ine: 'Our \ïllage is unhonoured yet in tory, 'The present residents its only glory' for former residents constitute mainly such fame and 'gh)ry' as render the annals of ewburgh intere:--ting. "1'0 hegin with, it has the di tinction of being the largest incorpor- ated village in Ontario, its area bcing five and one-half square miles. Camden town hip bounds it on the east, north, and west, Enlesttown on the south. It is twelve miles northward from the :--hore of the nav of Quinte at Dath; seven miles up-stream north-eac;te"rly from where the Xapanee River inks to the navigable level of the :\Iohawk branch of that same Ray of Quinte. "The valley of the Napanee River from Yarker to the Bay, fourteen miles. is very picturesque as well ac; fertile. The late Dr. Grant. who had seen the sights of that half of the world that lies hetween Cali- fon1Ïa and the Danube, used to declare that he knew of no drÏ\"e of more varied beauty than the vale of the Xapanee from Colebrook or Yarker, down. . "The village proper is in the centre of the larg-e area abm'e men- tioned, that is. at the intersection of the King's highway from Bath to Tamworth, ( Iain Street), with the concession line between the first and second concesc;ions of Camden township. "The X apanee River, about one quarter of a mil east of )'Iain treet, divides into two branches. which re-unite about an equal dis- tance west of Iain Street. thm; inclosing an island of about seven acres in area. Xear the centre of this island is a cave, in former times occa- sionally explored by over-bold school boys, who, each with a piece of candle and matches in plenty, used to descend into and crawl through this hole in the ground. "They brought back tales of inscriptions and mysterious wonders in underground compartments. that excited much envy and enlargement of eye among the more timorous who dared not squeeze in, for fear they should be unable ever to squeeze out again. Of late years the entrance to this cave has become stopped up, and few village mothers are anxious for its re-opening. "This double ri\"er affords no less than thirteen good water privileges within less than one third of a mile. The e have been valued and 288 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON made of great utility in times past; in these later electric days the time of their appreciation is again dawning. "Tradition preserves the names of the first settlers: vViIIiam Yan Pelt Detlor and Benjamin Files, two sturdy cousins, who took up land in 1822, south of the river. David Perry, in 1824, built the first saw- mill here, and John 1:adden, in 1825, another. Of course, in those remote well \vooded times, a saw-mill was the first thing the settlers most urgently needed,-after a tavern. "About a mile and a half south of the border of N ewburgh stood Switzer's Chapel, older than which was but one other Methodist meet- ing-house in Upper Canada. It was erected about 1826, and I have heard the late Mr. l\:iitchel Neville say that at its erection, he, being a boy of eleven years, was given charge of the grog-jug to carry it about among the good old l\Iethodists of that neighbourhood who were there at the 'raising'-teetotalism not yet having been invented. \Vith pro- priety may Switzer's Chapel be mentioned herein; for the skilfully framed timbers, and some of the old windows, themselves of the genu- ine original building thereof, stand now in N ewburgh village, a new brick church having been built on the Switzer site some years since. "In 1825, my grandfather with one of his brothers, paying a visit to their uncle, David Perry, who lived north of the river, had to ride their saddle horses from their home near Bath around by way of Kapanee, and so on up the river, there being then no bridge at N ewburgh. "In 1826, this l\1:r. Perry built a grist-mill, which two years later he sold to Samuel Shaw, v,ho was the dllage's first merchant. "1831 saw l\1:adden's grist-mill established; it served the public till destroyed by fire in 1902. "John Black started a tannery in 1832. "And so the village grew; stores, axe factories, carding-mills, car- riage. and agricultural implement works. "The first name of the place was 'The Hollow,' there being hills on every side. Soon, in compliment to the business abilities and enter- prise of its inhabitants, some genius dubbed it 'Rogues' Hollow.' Pub- lic appreciation of the fitness of things fastened the name. The grow- ing town at last grew restive under such a title, and it became time for a change. "Of the village in that day one of the men of learning was the doc- tor. Isaac Brock Aylesworth was born near Bath, December 4th, 181L At the request of his mother's father, Robert Perry, he was named after General Sir Isaac Brock, who, in October of 1812, had fallen in battle at Kiagara. Educated at Bath Academy, and at N ew York, he moved .. ,... . . - .. .- .1 .. -- .- n - .. I -- - ..:. . . .:.. .. - . . '\ I' II It .1 .. .. n ;1 - - - THE ACADEMY. NEWBURGH. . .:i t ,! .. . " .. :,;i . l , . ii't- :'!,' . ' t -r '.of'" -'1 rJr 'o A :l .,. ,;, I.- .., t " -. So; j:.. .J' ,. ". . t r . . - '... J;". . " . ' , ::Jrr '. .'" . .....! ... . ' '':' .\ ... - .... : J .1 II .... -- . - . ..,ç ..". J \1.1 t . · .!!. ... -, -- .0 -- At , 0 . J- t ... .. " .... . - .. ,.. THE ACADEMY. NAPANEE. CA IDEN AI\D EWllUI{GIJ 2 9 into 'The Ilol1ow' in Ig36. During the troubled years, 1837 and 18 3 8 , he was living- at Xapanee, but appears to ha\"e returned to Newburgh early in IR3(). \\ hen going to and from Kew '\ ork he had seen New- burgh on the Hud:-;on river. Like 'The Hol1ow,' it lies under and upon the terraced side:;; of hill:;;, and so it came about that the doctor gaye its present name to Ì\ en-burgh. '.'\\ïth the late Robert F. Hope and eorge Eakins, the doctor had nmch to do with the establishment of ewburgh Academy, the exact date of whose opening seems ' hrouded in the mi:;;ts of antiquity.' Dr. Hodgins, the historiographer of the Department of Education in Ontario, once tüld me: 'Your relati\'e (the doctor) was active in the founding of X ewburgh Academy.' "In the first volume of 'Documentary History of Education in Cpper Canada,' by J. George Hodgins, I.A., published in 1894, pre- fatory remarks, (pag-e-- III-I\T), we find: 'The celebrity of the Ernest- town or Bath Academy may have been increaserl from the fact that at it \\'as chiefly educaterl by his father,-its master.-a man so eminent in his profe,sion anrl so disting-uishe(l in the hi tor'y of Cpper Canada as was Iarshall pring Bidwell, a gifted member of the House of Assembly in it, early day:;;, and its Speaker for some time.' "'Then the succes:;; of the Xewhurgh Academy was noted in our Own times, and in it, as one of its late"t Principal:;;, the Rev. Dr. N" elles first learned those les ons in the art of teaching and government which he afterwards turned to such excel1ent account, as the gifterl President for so many years of Victoria Cniversity' (page V) 'Anim- ated by the same "pirit as possessed these early colonists, the U. E. L.'s established schools of a uperior class early in the century in the chief centres of their settlen'ents. such as Kingston, Cornwall, Bath, York, t. Catharines, and aften\'ards at X ewburgh. Soon a Grammar School was established in every district' (Vol. V, p. 128) 'In a further report to the !\fidland District Council the Education Committee recommended that a Iodel School be established in the Vil- lage of X e\\'bu, rgh styled a Township Iodel School, and that the Super- intendent of that Town"hip be recommended to establish the same. Kingston, ?\Iay 18th, 18. 4. (Sig.) Anthony Denike. Chairman.' "Dr. Nelles was Principal of Xewburgh Acarlemy in 18 4 6 . In the foregoing extract he is spoken of as 'one of its latest Principals,' which would seem to indicate that this school was not a \'ery new or recently established ''I1,titution in 1846. Also, be it observed, that N ewburgh Academy has mention among the first six Grammar Schools to be estab- lished in e pper Canada. 19 2 O HISTORY Of LENNOX AND ADDINGTON ".1\1y father says he saw Newburgh first in 1843, and the Academy was then an establishment not regarded as a novelty. On the other hand, it seems unlikely that a village that consisted mostly of saw-mills in 1825. and was as yet without a bridge, whose first merchant began business in it in 1828, it ,,"ould be doing well for those pre-railroad days, if at the end of a decade it had established a school, let alone an Aca- demy. 1839 seems, on the whole, the most probable date. Although those were the days when 'lickin and larnin' went hand in hand, still it is hard to believe that there is any hidden allusion to the Academy in the statement that John Black started a tannery in 18 3 2 . "Searching the old files of the Christian Guardian, (first published in 1828 at Kingston, and soon removed to muddy Little York), if haply therein I might find sotre advertisement or other mention of the begin- ning of Newburgh Academy, it happened to me,-although unsuccessful in my researches, yet,-like as Abraham Cowley expresses it: 'The search itself rewards the pains: things well worth his toil he gains: And does his charge and labour pay \Yith good, unsought experiments by the \\'ay.' "These informing glimpses were vouchsafed to me: 'Napanee, January 26th, [841. To the Editor of the Christian Guardian,- In my last communication I made mention of a meeting at N ew- burgh. I do consider this to have been one of the most important meet- ings of the kind I ever attended. The heathen name of this place was 'Rogue's Hollow,' the Christian name is Newburgh. It is new in many respects. It was once drunken, it is now sober, it was once wicked, it is now to a very great degree reformed. This change commenced some eighteen months ago, in the formation of a Society on the Total Abstin- ence principle. (Sgd.) C. R. ALLISON.' 'April 7th, 1841. 'Rev. John Ryerson's Journal :-On vVednesday at six o'clock, we held a meeting in what is called the Switzer neighbourhood, a place twenty miles distant from Ac1olphustown. This is a neighbourhood in the back part of Ernesttown, embracing the most numerous and wealthy body of 11ethodists of any country place I know of within the bounds of the Province. the inhabitants generally are a most sober, CA IDEK AXD XEWnURGII 291 industrious and respectable people. The missionary meeting which was very numerously attended, was a very poor one, made up of long dry speeches, and a thin collectioí1,- ubscriptions and all only amounted to some L 14, whereas they were well able to have given L4 0 The evening after we were at Switzer's, we held a meeting in the Vil- lage of N e\\ burgh. and a most interesting and profitable festival it was. Nev.-burgh, which lies on the Kapanee River, about six miles above the village of N apanee, is a very thriving business place, of a population of 200 souls. The Village is surrounded by a wealthy, flourishing COUí1- try. Uur church is the only place of public wop hip in it; indeed the inhabitants are mostly l\[ethodists, or :\[ethodistical in their sentiments. The cause of temperance here seems to triumph over everything, the great body of the people are teetotalers, and you may suppose that with such a society of :\[ethodists and class of citizens, and on the eve of a Po\\ erful and extensi\Oe revival of religion, we could not but have a noble ::\[issionary meeting-, and so it was, the church was literally cram- med wi!h respectable people. Dr. ..\ylesworth took the chair and opened the meeting by a very suitable address, and after the speaking was through, he introduced the subscription by signing L2. His liberal e ample was soon foIlowed with several subscriptions of a like sum. and then for less stuns. until the whole amounted to the handsome sum of L34 3 s . 3d.' "In July, 19o8. just behind the Library Rotunda on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, I heard my father say, '\\, hen I first aw this spot it was all covered with pine :,tubs. That was in the year 1855, and I was sent here to By-town, as it was caIled then, to attend Grand Lodge, as dele- gate from Newburg-h Division, Sons of Temperance.' " ut N ewburgh had an organized Society of Teetotalers much earlier in the century, for in the autumn of 1839, at the teetotaler's din- ner held in the tavern, when the plum pudding with plenty of appro- priate Sauce was senoed, a wag of a brother arose, and 'begged leave to move that no brother having any regard for the pledge be served witry more than one swill pail fuIl of this brandy sauce!' "Passages from the Christian Guardian already quoted, indicate how strong in the early days was Iethodism in Newburgh. In 18 5 6 was begun, and in October, 1858, was dedicated a most commodious stone church. by the \Vesleyan branch of that body. In 1862 the Iethodist Episcopal congregation built a frame church in the northern part of the village. A few years later it was burned to the ground, and a little afterward was erected the stone church now owned by the Pres- byterians. The Anglican church. also of stone, was dedicated in 188r. 292 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON From an interesting account of the dedication of the new \Vesleyan edifice. and a description of the building published in the Christian r;uardian of November 3rd, 1858, and subscribed 'G. Dorey,' the two following sentences are taken: 'Though but a small community, our N ewburgh friends have erected a House of \V orship unequalled by any village of equal size and resources in the Province, and which would not disgrace any of its cities' 'The building is heated by two hot air furnaces, and lighted by the coal-oil lamp, which for cheapness, cleanliness, and brilliancy seems likely to supersede the present modes of illumination, gas excepted.' \Ye catch here a vivid glimpse of the old burgh by candle-light. "In 1858-9, the yillage achieved municipal incorporation, Augustus Hooper being the first Reeve. He, in the County Council of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, assisted in the passing of the 'By-law No. 99 for erecting the Village of Bath and neighbourhood into an incorporated village, by the same name,' (Passed, 23rd Sept., 1859). Bath is more ancient than N ewburgh in some respects, but it doth not appear that it is entitled to be any bigger-feeling. "In the minutes of the County Council of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, under date of January 27th, 1857. we find the following per- sons were appointed Grammar School trustees: 'For Newburgh, C. H, rvIiller, Esq., reappointed, and R. F. Hope, Esq., in place of Dr. Ruttan; and Allen Caton in place of the Rev. P. Shirley, deceased.' "Under date of April 8th, 1857, 'At 2 p.m., the Council resumed and proceeded to the appointment of local superintendents of schools., as follows, viz. :-Upon motion of S. Warner, seconded by :Mr. Perry, Joseph Parker for Camden.' This is none other than the father of Sir Gilbert Parker. At that time 1\1r. Parker, Sr., resided at Camden East. where Sir Gilbert was born. The father of Sir Gilbert's mother was the late George Simmons, Esq., who for a long time was a citizen of N ewburgh. At that same session of the County Council M r. Whelan brought up the memorial and report of the Trustees of the N ewburgh l\10del School. Finally we find in the Report of the Committee on Fin- ance this c1ause,-'Your committee having examined the report of the N ewburgh l\1odel School would recommend that the usual annual grant of LSD he continued to that institution for the present year.' "The main line of the Grand Trunk Railway was at first surveyed and located up the valley of the N apanee River as far as Yarker, and thence to.wards Kingston. But from this path of rectitude the railway was deflected by 'graft' and 'influence.' CAMDEN AXD KEWllCRGII 293 "\Ve have seen that the late Dr. Nelles was at one time Principal of Xewburgh Academy. N'ewburgh was the first :\Iethodist circuit travelled by the Rev. Chancellor Burwash, ..\.D. 186r. "Prince of \Vales Lodge, Xo. 146, G,R.C., A. F. & A. 11., was organized at Newburgh in 1Iarch, 1861; and its fir t Junior \Varden was \\ïlliam Van Pelt Detlor, who was one of the two 'Primitive great grandsires' of the ancient burgh. "A County Agricultural Exhibition building was erected in 1 64, upon the south hill of N ewburgh. Therein annually a good show was held, till Harrowsmith in 1892, snatched the e>...hibition from the village una\\ ares, and left its 'Palace' desolate,-an unneighbourly act, which famworth a few years later avenged by swooping down upon the annual meeting at Harrowsmith and returning to her northern fastness trium- phant with the spoil! "In those bygone days, 18jo-66, the great American Travelling Circus frequently pitched its temporary tent upon N ewburgh's vacant lots. "One of the first cheese factories in Canada was opened in New- burgh in 186 4. It is 'still doing business upon the old stand,' and its monthly dividends are much admired and appreciated. "In 186 5, Kewburgh became the place of holding the Fourth Divi- sion Court in Lennox and Addington, Isaac J. Lockwood being Clerk, Homer Spencer, Bailiff, and the first suitor, Robert Forsythe Hope. "It may be that matches matrimonial are made in heaven, but in the early sixties, when I was a small boy, going home from school, I have lingered many a time to watch the process of manufacture of the hand-made lucifer matches, carried on by a company of men, women, and boys in the 'Irish-town' suburb of Newburgh. "From V alley Forge, Pennsylvania, to N ewburgh, in 18ïo, came the Thomson family, and established paper-mills. Later, a short distance down the river from N ewburgh another Iarge paper-mill was erected, and still later, at a less distance up the river from the village, a third group of paper-mills was established by the same people. "In 18ï6, the bridge carrying :\1ain Street, X ewburgh over the larger branch of the N apanee River, was swept away. The village replaced it with a new wooden structure which lasted till in 1908, the County Council of Lennox and Addington at the suggestion of the High Court of Justice obligingly built a new village bridge of iron and con- crete. "1 84 made Newburgh happy with a real railway. 294 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON "Sept. ïth. I 88ï," a Trojan conflagration swept through and across the village. and without doubt, would have effaced it utterly, but for the arrival (thanks to the railway) of Napanee's fire-engine and brigade. Eighty-four buildings were burned to the ground, comprising every shop or store of any sort, and many dwellings. Twice before and twice since has Newburgh suffered grievously from fire, but 1887 was by far the worst. In 1864 Lake's carriage shops and the surrounding buildings went up in flames in the night time. In January, I8ï2, the Academy building was gutted by fire. vVhile the new building was being built the Grammar School found a habitation in the basement of the :l\Iethod- ist church, and the public school in the hall of the Division Sons of Tem- perance. In 1902, the "l\Iadden grist-mill and Stickney's foundry and agricultural implement works were burned, and finally,-it is to be hoped finaIIy,-in 1908, there was a more than sufficiently destructive blaze, for the second time checked and extinguished, not å moment too soon, by the .N apanee Fire Brigade. "In the latter years of the decade between 1890 and 1900, N ewburgh became celebrated among villages for electric lights, profusion of patriotic flags, and high taxes. "The lethodist church built in 1856-8, was planned large in order to accommodate the expansion, at that time not unreasonably expected. But in common with nearly all other Ontario villages and smaller towns, growth has been slow, chiefly owing to the opening of the vast 'last, best "-est.' This needlessly large church was adorned with a large pipe organ in 1899, the gift of the late John Shibley, to honour the memory of his parents. "The twentieth century has brought to the village long stretches of cement pavement, also a fire-engine and volunteer company; but as yet we worry along without any lock-up, stocks, pillory, or policeman. "TravelIers note the uncommon 'tone' of the town, traceable directly to the Academy, to which the brightest young folk from the surround- ing townships flock like doves to the windows. N ewburgh is not large enough to afford to these 'boarders' much distraction, and on the other hand there is little opportunity for any boy or girl to go far wrong in so small a community, without being both noticed and checked in time. "The Academy is the ancient glory and the present pride of the com- munity. Established when the community was very young, we find it flourishing undeï the governance of a Presbyterian minister, the Rev. :Mr. \Vightman, in the years immediatei y foIIowing the subsidence of the Rebellion (183ï-8). The words of Dr. Hodgins have been quoted already concerning the Rev. Dr. NeIIes and Newburgh Academy. As CA IDl N AXD XEWUURGII 295 early as (8 the Academy became a Iodel School. After Dr. Ne11es' promotion, Ir. David Beach \\ as Head-master. In his day the annual examination and exhibition of Xewburg-h Academy was looked forward to by the whole country side as almost a local Olympic. Partitions so built a5 to make the operation easy were entirely removed, and the whole upper flat of the large new building (whose first occupation the ["de.\" dates at IgS3), was tl1t1 thrown into one huge hall. The han would be filled to its capacity for three succes ive days with the rela- tives and friends of the 'scholars' delighted to attend the public examin- ations, dialogues, essa) s, orations, spe11ing matche , addresses, and dis- tribution of prizes. "After Ir. neach came the Rev. \\ïl1iam Lewin, B.A., as Principal. In 1906 I saw the Rev. gentleman at Kapanee. The hale old man, upwards of eighty-two years of age, was laughingly reca11ing how he resigned the Head-ma tership of Kewhurgh Academy in 1863, because of 'broken health.' "John Campbell, .\I.A" from Yictoria Cniversity, followed l\lr. Lewin, teaching ti11 18ïI. It was in his day that, in a11, between a dozen and a score of youths from the Bahama Islands came to be educated at Kewburgh Academy. The R v. :\Ir. Cheesbrough wrote from Nassau, New Pro\'idence, Bahama Isle , to the Rev. E. Ryerson. Chief Super- intendent of Education. asking him to recommend a good school, in a suitable locality, etc., whereto boys might be sent for education. l\Ir. Cheesbrough stated that as suitable schools in the \\r est Indies were not to be had. and as sending their sons to England was more costly than atisfactory, and sending them to the Cnited States would be exposing them to learn too much, several white gentlemen of :i'\ assau had in view the education of their sons in C pper Canada, Chief Superintendent Ryerson recommended K ewburgh Academy and John Campbe11, :\LA. The Southern youths came, and they revolutionized young K ewburgh. "After Ir. Campbe11, other disting li hed Principals of Newburgh Academy have been: A. l\lcClatchie, :\L\., :\Ir. Cadyle, (nephew of Tho:nas Carlyle. the prober of shams), P. L. Dorland, Chas. \Vynn- \\ï11iams, H. L. \Yilson, now of John Hopkins' Cniversity, and D. A. K esbitt, since Inspector of Public Schools. " Iitchell's Directory, published in Toronto 1865, affords us this glimpse: 'N ewburgh possesses a large and elegant academy, where the higher branches of an English and Classical education are taught. The Common school is in the same building. under the charge of H. l\f. Deroche.' 2Ub HISTORY Of LENNOX AND ADDINGTOJ'i: "One of the earlier Inspectors of Grammar Schools, in his report to the Chief Superintendent of Education for e pper Canada, discusses the advisability of extending degree-conferring powers to N ewburgh Academy and to some other early schools of equal efficiency. "The High School Act of 1891, by providing that County Councils should contribute proportionately to the support of High Schools where county pupils receive education, worked a great benefit to Newburgh Academy, relieving a small and unfortunate village community of a portion of the heavy and long and patiently borne financial burden of its maintenance. "N ewburgh desen'es weli of this country for its Academy's sake. It has given to the churches a great host of eminent and distinguished reverend gentlemen, of school teachers beyond computation, and of physicians far too many to be named. Upon each of the three con- tiguous counties composing the old IVlidland District, Frontenac, Len- nox and Addington. and Hastings, Newburgh Academy has conferred its Judge upon the bench. Of other learned lawyers and able statesmen, orators and politicians a multitude,-who shall number them? And of these last, every man a patriot. "In all seriousness, the Village of N ewburgh, in its 'sequestered yale,' merits an ample wreath of praise, for 'it is the essence of justice to render to everyone that which is due.' " Among the learned lawyers who claim N ewburgh as their birth- pi ace, :Mr. Aylesworth, if his modesty had not stood in his way, might have made especial mention of one who not only attained the well- merited reputation of being the leader of the Ontario Bar, but won the esteem and gratitude of all his countrymen by his courageous attitude on the Alaska boundary question and his administration of the Depart- ment of Justice in the late Liberal administration. N ewburgh is justly proud of the Honourable Sir Allan Aylesworth, K.C.1\i.G., orother of the author of the foregoing article, and son of one of Lennox and Add- ington's grandest old men, the venerable John B. Aylesworth. N ewburgh, at different periods in the history of the village, has supported no less than four weekly newspapers, or to be more accurate, has failed to support them; as each in turn expired at an early age after a lingering illness except the Beaver, which moved to Napanee for a change of atmosphere and seems to have been so benefited by the change that it increased to double its former size. The Index was the first to make the venture in r853, just about one year before the Standard was first issued from the little room over i\lacpherson's store in Napanee. The first editor, publisher, and pro- CA 1DI':N AND NEWllL"RGIJ 97 prietor \\ as ).[r. 1. D. Aylesworth, son of the late Robert Aylesworth of- Odessa, for many year:; clerk of the township of Ernesttown. The heading alleged that it was de\ oted to agriculture, commerce, science, and morality, and it adopted the wholesome motto: "Open to all parties, !ed by none:' )'Ir. Aylesworth left the editor's chair for the pulpit, and afterwards became the Rev. Dr. Aylesworth J at Line time president of the Londun .:\Iethodist Conference. lIe was ucceeded by Iessr . D. Beach and A. Caton, the former announcing himself as the editor and the latter as the financial manager. fhe only local opposition to these pioneers in journalism was the Green- leaf heet of K apanee; and they had a fair opportunity of establi hing themseh'es in the good-will of the public, which appears to have been liberal in its patronage, as twelve of the twenty-eight columns were filled with ach'ertisements, which must have yielded a respectable revenue if they adhered to the published tariff of rates. There was, however, a woeful want of original matter and local news; and when the editor did take up his pen he dipped it in gall and proceeded to enlighten his readers upon the wickedness of that village seven miles down the river. This :nay ha\re tickled the two rows of villagers who, during the summer evenings, perched upon the railings of the old bridge and speculated upon the best site for the county buildings when N ewburgh would become the county seat; for even at this early date the separation of the counties was a li,'e is ue. If the editor had taken a broader view of his duty and responsibil- ity he could have made his paper more popular throughout the county, and ad\"ocated and advanced the interests of his own village to better advantage. It would have required very little to convince him that the engineers and promoters of the Grand Trunk Railway had been per- suaded to overlook such a business centre as ewburgh through a con- spiracy between Kingston and N apanee. In commenting upon this unholy alliance against his village he says: "Some of our N apanee friends have been accused, with what justice we will not pretend to say, of concert- ing with the Kingstonians to prevent the Grand Trunk Railway from passing through these parts of the United Counties." \Vhile he declines to vouch for the accusation he proceeds to argue the question as if the cuiprits had confessed their guilt, and concludes his tirade with a sentence which shows the wholesome dread which possessed his soul that X apanee might possibly derive some material advantage from the construction of the line under consideration: "It would really be a matter of astonishment if the citizens of Kingston be so indifferent as quietly 2 8 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON to allow the business of these parts, which must be of no small import- ance to them, to be permanently concentrated in N apanee." \\"hen the Index did assay to comment upon the public questions of the day. other ihan those of purely local interest, its editorials, written in excellent English. dispiayed good judgment and marked the author as a man of no mean ability, It is, therefore, but fair to conclude that, in his zeal for his nati\"e village, he willingly sacrificed his personal inter- ests; for there can be little doubt that his failure to obtain the support necessary to maintain his paper was in no small measure due to his strong ad\'ocacy of the claims of N ewburgh and his persistent attacks upon aU other villages in the county, and particularly N apanee. It is difficult to say at this distant date who is responsible for the outbreak of bad feeling between these two yillages; for it cannot be denied that the controversy O\'er the location of the county town was waged with much bitterness, and the newspapers of N apanee were not guiltless in foment- ing the strife. Newburgh was a pretty and thriving village meriting a better nickname than that of "Rogues' Hollow," and the attacks of the newspapers of N ewburgh upon N apanee and the other villages were not without provocation. )'Ir. Beach retired from the partnership about the year 1858; and his pen was taken up by a young man who had graduated from a Cam- den farm and the Newburgh Academy and was at the time a clerk in 1\1r. Caton's drug store, in the rear of which the Index was published. For two years this young man, who had also purchased an interest in the concern, continued to edit the paper with no' small degree of credit to himself. But, like the first editor, he felt that he was destined for another field of usefulness and quitted N ewburgh to enter a law office in Kingston. That he soon attained eminence in his chosen profession is attested by the fact that for thirty-four years he has been and still is the Judge of the County Court of the County of Frontenac, His Honour C. V. Price. 1\lr. Caton for a time endeavoured to continue the publica- tion; but the burden was greater than he could carry, so he sold the plant to a gentleman in Gananoque; and N ewburgh for a time was with- out a mouthpiece to laud its merits and berate the press of N apanee. The British North American entered the arena with a great flour- ish of trumpets on the eve of the decisive battle for the separation of the counties; and the name alone was sufficient to strike terror into the hearts of its contemporaries in Napanee. They, however, do not appear to have retreated one step from the position taken by them in the fight- ing line; but turned their weapons upon this new exponent of New- burgh's claims, and in a few short months silenced its guns. So brief CAMDEI\ Ar\D XF.WllURGlI 99 was the career of the paper that little can now be learned about it. It \Va!' o\\ned and edited by Ir. George \\". .:\lc lullen about the year 1863, and met with such scant encouragement that the proprietor wisely concluded that he could never achieve fame or wealth through that medium' o he folded his tent3 and removed first to Picton and after- wards to Chicago. The fame that \Va" denied him at N'ewburgh wa afterwards thrust upon him through the im"estigations of the Pacific canda1. In the month of June, ISiS. the l\[e'i.l'burglz Reporter was first pub- iished by two Xewburgh boys. J. F. and \\. J.' Pappa, sons of an old resident, Daniel Pappa. a tailor and general clothier. J. F. had sen'ed his first apprenticeship as a printer under Cephas I. Beeman in the Beaver office in his native ,'illage and had gone to \\ atertown to pursue his calling anll, ha\'illg mastered the art, returned to his old home to see what he could do in the way of running a paper himself. The brothers produced a \ ery respectable seven-column paper, superior to the others that had tried the experiment, as it devoted more space to local new=, which wa!' gleaned by the reporter and several regular corre- spondents hom the other villages in the county. At the end of two years \ \". J. sold out his interest to his brother, who continued the pub- iication until 1880, ,,-hen he leased it to A. I. Dickinson, who had been for Some time an employee in the office. The latter soon followed in the footsteps of his employer by going to the 1.nited States, where both ha,'e ince been engaged in the newspaper bu iness. l\Ir. Pappa is at present associated with the IVaterto'l'll Daily Times and :\lr. Dickinson is the managing editor of the Utica Saturday Globe. The Reporter, like two of its predecessors, was allowed to die a natural death and no efÎort has since been made to revive it. The Yapallce Bea'(:er, which is dealt with in another chapter, \\ a'\ first published in Kewburgh as the Olltario Bem:er, but while yet in its s\\ addling clothes was transferred to apanee. The following is a list of the merchants and manufacturers of N ew- burgh during the past sixty years: :\lerchants: Stevenson & Ham, Florence :\IcEgan, A. D. Hooper, Caton & :.\IilIer, John Dowling, John D. Ham, D. Hooper, Richard Osborn, :.\Iiles Caton. 1\ athan Empey, Henry Paul, \ \T. A. Hope & Co., John Shorey. Homer H. S, Spencer, \Ym. Beckett, D. P. Clute. Chas. \\"ellbank:;:, John Rook. C. \Y. Thomson, L. E. Percy, r. Ryan, :\lrs. H. 8tone, George :\1. \Yalker. Edgar Knight. Blacksmiths: John Creighton, John Farley. John Percy, Thomas Scott. Henry Dunn, Philip Phalen. John Dunn, C. D. Shorts. 300 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON Carriage I\lakers: Henry Finkle, \Villiam Hookaway, Samuel Lake, D. A. Burdette, Scott & Jennings, George 1\1. Baker, John Baughan. John Farley & Son, C. H. Finkle, Gandier & Dunwoody. Coopers: Jere Remo, Joseph :Miller, Francois l\liller. Tanneries: John Black, D. & A. Burdette, \Vm. Clark, Joseph \V. Courtney, Daniel Day. Druggists: Allen Caton, l\IiIler & Aylesworth, Duff & Co., 1\1. 1. Beeman & Co., H. B. Collier, J. \V. Yeomans, T. 1. \Yinter, James :McCammon, Iv1.D. Paper .lVlanufacturers: James Thomson, Thomson Bros., Thomson Paþer Co. Shoemakers: James Davy, vVm. Detlor, Wm. Irons, Jacob Detlor, \ . P. V. Detlor, James G. Davidson, George Detlor, Walter Brisco, \Vm. l\lulholland. Saddlers and Harness l\lakers: O. S. Roblin, Homer Spencer, \Vells & Brother, John C. Tells, H. J. \Vood, James Johnson. \ Vatchmaker and Jeweller: Richard Rook. Tinsmiths: John Rook, Charles Wellbanks. Grist-1\1ill: George l\ladden, l\lichael Davern, Robert Gibson, J. F. Burgoyne, John Drewry, \V. D. Drewry. Cabinet-Ylakers: George Eakins, Joseph Fullerton, \V. H. Eakins, Eakins & Co. Carding-Mills: Sylvester l\fadden. Carpenters: \Vm.. Brown, vVm. Howell, Edw. Jones, Howell & Clark, Edward Huyck, Elias Clark. Saw-1\lills: George Madden, C. H. 1\liller, John Pomeroy, David Y. Pringle, Richard 1\ladden, Robert Paul. Axe Factory: Thos. Armstrong, Simon Hanes, Joseph Taylor, R. B. Hope. Tailors: Paschal Deroche, Ezekiel l\lcConnelI. Andrew Russell, Daniel Pappa, \V. \V. Adams, George Rowlinson, Alex. Dick. Foundry: C. H. Miller D. B. Stickney, Edwin W. Stickney. :Mill- \V rights: Nelson Shorey, Gideon Scott. Builders and Contractors: Edward Jones, Robert Dougan. Cheese 1\lanufacturers: James Haworth, Nelson :McKim, E. J. 1\,Iad- den, Hugh Howey, George Cleall. As its name indicates, the village of Centreville owes its very existence to the fact that it is situated near the centre of the township. Camden East formerly had the honour of being the municipal capital of Camden; but objections were taken to its location on the very border tine of the township, and in the contest that followed Centreville came CA IDEX Ar\D XEWUl"RGIJ 301 out victorious. The following article on the village, written by 1\[ r. J. S. Lochhead, has been kindly placed at my disposal: "The Yillage of Centreville is situated almost in the centre of the township of Camden, and from this fact it derives its name. ..It lies hetween lots 2-J. and 25, in the front of the 6th concession. The surrounding country is comparatively level, and an excellent farm- ing district. The nearest body of water is l\lud Lake, which lies about two miles east of the village, and is important chiefly for duck shooting. The lack of water-power is a great hindrance to the growth of the vil- lage. Its area at present ic; about fifteen acres, and the population approÀimately one hundred. To-day the village comprises t\\ 0 stores. the [ethodist Church, the Town-hall, the Orange Hall, one hotel, a cheese factory, and two blacksmith shops, besides the residences. ". \bout a mile south of the village is the Roman Catholic Church, and nearly a mile east is the Public School, both of which were probably built with the idea that some clay they \\ auld be within the corporation, but. alas! no such expansion lay in the future for Centreville. Although Centreville reminds one of a little village that has 'climbed half-way up the hill, and then sat do\\'n to rest,' it has a past worthy of note, for forty years ago it held quite an important place in the township. The population was more than double what it is now, and quite a business stir was evident. The surrounding country consisted of homesteads, 0\\ ned by well-to-do farmers with large families, who were not afraid to work, and since have gone out and made their mark far away, in many cases, from their old home. Some old homesteads which we can recall at present are the Shorey, the :\IiIIer, the Vrooman, the Lochhead, the Switzer, the \Yhelan, the Hawley, the \\-agar, the )'Iilligan, and the \ V eese. "The village was formerly known as \Vhelan's Corners, and this name re'"eals its real origin, for the first building was a large frame hotel, erected on the south-we..t corner by John \Yhelal1, seventy years ago. About this time a \Yesleyan :\[ethodist Church \\ as built, and two years later a :\[ethodist Episcopal Church, both frame buildings, besides a Roman Catholic Church,-not the large stone edifice of to-day,-but a small frame building. The next addition was a blacksmith shop, and soon afterwards a wagon shop. "In 1842 1\lr. James N. Lapum opened the first store, carrying his goods over the corduroy roads all the way from Kingston. "Up to this time there was no post-office in the place, and the near- est office was at Camden East. then known as Clark's !\fills. This same 302 HISTORY OF LENNOX A D ADDINGTON year a post-office was opened. :\1r. Lapum was made post-master, an1 the name of the village was changed to Centreville. "The next year the old log school-house was torn down and a large tone one was built in its place. Then a shoemaker shop was opened, the town-hall was erected by the township, and a few years after another shoemaker came to the village, besides several additional fam- ilies. Later on, lr. Lapum, who had in the meantime made consider- able money in his store and potash works, was in a position to buy a better ite for a new store and residence, and so opened up on a larger scale. He also built a large stone tenement house near his store. "About this time another hotel was erected, and the next year :Mr. C. S. ::\lcKim opened up another store. This was afterwards converted into a third hotel. In 1851 Dr. Ash came to the village, two more blacksmith shops were started, a cooper shop, a harness shop, a grocery, and two tailoring establishments. l'1/1r. J. S. Lochhead at this time kept store in the village. "In 1867, when Canada came under Confederation, 1\lr. Lapum was the first member of the House of Commons, representing Addington, which was and is still, a Conservative constituency. ' In 1870, a cheese factory was started by :Mr. Lapum and l\fr. John S. l\Iiller, ex- LP.P. 'f-his was afterwards bought by Squire vVhelan, On ,,-hose property the building was erected, and who managed it most successfully until his death six years ago. The latter, we might men- tion also, ,,,as for forty years Clerk of the Fifth Division Court, which always meets at Centreville. It is also worthy of note that Sir Gilbert Parker's father often appeared here as magistrate. "Shortly after Confederation, Dr. Switzer came to the village, and eigh years later Dr. 1\1. 1. Beeman arrh-ed, making in all three doctors in the village at this time. Before long Dr. Ash, who by this time had a large practice, entered into partnership with Dr. Beeman, and Dr. Switzer left the village. Soon after this :Mï. John Hinch opened up a general store. and finally bought a corner iot and built a fine brick store and residence on his new premises, "And now there was a turn in Centreville's prosperity. Several fires destroyed three of the hotels, as well as many of the other build- ings. The Eay of Quinte Railway was built about this time, and not being on the line, Cent reville's trade and business began to decline. Gradually people began to move away. The Presbyterian manse and the :\lethodist parsonage were both vacated, and the ministers removed to Tamworth and Enterprise respectively, as both these villages were on the railway. Several years later, Dr. Beeman bought out Dr. Duff in CAMDF.X .\i\D XEWBt:'RGIl ;i03 N"ewburgh, and moved away. Several doctors succeeded him in turn, until gradually the practice was so divided that to-day Centre\"ilIe has no doctor at all. "One bright spot in the history of the village during all the e years was the erection of a fine stone to\\ n-hall to take the place of the old frame building. "The la..;t blow was the big fire which destroyed r..lr. Hinch's build- ing-. the finest in the village, so to-day to the casual observer, Centre- vilIe presents rather a sad spectacle of its former self. But who knows its future? The main line of the Canadian :r-.;orthern is registered to pass through Centreville, and in that case business may boom again in the e prosperous years in Canada. To-day the township council still meets in the village and the oldest resident, ':\[r. J. S. Lochhead, is town- hip treasurer, which position he has held for the last twenty years. .. In closing, all we can say is that we hope there are better days in the future for Centreville, and that her sons and daughters may yet have further reason to feel proud of her." Camden East was originally located some distance farther up stream than where the village is at present. It had its beginning, as had all the \'illages on the river, by the building of a saw-mill. Abel Scott, the progenitor of the Scott family at [ink's Bridge, built the first saw-mill about the year 1818; but its dam caused so much damage by flooding the adjacent lands that it was afterwards moved down stream to its present location. He sold out in If:(;n to Samuel Clark, grandson of Robert Clark, the mill-wright who built the .first mills at Kingston and 1\ apanee. He was a prominent man in his day, carried on an extensive lumber busine s, was a justice of the peace, and for some time was one of the representatives of Camden in the district council. A small vil- lage. principally for the accommodation of his employees, sprang up, and was kno\\ n as Clark's :\Iills. by which name it is still called by many of the old residents. Clark was a prominent member of the Church of England, donated the land upon which St. Luke's church stands, was a liberal contributor towards the building fund, and personally superin- tended its erection. This first Church of England in Camden township cost about $ 1,500. to which the Governor-General, Lord Sydenham, con- tributed [25. It was opened for divine service on :\Iarch 29th, 1844, by the Rev. Paul Shirley, the missionary in charge of all the northern p:ut of Addington, assisted by the Rev. Saltern Gh'ens of X apanee. Dr. E. J. Barker of Kingston, in his report on the county of Add- ington in 1856, thus writes of Camden East: "This is a settlement of Samuel Clark, Esq., son of a U.E.L., who some thirty years ago left his 30-i HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON father's home in En1esttown and built a grist-mill here. It is no\\' quite a village with every requisite of such. Good roads to Kingston and to the rear of the township, a tri-weekly mail, capital inns, some half dozen merchants' stores and twice that number of tradesmen's stores, cloth factory, tannery, distillery, brewery, grist-mills, and saw-mills in abund- ance. An Episcopal church, 1\lethodist chapel, good school-house and court-room. The population is between SOO and 1,000 souls. The immense quantities of lumber piled along the banks of the river, by which the public road runs, show the vast amount of lumber sawed, dïied, and prepared for the American market, to which it mostly finds its way."* The doctor was writing for a prize when he penned the foregoing paragraph; and I fear that in his zeal to paint a fair picture of the vil- ìage he took some liberties with the facts when giving his estimate of the population and enumerating the various industries of the place. The present public-house in Camden East was built over eighty years ago by a man named Sewell and was conducted as a tavern until the passing of a local option by-law a short time ago. Just across the street diagonally, was another tavern, which ninety years ago was kept by Joshua n, Lockwood. It was known as the Farmers' Hotel, and under its roof was bon1 Isaac J. Lockwood, for many years a bookseller in N apanee and now living in retirement on John Street, hale and hearty. although in his eighty-first year. Tp him the writer is indebted for most of the following information, for. fearing that the older generation would all pass away before some one had gathered and put in suitable form the history of his native village, the old gentleman had some twelve or thirteen years ago written a very full account of all the facts he could gather about his birthplace, which he has kindly placed at my disposal. Before Samuel Clark moved to Camden Ea t, he owned a farm and kept a small store on lot number twenty in the sixth concession of Ernesttown. His first act was to change the site of the dam, and he laid the foundations of the village by building three mills, a saw-mill, a grist- mill, and a carding and fulling-mill, none of which are standing to-day as they were all burned at the same time. The old Squire met with a series of misfortunes. He rebuilt his grist-mill of stone, and this again was burned. In the early forties his woollen factory was again burned, and his saw-mill met a similar fate in 1865. The water had its freaks which also caw ed him trouble time and again. Once a wing of his dam was carried away, at another time a portion of the mill yard was swept away, taking with it a large quantity of lumber, and still again the boom * Transactions of the Board of Agriculture of Upper Canada. CAMDEN AXD KEWllURCII. 305 timbers, stretched from bank to bank, gave way, and do\\ n the stream rushed his logs in a mad race. Other minor ca ualties happened from time to time, but with it all, the old gentleman preserved his equanimity. About 1832 he sold out to George Sinclair Conlon, a gentleman with more money than business ability; but in the end he was not over- burdened with either, as after two years' experience, he was unable to meet his obligations and the property reverted to the Squire. Camden East had one of the first post-offices in the county; and as in later years Colebrook and Yarker had a conte t over the post-office question in which the now lesser ,-ilJage came out victorious, so a similar con- troversy arose over the first post-office in the township, the claimants being X ewburgh and Clark's r..lilIs. The Inspector came from Kingston and called first at Camden East, when the residents, and particularly the hostess at the Farmers' Hotel. endeavoured to persuade him to make the appointment at once and not bother going to Rogues' Hollow. That official, however, felt that he had a duty to perform, and proceeded in state to X ewburgh, where a coloured servant so offended his highness by neglecting to show the deference that was due to a man of his exalted degree, that he promptly summoned his orderly, mounted his horse. returned to Clark's IiIls, established a post-office there, and appointed amuel Clark the first postmaster, a position which he held until his death. The name of the place was then changed to Camden East. Although Samuel was postmaster, the office was in charge of his brother \\ïlliam, who kept the first store of any consequence in the village. This store was built where the residence of Le\\ is Sto'"er now .;tands. \Vhen Samuel died, in 1866 he was ucceeded by his brother Denjamin, who held the appointment until he was superannuated; and :\1r. James S. Haydon became postmaster upon condition that he pay an annuity of one hundred dollars to his predecessor during the rest of his natural life. an obligation which was cheerfully and faithfully dis- charged. _-\lthough the first industry was established at this place by Abel Scott, and the village began with the advent of Samuel Clark, the his- tory of Camden East may be traced back much further. Isaac Coté, a trapper, is said to have been the first white man to occupy any portion of the land upon which the village no\\' stands. In the latter part of the eighteenth century he built a log cabin, the ruins of which :\1r. Lock- wood remembers having pointed out to him over seventy years ago. It is quite evident that there were settlers in the township at that time as the Langhorn register contains the record of the baptism of Sewantha Ru h at Camden on June 29th, 1 ï9I. 20 306 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. The first actual settler at Camden East of whom there is still pre- served a complete record, was Albert \Yilliams, who, between 1800 and 1804, moved from the township of Fredericksburgh and settled on lot twenty-five in the first concession and the lot abutting on it in the second concession. The date is approximately fixed, as he had a large family of children, one of which was baptised at his old home in Fredericks- burgh in 1800, while the next baptism in the same family describes him as of Camden East and the ceremony as having been performed in 1804. He built his house on the south bank of the river for the very good rea- son that there was no bridge across the stream at the time. Later on he built an old-fashioned Dutch house, so called, on the north bank, which in time gave place to another frame dwelling built by his son James, who succeeded to his estate. It was left to Lorenzo Dow vYilIiams, the S011 of James, to erect upon the same property the most imposing farm residence in the county. The first school-house in the village was built on the bank of the river in 1833. It is still standing, but has lost its dignity, as it is now used as an adjunct to a carriage factory. There were no churches at the time, and such religious services as were held were conducted in the old stone school-house. \Yith no churches and no regular services the inhabitants appreciated the visits of the clergymen, and turned out more faithfully perhaps than does the present generation in the age of good roads, easy riding conveyances, and comfortable pews. It mattered not the denomination of the bearer of the Gospel message or the condition of the weather, the people all turned out and gave him a warm welcome. The announcement of the services was made at the school and it was invariably timed for early candle-light. A few minutes before the appointed time the residents of the village and surrounding country would be seen wending their way towards the bank of the river, the head of each family carrying a candlestick in which was a taltow candle. For many years, Clark's l\1iIls was the "Capital" of the township, and the town meetings, courts, and elections for the whole township were held there. As the township became more populous a movement was set on foot to reorganize municipal affairs, objections were raised against the business of the municipality being transacted at a viltage situated On the very boundary of the township, and a more central loca- tion was demanded, which resulted in the selection of a central viltage, thereafter known as Centreville, after which, one F. :McEgan, a wag of N ewburgh, in one of his humorous speeches re-christened Camden East the "Ancient Capital." c.umE AXD XEWßC'RCII. 307 rhere is little left of Camden Ea"t to-day to recall the C\tirring times described by Dr. Darker fifty-six years ag'O. The days of its glory are a memory now; and manv of the old residents complain that in a m(ìd- ern surv v of the viIlag-e, even the old street names have heen arbitrarily \\ iped ou and new o e" substituted for them. The \\ïlliams, Hughes, Finlays. Clarks, Sproules, and Lockwoods. who laid out the streets and gave them the names of the old pioneers, have all passed away, and if the:,e link:-; connecting the past with the present have been thus destroyed the citizens of Camden East have a just cau..;,e of complaint and should demand that the former names be restored. The viIlagers now love to recan the names of their talented sone; who have distingui..;,hed them..;elves in different walks of life. In the heart of the viltage is stitl standing an old house in which there was horn about fifty years ago, a lad who differed little from the other hoys of the neighbourhood. He ,\ent to the same school. played in the same muddy !'treet. and learned to s\\ im in the same pool behind the cedar bush. His father kept store and was also a justice of the peace, and it was aid of him that his court never adjourned. but justice was dis- pensed in a sununar) manner wherever a ca"e overtook him, The boy's grandfather was a :\fcthodist exhorter, a man of little education; but there was one book which he had well digested and that was the nook of books; and in an argument upon the Scriptures, he .was never known to come out :,econd. He was a fluent speaker. and this particular grand- son inherited the oratory of the grandfather, and at an early age acquired a ]ocal reputation as a speaker and reciter. For a time he was clerk in the store of :\f r. James S. Haydon and did not impress his employer as possessing- any extraordinary qualifications for the position. Later on he inclined towards the pulpit, mo'"ed to DelleviIle with his father, and became lay-reader and deacon in St. Thomas' Church under Re,". Canon Burke, He afterwards undertook a jmuney to Australia, and his letters to a London newspaper marked him as a man of letters. His progress thereafter was rapid and to-day he is the author of many well-known novels. a member of the British House of Commons. and subscribes-or may subscribe-himself Sir Gilbert Parker. The following is a comparatively complete list of merchants, trades- men, and others who have been engaged in business in Camden East since its earliest days: :\Ierchants: R. D. Fin]ay, Joshua B, Lockwood, 'Vitliam H. Clark. Peter H. Clark. James Haydon, Felix Hooper, Henry Iartin, Edmund Hooper, Joseph Parker, Benjamin Clark. Hugh Duncan & Co., James S. Haydon, Edward lIinch. Henry Hooper, "Michael Temple, Haydon & 308 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTOK. Ryan, \Vm. Sherlock, Mrs. S, Lew, Stover & Bicknell, T. B. \Yood, L. H. Stover, \'T m , Bicknell, Leroy & Dickson, J. \V. Patterson, N. Stead- man, Dickson & Son. Carriage makers and blacksmiths: Isaac Huff, R. \V. Caswell, Joseph Darling, John Harrigan, J. Lockwood, John Skinner, Charles Benn, Richard Brown, Joseph Robinson, J. L. Skinner & Son, R. P. Coulter, S. \V. Hamilton, Jonas Lockwood & Son. Carpenters and builders: Peter Hume, Charles \Yellington, Henry Close, James Hawse, Alex. l\lcCormack, John Graham, Jacob Huffman, James Hume, James Lew, Alex, Duncan, N. Terrill, Charles \Vilson, Daniel Lew, George vVilson, Silas Edgar, Robert Lovelace, Cyrus Edgar, Columbus Edgar. Cabinet-makers: Thomas Andrews, Samuel Andrews. Saddlers and Harness makers: Thomas Bamford, Joseph Lewis. Tanner: \Villiam Bush. Shoemakers: vVilliam Bush, Nicholas Bense, Hugh Duncan, John Gilbreth, Clark Hamilton, Alex. Summerville, Charles Riley, \\Tm. Sherlock. Tailors: Reuben Schryver, \Villiam Harrison, Pierre Papin. Robert Johnston, Charles F. Benton, Terence McNulty, vVilliam Calder, Aaron Cranis, Charles Henry Bookes, Robert Guy. Bakers: George Clark, Samuel Lew. Physicians: Dr. Francis Purcell, Dr. Crow, Dr. Shirley, Dr. Nathan Bicknell, Dr. McDonnell. l\lill-wrights: l\lalcolm McPherson, Joseph Burgoyne, Dayid J. \Vartman. Saw-mills and grist-mills: Samuel Clark, George S. Gordon, Peter H. Clark, \Yilliam \Voodruff, N. Clark, John Crouse, George Empey, Augustus Hooper, Joseph Burgoyne, Jr" Archibald l\1cCabe, James Nimmo, James Parrott, E. Compton, Beagle Parrott, Thos. \Vilson, R. F. Bicknell, J. R. Scott. Distillers: John Rennie, Haydon & Sproule, John Johnston. Brewers: Thomas and' Samuel Andrews. Hotel keepers: Joshua B. Lockwood, - Sewell. John \V. Perry, George Clark, R. \V. Caswell, Augustus Hooper Edw. Cars.callen. Robert Sproule, Robert Collins, \ Villiam \Varner, Peter \iVier, l\1ichael Temple, Joseph Sproule, :Michael l\lcConnell, D. P. Clute, Sam Jack- son, Robert On:, Mrs. 1\lcCarthy, l\1cConnell & Collins, Samuel O'Brien. Fanning-mill maker: James l\IcTaggart. Tinsmiths: Alex. Sallans, James T. Page, Samuel Greenaway. SAMUEL CLARK. . \ DR. JAMES ALLEN. ,-, ".1"" f' 'v, . .:::> f , /' CALVIN WHEELER. ë 'tl "'", - -,.... EBENEZER PERRY. C.\:\1DE Ai\D :KEWU"l"RGII. 309 Yarker is the railway and manufactur:ng centre of the township. There was a time in its early hi:,tory when, as Vader's :\Iills, it haJ all it could do to hold its own with it5 rivals, Colebrook and Camden East; in fact on more than one occasion, as in the contest for the location of the post-office. Yader's [ills was quietly but firmly requested to stand aside for the more deserving villages to the north and south. Time has, however. brought its soothing balm: and Yarker to-day somewhat haughtily smiles upon its poor but pretentious neighbours. lr. E. R. Checkley, for some time manager of the branch of the ::\ferchants' Bank at the village, has diligently inquired into its early history and has lai feet of lumber in one year. The timber ior this mill was obtained from the limits about Rock Lake, Long Lake, and Thirteen and Thirty bland Lakes and floated down to the mill in the spring. \\'hen the logs began to arrÏ\,e two shifts of men were employed and the mill kept running night and day. Little care was taken either to preserve or properl) dispose of the refuse material; the saw-dust was allowed to drift away as best it could, and the slabs were dumped out of the end of the mill into the water. There was a strong eddy at the foot of the rapids where the slabs were whirled about until caught in a projecting ledge where slabs and saw-dust mingled together in an inextricable mass, and so completely filled the bed of the river from bank to bank that the eddy disappeared. The pre- sent generation is pulling out of the stream the slabs that accumulated there sixty years ago. The first grist-mill, which also passed into the hands oi .:\Ir. \Varner, was built over seventy years ago by an English- man, John Rouse. In 1851 )'Ir. \Varner petitioned the gO\"ernment ior a post-office; and the inhabitants about Vader's l\Iills did likewise, and a long and spirited struggle ensued between the two hamlets for the coveted prize. Sidney \\'arner was a very influential man at the time and he naturally u--ed his influence in favour of his brother Charles, who was lord of Colebrook. David Roblin, the member for the county, was besieged with calls, letters, and petitions. Compliments were exchanged between the two sets of petitioners; and the inhabitants of one place could see no good reason why those residing in the other should have the presump- tion to ask for a post-office. The \Yarners were victorious; and the people down stream were forced to swallow their pride and go to Cole- brook for their mail. This meant more customers from the rear conces- sions for the \Yarner store; business was brisk, and in 1855 the hand- some stone residence was built. 318 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. The business relations between the merchant and the farmer were carried on upon the very same plan as was adopted in the frontier town- ships fifty years before. The farmer, in clearing the land, would pile into huge heaps the inferior timber, which to-day would grade better than most of the logs drawn to our local mills, and burn it to ashes. Some would leach the ashes themselves and convert them into potash. others would draw their ashes to the store and sell them at sixpence a bushel. to be taken out in trade, and the merchant would make the potash. The arrival of the ox-carts laden with ashes or potash was a daily occurrence at the \Varner store; and a man familiar with the pro- cess found constant employment in looking after this branch of the business. :\Iodern scales were unknown at the time. The weighing was done by an evenly balanced scale, consisting of a platform at one end of a beam, upon which the ashes were heaped, and large weights of fifty-six pounds each were placed upon a smaller platform at the other end of the beam. Two of the weights made the hundredweight of one hundred and twelve pounds, which was the standard in those days. After the ashes were leached the lye was boiled down and placed in large iron coolers, and when sufficiently cool was packed into barrels of approxi- mately five hundred pounds each. These were hauled to Kingston, a dis- tance of twenty-two miles, two barrels to a load; there they were shipped to :Montreal and placed on board the sea-going vessels for the English markets. The first school-house for the accommodation of the inhabitants about Colebrook was built of logs about sixty years ago, on the conces- sion line between the first and second concessions, about half a mile from the river. This was subsequently removed to the west side of the village and about the same distance from the river. About fifty years ago the bridge was carried away by the spring floods; and many of the old residents still relate their experience in being ferried across the river all summer to enable them to reach the school-house. The old log school-house was for many years the only place of worship for the l\Iethodists until a church was built at the old burying ground between Colebrook and l\foscow, then known as Huffman's Corners. This church was not proof against the autumn winds, and the heating appointments were not of the best. Every old settler carried in the tail of his Sunday coat a red bandana handkerchief, and w.hen the draughts began to play havoc with the locks of the male members of the congre- gation the bandanas were whisked out, placed over the heads, and tied under the chins, to the great amusement of the youngsters present. CA: mEK AXD KEWBCRGII. 319 \ Y arner's fir t store was huilt near the bridge, but a5 business imprcwed a more pretentious one was built farther from the river. This is still standing and is used as a private residence. Colebrook possessed ad\'antages at that time that it has not to-day. There was no road along- the west side of the ri\er, so that all tra\'el from thc back country for tcn or fifteen miles around passed down the east side of the river past \ \" arner's door. fhe first church in the village, which is still standing, wa built in I8ï....; the stone-work bcing done by \\ï1liam and Hugh Saul. junior, and the wood-work by :\Iiles Storms of l\Ioscow. In :\Iay, IXii. the yillagc \\ as swept by a disastrous fire, wiping out the saw-miIl on the west side of the river, three stores, two hotels, and fi\'e dweIIings. .:\Io:,cow is not, ne\ er has been, and probably ne\ er wiII be a village, yet it has for nearly ninety years bcen an important centre stiIl known to many as the HufTman Settlcment. It marked for many years the farthest point north to which the farmer had penetrated. There was no water-power in the vicinity to attract the lumberman such as was pos- sessed by the other small settlements in the north of the county. The exceIlence of the soil in the neighbourhood was its only recommcnda- tion. The land was weII timbered; but that alone was rather a hindrance than an advantage in the ab-.;ence of a convenient mill to convert it into lumber. Jacob H ufIman, who formerly resided in the front of Richmond, was the first man to take up land in this part of Camden. In 1825, in company with his brother Elijah, he started north with a bag over his houlder, in one end of which was his axe without a handle, and ill the other a few rations of flour. It was a simple matter to make Bowers' :\Iills. where they crossed the river by a bridge; but from that point the way lay through a dense forest and along an unfrequented trail between \-arty and !\Iud Lakes. The tired brothers reached a point about one mile and a quarter ea t of the corners now known as .:\Ioscow; but at the time the surveyor's post was the only indication that a white man had ever passed that way. Jacob's first task was to whittle for himself an axe-helve, which he fitted to that all important weapon of the pioneer which had done more than any other implement to subdue the forest and convert the wilderness into fertile farms. Two years later his brother Elijah took up the next lot west of his, and from that day to this the Huffmans have played no unimportant part in the settlement which they founded. .:\Iany anecdotes of their experiences are stiIl current in the family. Elijah Huffman was a justice of the peace, and did not stand upon 320 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. ceremony when he felt that his services were required in the administra- tion of justice. It is related of him that upon one occasion he was informed that a discharged soldier named Rudolph, had been shot by a reckless character, vVilliam Kain, who was making his escape through the forest. The magistrate promptly put his hounds upon the track of the fugitive murderer, ran him down, conveyed him to Kingston, and delivered him into the hands of the sheriff. The prisoner was tried, convicted and executed. Elijah was a famous hunter, but took little credit for the bags he secured; as deer were so plentiful that he could easily obtain one any time he felt so disposed. . He kept a record of the number of bears he shot until he passed the century mark, when he gave up the count. Anyone travelling to-day from Colebrook to J\ioscow will observe a particularly well built road near what is known as the :l\Ioscow Cemetery. That part of the highway was originally built by Elijah Huffman from the bounty received from the government upon the heads of wolves shot by himself and his neighbours upon Training Day. Among the early settlers who bore the burden of clearing that part of the township ""vas Joseph Foster, a farmer and miller at Petworth. He was a strong temperance advocate, and when business was slack he used to visit the other settlements and lecture upon his favourite theme. Among other pioneers were three Amey brothers from Bath, Joseph, Lyman, and John. For many years they lived together keeping bachelor's hall, each taking his turn at the domestic duties about the house. About the middle of the last century, when the clearings had assumed proportions not much short of what they are to-day and a school had been established, the choice of a teacher fell upon a bright young man named Zara VanLuven. He conducted the school for three years and otherwise made such good use of his time that he married a daughter of one of the farmers of the neighbourhood, bought a little store at the corner that had been ru!! by a man named Cromer, and set up in business for himself. In the natural course of events the Yan- Luven house was blessed by the arrival of a pair of twin boys said to have been "as like as two peas"; and the proud parents bestowed upon them the respective names of Everton L. and Egerton L. VanLuven. which did not tend to reduce the difficulty in distinguishing the mis- chievous pair of lads, who for years were among the chief attractions of the country store. A post-office had been established in the time of Cromer, who was the first postmaster. The name Springfield had been assigned to the place, which name was not pleasing either to the new J , \t t PETER PERRY. JOHN SOLOMON CARTWRIGHT. 1r \ SAMUEL CASEY. .,r ,it_ b , r;;:.. ..t J .; '- ...... MARSHALL SPRING BIDWELL. CA IDEN A!\D XEWlll'RGH 321 ...tore-keeper or the neighbourhood in general, as there were se\'eral other post-offices bearing the ame name; and it was not an unusual occurrence for the mail intended for the Huffman Settlement to travel about the country for weeks before it reached its proper de tination. Several meeting were heM in the VanLu\'en home and several natpf'S were suggested. The stirring events of the Crimean ,\r ar had made the history of Russia familiar to the minds of atI, and the name of :\fosco\\> was chosen, to commemorate the retreat of the great Napoleon from the gates of that city. For over fifty years the YanLuvens, father and sons, continued in bu iness at the Corners. A brick store and dwelling-house were built; and the country people for miles around bartered their produce for the merchandise of the general merchant. As in other parts of the country, potash wa one of the staples exchanged by the merchant for the com- modities he required in his trade. 1\lr. VanLuven purchased all the wood ashes that were brought to him, and besides kept several teams upon the road hauling ashes to the Conlers, conveying the manufactured product to Kingston. and returning laden with goods for the store. No less than six V-shaped leaches were in constant operation producing lye which was boiled down in large kettles, each with a capacity of several barrels. \Vhen it had reached the proper consistency the thick fluid was poured into the iron coolers and allowed to congeal, when it was turned out a solid mass of potash. These huge cakes of .about two hundred and fifty pounds each were of such a size and hape that two filled a barrel in which they were placed, and upon being headed up were ready for the market. The village of Enterprise has futIy justified the expectations of its godfather by growing into a neat weIl kept business centre, not boasting of any extensive manufactory, but \\ ell equipped \\ ith a number of tores of every description calculated to provide for all the wants of the thrifty Íarming community in the centre of which it is located. Fifty-seven years ago it was known as Thompson's Corners, so named after Robert Thompson, the first merchant to open up a general store at this place. This store was located on the north-west corner of Concession and :\lain Streets opposite the store now occupied by Dr. Carscallen. One A.dam Scott, a cobbler, had a bench in the same building, and mended the soles and patched the boots of such of the inhabitants who were not able to perform this service for themselves. Thompson sold out to one Joseph Campbell, who for some time continued to carryon business at the corner. 21 322 HISTORY OF LEK KOX AXD ADDINGTON The leading inhabitants had for years been agitating for a post. office, as the nearest one was at Camden East and, when the petition was granted the question arose as to the name, as it was felt that Thomp- son's Corners, while it had served the purpose as indicating the location of Thompson's store, was not at all suited as the name of an important distributing point of Her 1vlajesty's mail. Thompson, who was looked upon as the sage of the neighbourhood, took the matter in hand and called upon his friend l\1rs. Edward Cox, mother of Colonel Robert Cox, to discuss the question. They had both been school teachers in the Emerald Isle and therefore were qualified to dispose of it, and after a consultation they agreed upon the name ""Enterprise," and Enterprise it thereafter became and probably will remain, as the inhabitants are rather proud of the appellation and are doing their best to fulfil the prophesies of those who bestowed it. At first the post-office depart- ment provided only a weekly service; and the first mail carrier was a one-legged man, who, mounted On a shambling nag, with a mail-bag over his shoulder, fully realized the confidence placed in him by Her Majesty and announced his approach to the village by several loud blasts on a tin horn which he carried slung over the pommel of his saddle. This custom evoked from the village sage the following: "Blow ye the trumpet blow, The gladly welcome sound, The mail of Enterprise has come So get your news and start you home," which the urchins shouted after the postman as he passed along the. street. · Campbell thought that Croydon was a more promising field for an enterprising merchant who was beginning to feel the effects of compe:i tion, so he moved to Croydon, and the old Thompson store was closed up. James Shernlan had for some time been teaching school about half a mile south of the Corners in an old log school-house, where most of the older generation of that part of the township received their education. and at the same time he lived and conducted a general store about three fourths ofa mile west of the Corners. Believing there was more money to be made in business than in training the young idea how to shoot. Sherman built a frame store, where Alonzo Walker now carries on business, and moved into the old Thompson stand, which he used as a residence. Here he continued until his death, and was succeeded by Robert Graham, in his day one of the most prominent men of the town- ship, He was a justice of the peace, for several years sat at the council CA IDE At-.D EWnURCH 323 board of the township, and was Camden's representati,'e for more than one term in the county council. About thirty-five years ago he sold out to Harvey S. "'alker, who died in the year 1882, since then the business has becn carried on by his son Alonzo, upon the same lot, but in an enlargcd and greatly improved building. The first hotel in the village was a frame one kept by Eli Hawley on the corner now occupied by the \Yhelan House. Hawley had up to that time, about fifty-five years ago, been an ardcnt advocate of temper- ancc and took a prominent part in the Sons of Temperance Lodge, which mct in a hall built for the purpose by lr. Thomas Clancy, where the l\lethodist church now tands; and his former temperance friends expres ed their indignation by composing the following: "He left the Sons of Temperance .\nd a tavern now does keep. I Ie likes to see the drunken men Go staggering down the street." The writer called upon a bedridden couple, Jethro Card and his . wife _\marilla, still living in the village, both of whom have seen their four-score years and ten; and the old gentleman, not yet quite recovered from the humiliation he felt over the offence, stated that he brought to Eli Hawley's tavern the first barrel of whi<;key that ever came to Enter- prise. He said he obtained it at Jack Raney's, about midway between Newburgh and Camden East, where the Thompson Paper-mill is now, and paid for it the fabulous Stun of tenpence per gallon. Hawley sold out to Charles Paisley of Xapanee, who was followed by Peter \Yager and Hugh Rankin, who tore down the old building and in 1879 built the present frame one still used as a public-house. It has, since its erection, passed successively through the hands of :\Iichael O'Dea, John \\llelan, his widow Catharine \Yhelan, to the present occupant, their son :\Iichael \Vhelan. \Yhen Hawley sold out his tavern he built the store now occupied by Dr. Carscallen, where for a number of years he carried on a general store; and when Graham sold out to \Valker he moved into the Hawley store, where he dealt in drugs and stationery and kept the post-office, and was succeeded. except for a short interval, by the present occupant, Dr. A. B. Carscallen. The first church in Enterprise was built by the \y esleyan lethodists where the Church of England now stands. The Episcopal ::\lethodists for a long time met in the Sons of Temperance Hall opposite the cheese factory; and after the two bodies united, they sold the former building to the Church of England, and built the hand- 32-t HISTORY OF LENNOX A D ADDINCTO:K some brick church on the site of the Temperance Hall. The cheese fac- tory across the way was built by Thomas Clancy in 1871 and was then anà still is one of the best conducted factories in the county. The old Hamilton House was built, about the year 1859, by Chris- 'wpher Grass, who ran it for a number of years and then sold out to Samuel Hamilton. :Mrs. Jethro Card remembers when nearly all of the township of Camden was a dense forest with large areas of impassable swamps. She was questioned as to the place of her birth and replied, "At the Falls," and when asked ""That Falls?" she replied, "The N apanee," a form of expression in common use eighty years ago. She apologized for her Jack of learning saying, "You know we were poor and the nearest school was four or five miles away, too far away for me to go in the winter; and in the summer the girls worked in the field and bush the same as the boys." Her husband remembers when the wolves and deer were "thick as bees" about J.\tIud Lake. "I could go out and get a dozen deer at a time if I had cared to," remarked the old gentleman. His elderly spouse was asked if she ever wore a deer-skin dress and she, evidently regarding that uniform as the mark of a squaw, promptly replied, "No, I never came down to that. \Ve had good linen dresses. \Ve raised, heckled, spun, and wove the flax ourselves, and made our own flannel and full-cloth. No, we were poor, but we had lots of warm clothes." In the early part of the nineteenth century George Vvagar moved from Fredericksburgh and took up land two miles east of Centreville; but at that time neither Centreville nor Enterprise was in existence. A trail through the forest and an occasional log cabin in a small clearing, and very few of them. were the only signs of human habitation in that part of Camden. Bath was the only place where supplies could be obtained to advantage, and many a time did he send his son, John V. \Yagar, on horseback through the woods to the stores in the old village on the bay shore. If this old pioneer could return to the old homestead to-day, which is still in the family, and observe the change which has come over the territory he used to frequent, he would find a village greater than Bath almost at his very door. one railway running north and south, another east and west in the course of construction, and his grandson the proud proprietor of one of the most up-to-date general stores in the county. The merchantile houses of Walker and \Vagar have been the mainstays of the village for over a quarter of a century. In 1876 Joel Damon Wagar first left the farm for what he believed would be an easier life, and opened a small store in the east end of the village in partnership with R. L. Henry of N apanee. At the end of two CAMDEl\ Al\D XEWnURGII 325 years he bought out his partner and for a short time occupied the \Yalker corner, as it is now called. He then moved acros the street to a large frame ::.tore, where he remained until a few years ago, when he built the imposing brick one in which he is still seeking for that easier life. The following are the men who have conducted most of the busi- nes of Enterprise during the past fifty years: Store-keepers: Robert. Thompson, James Campbell, James Sher- man, Graham & \\Toolfe. James Pike, Harvey S. \Valker, R. II. Peters, Robert H. \\Ïckham. J. D. \\T agar , .-\. D. Carscallen, Robert Cox, Edmund Fenwick, S. n. :\Ierrill, R. S. :\Iilligan, R. J. Leroy, \Yalker & Davy, T. Kenny, E. J. \\'agar, Alonzo \Valker, Caton Bros., P. !\Iartin & Co., S. \Vagar. Carriage makers and blacksmiths: Orrin Card, Eli Hawley, \\'m. Stafford, Thomas Babcock, \Vm. Jackson, Charles Lockwood, Jeremiah Lockwood, James Yanalstine, Dorland \Vagar, Leonard \Vagar, \Vell- ington \Yagar, \V. L. Peters. Edwin Lockwood, \V. J. lillow, David :\Iouck, A. E. Smith, \\T. E. Lohb, 11. King. Shoemakers: Sylvanus Cronk. Robert X. Clark. James Pyke, George G. \\'agar, Christ. Lyman. Cabinet-makers: Eugene Cox, George Files. Harness makers: George Dick, \Viley Keach, Reuben Card, C. Keach, J. \V. Brown, Asa Harten. l\Iill l\Ianagers: \Ym. Fenwick, J. Lockwood, Enterprise l\lilling Co.. \Y. S. Fenwick & Sons. 326 HISTORY OF L"EKNOX AND ADDINGTOX CHAPTER XX SHEFFIELD AND THE NORTHERN TO\VNSHIPS The Township of Sheffield was named after John Baker Holroyd, Lord Sheffield (1734-1821), an Irish peer, greatly interested in the North American trade and in the Colonial Empire of Great Britain. Accompanied by 1\1r. P. F. Carscallen, one of the veterans of the township of Sheffield, the writer strolled through the streets of Tam- worth loitering here and there at a corner, and from his guide gathered the following information concerning that interesting village. Calvin \Vheeler was the first white man of any consequence to settle in the township of Sheffield. He owned four hundred acres of land lying east of J.\tIain Street. I f we cross the river over the wooden bridge we find to our left a knoll, and over the top of it we observe a depres- sion-that depression was a continuation o.f the road along the east bank of the river which no longer goes over the knoll but turns at right angles and proceeds eastwards. Taking our stand upon this knoll we command a view of several points of interest. Looking northerly between the banks of the stream about a quarter of a mile distant. standing in the hollow is the residence of 1\Ir. James Donovan. Upon that spot stood the first house built in the township of Sheffield, a log cabin, the forest home of Calvin \Vheeler. At the edge of the bank near by he built a saw-mill and threw a small dam across the river and, on a small scale for a few years carried on a lumbering business, until he conceived the idea of moving farther down stream. He next con- structed a dam just below and a little to the right of the knoll, about forty feet north of the cement dam recently built by :Mr. A. B. Cars- callen. At the western end of the dam he erected a saw-mill, and on the eastern bank about a hundred feet farther down stream a grist-mill. \Ve can see where the knoll has been pared away to make room for the foundation of the shed that stood in front of the grist-mill. The old road that passed over the knoll and along the eastern bank of the river to the first mill was abandoned, the old bridge up near the site of the Donovan homestead was neglected and subsequently washed away, and a new bridge built where the wooden one now stands. In the olden days the only public highway 1eading to the front by the west- ern route was out by the road now passing the Presbyterian manse, on SHEFFIELD A D TilE XORTHERN TOW1\SIIIPS 327 through the :-.outh-east corner of Hungerford to \Vestplain, then called Sedore's Corners, and then to Forest :\Ii1ls, known at that time as IcNeil's :l\Iills. as this was one of the points where _\rchie IcNeil of Xapanee carried on his lumbering operations. The road then continued southward to Selby, on pa t Gallagher's Corners a little east of that vil- lage, and the traveller reached his destination by way of Vine's Corners. \ Yhen the new bridge was built just south of the grist-mill the road leading from it out over the hill was followed instead of the one past the Presbyterian manse, but in other respects the same circuitous route to )J apanee was the only passable road to that village west of the Salmon River. It will be obsen"ed that there is a bend in the road around the dwell- ing-house of :\Ir. James \Yheeler which stands on the road allowance. That house was the first one built in Tamworth and was the home of his grandfather, Calvin \Yheeler, who owned all the land in that vicinity and, reg-ardless of the road allowance, chose that spot as the site for his dwelling. Later on, when he deemed it prudent to layout a street with defined boundaries whereby to reach the bridge, he conducted it around his house, and in so doing had to cut down and cart away a small sugar- loaf knoll which obstructed the passage in front of where the Orange Hall now :-.tands. K early opposite his residence and east of the Orange Hall he built a frame store, where he carried on a thriving business for years, until he moved into more commodious quarters, the old building :,till standing opposite the sheds (ìf the \Vheeler House. In I8.t \Yheeler's :\Iills, as the village was then called, began to assume some importance; and the few scattered inhabitants petitioned the government for a post-office, as the nearest point from which they could obtain their mail was Camden East. The prayer was granted, and "'heeler was asked to select a name for the office. He had always been an ardent admirer of the eminent English statesman, Sir Robert Peel. member of Parliament for Tamworth, and he thought he could choose no more fitting name for the new post-office than the constitu- ency represented by his favourite prime minister of England. It was an eventful day in midwinter when Sam Hicks appeared at the top of the hill plying the whip to his steaming nag, which, with a mad rush, galloped down the decline and came to a sudden halt in front of "-heeler's store. Sam dropped his reins and hauled from beneath the seat and delivered into the hands of James \Vheeler the first bag of Her :\Iajesty's mail to arrive in the village, while the bystanders tossed their caps into the air and cheered lustily for the first Sheffield mail carrier. 32b HISTORY OF LENXOX AND ADDINGTON The old grist-mill near the bridge \-vas torn down year ago, and on its site was built a carding-mill, which in turn was pulled down and the material used in the small building standing a few yards north of Mr. Carscallen's new one. The products of the \iVheeler saw-mill were squared timbers, deals, and staves, the latter being used in the \Vest Indian trade for the manufacture of molasses casks. The timbers were floated down the river to Shannonville during the spring freshets, and the deals and staves followed by the same route later in the season. At Shannonville the timbers were constructed into rafts and on them were piled the deals and staves; and when all were fastened they were towed away on their long voyage down the St. Lawrence. Facing southward from our point of vantage on the knoll we notice an old frame building, now known as "the cottage" standing not far from the eastern end of the bridge. This was also built by Calvin vVheeler and in its day was regarded as a very handsome house, second only to \Vheeler's. To the south of the cottage stood a tannery, long since crumbled away, and to the north on the corner was Jackson's dis- tillery, where whiskey could be purchased at two shillings a gallon. Between 1850 and 1860 the small patches in the forest began to assume respectable proportions. Northward from the knoll lies a tract of good farm land which was settled principally by Irishmen, while southward on the same side of the river opposite the present railway station was another small colony from the Emerald Isle. At this time the Crimean war was being fiercely waged, and every ship from the old land brought news of the latest battles, in which the Irish regi- ments were achieving distinction. Their fellow-countrymen in the two settlements above referred to used to gather about the huge fireplace in the old \Yheeler House, which also owed its origin to the enterprising Calvin vVheeler, and before the blazing hearth-logs discussed with no small degree of pride the deeds of valour of their fellow-countrymen at Sebastopol and Balaklava. So common were these gatherings and so frequent the references to these two celebrated battles that the Irish set- tlement up stream was christened Balaklava and the smaller one down stream Sebastopol, which names they retain to the present day; but the former name did not fit well the Irish tongue and has become corrupted into Ballyhack. The road running past the cottage and on down through Sebastopol formerly followed the devious course of the river's bank, but in time was straightened and laid out as it now is, and the roadway was converted into gardens and sites for the residences now along the eastern side of the stream. SHEFFIELD AND TilE r\ORTIIf.R TOW SIlIPS 329 :\[ain Street wa laid out by Calvin \\"heeler and Champ Smith, and that part of it now lying between Rose's corner and the iron bridge was sixty year ago a \\'amp in which one wa in danger of being mired, especially during the spring months. fhe first building erected in this part of the village was the Douglas tavern, huilt by the late Robert Lockridge. hortly aften\ ards \ \"heeler huilt a town-hall on the site of the present brick one, Prior to the builòing of the old hall the courts and public meetings \\ ere held in the upper story of \\'heeler's drive house, which was reached by an outside stairway, and before this provi- sion was made a room in the tavern was set apart for the purpose. The first church in the village was the old \\Tesleyan lethodi t, which stood between the Douglas tavern and the town-hall; and the first man to minister to the spiritual needs of that congregation was a local preacher named Christopher Thomp,on. He was a whole-,oulcd, devout old gentleman, who formerly lived near the head of Hay Bay on Big Creek, but moved north to a f nn on Beaver Lake. He had a large family and kept open hou e to all who passed hi way, with the re ult that he lived and died a poor man. He wac;: loved and respected by all, and in his declining years, when his earning powers were ensibly reduced, all denominations turned out to the :\lethodist tea meetings and contributed liberally to this means of replenishing his slender purse. The first circuit rider to establish an appointment at \\"heeler's :\lills was the Rev. Robert Corson, who with the Rev. Gilbert l\liIler were the ministers in charge of the N apanee circuit which, at the time, about the year IRp, extended from Hay Bay to Lime Lake. If the little old blacksmith shop on the hill were capable of feeling and had a tongue to give expression to it, it would exclaim in the words of Hamlet "to. what base uses \\ e may return"; for where now is heard the creaking of the bellows and the anvil's shrill song there resounded sixty years ago the piping voices of the first school children of Sheffield; and until a few years ago there could be deciphered on the window-sill the scribbling of one of those self-same children. now an old man who has pa sed the allotted span. Like all school-houses of that day there was a shelf fixed to the wall, which served as a desk, and before it was a rough bench with no back to it, so that when the pupils were at work they sat with their faces to the wall. The first teacher was :\lr. Charles Chadwick, a young man, who, before engaging in the profession, had served as a clerk in 1\lr. Charles \Varner's store at Colebrook. He was a bright young fellow with a good word for everyone he met, and had nOne of those disagreeable experiences which too frequently befell the Jot of the pedagogue of long ago. 330 HISTORY OF LENNOX A D ADDINGTON Before the first l\Iethodist Church was built on Main Street that denomination held their services in the 9ld school-house. The Epis- copalians used to meet in Wheeler's residence, where the Rev. "Daddy" Shirley, as he was affectionately called, used to come periodically to minister to the faithful few who were not content with the homespun service of the farmer preacher from Beaver Lake. Father Pendergrass of Centreville came regularly through the woods to the home of Bartley Ic:\Iullen to care for the some\vhat larger flock of Roman Catholics. Tamworth now has three Churches, the 1Iethodist, originally the Iethodist Episcopal, built in 1868, the Church of England, 1865, and the Presbyterian in 1889. On the east side of the river, commanding a view of the surrounding country for miles, there was erected, in 1912, through the enterprise of the leading men of the village and adjacent territory, a handsome Continuation School, equipped in the most mod- ern style and in every way a credit to the community. About fifty or sixty years ago John and Robert Grange built the sa\v-mill down stream below the railway bridge and later on built on the other side of the stream the grist-mill, which was destroyed by fire. Tamworth has during the past twenty years been visited by two destruc- tive fires which wiped out nearly all the buildings on l\1:ain Street; but their places were soon filled by better and more handsome ones of brick, so that at the present time the business section of the village has a thor- oughly up-to-date appearance. The residential sections have kept pace with the improvements on l\Iain Street; and the citizens may justly be proud of their tidy little village. The reader may readily gather from the foregoing that Sheffield and its principal village owe much to the energy and enterprise of Calvin \Yheeler, who, full of confidence in the future of the township, took up his residence there at a time when the forest had scarcely been touched. There were no roads nor bridges. and he led the life of a pioneer, under- going many trials and hardships; but lived to see his forecasts verified. He was born in Vermont about the time of the \Var of Independence; but his parents did not join the Loyalists, although they sympathized with them, and young Calvin was taught to respect the British flag. During the war of 1812 the lessons of his early childhood again manifested their power in the breast of the full-grown man; he felt that the British cause was just, and broke away from his uncongenial envir- onment, came to Canada, and settled on the N apanee River near the site of the village of Strathcona. \Vhile there he was engaged for many years in the lumber business, when he concluded that it could be carried on to better advantage in one of the northern townships, so he accord- SHEFFIELD AXÐ TilE KORTHERX TOWXSHIPS 33] ingly commenced operations on the Salmon River. His influence wa" not limited to the vil1age he built up: but was felt throughout the entire district. He was a justice of the peace. a commissioner in the Courts of Requests, and for many years a representative of the northern to\\11- ships in the Iidland District council. He took an active interest in all public matters and attained the rank of major in the l\lilitia. He kept in touch with the leading questions of the day, was kind-hearted and generous, and more than once when the township was short of funds he opened his own wallet and met the expense of some needed improve- ment. It is said that the first to\\ n-hall and school-house were both built by him and donated to the municipality. Tamworth, like Kewburgh, has passed its newspaper era. In Sep- .tember. 18ï9, :\Ir. Asa Cronk made the venture. He came originally from the township of Ameliasburgh in Prince Edward County and had been experimenting in journalism for a time at 1Iil1 Point. The lumber vil1agc had for nearly two years given him sparingly of its patronage, and in' the summer and autumn of 18ï9 had been too busy fighting an epidemic of small-pox to pay much attention to the appeal for support from the lUill Point Echo,. so Cronk concluded that he had no further use for :\lill Point, and pulled up his stakes, moved to Tamworth, and set up his press in the shop now occupied by lr. John O'Brien. The villagers were rather proud of the idea of a local paper and did all they could to encourage the proprietor of the Echo. Cronk was a pleasant fellow to meet and formed many friends in the village; but the novelty of the personal column soon wore off and, when an election came on, the editor, although he had announced in the first number that he would take an independent course in politics, buckled on his political armour and proved himself to be a splendid fighter in the eyes of one party and an objectionable antagonist from the standpoint of the other side. His editorials were few and weak, and in a few months he had exhausted his stock-in-trade of jokes upon the local questions. The news he furnished to his readers was just such as might be expected from a newspaper with a small circulation published in a country village. It was correctly named the Echo and presented in a condensed form such news as could be gathered from the Toronto dailies, and hi;; exchanges. For three years it continued to make its weekly appearance, until in 1882 the proprietor thought he saw less worry and perhaps bet- ter wages in the custom-house at \Val1aceburgh. In a neat little speech the editor thanked the good people of Sheffield and the north country for their support, regretted parting from so many friends, tenderly com- mitted the Echo to its grave, folded his tents, and moved to Wal1ace- bu rgh. 332 HISTORY OF LENNOX AN ADDINGTON ,The Sheffield elections were looked forward to fifty years ago as one of the occasions of the year, when one might expect something exciting. There was little privacy about the polls, and the open vote left no opportunity for concealing how the electors had voted. The excitement did not always end on election day, as is evidenced from the following extract from the minutes of the council of 1855: "Pursuant to law I have this 15th day of January! 1855, met at the inn of 1Ir. \Villiam Hayes for the purpose of organizing the newly elected councillors for the present year, but from the appearance of a riotous mob who surrounded me and the many threats circulated by them that they would take the life of myself if I would not agree to their request, therefore, in order to preserve the peace I deemed it necessary to withdraw and notify the members returned to me to attend on :.mother day." ( Signed) "Patrick Gafney Clerk." The following is a list of the leading business firms in Tamworth since the first saw-mill was established there: 1Iercha11ts: C. & J. vVheeler, Alonzo \Vheeler, Robert Helms, R. & J. Herchimer, Loyst & Keller, George 11i11er, Franklin Seldon, Henry Douglas: Richard Douglas, Robert Downey & Bro., Forshee & Cham- berlain, Hooper & Oliver, Hinch & Thornton. John Sherman, Charles Shields, John \V. Shorey, Robert McD. Smith, Robert McNlullen, 11un- rOe Bros.. Robt. Paul, John eid, Jr., Hawley Thornton, Reuben W. Vandewater, C. G. Coxall. A. C. Douglass, J. R. Fraser, J. A. Fraser, Alex. Hassard, Lawrence \Vay, G. S. Hinch, Jas. E. Perry & Co., L. \Vay & Co., Joh11 "V. Fuller, David Philips, T. IV!. Barry, \V. E. \Vilson, \V. H. lillburn, J. 2\1. Storring, Carscallen & \Vagar, Thornton & \Veighill, \V. A. Fuller, A. B. Carscallen, C. A. Jones & Son. Blacksmiths: Robert Helms, James Kirk, 1Iatthew \Vormworth, Robert Paul. \V. J. & J. Shields, John Copeland, Elias ftlcKim, E. & A. McKim, Robt. Perry, G. 1\1. Richardson. Edw. Dawson, Jas. Shields, \\'m. Garrett, J. C. 110uck, H. Richardson, J. A. Hunter. Cheese Box :Manufacturers: John Fraser, George \Voods. -Shoemakers: Nicholas Bence, John Storring, George Bolger, George Detlor, D. \Yilliamson, \Vm. Hardy, John Reed. G. P. York, John O'Brien. Carriage Makers: John Thompson, \Vm. Parks, James Shields, J. A. Hunter, Newton Carscallen, Sherman Martin. Undertakers: Knight & Busby, E. M. McKim, Taylor & Co. Wheel-wrights: David Ring, John Thompson, A. N. Carscallen. SHEFFIELD AXD Tin: oRTHF.R TOWKSHIPS 333 Saddler and Harne s Iakers: George Davids, George Goodwin, George Bruton, George Corran, L. P. \Vells. Cabinet-makers: J. Thurston, B. F. Smith, Knight & Busby. Tanners: George Iiller, Xichnla!' Baker John Rain, George C. [iller, \ndrew E. l\[arkland. Jas. Elliott. Carding- Iil1: Richard Jones, D. :\[itchell & Son, C. A. Jones. Cooper:-: Samuel Robertson, Edward Ring, John Drader, 1\1. Stor- ring, Druggists: Aylesworth & Huffman, Jas. Ayle:-worth, Rose & Rose, C. R. Jones, D. E. Rose, C. H, Rose. Tailors: Henry Hooper, Patrick Harvey, John Floyd, \Vm. Covert, John Floyd & Son. :\[i11ers: John Jackson, John & Robert Grange, Gideon Joyner, J liram Keach, .\. S. Blig-ht, Keach & Vannðt, R. Richard...on, \Y. D. race, A. B. Carsca!len. Sawyers: C. ""heeler, John Jackson, Grange Bros., H. & G. Joyner, Albert Iilligan. \\. D. Iace, J. E. \Yoodcock & Sons. Anyone visiting Erinsville need not seek tar to ascertain the origin of its name. It would be disc1o:-ed in the features and dialect of the first person he met; and enter any house he chose he would be received with a right whole-souled Hibernian welcome. Kearly all the Irish that came to this countý seventy years ago seemed to gravitate towards that part of Sheffield, and the same nationality has maintained the ascendency ever since. 1 he little hamlet began with a blacksmith shop sixty years ago; and the inevitable tavern was opened by Pat Gafney a few years later, and \\ ith all its changes of fortune there has been no period in its history from that day to this, that the taven1 has not been very much in evidence. Patrick met with the misfortune of being burned out; but his custom soon passed over to Richard :\Iahoney, the oldest hotel keeper in the county, who for forty-five years has met his guests with the same ruddy countenance and beaming smile. 11ahoney was called upon to share the honours with J'icholas Phelan, and afterwards with Phelan's son \Villiam. The Phelans began business in a rather unpretentious frame building, which was followed by a more commodious brick one, which survived its landlord by two years, when it was burned. N apanee has its annual bachelors' ball, and the different villages in the county have their parties, hops. and various species of terpsichorean entertainments; but for downright unrestrained mirth, all of these have yielded first place to the famous ErinsvilJe dance organized by icholas Phelan so long ago that it is recognized, especially by the young people of Sheffield, as the one great e\Tent of the year. Held at the festive sea- 334 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON son of the New Year, when troubles are forgotten, it is the one occasion above all others that brings out the best there is in the light-hearted Irish lads and lassies of all the surrounding country. It is none of your slow, dreamy, new-fangled glides, where the pale-faced young man, in swal- low-tailed coat, apologetically attempts to direct the movements of the sylph-like form whose favour he has craved by a delicate touch of the tips of his white gloved fingers. No! it is the good old-fashioned dance with some life and action in it! To secure uniformity ot time the fiddler does the "calling off" and when he announces "swing your partner" there is no uncertainty about the execution of the order; and -"balance all" gives each performer an opportunity to display his and her latest achievement in mastering a difficult and soul-stirring jig. Refreshments follow, and plenty of them: -none of your dainty trifles, lady's fingers and bon-bons I-but good, wholesome, substantial food that satisfies the inward craving for nour- ishment and fortifies the recipients and prepares them for another bout upon the floor. The fiddler, too, takes a well earned "spell," tucks away a few pounds of roast turkey, mince-pie and pound-cake, after which he is ready to officiate a few hours more at the bow. He is a man of some import- ance, and his stentorian voice may be heard above the uproar and laugh- ter summoning the young men to secure their partners for the next dance,-while his fiddle wails and screeches undergoing the tuning pro- cess. He is the privileged character of the occasion and does not hesitate to comment upon the awkward performance of some bashful debut ant or join in familiar badinage with any of the guests who give him an opportunity to display his wit. No one thinks of leaving before five o'clock in the morning, when all join in some familiar reel, after which the sleighs and cutters are brought over from the church sheds, neigh- bouring barns and stables and, amid peals of laughter and the jingling of bells, the merry guests disperse for their respective homes. The stores of Erinsville have neyer carried large stocks nor done an extensive business, but merely catered to the simpler wants of the immediate neighbourhood. Tamworth has from its commencement secured the greater portion of the trade of the township. Erinsville has the largest Roman Catholic church in the county; and rain or shine, good roads or bad, the congregation \vill be found in their pews at every regular service. The Sheffield Irishmen are blunt and outspoken and sometimes more demonstrative than is necessary; but for fair and honest dealing and a general observance of law and order they cannot be excelled by any community in the county. SHEFFIELD A D THE XORTHERX TOWNSHIPS 335 Herbert F. Gardiner in _V otllil1g but ^r ames suggests several pos- sible derivations of the name Kaladar, but is rather inclined to favour the theory that it is derived from an Ea t Indian word "Killidar," mean- ing- "a governor of a fort." It is difficult to conceive the connection between the Ì\\ 0 or to understand why the individual selecting the name should go to India to secure one. Another suggestion is that it i derived from Kildare, the name of a county in Ireland, and a third. which is not seriously put forward, is that it is a corruption of "Kill a deer," and so named owing to the ahundance of that game in that part of the count}. The old residents pronounce the name "Killdare" which might point to the second theory; but the incredulous will ask if it be named after Kildare the Irish county, why spell the word Kaladar? Anglesea is named after Henry \Villiam Paget, Earl of Uxbridge and Iarquis of Anglesea, who was born in Iï6R and died in 1854. He was a famous soldier, winning distinction at the battle of \Vaterloo, where as second in command to the Duke of \\'ellington, he commanded the allied cavalry. He was created a Iarquis and had conferred upon him the order of the Uath and Garter, and in 1828 was created Lord- Lieutenant and Governor-General of Ireland, where he won the esteem and good-will of the Irish people. .Anglesea, from which he takes hi..; title, is the name of an Island and County in \Vales. Abinger is named after Sir James Scarlett, Baron Abinger, of Abinger, Surrey, who in 1827 was .\ttornev-General of Great Britain. and in 1834- was Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Effingham takes its name from Henry Howard, Earl of Effingham. Denbigh was caUed after Denbighshire in \Vales, which is famous. for its mines of lead, iron, and coal. There are no less than fifteen villages in England named Ashby. besides the market town of Ashby de la Zouch in Leicestershire, which has a ruined castle, once the prison of 1Iary, Queen of Scots. From some one or more of these the township of Ashby derives its name. In taking the census in 1851-2 the enumerator took no notice of the townships north of Sheffield. At that time the Addington Road had not been built; and the only human beings in that extensive territory were such as might be found in the lumber camps, and especiaUy in the vicinity of Flinton, which was known as Flint's Iil1s. In 1855, when the new road was nearing completion, Kaladar and Anglesea, which for municipal purposes were joined to Sheffield, appeared from the assess- ment roU of that year to have forty-six ratepayers and sixty-eight actual occupiers of the land. Thirteen hundred and sixty acres were returned as under cultivation; and this estimate was probably far in excess of 336 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON the crop bearing acreage, and included all the cleared land in the two townships. No mention \vhatever was made of Abinger and Denbigh which formed a part of that great northern wild, scarcely touched yet even by the lumberman. The one man familiaï with every phase of that section of the country was Ebenezer Perry; and to him the government intrusted the supervision of the construction of the Addington Road, sometimes called the Perry Road; and after it was built he was appointed land agent, with headquarters at Flinton. This road, according to the official documents published at the time, "commencing in the township of Anglesea, in the northern part of the county of Addington, near the village of Flint's I\lills in Kaladar, runs almost due north to the River l\Iada\vaska, a distance of 35 miles. and is to be continued thence for the distance of 25 miles till it intersects the Ottawa and Opeongo Road." The purpo e of this road was to open for settlement the townships of Abinger. Denbigh, Ashby, Effingham. and Barrie; and it was the duty of 1\1r. Perry to locate the settlers and see that the homestead duties were performed. He was authorized to allot to every bona fide settler who had attained eighteen years of age one hundred acres, upon condi- tion that certain duties were to be performed before he could obtain a title to his land. He was to take possession within one month of the date of allotment, and put in a state of cultivation at least twelve acres of the land in the course of four years,-huild a house, (at least 20 by 18 feet) and reside on th lot until the conditions of settlement were duly performed. J\Ir. Perry was very enthusiastic over the 110rth coun- try and devoted himself most assiduously to the task assigned him. Five questions dealing with the nature of the country and its probable fut lre \vere submitted to him in 1856, and in preparing his answers thereto he went into the matter so exhaustively and covered the ground so intelligently and thoroughly that they form the best treatise ever pub- lished concerning that part of this county. The questions and answers as published in 1858 in the Journal and Transactions of the Board of Agricult'ure of Upper Canada are here reproduced at length: "Are the lands in the back country of a quality to reward the agri- culturist for his labours?" "I would beg leave to say that in my opinion they are. The soil is a sandy loam, more or less coloured with a vege- table mould. I t is made up of the decomposed granite hills that crop out at stated intervals all over the back regions. The silica, of \vhich those rocks partake in abundance, is crumbled to atoms by the agency of the acids contained in rain and snow water, by the dissolvents in atmospheric air, and by the aid of a little unobtrusive plant, called - . . SIR JOHN A, MACDONALD. ... \. .,.. 1 ..:. l ..... ... -; . \ " ..l . I \. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD. , .. - 1-. \ J ...... , .... SIR RICHARD CARTWRIGHT, - JAMES N. LAPUM. SHEFFIELD AND THE NORTHERN TOWNSHIPS 3 J7 lichen, which thrives in our driest weather on the bare granite, and without seeming effort, by the action of its roots, daily detaches mall particle and depo its them at the base of the rocks in debris. Thus in my opinion the soil is made up of the silica or sand of the surrounding rocks." "There is a feature in the grO\\ th of the timber on the lands in ques- tion, in connection with the fertility of the soil, that I do not under- tand. \Yhere hardwood predominates, the soil is a Jark loamy sand; where pine takes the lead, a pale yellow sand is found. The whole drift has one common origin. The yellow sand hears by far the most lofty gigantic trees; some having yielded to the lumbermen seven thirteen- feet logs, the lumber of which was fit for the American market; and one stump which I mea ured I found it to be five feet two inches across. n,)t including the bark; and yet the yellow sand gÏ\'es a much less yield of grain to the farmer. '''here the dark loams have had a fair trial, the yield has been equal to the mo,t favoured soils of the frontier townships, wheat, rye, oats, peas, barley, and Indian corn all rluuri h; potatoes and other bulbous roots exceed the growth 111 older townships. I have in no instance seen clover tried, but am of opinion that at no distant day, if attention is turned towards it, that clover seed will be one of the staples of this section of the country." hIs not the land so broken by the granite hills as to isolate the set- tlers, and thus mar the social interchanges of life?" "I think that if I say no to this question I shall be fully borne out by facts; the granite ranges run nearly east and west, and consequently the valleys and tuffs I1lUst have a corresponding course. Xow the Addington Road ranges to a north course, and con:,equently crosses the valleys that lie between here and the l\Iadawaska; the first and largest valley is found just beyond the rocky range, or fourteen miles north of the River Clare. This range of rocks, o\"er which the Addington Road runs, by winding through its gulches, is nearly a barren waste; then you come on land that is fit for settlement; it is about five miles from where the rocky range loses itself to the rear of Kaladar: and about six miles of the road-lots are entered for settlement. making a distance of eleven miles across the valley. that in all probability will be settled. "N or is this all; many lots beyond those taken afford a sufficient amount of plough land to insure their settlement before you come to the next broken range, which occurs at the head of l\fa senoga Lake; and even there some redeeming qualities are found. . You remember that I said that the valleys run east and west, so a large settlement will find its way in there ere long, I do not wish to be understood to say that all the 22 338 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON area here spoken of is fit for cultivation-there is too much broken land abounding through this district to suit me-but I wish to say that the township of Kaladar has a fair portion of excellent land; that of Barrie, Denbigh, and Ashby will be, when cleared and tilled, equal in quality of soil and quantity of plough land in proportion to their area, after deduct- ing the water, to either Camden or Ernesttown. "Anglesea, Abinger, and Effingham are more broken: After you leave the head of the. i\Iassenoga Lake, the road passes over a rough range of rocky ground, covered with fine groves of pine, interspersed with patches of hardwood land. Those patches of hardwood land are sufficientlý numerous to induce settlers to occupy probably the road line through this range; but as you approach the l\1adawaska River, a river as large in appearance as the Trent, you pass a rich rolling country, watered with the purest springs, whose tiny brooks are filled with speckled trout, and whose hiHs are clothed with the red beech that have innumerable marks of bears' claws, that ascend and descend them annually for the mast. If you would ascend a high hill that skirts this valley, at whose base the road runs, you would see down on both sides of the river the pale green foliage of the hardwood in strong contrast with the deeper tints of the evergreens. The hardwood land on this side occupies seven or eight miles in width, and to all appearance is as wide as the other side of the river.' "\Vhat chance has the settlement in getting iri supplies, and which is the best road to the land?" "There are two ways for settlers to approach the lands, and supplies can be got by either. First up the Madawaska, from By town and Perth-this is but a winter road, and can- not be travelled until frost sets in and bridges the lakes and rivers; by this route, up to this time, all the provision and provender has been sent to supply the lumbering districts on the Madawaska; and the supplies have to be got in one year before they are used; this route is expensive and unsafe, as an open winter or a general thaw closes the road; the other is the Addington Road itself; this is much the safest, cheapest, and shortest route-it being about forty miles nigher the bridge over the l\Iadawaska from Kingston than from the City of Ottawa, and the whole of the Addington Road is securely bridged; so that when the snow sets in the road is available-and ere long it wiII be a summer road as well; the main obstruction at the present time is the first sixteen miles from Clare, on which some forty or fifty men are engaged with bars. picks, barrows. carts. etc.. and with the aid of fire and sledges, are battering off the high points of the granite rocks, and filling up the low SHEFFIELD AND THE l'ORTII(RN Tow1'SIIIPS 339 places, so that in a few weeks both settIers and Iumber merchants can receive supplies any day in the year." "The best way at present for people at a distance to approach the land is to take Hayes' stage, which starts on the east side of the market house in Kingston every Tuesday and Friday, and it will set them down within five miles of the commencement of the Addington Road; but as soon as the cars start, :ðlr. Hayes intends to run his stage to Napanee, which then wilt be the shortest and cheapest route to the lands on the Addington Roarl, Tamworth, Centrevitte, Newburgh, and Napanee. An villages through which the stage wilt pass aftord iacilities to obtain sup- plies for the settlement or shanties." "How and where wilt they dispose of their surplus if they have any?" "Every intelligent man knows that if there be no avenues to dispo e of the surplus produce when raised, that it wilt destroy the energies of any man however indu trious he may be; he will not put forth his physical strength merely to raise grain to rot in the stacks or perish in his granary. I a sure you that thi:; alternative wilt never take place in my opinion; and if it do, the time is so remote that this genera- tion need not entertain any fear about the matter-not that there is to be no surplus raised, for if settlers u e but common industrious habits, in the space of three or four years a large surplus must be the conse- quence, for the rich loams of that region witt pay the farmer with no niggardly hand; but the demand wilt for years overreach the supply- new settlers wilt be consumers before they are producers, and the vast amount of lumbering alt along the radawa ka and its tributaries wiU require more than the settlement can yield for years. Last winter a score of sleighs passed daily at the end of the bridge I was helping to build o\"er the :\Iadawaska, loaded with pork, flour, oats, hay, and gro- ceries. and I was informed by some of the lumber merchants, that the supplies had hardly commenced going up. There are forty miles of a pine growing country between here and the :\ladawaska not cut off; and if two miles per year should be taken, it will last for twenty years yet: and if the supply shalt exceed the wants of the lumberers and set- tler:-:, the excess can be converted into beef, mutton, and pork, and driven to the railroad, and pass to the frontier markets." "The probable future of the settlement?" "The answer to this in some measure must be like a fancy sketch-the imagination must stretch forward, and predict the future-it must unfold the leaf of fate and read events that are locked up in the escritoire of time. Sages t;ll us that we mav judge the future by the past; if so, I look forward at no distant day for an industriou , intelligent, and rich population to be 340 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON spread over the lands of our interior. The first half of the nineteenth century has changed the destiny of the human race, and in no place has its effects been more visibly portrayed than in our province. We are just emerging into manhood, untramelled by customs or manners made venerable by their antiquity; there is no arena here that the prejudices and usages of a sturdy race of men could not combat inch by inch the ground sought to be occupied by the improvers of our age; we have nought to do but adopt the new fashion and we are as much at home in it as our grandsires were in theirs." "The first settlers in our country had to contend with many obstacles that have no existence now-they had no roads, nor mills, nor mechan- ic -nor had they any place to apply to for bread for their famishing children or seed grain, if a crop failed them-nor had they teams to assist them to move the ponderous logs from their new chopped fallows. Yet by incessant toil, perseverance, and economy, they pre;ailed and made homes worthy of themselves. And sha11 we, the sons of such sires, hesitate to leave the refuse shallow soils that overlay the limestone beds of the frontier townships, and go on the rich loams of the interior, where (thanks to the men who control the destinies of our province at the present time) government is constructing a good summer road, over a barrier that would have eterna11y shut out private enterprise?" "Our fathers plunged into the forest with a scanty stock of provi- sions on their backs, fol1owed by our mothers with the wardrobe and cooking utensils, threading their way by untrodden paths to the place where they intended to plant their vineyard. Contrast the event of their settlement with the facilities that we enjoy-we now jog along by steam-we converse by lightning; and think you that our new settle- ment wil1 be debarred the privilege of partaking of the recently developed impetus that impels forward the destinies of the human race? I tel1 you no! A decade wil1 suffice to perform what formerly con- sumed a century-in ten years the rich valley of the l\ladawaska, and the no less rich tuffs or val1eys that lie scattered among the granite range between here and there, will teem with life and the bustle of com- merce. The stroke of the axe, the noise of the shuttle, and the ring of the anvil, will commingle with the bellowing of the herds and bleating of the flocks-vilIages will rise, having churches whose tinned steeples reflect the rays of the morning sun; and as each succeeding Sabbath appears, call forth, by the reverberating sounds of their bel1s amongst the valleys and hills, well dressed youths, the children of the present race, to worship the God of their fathers." SHEFFIELD AXD TIlE ."ORTIIER TOWr-;SIlIP 341 .. Some of ,} ou think this is but the view of a dreamer-know ye not that the collective wisdom of our province have decided to make a ship canal up the Ottawa to Georgian Bay, and that 4,000,000 acres of land are set apart to aid in constructing a railroad from Quehec to said bay. Think you that both conveyances will run side by side; will not the rail- road seek another route, so as to have no competitor, and open up a greater breadth of country? r f so, no way offers so great facilities of construction. nor a larger amount of traffic, than the valley of the :\Iadawaska. If this should take place, we will ha\'c cities where I only anticipated villages, and towns instead of hamlets." The following letter written in 1861 and now among the archives of the local Historical Society, throws some light upon the inner work- ing of the office of the Land ..\gent : "Dear Sir,-I was O\'er the Addington Road with A. n. Perry and we concluded that it would take on an average at least /.62 10S. per mile to make a good summer road after we ha\'e finished up the first 16 miles. I wrote my brother to see you before he reported. I will write :\Ir. Hatton soon concerning the matter in question. "It appears to me that we are to have a great flow of emigrants next spring on our road and means should be taken to ha\'e a stage run- ning from X apanee to Tamworth at least and a mail throug-h the settle- ment. Richard Bishop is qualified for a Post-master, he is on No.6 in Barrie, which is nearly 30 miles from here. \\Then you are at Toronto ask how the gift land comes on over the 16 miles. It is time that we had as many settlers on that desolate range as possible to make things look less lonesome. And the Bureau of Agriculture should take steps immedi- ately concerning- the erection of mills at suitable places to aid settlers. I will see you soon and then we can arrange the matter. I do not know what to do about running for councillor again. I would by far rather decline. Your friend, "Sig. E. Perry." "D. Roblin, Esq., 1LP.P." To what extent the prophesies of l\Ir., Perry were realized may be gathered from the excellent article contributed by 1\lr. Paul Stein to the publications of the Historical Society. l\Ir. Stein was a pioneer in the north country, induced to c;ettle there by the circulation in his native land of the government literature prepared from the reports of Mr. Perrv and other land agents. If more men of the type of :Mr. Stein had been - attracted by the emigration pamphlets, the older townships, even 342 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTOK with the superior advantages they possess, would need to look to their laurels. There is a clear and intelligent ring about the following essay which discloses the character of the writer: "Up to about the year 1855 nearly all the lands in the rear of Add- ington county from Cloyne northward were covered with primeval for- ests, which had never been injured by fire, and only in some places had the lumbermen commenced to cut and remove the best of pine timber for export. "The timber consisted, and what is left of it still consists of pine, spruce, tamarac, balsam, basswood, maple, beech, birch, ash, elm, cedar, etc. "The character of the soil is variable, but consists chiefly of sandy loam; in some places very light, or shallow and stony, and when cleared only suitable for pasture. Some tracts of considerable extent are entirely unfit for cultivation, being either too rocky and mountainous, or consisting of swamps and marshes, part of 'which could be reclaimed by underdraining. The country is exceptionally well watered with lakes, creeks, and springs, which contain pure and clear water, and the lakes are stocked with fish of various kinds. Deer and fur bearing animals were very plentiful \vhen the first settlers arrived here, but of late game of all kinds is getting rather scarce. "In or about the year 1856, the Addington Colonization road was constructed by the Government of Upper Canada, under the supervision of 1\1r. Ebenezer Perry, of Tamworth, with a view to . ; 8 ù UJ ' E . .-<1::: >- E P <11 I ::: [l,,::: o ::: ,; . i o -2 2 cn ' ffi ti:::: ï (.). ::: .;3 2 l.L. ;: i: o .ê 2 6t:. 'ê 'ê "' (f) rn ' :c B . ",c: I- r-ß . ..::: 1: . 1 E ê 'i 1 ê .!:<: u I-2-3-4. In I9ü3 he was chosen warden, and as such COnlIlla lded the respect of all the members and looked carefully after the interests of the county as a whole. \Yhile Ir. Fo\\ ler is a strong party man he is liberal in his views, and is prepared to concede to his neighbour \\ ho differs from him in politics the same honest motives that prompt him in forming his opinion upon the public ques- tions of the day. I S.\.\C FRASER, :'\[emher of Parliament of Cpper Canada. 1 lï-lg20 Isaac Fraser wag a hard-hcadcd Scotchman who took his time in arriving at a conclusion. and when once he had pas!'cd judgmcnt upon any et of facb submitted to him there was no appeal from that deci- sion o far as he was concerned. lie belonged to the old Tory party of a hundred) ears ago, wa regarded as one of the most upright mcn in the township of Ernesttu\\ n, and wielded a great influence among his friends and neighbours. lIe wac; loyal to his King and loyal to his church; in fact he was too loyal to believe that a Governor could do any wrong. He no doubt was influenced in his political adherence to the Tory party by the public utterances and contributions to the press of the Presbyterian clergy of his day, who, while not going as far as the Angli- cans in supporting the Family Compact, favoured the idea of the Gover- nor and his advisers ruling the country, even to the e:\.tent of disregard- ing the will of the people as expressed in the measures passed by their representatives in Parliament. Isaac Fraser was, upon his retirement from politics, appointed the first registrar of Lennox and Addington, with his office at IiIIha\'en. He was also a justice of the peace, as was his father before him. For many years he was connected with --\sselstine's woollen factory in Ernesttown, which was one of the princi- pal industries of the township. He died in 1858, in his seventy-ninth year. L. L. GALLAGHER, \Varden of Lennox and Addington, 19 0 7 Ir. Gallagher is a native of the county of Leeds, where he was born in 1860. As his name would indicate he is of Irish descent, his father havmg come to Canada in 1836, just in time to demonstrate his 376 HISTORY OF LENNOX AKD ADDINGTON national characteristic by joining the militia and taking a hand in the defence of his newly adopted country. The subject of this sketch was one of thirteen children, ten of whom grew into manhood and woman- hood; and despite the superstitious prejudice against the number thirteen father and mother both lived to the age of seventy-nine years, and the children, like their parents, have thrived and pro pered. In I8RS IVlr. Gallagher purchased the stock and store of lVIr. D. S. \Varner of Wilton; in the following year he purchased the homestead of the late Sidney \Varner. and is to-day one of the most up-to-date and enter- prising general merchants in the county. He has lost no opportunity . to boom the cheese industry, believing that our county is well adapted to dairying nd that a well-conducted cheese factory brings prosperity to its patrons. For thirteen years he o\vned and operated two factories, during which. period his knowledge of the business was so well recog- nized that for eight years he was secretary-treasurer of the Frontenac Cheese Board and for two years its president. He was also, for ten years, respectively third, second, and first vice-president of the Eastern Dairyman's Associa on. He served as school trustee for three years in the \Vilton section. sat for three years as a member of the Ernesttown council, and for two more took his position at the head of the 3.ble. In 1907 he attained the highest municipal office in the county, and proved an energetic and busy warden who inquired into the details of all matters coming before the county council. 1Ir. Gallagher is still a young man with, let us hope, many years of usefulness before him; and while he has been resting for the past few years upon the public honours already acquired, and ha been devoting himself strictly to business, there is every probability that later on he will make his influence felt in a higher sphere of politics. '- SMITH GILMOUR, \Varden of Lennox and Addington, 1910 Smith Giímour was a farmer in the township of Sheffield. and belonged to that type of manhood which is a credit to any community. He strove in his own honest way to do what he conceived to be right, \yith the result that he was highly esteemed by all. He was a member of the Iasonic Order, having served in all the important offices in his mother Lodge at Tamworth. He was a devoted member of the Pres- byterian Church, yet broad enough in his views to recognize and encour- age all denominations in the noble v\'ork of reclaiming fallen humanity, He died in January, 1912, at the age of fifty-nine years. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 377 JOIIK T. GRANGE Iel11ber of the Legislative .Assembly of Ontario, I8ïI-5 John T. Grange is a grandson of the Scotch mitt-wright John Grange who came to !\ apanee one hundred and twenty years ago to overhaul the mill for Richard Cartwright, and a son of \\'illiam Grange, alteg-ed to have been the first white child born in "'\J apanee. \\ïl1iam Grange was horn, lived, and died on the old Grange farm directly north of the town. In his day there was a saw-milt on the creek on this farm: but it was torn down fifty years ago and it now i one of the last places in the county to he selected as a site for a mill. John T. was born in I83ï, went first to a country school. then to the old East \Yard school, and finished his education in the old frame grammar school on \Yest Street where his cousin, James Grange, was head-master. James, \\Tittiam, and Thomas Grange were eng-aged in the drug- husi- ne , although the names of the latter two did not appear as members of the finn. ""hen he had reached fourteen years of age, John T. entered the drug store as a clerk. There were se\"eral changes in the personnel of the firm; James sold out hi:;; interest to his brother John, who, after the fire of 18 57, sold out to \VilIiam and Thoma,,; hut the ame firm name of John Grange & Co. was retained until Igh..J., when \\'illiam Grange died. and it became Grange & Bros., the partners being the three brothers. John T.. -\lex. \\"., Georg-e S.. and their cou in. \VilIiam Grange. This combination lasted until I8ï9, when the partnership was wound up, and Alex. and George started afresh under the name of A. \\7. Grange & Bro. and John T. formed a new partnership known as Daly. Grange & Co. John T. has continued to live in Napanee e\rer since he first entered busine s, and is to-day one of the oldest resident . Kòt only has he watched its upward progress for the past sixty years: but has, in one way amI another. participated in the building up and impro.ement of tDe town. For ten years he was a member of the town council. and sat for one year at the school board; but hi" greatest achievement was his elec- tion to the Local Legislature over the Honourable John Stevenson, who was considered a most formidable candidate. He was returned a second time in a three-cornered fight. in which he was opposed by the . late Thomas \Y. Casey and Phillip Booth. Ir. Grange has for many yea:'s been one of the auditors of the county treasurer's books, but the po..i- tion which is unanimously conceded to him is that of ch'lirman at the nomination meetings in Napanee. Just when, how, or why ::\lr. Grange \vaS chosen for this position for so many year neither he nor anyone 378 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON else appears to know; but the fact remains that he was elected year after year until the custom became a fixed rule, and if anyone pre- sumed to bring forward any other name it would be resented as an uncalled-for innovation. IRA HAM \Varden of Lennox and Addington, 1873 John Ham, the ancestor from whom all the Hams of Lennox anù -\ddington are descended, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and took part in several important engagements. It is related of him that at one time when in the firing line of the British forces he was struck by a bullet from the rebel army, which lodged in the calf of his leg. He limped away to the improvised field hospital and assisted the surgeon to remove it, and picking up the blood-stained missile he wiped it dry, and as a special favour requested a comrade to return it to the enemy in the same manner in which it had been forwarded to him. He settled in the township of Ernesttown, where he raised a family of ten children, eight of whom were sons, all of \\'hom lived and died in Canada. Such was the U. E. L. grandfather of Ira Ham, a farmer in the township of Fredericksburgh, who inherited some of the characteristics oÍ his grandfather, especially that of saying precisely what he meant. He was a "plain, blunt man" accustomed to speak his mind freely upon all subjects; but fortunately he was optimistic in his views and of a jolly disposition, and rarely felt disposed to make any disagreeable or oÍ- fensive remarks. I f he had occasion to comment severely upon any event or concerning any individual, he never sought a dark corner in which to express his views nor waited until the back of the individual he was about to criticise was turned, but spoke it frankly and freely in broad daylight to his face. He rather enjoyed a scramble in municipal politics, took a defeat with as good grace as he accepted a victory, and \vas never knO\ ;n to grieve over the result of an election. In his native township he was respected as a kindly neighbour and a man of many good parts, not anxious to thrust himself forward, but prepared to accept his share of the burden of public service. He was warden in the year I8ï3, and ten years later died at his home in his native town- ship. JOHN DAVID HAM, \Varden of Lennox and Addington, 1866 and 1886 John D. Ham was a grandson of the U. E. L. pioneer John Ham, and a cousin of Ira Ham, the subject of the previolIs notice. Mr. Ham BIOGRAPHIC.-\L SKF.TCHF. :i79 was one of the most remarkable men of hi" day, of unl1 l1al ability, and a philosopher with a natural instinct for husiness. He started out in life a poor boy, \\ ho. for a few shilling:; a week, served as midshipman before the mast in our hay and lake navig-ation, and then took a position as clerk in the store of John Steven:,on at Newburgh. The employer quickly recognized in the young lad that high capacity for business which in a few years gave him a standing among the leading- merchants of the county. He was promoted from clerk to partner; and in a short time bought out 1\Ir. Stevenson and continued in business until I8()R, when the death of his only child, a bright young man of twenty years, blasted all his plans for the future. By strict attention to his own affairs and honourable treatment of all his customers he had at this time amassed a fortune which enahled him to retire from mercantile pur:,uits. He sold out his store, made an e:\.tensive tour of the continent. and settled down to a life of ease and comfort. In the disastrous X ewburgh fire of I S7 his home was destroyed, when he purchased the \\. S. \\ïlliams' residence on Thomas Street in Xapanee and lived there until his death in IRq3. He was one of the only three wardens who have been returned a second time to preside over the council; and that body l11ight have received the commendation of the electors of the county if he had been retained in office a few years longer, instead of following the puerile policy of changing wardens every year. It is quite true that they all may be good men, but no good man can accomplish much in one ,hort term. He no sooner gets comfortably seated in the warden's chair and maps out for himself a policy than he is called upon to retire in fa\"our of some new blood, and thus the honours are passed around at the g-reat risk of the business standing still. County councils as a rule are not very public-spirited. The representatives are so intent upon ohtaining some special grant or privilege for their respective municipalities that oíten what affects the general welfare of the county is overlooked. The public roads of this county are, and have for years been a dis- grace to a wealthy community having abundance of excellent road material in every township, and it has been largely due to the utter lack of any well defined policy under the general supervision of competent men. Each successive warden has some new ideas of his own, which. in the matter of roads, are pretty sure to be centred upon the supposed needs of his own township; so, instead of having one or two up-to-date highways in the county, we have half-a-dozen apologies for roads upon which a large proportion of the labour and material has been wasted. Such a condition of affairs would hardly prevail if a good level-headed : 80 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON business man were retained in the warden's chair for a number of years, or a thoroughly competent road engineer were given a free hand to execute a systematic plan for improvement of the roads. Our county councillors in general are good men, but they are human and cannot shake off the frailties of the race. I cannot refrain from giving expression to an opinion long enter- tained that the business affairs of a county could be much more satis- factorily conducted by a commission of three or four capable men, such as was John D. Ham, elected or appointed for a term of years, than by a dozen elected indiscriminately from an parts of the county. The sys- tem is at fault, not the men who try to operate it. John D. Ham was one of the leaders in the prolonged struggle over the separation of the county from Frontenac. He set his heart upon winning for his own village the coveted prize of the county seat and, although there was not much to commend his cause. especially after the course of the Grand Trunk Railway had been finally determined, he succeeded for many years in defeating the main question of separation by creating a dead-lock upon the minor question of the selection of a county town. CHARLES \\'. HAMBLY, \Varden of Lennox and Addington, 1908 I\Ir. Hambly's father and grandfather came to Canada from Eng- land seventy-five years ago, and settled in the township of Fredericks- burgh opposite De eronto. One son, \\ïlliam Hambly. worked out by the month for some time in Prince Edward, receiving for his labour the princely sum of tour dollars a month; and his brother, Samuel Hambly, !10w living a retired life in N apanee. had the same experience. They despised not the small wage. which was the best to be obtained at the time, and, by pursuing the same policy of thrift and industry, they met with that material prosperity which falls to the lot of most men in this young and growing country who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and go to v\'ork where and when the opportunity presents itself. Charles \V. was born in the township of Fredericksburgh and has continued to reside there up to the present time. He owns and operates a good farm near the town, admires and always has one or more good driving horses, and enjoys the free and independent life which the farmer and the farmer alone is privileged to lead. In 1905 he first tendered his services to the electors of his native township, and they appear to be satisfied with the attention he has given lHOGRAPIIICAL SKETCHES 3S1 to the bu:,iness matters intru ted to him, as he has been in the council c\"cr since. This township has ne\-er acted upon the foolish policy of pa:, ing the honours around, but when they get a good man in the coun- cil and he has made himsel f familiar with the work in hand they keep him at it. An examination of the records will probably disclose the fact that Xorth Fredericksburgh has had fewer reeves than any other town- ...hip in the county, and it will also be found that no township has been managed more economically. In lyoS C. \\T. Hambly was elected reeve and made his debut in the county council; but instead of taking a corner scat and waiting to ee \\ hat the others do, he took his position upon the dais as warden of the county. In the county council the policy of pass- ing the honours around does pre\'ail. so at the end of a year he retired to the side benches. His promotion has been so rapid that people no\\' inquire "\\ hat next:" GEORGE DOCGLAS HAWLFY, rember of the Legislative .\ sembly of Ontario, Ig80-3. 18 6 :\lr. Hawley was born about sixty years ago on the old Hawley homestead in the township of Fredericksburgh. I Ie is a son of the late Jo--eph Case Hawley and grand on of the old U. E. L. soldier, Davis Hawley, who first settled in Emesttown, but afterwards moved over to and died on the Fredericksburgh farm which lr. George D. Hawley still 0\\ ns. 1\lr. Hawley is a mild mannered gentleman who is said to have spent more sleepless nights over the death sentence of a convict in the X apanee jail which was subsequently commuted. than did the prisoner himself, and would not be taken for an agg-ressi'"e man: yet he achieved the distinction of fighting no less than fi\"e election campaigns within the short period of seven years. It might be added that all of these were not of his own choosing, In 18ï9 he contested the riding of Lennox as the nominee of the Liberal party against Ir. A. Ii. Roe, Conservative, and was elected by a majority which, upon a recount, was narrowed down to seven. The same contestants again entered the field in the gen- eral el ction of 1883 when .Mr. Roe was elected, but died before the end of his term. At a bye-election Ir. Hawley defeated 2\1r. George T. Blackstock, was unseated, and defeated him again, and for all his trouble sat as Il1ember for Lennox for the one remaining session of the unexpired term. In the general election which followed :\lr. Hawley buckled on his armour for the fifth time and was defeated by Dr. :\1eacham. In 1887 he was appointed clerk of the First Division Court at Xapanee, a position which he held until 1895, when he was appointed 382 HISTORY OF J- .... Z :J o o ..c i ....:./: ï ' ,," c ," - r: 1.1 ,. .: :.::: ..c: :: ..: bII - ;<: =' ' . :c = E . E 0:: .:: -E-: u:; . ,,j :i c . c-. bi: c ï . i ië. 2 ........ E i . .: B . .ce1- lent qualities for a councillor or member of Parliament but not very tell- ing upon the hustings. JA IES ?\o:-..o LAPU f, Iember of the House of Commons, l&q-18j2 Ir. Lapum was a lifelong Conservative and the first representative of ..\ddington in the Dominion ] louse; and the handsome Confedera- tion medal awarded to each member of the fir"t Parliament of the Dominion is now preserved as a precious heirloom by his daughter, lrs. Thomas S. Johnston of }.:apanee. He shared the honours of the old county with Sir Richard Cartwright, whose desk-mate he was during his parliamentary term. He was born on the farm of his father near \\Til_ ton, and at the age of seventeen was apprenticed to his brother-in-law, .:\Ir. Sidney \Varner, with whom he served as clerk in the general store and received a sound business training which equipped him for a suc- cessful career. In 18.12 he set up in business for himself as a merchant at \Yhelan's Corners and was the strongest champion for the removal of the munici- pal seat of the township from Clark's Iills to that place, which, owing to its central location, was named Centreville. It was through his efforts that a post-office was established in 1843, and he was appointed the first postmaster, a position which he continued to fill until his election to the House of Commons. Every village is intimately connected with the history of some one individual, and :ßlr. Lapum may quite properly be styled the father of Centreville; but in bestowing this title upon him I must reserve some of the honour which it carries for Squire \\"illiam \Yhelan, who, although he never aspired to a seat in Parliament, was a prominent man in the community and dearly loved by all who knew him. fr. Lapum was a justice of the peace and well qualified to act as such; but O\\'ing to his extensive business connection he willingly left in the hands of the Squire the administration of the law in that part of the county, knowing full well that justice would be done. Although slight in stature l\fr. Lapum was a man of great en- durance and capable of transacting more business in a day than most 25 386 HISTORY OF LENNOX A D ADDINGTON men would perform \n two. A general store handling all sorts of mer- chandise and receiving in exchange every kind of produce from eggs to ashes would tax the energies of a man of ordinary capacity; but if we add to this the superintendence of the post-office. the building of a store, re:,idence, and cheese factory, and the management of two farms, we wonder what time was left for sleep and refreshment. Yet with all these calls upon his time we find him taking an active part in the organization and maintenance, of the militia corps of the county, in municipal affairs, and finally in federal politics as standard- bearer of the Conservative party; and whatever work he assayed to per- form he entered into it with his whole heart. He was for many years and up to the time of his death treasurer of the township, and the task of his auditors was an easy one, as his books were accurately and neatly kept. He died in July. I8ì9, within a few days before completing his sixtieth year; and although it was a busy season among all classes, the esteem in which he was held in the county was manifested by the hun- dreds who turned out to his funeral, which was said to be the largest eyer held in the township. EDWIN SMITH LAPUM, vVarden of Lennox and Addington, 1891 E. S. Lapum was born upon the fårm of his father, Chauncey Lapum, in the township of Portland in 1848, and remained at home with his father until he was sixteen years of age, when he went to his uncle's (Sidney vVarner) store in \Vilton. where he served in the capacity of a clerk for three or four years. Being of a lively disposition he cast long ing eyes towards the gayety of the village of N ewburgh, which at that time was celebrated for its handsome beaux and pretty belles; his appren- ticeship under his uncle was a sufficient guarantee of his ability as a clerk, and he with no difficulty secured a similar position in the general store of Miles Caton. Having satisfied himself with all that the yillage life had to offer, his next move was to N apanee, to the store of Thomas Mallory. He remained with :Mallory for five or six years and then set up in the insurance business on his own account, and for the past six years has conducted a furniture store as well. Upon the death of the late Robert :J\lill :Mr. Lapum was appointed his successor as treasurer of the town of N apanee. a position which he was, owing to his municipal experience, especially well qualified to fill. He was not long in N apanee before he drifted into municipal politics, and no candidate for municipal honours \\'as ever better skilled in cam- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 387 paign tactics than he. o man could excel him in getting out the vote; and when the hallots were counted his name was generally found among the favoured few who 5ecured the rcquisite number to entitle them to a seat \\ ithin the bar of the council chamber. For t\\ enty-two ycars he wa a member of the town council. and during that period en'ed upon c\"cry committee, sat in the mayor' chair one year, and for one year presided over that more aug-ust body, the county council. :\I r. Lapum never does things by halves. and believes in the theory that if a thing is worth doing at all it i5 worth doing well, and if it is worth doing well it should be done at once. Being active in his habits, quick in his move- ments, and careful in execution, he was a u eful man in the council, and (In many an occasion ridiculed the shameful wa--te of time in "\Yords! \Yords! \Yords!" and tlm" enabled the members to get through more work than they otherwise would. He would g-rasp a complicated situa- tion, place it before his hearers in a simplified form, concluding his exposition with his favourite phrase, "d'ye understan?" and if they did not understand, the operation would be repeated with emphatic cstures until the arg-t1l11ent was driven home. BEK] A n C. LLOYD, \\Tanlen of Lennox and Adding-ton, 1884 Ir. Lloyd was born in Xe\\" York State about the year 1831, and while yet a mere lad came with his parents to reside in the county of Hastings. On attaining manhood he and his brother Charles removed to the township of Ernesttown. By his industry and thrift he purchased a good farm on the N ewburgh Road near the village of Strathcona, where he lived the rest of his days, and died in 1905. He \\ as a plain, honest, hard-working farmer, devoted to hi" calling, yet alive to the interests of the general public, and willing to accept the responsibility of performing such public duties as were assigned him. A. B. LoYST, \Yanlen of Lennox and Addington, 1911 :\Iajor A. B, Loyst is one of the rising young men of the county, who, although he has not yet reached his twoscore years has made remarkable progress in everything he ha undertaken. He was born in South Fredericksburgh on the shores of Hay Bay in 1874, and still finds in the good old township ample scope for his ambition, and recognizes that the life of a farmer is no drawback to the advancement of an 388 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON energetic man. He was not sixteen years of age when he joined the militia, and before he was thirty he had attained the rank of major. He has already been a member of the township council for six years, four of which he was reeve, and in 1911 reached the highest municipal office in the county by being chosen warden, and as such acquitted him- self honour bly and impartially. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, K.C.M.G., 1fember of the House of Commons, 1882 It was always very apparent that Sir John had not forgotten his boyhood days in Adolphustown, or his experiences in Napanee when he was a clerk in a Clarkville store and sang in the English Church choir in the old East \Vard school-house, for he retained a wann place in his heart for his old friends in Lennox and Addington and frequently recalled these early associations. His career is known to the reader, so I will content myself with a few extracts from a tribute paid to his memory in the House of Commons by his friend, but political opponent. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, upon the occasion of the announcement of his death: "It is in every respect a gr_eat national loss, for he is no more who was in many respects Canada's most illustrious son, and who was in every sense Canada's foremost citizen and statesman. His loss overwhelms us. For my part I say, with all truth, his loss overwhelms me, and that it also overwhelms this Parliament, as if indeed one of the institutions of the land had given way. Sir John A. 11acdonald now belongs to the ages; and it can be said with certainty that the career which has just been closed is one of the most remarkable careers in this century. It would be premature at this time to attempt to divine or anticipate what will be the final judgment of history upon him; but there were, in his career and in his life, features so prominent and so con- spicuous that already they shine with a glory which time cannot alter. These characteristics appear before the House at the present time such as they will appear to the end in history. "I think it can be asserted that for the supreme art of governing men Sir John Macdonald was gifted as few men in any land or in any age were gifted-gifted with the most high of all qualities-qualities which would have shone in any theatre, and which would have shone conspicuously the larger' the theatre. The fact that he could congregate together elements the most heterogeneous and blend them into one com- pact party, and to the end of his life keep them steadily under his hand, BIOGRAPHICAL SK :TCHES 389 is perhaps altogether unprecedented. The fact that during all these years he maintained unimpaired, not only the confidence, but the devo- tion, the drdent devotion, and affection of his party, is evidence that, beside these higher qualities of statesmanship to which we were the daily witnesses, I}e was also endowed with that inner, subtle, undefinable characteristic of soul which wins and keeps the hearts of men. HAs to his statesmanship, it is written in this history of Canada. It may be said, without any exaggeration whatever, that the life of Sir John ::\Iacdonald, from the date he entered Parliament, is the history of Canada, for he was connected and associated with all the events, all the facts, all the developments, which brought Canada from the position Canada then occupied-the position of two small provinces, having noth- ing in common but the common allegiance. and united by a bond of paper, and united by nothing else-to the present state of development which Canada has reached." He was member for Lennox during the first se sion of the Parlia- ment following the general election of 1882. \V. A. IARTIN, \Yarden of Lennox and Addington, 1905 "Alf." l\Iartin, as he is known in and out of public life, son of \\ïlliam Iartin, farmer, was born in the fourth concession of the town- ship of Richmond in 1860. He received a common school education and attended the High School at Xapanee for a few terms; but he made the best use of his opportunities, and did not lay aside his books when he returned to the farm. He moved with his parents to the township of Camden in 1883, and upon the death of his father, in 1900, inherited the farm near Ioscow upon which he had lived since leaving Richmond. There is a good strain of Irish blood in his veins, which asserts itself as soon as a general election is announced. Only once was he elected to the township council, yet for eleven years he represented that town- ship in the county council, an achievement which few, if any, in the pro- vince have equalled; and one which none can surpass. He was elected deputy-reeve the year before the Act came in force under which the commissioners forming the county council were not members of the township councils. and during the ten years that Act remained in force he was returned as commissioner from Camden. He keeps abreast of the times upon all public questions. is a pleas- ing platform speaker, and is quite at home upon the hustings. He once contested the riding of Addington for a seat in the House of Commons, 390 HISTOR\ of LENNOX AND ADDINGTON and was by no means dismayed at not receiving the requisite number of votes to enable him to write 1\1. P. after his name. He is progressive and alert, and being still a young man he may be heard of again in the political arena. "v. \V. 1\IEACHA!\I, l\Iember of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1887-98 The \\ riter has pleasant recollections of attending school in the old stone school-house at Rednersville in the county of Prince Ed\\Tard. The teacher was a mild-mannered young man who chose to rule by love rather than by fear, and in the gentlest of tones corrected his none too attentive pupil. and smilingly patted him on the head when perhaps a birch across the shoulders would have been more in keeping with the prevailing system. :3Ieasured in years this seems long, long ago; but only as yesterday when the freshness of the picture is considered. Years passed by until a certain provincial election in Lennox, when entering a public meeting in N apanee called in the interests of the Con- servative candiclate, he again saw his old teacher in the same gentle tones soliciting the votes of the electors, and those gentle tones prevailed. The same old smile that won the hearts of his pupils captured the votes of the electors and Dr. :\Ieacham continued for three successive Legislatures to represent the old riding of Lennox. He was a grandson of Dr. Seth l\leacham, who in the early part of the nineteenth century came to Canada from the New England States and practised medicine in Belleville for many years. The grandson, \Vatter W., was born in Colborne on September 22nd, 1841, and was educated at Albert and Victoria Colleges. He taught school at Bridge- water in the county of Hastings and in Rednersville in the county of Prince Edward. He studied medicine at Dr. Rolph's l\ledical School in Toronto and received his degree as a Doctor of l\ledicine in 1869. He practised his profession for many years at the village of Odessa. He was a friend to the poor. and when summoned to the bed-side of the sick he never inquired as to the ability of his patient to meet his bills. but gave rich and poor the same attention. In 1899 he removed to \Varsaw 111 the county of Peterborough, where he died on July 27th, 19 0 5. JOHN S. l\IrLLER, :l\1ember of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1886-90 John Stewart l\Iiller is of Irish descent; his ancestors having come to America and <;ettled in N e\v England; but during the Revolutionary mOGRAPIIICAL SKETCHES 3tH \ \' ar they joined the refugees for Canada, IÏ\'ed at Three Ri,'ers until I ï90, and then moved farther westward to the shores of the Bay of Quinte. J. S. :\Iiller was born in It;+.+ in the town hip of Camden and :-;pent his early years upon the farm of his father, Thomas :\Iiller. He received the ordinary common school education. to which he added in I ïl a course at the Business College at Belleville. In I ï5 he was appointed clerk of the to\\ nship of Camden, which office he filled until I 86. when he re:,igned the clerkship and was appointed trea--urcr. He wa:, an acti,.e member of the Orange and :\Iasonic Orders, hav- ing attained the cm.eted honour of County-:\Iaster of the Orange Asso- ciatiun in I ï -Y. He was a member of Prince of \\"ales Lodge A,F. & . \.:\1. X ewburg-h. and assisted in the organization of \ïctorid. Lodge. Centre,.ille, and Lorne Lodge, Tan1\\ orth. and \\ as :\Iaster of both of the new Lodges. lie was attached to the 4Xth lJattaliun and attained the rallk of lieutenant, and upon its disbandment joined the 47th. In Ig 6, recei, ing the Conservative nomination, he was elected mem- ber of the Local House and represented Addington during the ensuing Parliament. In 1883 he became a merchant at Cent reville, and continued to live there until 1890, when he moved to :\Ianitou, !\fanitoba, where he and his son, I I. S. ::\filler, as proprietors of the Poplar Glen Fann, are pursuing the vocation of their ancestors. He was not long in his west- ern ho re when his services were requisitioned by the ::\Ianitoba Govern- ment, and he was appointed upon a commission to investigate and report upon the advisability of establishing an agricultural college in the prairie province. The commissioners visited several institutions in the Cnited States and made such a clear and comprehensive report that it was acted upon, and a college established in accordance with their recommenda- tions. Ir. :\Iiller served as reeve of Pembina in 1895-6-7, after which he retired from public life. and has since devoted himself to the cultiva- tion of his magnificent farm. \YILLIAM l\lILLER, \\T arden of Lennox and _ \c1c1ington, 18 7 1 \\ïlliam filler was born near Bath in the township of Ernesttown in 1830, and lived upon the farm with his father until he was eighteen years of age, when he left home to sen"e as a clerk in Gunn's general store in Kingston. lIe devoted himself faithfully to the interests of his empkyer; and in a few years had so mastered the details that his father set him up in business for himself in East \Yard, Napanee. About the same time. his brother. Davis H, :\Iiller. came to the vilIage and engaged 392 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON in business as a grain merchant, having his office in his brother's store. Both displayed remarkable business ability, and each in his own sphere succeeded in accumulating a small fortune: and although they \vere intimately associated and took counsel one with the other in important transactions, yet at no time were they in partnership. In the early seventies both retired from the mercantile business, but retained offices in the l.1iller Block in East \Vard, where one or the other of the two brothers could always be found prepared for an old-fashioned visit, a game of checkers, or an advance of any reasonable sum upon real estate at a fair rate of interest. \Villiam l\1iller upheld the traditions of the family name by his uprightness in all his business transactions. His favourite pastimes were driving and hunting. He was a good judge of horseflesh, and his services were in great demand at the county fairs. He always owned a good team of roadsters, and never appeared happier than when taking his afternoon drive behind a spirited pair of thorough-breds. He annually formed one of a party of sportsmen to visit the north country during the hunting season, and rarely returned without one or more pairs of fine antlers to his credit. While on one of these expeditions, in 1898, he became separated from his companions, and for four days in a chilly November \\:as lost in the forest and, exhausted with hunger and fatigue, he took refuge in a deserted cabin, where he was found in a critical condition by another hunting party. His talents as a sound business man never showed to better advantage than in the warden's chair, where he safely guided the council through one of the most important years in its history. ROBERT PATTERSON, Warden of Lennox and Addington, 1892 Robert Patterson was a farmer and a soldier, and attained a very high degree of perfection in both vocations. His watchword was "thoroughness." He joined the 48th Battalion during the Fenian excite- ment in 1866, and in the following winter attended the military school at Kingston and devoted himself so diligently to his militia work that he was raised to the rank of major in 1875. He commanded the company which acted as a guard of honour to Lord Dufferin upon the occasion of his first visit to Kingston; and so pleased was His Excellency with the fine appearance and soldierly bearing of the island company that he complimented the major upon the excellent service he had rendered. His large farm on the east end of the island, was well stocked with thor- ough-bred Durham cattle, which he was the first to import to the town- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 3!J3 hip. His well-tilled acres and comfortable home, where his large circle of friends always found a warm Irish welcome, bespoke that same thoroughness which characterized every undertaking to which he applied himself. In all public matters, whether municipal, provincial, or federal, he was a strenuou worker; and the candidate for political honours who received his upport could rest assured that the major would not retire from the field until the last vote had been ca t. The issues in a town- hip election are never very clearly defined; yet the forces on Amherst Island, even in the days of Iajor Patter on, lined up for battle: and the successful candidates were held strictly to account for their ante- election promises, with the result that the controllable rate levied for taxes was always a moderate one, the public moneys were wisely expended, and no municipality in the county is more economically man- aged than our island township. He served many years in the local coun- cil and was honoured with the wardenship in 1892, in which position his sterling qualities were highly appreciated. He died deeply lamented on January 1st, 1895, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. GEORGE P.\t:L, \ \r arden of Lennox and Addington, 18 75 A few years after Napoleon I. was finally shorn of his power and \YeIlington's army had been disbanded, three of his veterans decided to devote the rest of their lives to the ploughshare instead of the sword. 'rhey came to .\merica and settled in the township of Camden, and were known as the "The Three \\ïI1iams,"-WiIIiam Paul, \Villiam Allan, and \ViIIiam !\ugent. George Paul was the third son of \Villiam Paul and was born in Camden in 1828. The north-west pan of the town hip was a dense forest at the time, and the opportunities for acquiring even a common school education were very meagre indeed. For a few months during the winter a teacher might be secured to board around the neighbourhood and impart to the boys and girls of his patrons an imper- fect knowledge of the three R's; and they were considered lucky who had the privilege of attending such a school. In some sections there would be a school-house; but in many the living-room of some settler's log cabin was the only place available. It is remarkable how many bright, inteIligent men were reared amid such surroundings, men who in after years filled positions of trust and honour. Such was the lot of George Paul, who became one of the strong-est men in Camden, figured conspicuously for years in municipal affairs, and was chosen warden in 394 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON I8iS. He finally settled on the old Greave farm near Camden East, where he spent his dedining years. 'YILLIAl\I J. PAUL, lember of Ontario Legislature, 1905-11 ::\Iemuer of the House of Commons, 19II to present time That it pays to be pleasant and agreeable to all persons has been wetI iltustrated in the case of ::\1r. Paul. That he might have attained rank and position had he been otherwise is quite possible; but an elec- tion by acclamation such as was tendered him in 1908 can be attributed only to the fact that he is at all times a friend to everyone. He not only represents the constituents of his riding, but he does his best to serve them. He is descended from the old bombardier of the Royal Army, \\Tiltiam Paul, who is referred to in the notices of R. 'V. Paul and George Paul. I do not know that he has ever seen the "Land of brown heath and shaggy wood Land of the mountain and the flood," but his veins are futI of good Scotch blood, the kind that will not be downed. It is said that when his grandfather was in the wars, his good wife Janet accompanied the army on the march, with the family bedding strapped to the cannon. 'V. J. Paul, son of Robert, was born in Camden in July, 1854, and followed the occupation of a farmer and lumber-man; but in more recent years has devoted himself almost exclusively to the cheese indus- try, and at the present time is operating no less than four factories. His grandfather on his mother's side was Neil Stewart, the first reeve of the township of Sheffield, and his father was a member for many years of the council of Kennebec and Sheffield. 'Villiam J. received no education but such as the common schools of Camden and Sheffield afforded; and here he displayed what is gen- erally conceded to be another Scotch characteristic in helping himself to all that was to be had. He was retuf11ed a great many times to the Sheffield council, and for ten years was either reeve or commissioner to the county council. In 1905 he was elected as representative for Add- ington in the Provincial House by a majority of 625, the largest ever giyen to a candidate in that riding. So great indeed was the vote that in the next generai election in 19a8 he was returned without opposition He retired from the provincial arena in 191 I, and was elected to the House of Commons by a majority of 586; and if his past experience is BlOGRAPIIIC \L SKETCHES 395 any criterion he need not \\orry much whcn the next nomination day comes. It is needless to add that he is a staunch supporter of the Con- sen ative administration. ROBERT \ \ . PAUL, \\'anlcn of Lelmo'\. and Addington. I O"'" Robert \\. Paul comes from good old Scotch stock. Hi;; grand- father was born in Edinburgh, \\ as a soldicr in thc British . \rm}, and saw acti,"e :,ervice in the Peninsular \\ar. lie emigrated to Canada in 18IY and settled in C.lIl1den. where he raiscd four sons, one of whom was the late \ \ïlliam Paul of Roblin. l{obert \\"., the eldest sùn of \\'illiam, lived "ith hi:, father upun the farm until he \\ as eighteen years of agc. when he drifted away to California to seek a fortune. Thi" was near the clo e of the Revolu- tionary \Var when the Pacific Coast States were bidding high for emi- grants, and Ir. Paul joined the train of adventurers bound for the Golden \ \ est. For two years the fortune he was seeking elun the land of sunshine and returned to his native county. where by his own pluck and persever- ance he demon trated that the county of Lennox and Addington offers opportunities. to any young man of determination, as attractive as any other' part of the American continent. He engaged in farming and branched off into dealing in eg-gs and hides, until he has established an extensive business connection' in the e two commodities. The militant spirit of the grandfather has urvived two generations, and Robert "". inherited his full share of the fighting qualities of the old soldier, and has engaged in many a municipal contest. in which he has come out victor eighteen times, He first entered the field as a can- didate for councillor while a resident of the township of Camden, and for several year:, was a member of the council of his native township. He subsequently moved to Richmond, where he still resides at the village of Selby; and it was not long before his influence was felt in the public affairs of that to\\ nsbip. The electors wisely placed his name upon the nomination list; and he has for many years been a member of the Rich- mond council and a staunch champion of the rights of his constituents. .-\s warden of the county he was courteous to all; but insisted upon the embryo orators confining them:,eh"es to the subjects under discussion, an example that might profitably be followed in most municipal bodies. 396 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON PF:TF:R PF:RRY, :l\1ember of the Legislative \ssembly of Upper Canada, 1825-1836 Peter Perry was born about one hundred and twenty years ago on lot number three in the first concession of Ernesttown; and although many worthy men have since then upheld the honou s of the family he was the most illustrious to bear the name. Robert Perry, a sergeant in the King's Royal Rangers, and his two sons, Daniel and Robert Junior, were all members of that loyal band "vVho loved The cause that had lost, and kept their faith To England's crown and scorned an alien name, Passed into exile, leaving all behind Except their honour, and the conscious pride Of duty done to country and to King." Peter was the son of Daniel and was brought up on his father's farm, receiving only the meagre education offered to the youth of the township at the time; but the lessons of loyalty were deeply instilled in his youthful breast by hearing from the lips of his father and grand- father the trials they had undergone rather than join the rebel ranks. These lessons were never: forgotten, and when he had grown to man- hood and saw the government of Upper Canada passing into the hands of an irresponsible and grasping faction he was among the first to raise his voice against the prostitution of the people's rights and to demand for his constituents that liberty and equality for which his grandfather had fought and suffered. He lived with his father until he attained his majority, when he married Miss Mary Ham, a daughter of John Ham, and settled on lot number twenty-five in the second concession of Fredericksburgh. He was first elected to the Legislature of Upper Canada in 1825 and, with Marshall Spring Bidwell, continued to represent Lennox and Addington until 1836. During his last term he moved to Whitby, engaged in mer- cantile affairs, and became one of the most prominent figures in that county. He had extensive business connections in the northern part of the county, and the town of Port Perry on Lake Scugog was named after him. He was a man of strong individuality, persuasive and tena- cious, just such a man as the Family Compact feared, as he was an uncompromising advocate of reform. History has fully justified the noble stand he took, and the county of Lennox and Addington has just reason to be proud of this pioneer politician who went down to defeat BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCIII<"S 397 in his fourth election fighting ùravely for the cause which ultimately prevailed, and laid the foundation for a constitution excelled by none in the world. There are many branches of the Perry family, all descended from the old U. E. L. Sergeant, now scattered over the country, but no worth- ier scion of the name lives to-day than Commissioner A. B. Perry, C.1I.G., the head of t e Royal North \Vest 1Iounted Police, an old Len- nox boy, born and brought up on his father's farm in the township of Ernesttown. EBENEZER PERRY, \ \" arden of Lennox and Addington, 1872 Eùenezer Perry was born in the year 1801. An anecdote is still preserved concerning him and his cousin, Job Aylesworth, which is illustrative of the character of the two men. They were working one day in a field when they fell to discussing a c.ubject which had recently been introduced in the neighbourhood, a somewhat unpopular one in the days of our grandfathers, the subject of total abstinence. It had never occurred to them before that so universal a beverage as whiskey could be, or ought to be, totally eliminated from their dietary. Leaning upon their hoe-handles they threshed the que tion out in all its bearings, and determined upon a course of action which they promptly put into exe- cution by repairing to a neighbouring tavern, which in those days was never difficult to find. Arriving at the hostelry they called for two bumpers of the "accursed liquid," pledged each other's health, drained their glasses to the bottom, and with a hearty hand-shake declared they would never taste it again-a pledge they both kept for all time. A more extended review of Ir. Perry's tife witt be found in the chapter upon Sheffield and the northern townships. :\IATIIEW \\'. PRUYN, :\Iember of the J louse of Commons, 1885-6 l\I. \V. Pruyn was born of U. E. L. parents in Fredericksburgh on October 22nd, 1819; but the farm had few attractions for him. He was educated at the common schools, and when a mere lad went to \V ood- stock, where he lived four or five years and acquired a knowledge of the grocery trade. In 1840 he set up in business for himself in Brant- ford and did well until 1862, when his entire stock was destroyed by fire upon the day following the expiry of his insurance policy. \Vhile residing in Brantiord he was twice elected to the town council and in 398 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON 18 5 8 was mayor, After the loss of his stock he set out for the \Vest going- by \Yay of Panama and up the Pacific coast to British Columbia: where he spent two years in the mountains prospecting for gold which he never found in sufficient quantities to induce him to continue the search. He returned to his native province in 1864 just as the separa- tion of the counties took place; and as his brother, O. T. Pruyn, was appointed sheriff of the new corporation of the county of Lennox and Addington he chose 1\1. \Y. Pruyn as his deputy. This position he con- tinued to fiJl until 18ïL \"hen he embarked again in the mercantile life and followed it until his death in 1 8<)8. In the years fottowing the general election of 1882 Lennox passed through a political maelstrom in which both political parties appear to have completely lost their heads. Election fottowed election, protest fottowed protest, corruption was rampant; and there are some who main- tain that the evil influence of those campaigns has not yet been wiped out. It was through such an atmosphere that IVfr. Pruyn entered poli- tics, He had no sins to answer for, as he had not taken an active part in the other elections, and was returned by a majority of fifty-eight votes over the Liberal canòidate, and held his seat for the balance of the parliamentary term. He was a courteous and refined gentleman. cautious never to give offence, yet capable of defending himself if he felt his position was unjustly attacked. He was just the type of man to bring before a set of electors whose blood was aroused, for his quiet, easy manner ,,"ould have a tendency to soothe the hysterical element that is so much in evidence on both sides during a hot election. He never offered himself again as a candidate, in fact took very tittle part in subsequent elections, but deyoted himself to his own affairs. J AM:(S REID, \\'arden of Lennox and Addington, 1887 :\Iemner of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1890-1905 J ames Reid bears the name of his grandfather who emigrated to Canada from Connty Tyrone. Ireland, in 1829, and lived in Kingston for a few years after his arrival, spent a few more years in the township of Ernesttown. and finatly settled down in the eighth concession of Cam- den about three miles from Croydon. \Vith James Reid the elder came his infant son. Robert Reid, but four years old when he left his native land, The young lad follO\ved the fortunes of his father in the pioneer life in Camden until he was old enough to shift for himself, when he married and settled on a lot about three miles east of Enterprise, where he raised a family of nine, aU of whom are living- at the present time. D10GRAPIIICAL ShETCIIES :W9 James Reid, ex-:\I.P.P.. one of these nine. was horn in 1 -tK. Car- man Creek cro sed through the old home teacl. al1cl his father, utilizing the \\ ater-po\\ er of this stream, built a sa\\'-mill uIx>n its bank and com- bined the more lucrative occupation of lumber-man \\ ith that of farmer. His :,on James devoted himself to getting out the timber, conveying it to the mill, and converting it into lumber; and became master of every branch of the indu try. In the early days, when the limits were more acce:,:,ible than to-day, thi little mill had an annual outl,mt of 1.000.000 feet of merchantahle lumber. In l ï5 .:\Ir. Reid married and took up fanning in hi:, nati\"e township, which he followed until IgoR. when he wa.;; appointed registrar of deeds for the county. To most men lumber- ing and farming would not be chosen as a fitting apprenticeship for the ome\\ hat intricate duties of the office of reg-istrar: but I r. Reicl has prO\'en hi:, adaptability to these di :,il11ilar calling:" and his well-kept books and hi:, ne\ er failing courtesy to all having occasion to examine the record:, intru ted to his keeping have fully justified the appoint- ment. PublIc honours have been freely showered upon him; and of him it may truthfully be said they were not always of hi:; seeking. He wa5 the only non-resident of the yillag-e ever appointed to the board of trus- tee of the ewburgh High School. He \\ as a member of the municipal council of Camden for ten years, eight of which he was a member of the county council and filled the warden's chair for one term. It was no small compliment to him that. in a riding with many aspirants for political honours, he sat in the Legislative Assembly foc fifteen ses- :-\1on:" The people of Addington make many calls upon the time and patience of their representative in the provincial house, especially in their dealings with the Crown Land!' Department in which many diffi- cult questions arise. In thi respect .:\Ir. Reid proved himself a friend indeed to scores of his constituents, and freely rendered his services to all applicants for his assistance, never stopping to inquire their political leaning;; or position in life. He received his nomination from the Con- ervative Association. CHARLES RILEY, \Varden of Lennox and i\ddington. 1901 Charles Riley was born in Ireland in the month of November, 1839, and came to Canada in 1847, l\Ir. Riley is a shoemaker by trade, and like many others of the same calling is somewhat of a philosopher. Just why the last, awl, hammer, and needle should be conducive to logi- 400 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON cal reasoning and a philosophical turn of mind has never been satisfac- torily explained; but the fact remains, so many at least are pleased to believe, that shoemakers are good reasoners and rarely do or say foolish things. ro.rr. Riley is no exception to this rule, if rule it be. He came to Camden East in 1857, where he has continued to reside until the pre- sent time. For a number of years he was a trustee of school section number three of Camden East and secretary-treasurer of the board. From 1893 to 1896 he was deputy-reeve of Camden; and when the county council was composed of commissioners elected from the different diyisions :Mr. Riley was one of the first representatives from the Cam- den division. He was chosen warden in 19nar.1. J. .\HulI1, ,\ \ j"it.'r, Frat I ).11 . l;c"rg' Burr.,"., I. I). Pru n. illing-L....ft h' right. It..rh,'rt ndl . 1I.lr,.'.1 J..n.... F S. Ri..harJ.,'n. (Llptdin). l;...'rg.... :\1.1\ h.-.' J,'II1'" E II.-rring". \\'111. D,.,....... 1lI0CR.\PHIC.\L SKETCHES 401 JOH:S ROBLIN, reI11ber of the Le islati\.c .\ssembly of Upper Canada, 180<)-10 John Roblin was living the peaceful life of a farmer in New Jersey at the time of the Re\'olution, taking no part in the contest. His home was attacked and fired upon by a scouting party, and he was wounded in the knee, stripped of hi" clothing. and his house ransacked. The ruffians placed the muzzle oi a musket at the breast of his wife rted him, and another section of each opposed him. At the election of 1857, Mr. Augustus Hooper came out in the interest of the then Opposition, but was beaten by 1r. Roblin. The contest in 1861 was between the same BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 403 candidates; and this time :\f r. Roblin was defeated. TIc was a Reformer of the Baldwin !'chool, and \\ hile engag-ed in politics he spent a great deal of time looking after the wants of his constituents; and his COrre- spondence upon public matters, which is preserved in the archives of the Historical Society, shows that he carefully investigated the minutest details of all transactions in which he interested himself as the repre- sentative of the county. In the public offices which he filled he gave all hi, talents to his work, and was highly respected and esteemed by all who knew him, even by his strongest political opponents. The village of Roblin, formerly Spencer's :\1 ills, was named after him. ALFRED H. ROE, \lember of the Legislati\'e \!'sembly of Ontario, 1RRt :\Ir. Roe was born at \Yestport in the county of Frontenac in 1842, and was educated at Victoria College, Cobourg. He studied law for ome time in the office of the late Judge \Vilkison when he was a practi- tioner in Xapanee. Giving up the profession before he had completed his cour...e he went to Forest :\1ills and set up in business as a general merchant. and at the same time ran a grist-mill and saw-mm. In 1873 he returned to K apanee, resumed his legal studies, and did a general law bu:--iness associated with the late E. J. Hooper. Although he never passed the necessary examinations to entitle him to practise in the higher courts, his knowledge of business and men and the experience he had gained in the law office stood him in good !'tead, and enabled him to ren- der good sen'ice to his clients. He was the chief mover in the org-an- ization of the Xapanee Gas Company, a project that most men would have hesitated to undertake when the natural difficulties in the way of piping the town are considered. He frequently appeared in the Surro- gate Court. and was a regular attendant at the Division Court circuits, which did more business at one sittings in his time than is done now in twelve months. He was a formidable opponent at election time, pos- sessed good executive ability, and as a platform speaker had few equals in the county. He was elected as a Conservative to the Legislative Assembly in 188-t-; but died during the first year of his term, at the early age of forty-two. DAVID 1IcGREGOR ROGERS, :\Iember of the Legislative .\ssembly of Cpper Canada. 1797-1800 David :\IcGregor Rogers, familiarly known in his day as ":\Iajor Rogers," although he was not entitled to the military title, was the second son of :\Iajor Rogers, a large landowner in the State of Vermont, where 404 HISTORY OF LENNOX AKD ADDIKGTON he and his brother were officers in the Queen's Rangers. They were en- gaged in the French and Indian wars and, after the taking of Quebec, 1Ia jor James Rogers, the father of David, was despatched by General Amher t to take possession of the western forts held by the French as far west as Detroit and J\Iichilimackinac. He afterwards went to Eng- land, and in 1765 published a journal of his experiences in these wars, and later published another book of general information upon the North American colonies. He returned to Vermont and during the revolution met the fate of most of the Loyalists by having his property destroyed or confiscated; so, abandoning his lands, he came to Canada and settled in Fredericksburgh, and is alleged to have built the first frame house in the township, which was located on the Sherman farm on the north shore of Hay Bay. David resided with his father until the death of the latter about the year 1792, when he moved to Prince Edward County to take up some land to which he was entitled as the son of an officer. He was not unknown in Adolphustown, which township was united at that time. with Prince Edward as one riding. He was the member for this riding during the second Parliament; but before the next election took place there was a redistribution of the seats and Adolphustown was attached to the other townships of this county to be represented by one member. By a further redistribution, in 1809, the county became entitled to two members and so remained until the union in 1841. Rogers afterwards moved to the township of Cramahe; but still remained in politics, sitting as a member for twenty-six consecutive years, a figure reached by no other member of the Parliament of Upper Canada. In his home in Northumberland county he pursued his occupation as a farmer, was a merchant. clerk of the peace, clerk of the district court, and registrar of <.leeds. \Vhen you consider that he was also a Member of Parliament it will be easily understood that he had very little leisure. He was a mag- nificent type of manhood-energetic but not impetuous, strong-minded but not tyrannical, genial but not patronizing, and shrewd but honour- able in all his dealings. lYrA TTHEW RYAN, \Varden of Lennox and ...\ddington, 19 1 3 It was a happy combination of circumstances that reserved the wardenship of the semi-centennial of the separation of the counties for 11r. Ryan. The first three wardens of the county, John Stevenson, Augustus Hooper, and John D. Ham were, at some period in their his- þ ..' , , z æ 1:. . I't , ... ". "'t .Ç, \; ... .J ." ,.. , )I1Þ- \ II - ;;.. l THE NAPANEE BICYCLE CLUB. 1886. Back row-Lett t.. right. Ik G, C. r. ,,',inl. \\'m. E. F.."ter. .\. X. S\\l.ctman. .\. R. B,' e<;. "-m. C. Smith, ,,', J. Trimble. "'. J. X,'rmile. Archie Clark, Front row- L..ft to right. FreJ Roe, "ïlkie Pringle. \\'m, Thl'mp"l'n. Fn..J :\kGuin. . , .. ,\ .' ... .. , . .r . ,...... -- ". ---. '\ r. .. ...... ,, .. .1 I '" .. . , . . ' . . #". "'..... .. 410.&. oJ . "'iC.;:ñ: . .. .. -. ....1. ,. . - THE STAFF. THE NAPANEE STANDARD, 1878. Back row-Left to right. George Burnip. Charles Ham. Guy Baker. \Villiam Davis. James Baker. Edward Root. F. R. Yokum. James Gallagher, Front row-Left to right. Elliot Vanal!'tine. Charles Alli!'on. Sandy Iehine. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 405 tory, successful merchants of the village of X ewhurgh. and they proved to be three of the best wardens the county ever had. lr. Ryan served a portion of his apprenticeship in the same stores over which at ot.e time these three men exerciserl contro1. and in after years, when they had all passed away, he succeeded them as the leading merchant of his native village, anrl like them is now called upon to exercise in th warden's chair that same tact and executive ahility which he has dis- played in the management of his own husiness. He was born in 1850, the ron of :\latthew H,yan, a stone-mason of Newburgh, who could not afforcl to give his name ake any further start in life than a training in the K ewburgh puhlic school. He had as teachers lr. John B. 1\lcGuin. and :\[r. II. :\1. Deroche. \\'hen only thirteen years of age he began to shift for himself as clerk in the store of :\lr. Douglas Hooper, where he continued for over four years, and then entered the employment of :\lr. John D. Ham and remained with him until :\[r. Ham retired from mercantile life. :\1r. Ryan then went to Centrevi1le as managing clerk for .:\1r. James N. Lapum, member of Parliament for \dding-ton, whose public duties caIled him away from home for weeks at a time, and being in search of a trustworthy young man his choice fell upon the present warden. In 18ïo, while yet in his minority, he formed a partnership with Cyrus Ash, son of Dr. Ash; and the firm of Ryan & ,,\,h was soon ad\pertising great bargains at the new Centreville store and continued to maintain the good reputation for fair dealing until 18ïn, when the sen- ior partner retired and returned to X ewburgh with a view of going west, when a word from his former employer completely changed his future career. James S. Haydon had succeeded his father in business at Camden East, and had just lost his clerk, Gilbert (now Sir Gilbert) Parker, and was looking about for a competent managing clerk. 11r John D. Ham recommended that he secure the services of young Ryan for ,,-hose bu iness ahility he had the greatest respect; and in order that the employment might be of a permanent character he suggested that Ryan be taken into partnership. It was tl1t1S the firm of Haydon & Ryan came into being. and the partnership which lasted for sixteen years demonstrated the ability of :\lr. Ham to mea ure up the two men, who, by this happy chance, were linked together in a most prosperous busi- ne s career and united in a lasting friendship which has endured all the trials that beset the busy man. In 1892 the partnership was dissolved. 1\1r. Haydon retired from lrercantile life, and lr. Ryan shortly after opened a general store in Xewhurgh, where he is still engaged in business and is recognized as one 406 HISTORY OF LEKNOX AND ADDIKGTOX' of the most extensive and prosperous merchants in the county. Although his own affairs are such as might well command his whole attention, he has not been deaf to the call of duty; and has cheerfully taken upon his shoulders his full share of responsibility in the government of his native village, in the council of which he has for many years been a leading member. No municipality in the county has had more difficult problems to solve than Newburgh and, thanks to the fact that the business men of the village are not afraid to give their time and talents to the solving of these problems, none has come through the ordeal more successfully. Now that our county appears to be entering upon a new era iu its history. an era calling for large expenditures. we are to be congratulated in ha\'ing at the helm a man capable of following in the footsteps of the able men which N ewburgh in the past has supplied for the position now occupied by l\1r. Ryan. THOl\IAS v. SEXS IITH.r vVarden of Lennox and _\ddington, 1885 There is no better known family in the township of Richmond than that of the Sexsmiths,-honest, intelligent, hard-working farmers, who for generations have pursued their honourable calling, aiding in tIll:' development of their native -township, bearing their share of the burden in administering its affairs, and sharing in the general prosperity they have helped to create. To such families, content to play their part in the rank and file of Canada's noblest citizens, we owe more to-day than we often concede; for all other callings and professions stand or fall as our farmers prosper or decline. There is no better type of this family than Thomas V. Sexsmith, born seventy-four years ago in Richmond, where he continued to live until three years ago, when he sold his farm and purchased another in Ernesttown near Camden East. 1 he esteem in which he was held by those who knew him best may be inferred from the fact that for thirty- five years he was steward of the Methodist Church at Selby and for thirty-eight years secretary of the school board. For ten years he was a member of the township council. sat for six years in the county council, and was warden of the county in 1885. He was a great admirer of the late Sir John A Macdonald and was one of a deputation to wait upon him and tender him the nomination of the Conservative party of Lennox. In his own sphere and in his own unostentatious way he has faithfully discharged the duties devolving upon him as man and citizen. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 407 Dr.X].\::\IIX SF.YMOCR, :\Iember of the LegislatÏ\'e . \ sembly of Canada, 1854-6..... rhere i a singular appropriateness about certain names, and that of Benjamin Seymour is a striking illustration. The very name is pon- derous, and uggests a man of :>ubstance and influence. Such a man was the wealthy merchant and money-lender of Bath. He lived on the north side of :\Iain Street east of the lot upon which now stands the Bay View Hotel, and had a general store on the corner east of his resi- dence. He 0\\ ned a great many farms in Fredericksburgh and Ernest- town and had mortgages upon twice as many more. .. \lthough he was wealthy, he was a man of \'ery simple habits and denied him..;eIf many luxuries which he could ha\ e well afforded and still have lived wel1 \\ ithin his income. I Ie \\ as a shrewd business man; but strictly honour- able in al1 his dealings, and his word in any tran acti()n was as good as his bond. Hi opinion was sought upon al1 public questions affecting the welfare of the municipality, and when any prupu iti(ln received thc endorsement of Benjamin Seymour it was pretty sure to be carried through. He was for many years i.n public life; and after serving ten years in the Legi lati"e .\:- embl) of the old Province of Canada, was chosen a member of the Legislati\'e Council, and at Confederation was appointell one of the first senators of the new Dominion. SCHCYLER SHIBLEY, :\Iember of the I Iou,, of Commons, 1872 to I8ï8 Schuyler Shibley did not require to trace his ancestors very far in order to demonstrate that there flu\\ cd in his veins the blood of men from whom he might wel1 be proud to be descended. There has been hut on(' titled class of nobility in Canada composed exclusively of Can- adians, and that was the long list of United Empire Loyalists whose claims were careful1y investigated before their names were placed upon the rol1 of honour and they were permitted to write after their names the letters U.E.L. Any Canadian who can fol1ow up his family history to such a starting point is quite safe in preparing his genealogical tree without going any further back. His grandfather on his father's side wa" John Shibley, U E.L. who settled in Ernesttown near the village of Bath. and his mother was a daughter of Barnabas Day, U.E.L., of the township of Kingston. His father, Jacob Shibley, represented the county of Frontenac in the Legislature of Cpper Canada. 1834. Born in the year 1820, Schuyler -108 HISTORY OF LEKNOX AND ADDINGTON Shibley was educated at the \tVaterloo Academy near Kingston and spent most of his days upon the farm in the township of Portland. In 1851-2 he made a tour of Europe, visited all the principal capitals of the continent, and returned to his native township one of the best informed farmers in the province. In conjunction with David Roblin, the local member for Lennox, he speculated extensively in U.E.L. scrip, became possessed of very large tracts of real estate, good, bad and indifferent, and was at times reputed to be very wealthy. He took a prominent place among the politicians of Frontcnac, and was an independent supporter of John A. l\1acdonald up to the exposure of the Pacific Railway Scandal, when he cast in his lot with the party of Alexander l\1ackenzie. . For several years he was reeve of his native township of Portland and as such had a seat in the county council, over which he was elected to preside as warden in the years 1 868-6g, and 1872. :\lr. Shibley was a man of remarkable ability who could have exercised a great influem'e for good had he devoted his time and energy to the wellbeing of his country; but he was 100 much engrossed in his private affairs to give public n'atters first place in his consideration. He first el1tered federal politics as candidate for Addington in 1867 and was defeated; but in the general election of 1872 he was returned by a majority of 646. In 1874 he was again elected, unseated, and re-elected in the same year. He died at his home in 1886. l\IA]OR HAZELTON SPENCER, l\lember of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada, 1792-6 Hazelton Spencer came to this county in rï84 and settled near Conway "in the township of Fredericksburgh upon the farm owned by the late Henry Vandyck. He had een considerable military ser- vice during the Revolutionary \Var and was rai ed to the rank of major in the Royal Canadian Y olunteers, and up to the time of his death took a deep interest in all matters connected with the defence of Canada. Although he maintained his home upon the farm in this county, he was for six years, from 1797 to 1803, commandant of the garrison at Kings- ton, and during that period lived in the Government House in that town. There were only sixteen members in the first Lcgislature of Upper Canada, and three of these repre ented constituencies made up in part of portions of this county. The islands along the lake front were known as the county of Ontario, which was united with Addington as one electoral district. Adolphustown and the county of Prince Edward BIOGRAPIIIC.\L SKETCHES -lOf' formed another, and the third wa5 compo ed of Lennox (except Adol- phusto\\ n) and H a tings and N orthumherland. The two latter counties \\ ere very thinly ettled and played an unimportant part in the choice of a repre:,entative. :\Iajor Spencer was the member for that di trict extending from the present town of Cobourg to Napanee. At the time of the outbreak of the American \ \" ar in I 12 he was county lieutenant of this county, an office combining the duties of our present cheritï amI count) crown attorney, and he died omewhat suddenly in Fehruary. 1813, from an i11ness hrought on by o\er-eÀertion in the discharge of his duties as uch officer. HOKOl"R-\llLE JOIIK STE\'EXSOK, \Varden of Lennox and Addington, I8ó3-4-5 -:\Iember of the Leg-i 1ati\'e .\ sembly of Ontario, 18óï-ïI Xapanee has never had a better citizen than the Honourable John Stevenson. I Ie \\ as always found foremost in the ranks of those who were advocating advancement and improvements. The county rightful1y honoured him by choosing- him as the first warden, and Lenno made no mistake in electing him as her first representative in the Leg-islative _-\ssembly of the new Province of Ontario. He was the only man to sen'e as warden for three terms. and no man merited the honour more than he. for it was largely due to his untiring effortc; that the separation of the counties became an accomplished fact. The province did honour to itself and especially to the old riding of Lennox by choosing him as the first Speaker of the House. It was not alone as a public ser\'ant and in the field of municipal and provincial politics tnat :\Ir. Ste\'enson excel1ed; but in the industrial and commercial world as well he had few equals and no superior in the county. The Stevensons were Engli-:h, and first settled in Pennsyh"ania soon after \ \ï11iam Penn went there. the pioneer of the family being Sur- veyor-in-Chief of the States of Pennsylvania and K ew ] ersey. One branch of the family went to X ew Jersey and some of its members drifted away to \-irginia. Andrew Stevenson of that State, once Speaker of the House of Representati\'es and at another time :\linister to the Court of St. J ames, was a relaiive of John Ste\"enson. The K ew Jersey branch of the family, as well as those who remained in Pennsylvania, were staunch Quakers. Edward, the father of John Stevenson, moved from New Jersey to the State of N ew York when the son, John, was 410 HISTORY OF LENNOX A!\D ADDINGTON quite young. Later on he moved to the State of Michigan then being developed, where he took up land and remained the balance of his life. The son first went to Canada, settled in the county of Leeds, received his early education in Brockville, and taught school for one year in the country district about Maitland. In 1831 he went to Bath and engaged himself as a cIerk in the general store of Henry Lasher, for whom he worked for five years at a salary of 1.20 a year. On the death of his employer his son, John Lasher, took over the business with 1\lr. Stevenson as a partner. This partnership continued until 1848, when 1\:1r. Stevenson opened a store in N ewburgh, engaging as manag- ing cIerk the late John D. Ham, who had also served his apprenticeship under Lasher, and who was shortly after admitted to partnership with ::\lr. Stevenson, and in 1850 purchased his interest. After disposing of his store in N ewburgh John Stevenson moved to Napanee, where he spent the remainder of his life. There was scarcely any cIass of business represented in the town that did not at some time engage his attention. He was a general merchant, which in itself meant a great deal, a lumber-man, vessel owner, ship-builder, miller, sawyer, forwarder, and owned large tracts of real estate. He employed a large number of men in N apanee and was a most important factor in building up the village. In 1852 he made a contract with the government for five years for the employment of convict labour in the Kingston Penitentiary for the manufacture of furniture. In 1853-4 he entered into a contract with the late David Roblin for the building of the stone piers of the railway bridge over the N apanee River. He was for a time interested in a contract for the employment of convict labour in the State prison at Auburn, N ew York. For several years he and the late Cephas H. Iiller had charge of the big grist-mill in Napanee. As a justice of the peace he was for many years the chief magistrate in the administration of justice in the township of Richmond, his chief associate on the bench being the late John Herring. He took a deep interest in all educational and municipal matters. Two of his last business ventures were the e<;tablishment of a brush factory in Napanee and a piano factory in Kingston. He built the substantial brick resid'ence opposite the Eng- lish Church, which was his home for many years, and here he died in his seventy-second year on April 1st, 1884. Two younger brothers of 1\1"1". Stevenson attained distinction in the political arena of the United States; one, Edward. was elected Governor of the State of Idaho in 1885, the other, Charles. was elected Governor of Nevada in 1887. mOGR.\PlllC.\L SKETCHES 411 ELI] AH STORR, \\"arden of Lennox and .\ddington, 1883 Elijah Storr \\as born in Selby, York hirc, England, ill 18[7, and emigrated to Canada in I 30. 11i father first !'ettled in York county, later on moved to Prince Ed\\ anI. and finally in 1840 took up land near Lime Lake in the northern part of Richmond, which at that time was a wilderness. Life was a hard truggle with the Stnrr family for years, as there was very little return for the labour expended in clearing the land except what wa" re("ei,'c. tJ ë , 0:: ;"... ""...... :ë , . r/; c,..B w? 8 L1J::L: c c: a... , " = -:; . Q) ::::: :;;: ë -E :!: --:...3 .... Eo-< . ,j, rø ..: Q) ] JJ ,u ....... , ....... ó mOGR.\PHICAI. SKETCHES 413 \\ ith the best hi.. \\ ell-stocked larder could produce, and the steaming trenchers borne upon the heads of the negro slaves, all had their effect upon election day. He :,ucceeded Hazelton Spencer as the representa- tive in the ècond Legislature for the district compo ed of Lennox (ex- cept Adolphustown) and Hastings and Northumberland, and again in the third and si),.th Legislatures after there had been a redistribution of the eat.;;, and Lennox and Addington had been united as one electoral district. J .DII:S THO tSO . \\Tardcn of Lenno"- and Adding-ton, I&)Ó James Thomson was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1832. alld died at his home in l'\ewburgh in 1902. His father was a paper manu- facturer. and his son , James and John, both served their apprentice- ship of seven years in the mill of their father before they were discharged as masters of the art. \ \"hen about twenty-two years of age James came to America. and ecured a position a" manag-er of a miI1 in Tren- ton, New Jersey. In the year ISiS he came to Canada with a view of going illto part- nership with \Villiam Rooklidge and his brother John in the town of Gananoque, under the finn name of Rooklidge, Thomson & Co. A bu"iness was already established at this town under the management of his brother John. who \\ as the only one connected with the concern who understood the secret process of treating the wood pulp to produce from it the g-rades of paper required for the market; and the main object of introducing the other Thomson into the firm was to have another experi- enced manager to fall back on in case John Thom on's services should not at all times be available. For business reasons N ewburgh was con- sidered a lrore desirable site for the plant than Gananoque. so the first mills were erected on the apanee River. After the first year John stepped out of the firm and assumed the management of a new plant at Strathcona. Two years later Rooklidge and James Thomson dissolved partner- hip, and a new company, composed principally of N apanee capitalists, was organized and took over the business. retaining 1\1 r. James Thom- son as manager. The brothers continued at their respective posts for two years, when they severed their connection with the mills they were managing, formed a new partnership themselves. and built the large mill near Camden East; and the small village which sprang into being was thereafter known as Thomsonville. (It is now one hundred years 414 HISTORY of LENKOX A D ADDINGTON since that power was first utilized by John Gibbard, who built a saw- mill there during the war of 1812. He was the father of John Gibbard, the founder of the Gibbard Furniture Factory of N apanee.) For six years the brothers carried on a successful business, when John retired from the firm to make way for the sons of his brother James who him- self withdrew from the partnership in 1900, to enjoy for the remainder of his days that rest which he so justly merited. As a man of business, as a neighbour, friend, citizen, and public official one always knew where to find James Thomson. He conscien- tiously did what he conceived to be his duty and was never influenced by any motive that did not appeal to him as honourable. He was always open to conviction and weighed carefully every proposition submitted to him; and when he had mapped out his course he pursued it with firmness and determination; yet he was not arbitrary, but conceded to aU men the same right to think and act for themselves. He wag respected by all who knew him, and loved by those who knew him best, especially by his own employees. PETER VAN ALSTINE, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada, 1793-6 l\1any references have already been made in these pages to Major Peter Vanalstine. He was of Dutch descent and declared it in his build, complexion, and speech, for he was in every respect a typical Dutch- man. He was the leader of the first company of Loyalists who landed in Adolphustown, and might properly be denominated the pioneer of the pioneers. He brought with him a number of negro slaves; and, so far as life in the wilderness offered the opportunity, he lived in grand style, and was never happier than when entertaining his friends to a sumptu- ous dinner. He was a rollicking good-natured companion, a striking contrast to his sedate neighbour, Phillip Dorland, who declined to take the oath of office as a member of the Legislative Assembly. vVhen the new election \-vas held the major was returned as the first member to sit in the Assembly for Adolphustown and Prince Edward. He was a justice of the peace, and his name frequently appears in the records of the sessions as one of the members of that administrative and judicial body. He lived on the peninsula west of Adolphustown village and built on the opposite shore at Glenora the first grist-mill in Prince Edward county. He dkd in I8H, and was buried in the U. E. L. burying-ground at Adolphustown. DIOCRAPHIC.\L SkETCHES 415 SIDNEY \V ARNER, 'Varden of Lennox and Addington, 1R6ï-S John Ste\'enson, John D. Ham, and Sidney \Varner were the only men who were honoured by being chosen to act as warden for a second term, and none were more wortllY of the honour than they. The) were al1 broad-minded men who had a thorough knowledge of the needs of the county: they had all participated in the long fight over the separation from Frontenac, and were best qualified to conduct the affairs of the new municipality of Lennox and Addington. lr. Stevenson was opposed to the other two during that bitter struggle; but all were prac- ticaIJy agreed upon the wisdom of the proposed separation, and differed only upon the question of the county town, each being influenced by local interests: but, when the separation became an accomplished fact, they forgot their former differences and worked in harmony for the wellbeing of the whole county. To these three men the county owes much. At 110 time since 186 3 has there been in the council so strong- a trio as these three merchants, who for the first c;ix years of the county's history so managed its affairs. with the assistance of manv other able counciIIors, among whom might be speciaIIy mentioned J. J. 'Vatson, \ViIIiam -:\IiHer. and Ebene7er Perry, that in reading to-day the minutes of the early sessions one is staggered with the amount of work performed, the financial problems soh-ed, and the remarkahle husiness ability displayed throughout it all. It \\"a no easy matter to adjust the liabilities of the united counties so that each should assume its just proportion. New offices were created in Lennox and Addington, new buildings had to be erected, sites selected. plans and specifications prepared. contracts let, and money raised to meet the obligations. It was in a crisis like this that the services of a Sid11ey \\.arner were needed, as among his other admirable qualities he was a thorough business man whose integrity was never challenged. His father, Stephen 'Varner, lived near Saratoga in the State of New York, where Sidney, the eldest child, was born. He was a farmer, and attracted by the good reports of the Loyalists in Canada left hi" American home in 1812, came to South Fredericksburgh, and lived a few years on lot number eighteen in the third conce c;ion. For a time he endeavoured to add to the slender revenue of the farm by setting up a smal1 distiUery. He shifted about from one place to another and fin- aIly settled down in the seventh concession of Ernesttown. In 1828 Sidney, a young man just turning twenty-one, displayed his commercial instinct by starting a smaII .;;tore in Ernesttown about two 416 HISTORY of LENNOX AND ADDINGTON miles from Simmon's l\lills. This store he continued to operate for eight years, then shifted it over to the l\Iills, and opened up on a larger scale. His influence began to be felt; and for the next fifty years Sid- ney \Yarner's store was famous for miles around. He soon applied for and obtained a post-office and himself became the first postmaster, and upon being requested to select a name for the new office he chose the name \Vilton. He was a justice of the peace and in him the title was ""ell exemplified, as he invariably induced the would-be litigants, if they were at all amenable to reason, to settle their differences amicably, shake hands, and be friends. His name became a synonym for honour, hon- esty, and uprightness in all things. No man in Lennox and Addington had more extensive dealings with the public and was brought in closer touch with the people through his store and as a money-lender, but the man is yet to be found to sayan unkind word about him. He was for many years in the old district council and for nineteen years was a member of the Ernesttown council. During this period he was fourteen years reeve, four years deputy-reeve, and one year only a simple member of the board. 1'1r. \Varner was generous to the poor, and although he controlled more mortgages upon the farms of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington than any other single individual he was never known to eject a mortgagor from his premises. In this respect his son, Harvey \Varner, who inherited the greater part of his fortune and most of his good qualities, has followed closely in his footsteps. :i\Iany a poor man and woman could testify to his num- erous unostentatious acts of charity, and the church to which he belongs has especial cause to be grateful for his liberal donations; the N apanee Public Library and the Harvey \Varner Park are evidences of his tender regard for the welfare and happiness of the general public. Although now approaching fourscore years, he, unlike his father. has never filled any public office and would never allow his name to be placed in nomina- tion for positions of trust and honour, which would have been his, no doubt without opposition, if he could have seen his way clear to accept them. Sidney \Varner died on his eightieth birthday on July 12th, 1886, and \yas buried in the family plot at \ Vilton. G. A. \V ARTMAN, Warden of Lennox and Addington, 1912 ::\Iichael Grass, the pioneer of the Loyalists. whose adventures are recounted in Chapter II, was the great-grandfather of l\lr. G. A. \Yart- ,. '? It ,; t, ) .t It ........ ., , tt '., .' !' It ' '" . , '\. .; r.. i 'I . ' ... "' ( . .;:- .. 0" .f . It ,," ê ;t. >. jê-E. u;"'; .....c Ii: :;] c:: ..: .; .c =ä . ..... :r:: .... ]-g ë:t B U -B. . g u)E-< o .rJJ C ... .... . o.c :;: ð . < Z . uJ I- :E -i 1-c; ð < '" '" CD .5 I- Oc3,-g o .5 :-g (3 u. .!i p:; ê ;i ::::) !J ,rJJ !::",,2 ë E ß z 3 t.J Co) - &: .5 < >. ::2 (5 . :r::-â.5 J .o o "'0.... o ê a: ê z < :;] . .Q >. Z ë ð 8 ..ê:;:: . E t.J. . . i .c '_ 0 .... ..... ß I .:: .3 L I 0 6 c "" ....... ..... " '" "" BIOGRAPIIIC.\I, SKETCIlI S 417 man, who is the on of John \\'artman. and the grand:,on of Petcr Gras:" U. E. L. ] Ie was born at Selby in H 54. \\'hile yct a mere lad hi, parents remo\'ed to the lake shore road near Port:'I1louth. where he attended the common school, grcw into manhood, and followed thc occu- pation of a farmer not far from the \ cry place \\ hc..'rc his great-grand- father had helped to hew out a home in the fore t over a hundred years ago. Fifteen years ago he mon'd to Bath and engaged in the coal and grain bu:,iness, which he :-till carries on. lIe soon identified himself with the municipal af1"airs of thc village, ha becn scven times elected head of the council, and has pron'n himself to be a careful and pains- taking official. J J. \\rAT OK, \ \r ardcn of Lennox and \ddington, I Hio It would ha\'e been surprising indeed if J. J. \\"at:,on had not been a loyal public-spirited citizen, for he was descended from parent, who knew what it was to fig-ht and suffer for the flag under whose fold.... they sought repose in the days of peace. His father wa born in Eng- land. and at eighteen years of age joined the na\"y, and servcd upon one of His 2\[ajcsty's ships eng-ag-ed in the uppre sion of the slaye traffic on the coast of Guinea. Owing to ill-health he came to Canada, and in the war of 18 [2 joined the colonial forces and was wounded at the battle of Lundy's Lane. He afterwards settled in \dolphustown. was appointed in IKIt) the first postmaster in the t()\\"nship. and married a daughter of Captain Allen, the fighting Quaker, \\ ho was among the first to land at .\dolphu town with :\[ajor Yanalstine in Iï 8 -l. :\11'. \Vatson was born in 1 16 and received the best education that the province could at that time afford. ,\mong his school companion was the late Sir John A. ::\Iacdonald for whom he naturally entertained feelings of the :,trongest friendship and admiration. During the rehel- lion of 18 37 he sen'ed with the volunteers at Kingston, was gazetted as captain in 1869, and was afterwards tendered the command of a regi- ment, which he declined. lIe never paraded his military title, but wa" more generally'known as plain J. J \Vatson. For nine years he was local superintendent of c1lOol", and hi" prac- tical suggestions regarding educational matters were so highly esteemed by Dr. Ryerson that they were embodied in the departmental publications issued by him. He wa:-; po tmaster for thirty-nine years, and served many terms in the county council both before and after the separation of the county. Shoulder to shoulder with the Honourable John Steyenson 27 418 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON he braved the storm and smoke of battle, and when the victory was won he and Sidney \Varner, John D. Ham, Ebenezer Perry, and others began the constructive ,,'ork of the new municipality and justly earned the title of Fathers of Lennox and Addington. In 1870 he was chosen warden and proved to be a very active one, and was credited by his fel- low members of the council as having displayed marked skill and ability in tbe discharge of his duties. Above all things else I\lr. \Vatson was a Loyalist, and as such was a prime mover in the U. E. L. celebration of 1884, and with his counsel and purse did much to ensure the success of that epoch-marking event in the history of our province. The two poplar trees standing in front of the I\Iemorial Church were planted by him eighty years ago, and he intended building his own dwelling upon that lot; but donated it to the church instead. The Rector of the parish now resides in the house in ,yhich he was bonl. URIAH \V ILSON \Varden of Lennox and \ddington, 1882 ::\lember of House of Commons, 1887, and 1892-191 I It has fallen to the lot of few men in the Province of Ontario and of none in the county of Lennox and Addington to receive at the hands of his fellow-citizens the public honours that have been awarded to 111'. Uriah Wilson, who for ten years was a member of the council of N apanee and for twenty-three years represented his native county in the House of Commons. That he has attained this distinction is due to his own eneregy and force of character, as he started out in life the third member of a family of six children whose father died when Uriah was but twelve years of age, He was born in North Fredericksburgh in 1841 on what was known as the I\1acdonald farm a few miles from town, lying north of the York Road. There he lived until he was eight years of age, when his father, a stone-mason, moved to N apanee and lived in a house upon an alley way in the rear of where the Paisley House now stands. \Yhile other boys of his years were attending school the subject of our sketch was denied that privilege and helped his father at his trarle. His father died in 1853, leaving the widowed mother dependent upon the young children for her support. N apanee at the time was an important lumber centre from which were shipped the products of the numerous saw-mills up the river; and the young lad who was in after years to sit in the most important legis- latiye body in the British Dominions beyond the Seas found employ- mOc,R.\PIIICAL SKETCHES U9 ment upon the docks. At that early date he ga\ e promise of that thrift which afterwards made him one of the leading merchants of the town by carrying his weekly earnings to his mother to assist in the maintenance of the family. As the family grew up and \\ ere better able to shift for themselves he was apprenticed to a shoemaker, Benoni Drigg-s by name, and worked on the bench four) ears, when he was pronounced a master of the trade. Factory boots and shoes were little worn at the time. and 1\Ir. 'Vilson set up in bu"iness for himself; and it was not long before the young man who had started out in life hy carrying a hod for his father was the head of a busy shoe shop which tunled out a quality of footwear excelled by none in the country. His brother John was taken into the business, and as 'Vilson & Bro., they have won their place among the leading merchantc; of the di!-'trict. 1\lr. \\ïlson's capacity for ma tering the details of any undertaking he had in hand singled him out as a candidate for municipal honours, and for ten years he was a member of the town council, having- heen elected five times by acclamation. He passed through the various stages from councillor to mayor, and in 1883 was chosen warden of the county. In 1887 he was elected to Parliament as a straight Conservative; and through the varying changes in parties and policies he continued, with the exception of one session, the representath"e of his native county until 19 11 , when he retired from the political arena. As a member of the House he made a special study of the immigration problem, and while in opposition the severest criticisms of the policy of the government were from the Honourable member from Lennox. :\lr. \Vilson has taken a deep interest in all matters affecting the welfare of his native town and county, and has given freely of his time, talents, and means to encourage and assist every worthy cause which was in need of support. Among his other gC11erous acts he contributed to the town the land upon which the public library stands. KL\L P. \VOOD \Varden of Lennox and Addington, 188 3 1\lr. 'Vood is now enjoying the twilight of life in the city of Kingston, where he has resided since 1885. He is a son of the late Jacob 'Vood, and was born in 1841 on the shore of the Bay of Quinte below Dath. He remained at home with his father until he had attained his majority, when he married and commenced farming for himself on lot number twenty in the third concession of Ernesttown, where he con- tinued to reside until he moved to the city. 420 HISTORY OF LENNOX AND ADDI GTON He is a man who looks upon the bright side of all things in life,. keeps a watchful eye upon what is going on about him. yet meddles with no matters in which he is not persònally concerned, and was consid- ered) by the electors to be just the type of man who could safely be in- trusted with the business affairs of the township. J [e accordingly was first placed in nomination in 1873, and with little effort upon his part sat in the council for eleven consecutive years. The duties of councillor are not very onerous in Ernestto\\'n as the path was well blazed by such men as Sidney \Varner and Phillip D. Booth, so that their successors have little to do but meet once a month in Odessa, go through the routine of business generally outlined in advance by an intelligent clerk, partake of a good dinner at Sproule's Hotel, and return home. 1\1.-. \iVood discharged all of these duties satisfactorily; and in 1883 was chosen warden. after which he retired from public life. and two years later sought a change from the peaceful quiet of the farm to the more stirring hustle of the city. INDEX A .\binger To\\nship ..... .\damson, Rev. \\'agar .. \ddington Road .. . . . , . . . . . . \dolphusto\\ n. :\1 inute book of 51). I mportant centre ÓI, Auction sale at R:? Contest beh\ een :\dolphus- to" n and Iarysburg 136, First sun'ey 13i, Origin of name 13i. Dispute o\Cr boundary 139. First to\\ n meeting qo. First regular court 142, Court House built J.p. Legal centre 154. Stagt" road through 156. .<\gricultural Society Grounds 254 .-\11 an. Dr. James 23 1 \lIen. Parker ,.....'.... 1)1) .\lIison. Cyrus R. , . . . . . . . . . 35 0 "-llison. D. 'V. ...... , . ., . . q3. 3-t8 Allison, Joseph . .. . , .. .,..,..., 60 \mherst Island granted to La Salle 12. Changes in ownership IBg. Settlement of 190, Churches of 11)1. Schools 194. Fishing 11)5. Ship-building 195. 2\Jilitia 19i. Daniel Fowler 199. \nglesea Township ... 335 .\shhy To\\nship ....,..... .65.335 A.ugust. John ... , , " , ., 3-t3 .-hlesworth, Sir Allan 2()Ó \ Iesworth. Bowen E. " . . . . , . . . 35 0 :\ Iesworth. Geo. Anson 2M \ 'Iesworth. I saac Brock ,2R . 29i \;'Iesworth, John liS B Bahcock. Wesley and John Baker. Henry Allen ..,.. Baldwin, Robert .......,....., Rallyhack .......,......" Banks of Lennox and Addington Bantling. The .."......,..,..... P -\GE P\Gr. IJdrl..er. Da\ id .... ql Barker, Dr. E. J. ... 303 Bass CO\'e . . . . . . . . . I3H Bates, Roger. testimonial of ....,34. i3 B,lth. Bath \cademy 100. Commer- cial centre I S-t. First court at 155. l ilitaf} centre 159. First steam- !loat huilt at 160, Description of 166. lerchants of 1 ()/). Cricket match .?51. Descrihed in The Bee 2ïI. Beach, David Bedell. Reuben Bee, The apanec Beeman, Cephas I. .' Beeman, G. 1. ........ l1eeman. :\1. 1. Bees, Logging 32. Husking -th. Quilting and paring 4i. Rea\"er. The ................2&>.2(f) Bell. John \V, 352 Bell. \Villiam -\Iexander 3:;2 Bell. \\ïlliam .......... . . . . . ii. 120 Hellhouse, \\. .\, . .251. 2()(J Benjamin. E. \\', 3 11 Henson. Garrett " ()() Henson. John ,.. 2i8 Benson. Samuel '" 2.?2 Bidwell. Barnahas . ,100, 353 Hiò"ell. larshall Spring,... . 100. 188. 28 9. 35-t 12i 288 35 6 li6 2i 6 235 143 35ì ..,.., ." Iii 17 6 35 8 3S r ) 65 IC}I 335 21)5 60 2-0 , . 280, 2()f) . .2i5. 2Ro 3 02 Higg. \\. R. Black, John .." Rlack. \V. D. '" Blake. John .,.. Blakely, T. :\1. Bogart. Gilhert Bogart. L. L. Roga rt, :\ r. c. Booth. B. _\. Booth. John ,...... 255 Booth. Joshua . . ,30. 2i6 Booth. Phillip 0. ............,.. r 421 liS 35 1 6-t 328 --122 PAGE Bower, John ......,.".."..... 184 Bowers Adam ......,....,..,.., 28.t Bristol,' Peter, reminiscences of .. 184 British North American Bank . .. 260 British N ortih American Newspaper 298 Bryden, James .............,.... 359 Burrows Frederick ....,.,....... 133 Burrows: John Joseph, Judge 7 1 c Canniff, Dr. \Villiam ..,.,....... 143 Camden, Early settlers 283, Strath- cona 284, N ewburgh 286, Centre- ville 300, Camden East 3 0 3, Yarker 309, Colebrook 317, Mos- cow 319, Enterprise 321. Camden East .'- . . . . . . . , . . . . , , , '. 303 Campbell, Alexander 209, 23-l, 258, 273 Campbell, John ........,....,... 295 Camp-meeting, first .,.... 14 8 Card, Jethro ............,.,..... 3 2 3 Carleton, \Villiam .".,.......... 177 Carscallen, Dr. A. B. ...,..,.... 3 2 3 Carscallen, A. B. .'..,...,.,..., 3 26 Carscallen, John C. ..' 3 60 Carscallen, P. F. ......,..,..... 326 Carscallen, Thos. G. ,.........., 3 60 Carson, John ,.................. 3 62 Cartwright, Rev. Conway E. 19 2 Cartwright, ]. S. ".. .64, 157, 187. 3 62 Cartwright, Hon. Richard, Member of Land Board 30, Purchases grist-mill at Napanee 41, Mem- ber of Quarter Sessions 55, Trial of McCarty 163, Secures Wm. Grange's services 221; 258, 365. Cartwright, Sir R. J, ...."".... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 143, 258, 259, 27ï Carman, ]. \v. ...,......,...... 2ï5 Carman, T, S. ......"..,...... 277 Case, Rev. \V m. ...........,148, 164 Casey, Samuel ........,.14 1 , 145, 366 Casey, Thomas W. .,136, 278, 280, '281 Casey, Willett .........., .61, 145, 366 Casket, The ..,.."....."...... 280 Cayuga Indians, Settlement at Kenté 5 Cedar Lake settlement ..,",..,. 344 Centreville ...................... 300 Chadwick, Charles ......,......, 329 Chamberlain, Dr, Thomas .,.,.52, 173 Champlain's route in the County , . . . . . . . . . . ' , . . , . . . . . , . I, 2, 3, 4. 5 Charlotte Queen, steamer .,...... 161 INDEX PAGE Checkley, E. R. ..,.............. 309 Cheese Factories, first .......,... 170 Christie, I\Irs. Annie .....,.'..,. 201 Christie, Rev. J. ]. ............. 192 Clark, John C. ..",..... .97, 107, 113 Clark, Matthew ................. 367 Clark, Robert ........... .41, 164, 210 Clark, Samuel ...........' .255, 303 Clark, \Valter ................., 15 Clarks Mills ...,...,.......,..,. 303 Clark settlement ........,....,.. 73 Clarkville .....".,......183, 187, 212 Clancy, Thomas .... ."... '" ,., 323 Clergymen of Napanee .......... 263 Cole brook ....'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 316 Connolly, Joseph ................ 311 Connolly, J, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 1 5 Comber, Jacob .............,.,., 175 Commercial Bank .,......,....'. 259 Cook, Samuel H. ................ 285 Corson, Rev. Robert ......".264, 329 Cox, Cot. Robert .,...,.,'.....,. 322 County Court Clerks .,.....'..' 72 County Court Judges........, .71, 72 County Crown Attorneys ........ ;- 2 Court of Requests .....,....., 59 Cronk, Asa .................... 331 Crotch Lake, Champlain encamped near .......,.................. 5 Cricket Club ,........,.... 251 Cull, James ..........,..,..,. 157, 20"+ Cumberland. Rev. James ......193. 197 Curling Club .......,........... 251 D Davern, Richard and Daniel 146 Davis, A. C. ..........,..', ,224, 23ï Davis, James ...,.....,.....,... 206 Davy, Benjamin C. .......,.,.... . .169, 229, 230, 235, 25 0 , 27 2 , 273, 27 6 Dawson, George W. W, ....,.,.. 367 Declarat on of Independence, How brought about 20, Not spontan- eous act of delegates 21. Denbig'h Township .........,. .65, 335 Denison, George .......,........ 368 Dcnison, Robert . . .' . . . , . . ., . .. 368 Depew, Dr. ...,....."......,,'. lio Deroche, H. :\1., County Crown At- torney .,..,....... 72, 23 1 , 295, 3 6 9 Deroche. \V. P.. County Court Clerk 72 Detlor, George H. .....,.. 188, 204, 370 Detlor, John V. ........,...,.223. 255 PAGE Devine, Rev, ]. .\. 215 Dixon, Rev. J. E. 1f)2 Doller, \V, . ........,.." ,254. 37 0 Donoghue, Rev. Father ......... 194 Dominion Bank ...,... 200 Dorland. Phillip . ,61, 13<), 1-J5 Dorland, Thomas ..,,139, I-JI, Lt5, 3- 1 Drewry, J. C, . . . .. .. . . . . ., " .' 27 8 Dundas Street. first macadamized road ' . . . . . . . . . . . 0 157 Dunham, E. \. 275 E Echo K e\\ spaper 33 1 Edgar, Cyrus ... 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . .. 3-2 Effingham To" nship ....... .65, 335 Emporium, The apanee 2-3 Emsley, Re'\. \V. H, 263 Enterprise . . . . . . . . 3 21 Erins\"ille ..................... 333 Ernesttown.-Origin of name 1:;2, First settled 152, Yillage of 154, First chapel in 163, First cheese factories 170, Ernesttown Academy . . . . . . . . . WI Express, The \Veekly . ... ....,. 27- F Fairfield, Benjamin 3-3 Fairfield, \\"m. ....... 0 . . . . . . .. .. 373 Fenelon, Father. appointed to Kenté Iission 6, Establishes out- posts 7, Suffers from famine 0. Differences \\ ith Go\"ernor, Re- call and death 9. Ferguson. Rev. 193 Fess.o den, Cortez '" 0 . ., " . " . 21- Fils.'n. Rohert o' . . . 0 . . . . . 373 Finkle. Henry ............ 0 . . 159, 16H Finkle, John 1:;9 Finkle. R. R. .............'..". 161 Fisher, Alex. ..... '30, 56, 62. ql. 222 Forest lills . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20Ó Forks. The ,...'...0.."........ 138 Forward, Henry ....".. . 0 . 187, 237 Foster, Joseph ... 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . " 320 Fowler, Daniel . 0 . . , . . . . . 0 . . . . , o. 199 Fowler, Reginald A. . o. . ., . .' . 0 o. 37-t Fralick, Ta\'ern . . . . , . . , 172. 204 Fraser, Isaac ....... . 59, 16 7. 375 Fredericksburgh ... 0 . , . . . . . . . , , . .. 182 Fredericksburgh. Additional .. 0 .139. 182 Freeholders' Bank ,. 0 . . , 0 0 . . . . " 2 l nEx -t23 PAGE 5 French Ci\ il Code aholished Frontenac County,- \gitation for separation from Lennox and .\d- dington hegun ()(), Finally accom- plished 70. Purchase of York road ISR Frontenac. GO\ ernor- \ïsits Cat.l r- aQni Frontenac Steamer II I(íO G Gafney, Patril'k Gallagher, L. t. Gallagher's Corners ( anneious Garret, .\, D, \Y o & Co. Geography-How taught III early schools German immigrants Gibhard, John Gibson, StephCI1 Gilderslee\C, Henr} .. Gilmour, Smith Gi\ ens, Rev. Saltern Gordanier, Ta\ern ...... Gordon. George Sinclair Gordon, John I ,,-;ourlay, Robert Graham, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c" range, Dr. James . . " , . ... .. Grange, John T. 0 . . . . . . . 0 , . . . . 0 I Grange, \Vm, Grass, :\Iichael,-Persecntion of 25, Recommends shores of nay of Quinte for settlement of Loyal- ists 26. Conducts Loyalists to 2;. Greenleaf, Rev. G, D. . .270, 273. Gunsolus. . \Ima . . . . . , . . . . 0 0 . . . ,;. R 332 3 - I=' 205 2u 2H,:; .2J . JOh .34 2 , 34() ..!3(). 2h6 .2b2. 254 J(J() 3-fj 3 0 3 1-3 3 0 ':; 3J6 10J 3 22 21':; 37 221 280 98 H Hagerman. Christopher . . . . ,1M. q5 Hagerman. Daniel . 0 ., ."... 0 144. 14':; Hagerman. icholas ..139. 14 1 , I-J3. 14-+ Haight. Canniff.-Relates exper- iences of Loyalists in the "Hun- gr .. \- ear" .... 0 . , . . . . 0 . . . . . . .. 3fJ Haight. Daniel . . . 0 . , . . 0 . . . 82 HaIt, "T. F. ,..... .218, 28,:; Harris. Arnold '" . . . 0 . 0 0 . . 28,:; Ham, Ira . - . 0 0 . . , . , , . . . . 3i 8 Ham, John ...... 0 . . , , . . . . . . . . " 37 8 Ham. J no, D. ,.,..,.......,... 3i8 Hamhly. Chas. \Y. .........."., 3Ro 424 PAGE Hay Bay 138, Drowning accident. 148 Haydon, James S, .........., ,305, 307 Harrison, S. B. .........,....... 63 Hawley, George Douglas ....,. 72, 381 Henry. Alex, ........218, 274. 285, 3q Henry, Thos. S. '" .212, 215, 218, 274 Henzy, \Villiam - . . . . . , . . . . , .175, 177 Herring. John "..,...."....216. 235 Hogle, John ...',.".,.....,'... 382 Holland. l\1ajor Samuel ,...,..... 137 Holland\'iHe, First name of Adol- phustown Village ,...,.."..... 137 Hooper, Augustus. 151. 223, 277, 292, 382 Hooper. E. ]. ...............230, 38-1- Hooper, Edmund .........,....,. 383 Hope, Robert F. ....... ... .292, 293 . Hough, Asa H. ....." - ..,.. .." 179 Ho\'er, Casper ,.,..".....,...,. 143 Huff, Paul ,....,........ .60, 142, 147 Huffman settlement ,............. 319 Huffman, Elias -, ,... -., " 204 Huffman, Isaiah ".."........", 20-1- Huffman, Jacob and Elijah.20-1-. 255, 319 Huffman, ]. C, ....,........,.... 244 Hungry year ' . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . 39 Huyck. John ,...,.,....."...... 61 I Index Xewspaper .,.........,.,. 296 Indians.-Xot the permanent home of I, Deer hunt 2, Treatment by France 8, Ensnared at Cataraqui 14. Followed Bay of Quinte route 15, Relics collected by \ Valter Clark 15. J Johnson, Sir John ......, ,27, 152, 189 Johnson. Sir William ,........,.. 189 Justices of the Peace .....,.... S5 ófi K Kalader Township .,.,..".."... 335 Keach. Hiram ".,..".,....,... 38-1- Kellar. Frederick ." -' " 17-1- T";:enté ,'..."..,.'..,...,...,... .5 Kingston. Site of, selected for Fort Frontenac I I. Emigrant's Guide's comments on 4-1-. First school 97. L Laing. Rohert ..".,.,..,.... 117 Lapnm. Edwin Smit,h .,........., 386 INDEX PAGE Lapum. James K. ........... .301, 385 Lane, ]. S. .......,.....,."..... 3-1-5 Langhorn, Re\'. John ....165, 168. 191 La Salle, Dealings with Seigniory at Lachine 10, Selects site for Fort Frontenac I I, Obtains grant of land on Bay of Quinte 12, [89, Pursues his explorations 13. Dies in Texas 13. Lauder, Rev. Dr. ............... 258 Lawyers Heaven-born 144, of Nap- anee 230, Ledger Lennox and Addington .. 279 Lee, Colonel Anson ..........180, 250 Lennox, first spelled Lenox ...... 57 Leonard, Dr. R. A. ............ 235 Lewin, Rev. \Vm. ",....,....... 295 Little Cove ,....,..,........,... 138 Lindsay, Rev. ]. E, ....""....,. 192 Link, John .................. 175. lï6 Liverpool . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . " 203 Lochhead, ]. S. ,..,..,...... 301, 302 Lockwood, Isaac ]. ..........293, 30-1- Lockwood, Joshua B. .........255, 30-1- Lloyd, Benjamin C. ....... ,... 387 Long Lake, Champlain encamped near '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 5 Losee, Rev. \V m. ........ q2, 146, 147 Loughborough, Lake .....,...... :; Loyst. A, B. ............ .,.... 387 Lucas, Rev, D. V. ........."... 143 Lutheran Church ...,........,.,. 183 Lyons, School Teacher .........., Q7 M l\Iacdonald. Sir John A. ., .9Q. 213. 388 :l\IacLennan. Rev. Alex, ..."..,. 193 MacN ah, Sir Allen ...,.,...... 6-1- :l\Iacpherson. Allan .,.... , . . . . , , ,. 209, 210, 212, 222. 235. 273 l\IcCarty. James or Charles Justin . , . . , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .147, Inl l\fcCurdy, Rev. Daniel .,......,., 192 l\IcDonnell, Archibald ... . .30. 55. 163 McDowell, Rev. Mr. .........". 268 l\fcGuin. John BeIl, County Court Clerk ,.,.,...,.,.............. 72 :\TcGuiness. Arthur ,..".. -.. ..., q3 :\fcIntosh. Rev. James ....,...... 193 l\fcKay. John .,......,....,....180 :\fcKay, Rev. \\T. A. ..."...."., 120 fcLaughlin E, . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . .. 278 :\TcLean. Allen ..,.,.".,........ q-1- I'A :\lcLean, Xeil .........,..,...55, 163 :\lcLeise. Rev. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC)2 !\lcl\fahon. Rev. Father .......... 194 lc:\Iullen, George \\'. ........... 299 :\Ic eil, Archie ,........ .209. 2 1 3. 224 :\IcRae. Daniel ..............,... 17i :\IcWilliams, Rev. Father ......... 194 :\Iadawaska River .............. 33 8 .\ladden, James H. Judge. . -. . . . . . 7 1 :\[ahoney, Richard . . . , . . . . , , . 333 :\lallory, Elisha .................. 344 rartin. \\', \. .................. 3R<) :\Iassenoga Lake ............ .337, 33 8 :\1 axwell. Henry Perci\'al 190 .\Iaxwell, :\Iajor R. ]. .......... II)() '\laybee, Abraham . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61 :\Ieacham, \V. \V, ............... 390 :\lecklenburgh.-District created 29 .\Ierchants Bank ............... 23C) :\lethodists stronghold of 145,- First chapel in Adolphusto\\ n 147. First chapel in Ernesttown 163. Separation from United tates conference 164. Few on \mherst Island 193. Churches in X apanee 262. :\lidland District, :\[ecklenhurgh changed to Iidland .......... 59 :\1 iller. George . . . . . .. . . , . . .3 11 . 3 1 3 :\1 iller. Rev. Gilbert ............. 329 :\liller. John S, ........ .302. 390 :\li1Ier, \\'m. ..."...... ,224. 254. 39 1 :\Ioutray, \\. H. ................. 190 Morden, A. L.-County Crown .\t- tomey . . - - ., . . . ' . .72, 143, 218, 23 1 Mon en,-Description of .,. - . . . " 172 :l\Ioscow ........................ 319 :\Iuckleston, Re\'. \V. J .......... 3'3 :\[ unicipal Government, Develop- lnent oi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 N Xapance,-Origin of name 41. :208, The beginning of 20<), First mills 210, Bridges 21 I, Schools 212, School teachers 218, Building up and extension of 221, "Fair Days" 224. Building Town Hall 227. election as County Town 70, 227, :\ 1 ayors 228, Dominion Day 229. Lawyers 230, Doctors 231, Des- cription of by T. H.. \\Taller 233. Postmasters 234. Directory of husiness men 240. Pen picture of Il'DEX 425 PAGE in 1861, 241, Diversions and re- creations of 248, Fenian im asion 248, Sporting clubs 251, Parks 254, Banks 255, Churches 262, X ewspapers 270. X apanee lills ................. 285 Xeilson, Dr. Samuel ....,... li3 Xeilson. Judge Joseph ........173, 35 Ó X e1les, Dr. .............,280, 293. 295 Xesbitt, D. _\, ..............133.2<)3 Xewhurgh 286 Xewhurgh Academy .....,'...... 28Q Xewhurgh Reporter, Kewspaper .. 2CJf) Xewburgh :\Ierchants ............ 2f)C) X ewman. Charles. . . . . . . . ., '" 343 Xewspapers of Napance 270, of Xewhurgh 2f)6, of Tamworth 331. Xorthern Cro\, n Bank .......... 261 X oxon. James 150 o O'lleirnc, \\'m. ............. 27 R Odessa 175. lerchants of 179. O'Loughlin, Rev. Anthony J. .... 314 O'Loughlin, B. S. ...,.......... 315 Ontario County .....,........... SR ()f()nh ateka. Dr. 232 p Pappa, I. F. and \\'. ]. ,..., 2(J) Parker. Sir Gilbert .....,.... 2C)2. 307 Parks of X apanee .............. 254 Parrott, James . . . . . , . - - , . , . . . 164 Patterson, Robert -.' ..,.,.,. ,. 392 Paul, George ................... 3C)3 Paul, Robert W. ................ 395 Paul, \\'illiam J. ..,......,...., 394 Perch Co\'e ". 1.18 Perry, Da\.id ............... .283, 288 Perry, Ebenezer ....',...... ,336, 3Q7 Perry. Peter ,........... IRK 355. 3IJÓ Perry. Robert .. ,162. 284, 350 Peters, Eli ...".,........".... 316 Peters' :\Iills ..,.,..,....... ,300, 317 Phelan, icholas . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 333 Phillips, Robert .........127, 216, 258 Physicians.-Kot persecuted 40. Xeed of among the Loyalists 49. legislation respecting 50. Quack doctors 51, 52. l\Iedical Board es- tablished 52, First successful can- didates 52. of Napanee 231. Pollard, John and E, ]. ..,...... 278 Porter. Rc\'. G. Haughton ,....., IQ4 426 PAGE Porter Richard ......,.......,. 55 Post-Òffices in 1840 48, sorting of mail in 178. Preston, D. H. ..............218, 23 1 Price, C. V., Judge ............7 2 ,29 8 Prices of :Merchandise 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 9 1 , 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, Pringle, Dan '" .......187, 223, 237 Pringle, Joseph ................. 205 Prudential Laws ................. 62 Pruyn Matthew W. ........".,.. 397 Pruyn, Oliver Thatford,-Sheriff 72 Pumpkin, The ........ . . . . . . . . 33 Purdy, Samuel ...........,..,... 154 Puritan Fathers,-inconsistencies of 17 Q Quakers, First Society of ....... 150 Quackenbush, Andrew ........... 2 1 3 Quarter Sessions, Established 55, Duties performed 56, Meetings 56, Administer laws 63, Justices shorn of power 66. Quinte,-Origin of name 7, Origin- al limits of 138, First steam- boat upon 16I. R Red Tavern, The ....,.......,.. 21! Reeve, W. A., County Crown At- torney ........................ 7 2 Reformer, The .................. 275 Registry Office,-First ........... 59 Register of school attendance .... 114 Reid, James .................... 398 Reid, M. R. .......... - . . . . . . . ., 133 Richardson, F, S. .........,..,., 251 Richmond,-Origin of name 203, Taverns 203, Liverpool 204, Selby 205, First settlers in northern part 206, Richmond Road 206, 207, A drive through in 1860, 207. Riley, Charles ................... 399 Roberts, Rev. Canon ........,.... 192 Robinson, Christopher .......... 400 Roblin, David 151, 157, 206, 209, 223, ..................275, 3 1 7, 34 1 , 401 Roblin, John .................145, 401 Roblin village ................,.. 206 Roe, Alfred H. ................ 403 Rogers, David McGregor ........ 403 Rogers, Cot. .,...............,.. 29 Rothwell, Rev. John .......,..". 192 INDEX PAGE Ruttan, Dr. Allan .............. 232 Ruttan, George ....,............. 141 Ruttan, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 98 Ruttan, Peter ....,...... .61, 139, 142 Ruttan, W m. .................,.. 232 Ryan, Matthew ................. 404 Ryerson, Rev. Egerton .....,... 125 s Salmon River,-Champlain at 5, Origin of name 206, Only bridge over 264. Schools, First in Upper Canada 9ï. First in Fredericksburg 97, First in Ernesttown 97, Public Schools 100, Bath Academy 101, Course of study in common schools 105, Text books 106, 107, 116, How school-house built 107, Early reg- ister 113, Teachers' contracts 118, Pioneer school-house 120, Rev. Egerton Ryerson 125, Reminis- cences of early teachers 127, In- spectors 129. Scott, John R. ................,. 285 Sebastopol .................. -'. 328 Selby ...,.......,.............,. 205 Sexsmith. Thomas V. ........,.. 406 Seymour, Hon. Benjamin ....151, 407 I Sheffield Township ....,.....,.,. 326 Sheriffs .. . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 72 Sherman. James .".,.,....,...: 3 22 Sherwood. H. B. ..,.........212, 314 Shibley, John ................... 294 Shibley, Schuyler ............... 407 Shirley, Rev. Paul ...185, 303, 3 1 3, 330 Simcoe Falls .................... 31 I Sloat. l\fichael ,.............,... 139 Smart, Rev. ..................,. 192 Smith. School Teacher ...,.....,. 97 Snider, John .................... 175 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel ........................ 77 Sorel ........................... 26 Spencer, Ezra A. ..........,..... 206 Spencer, Major Hazelton ........ 408 Sproule, Joseph .............,... 180 Stanâard apanee ........... ....273 Star, The N apanee ..,.......".. 281 Steamboat, first the ............. 160 Steele, Rev. Howard ,......,.... 193 Stein, Charles . '. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . " 344 Stein, Paul ..............34 1 , 344, 345 Stevens, Charles ............,228, 281 Stevenson, Edward .....,.....,.. 250 PACE Stevenson. Hon. John .69. :211, 2 1 5, 2..J2, 258. 409 Strachan, Bishop ................ 50 Strathcona ...................... 284 Stone. Rev. S. G. ............... 266 Storr, Elijah .... - . . . . .264, 4 11 Stuart. Rev, Dr. John .' ,3 0 . i7. 97. 1 6 4 Switzer Chapel ..............164, 288 Symington, Thomas ............. 4 11 T Tait, David ..........,..,...... 195 Tam\\ orth, Champlain at 5. tili- tary organization at 249. Teachers of N apanee Schools 218 Templeton, \Villiam .214. 218, 274 Thompson's Corners . . . . . . . .. . .. 3 21 Thomson, James ............... 4 1 3 Thompson, Timoth) " . . . . . .' . .. 4 12 Tighe. Rev. Stearne .. ........, 192 Timmerman, . \Ihert and Charles 175 Timmerman, John A. ........... 1-8 Timmerman. Parker S. . . . . . . 175, [7 8 Town meetings ................. 59 Training Day , 114 Trumpour. Paul ............. .62. 141 U Cnited Empire La) alists,-Perma- nent settlement began with 17, Decline to approve Declaration of Independence 21, Persecu ion of 22. Persecution continued after peace 23, Character of 24. Story of emigration 25, .\rrival at destination 2R, Assignment of land to 28, Registered by Land Boards 30, Experiences in new homes 31. House building 32. Prímitive life of 33. Dress 34. Seek compensation for losses 3fi. Difficulties in obtaining compen- sation 37, :\Iark of honour 38. Origin of title U. E. L. 38, H un- gry year 39, Famine relie\'ed 40, Improvement in condition of 42, Home life 46, Desire represent- ati\'e Government 54, lonument to 143. Utensils,-Description of those used in early days ............89. 90. 91 V Vader. David .........,.......,. 310 Yader's \fills ...."",...."..., 309 INDEX 427 PACE Vanalstine, [ajor,-Selccts .Adol- phustown for his Company 27. :\[ember of Land Board 30, Head of Adolphustown Loyalists 138, Opposes reduction of territory of Adolphustown 130, Marks of 141, Dispute with Squire Ruttan 142. Election of 145, Presbyterian 268, Biography of 414. Van Dusen. Conrade ............ 146 VanlU\cn. Alpheus - ....",. '310, 313 VanlU\'en, Egerton L. ............ 320 "anluven, Everton L. 320 Vanluven, Peter . . . '" . . . . . . .., 312 VanlU\'en. Zara ................. 320 \' ennachar 345 W \\'agar, George .................. 324 \Vagar, Joel Damon ............. 324 \\' alker, Alonzo .... 323 \\'alker, Harve) S. ....'.....,.. 323 \Valker. Johnston ............... 180 \Valler, Thos. H. .............. 234 \Varner, A. C. . . . , .' . , . , . ,. 317 \Varner, Charles ' ." , . . '. 317 \Varner, Harvey ............ .254, 416 \Varner. Sidne} ......174, 309, 317, 4 1 .5 Warner, S. C. County Crown At- torney ... 72 \\'artman, G. A. ................ 416 \\'atson, J. J. ............... .259, 4 1 7 \\'atts, James ................... I \Vheeler, Calvin . ,326. 327, 328 \Vheeler, James ,'............... 327 \Vheeler's Mills ................. 327 I \\'helan, \Vm. .................. 302 \\ïlkinson, Rev. R. S. . . . . . . , - . " 192 \\'ilkison, \Villiam Henry 71, County Crown Attorney "2;' 230, 254. \\'illiams, Lorenzo Do\\" ......... 306 Wilson, Uriah . .228, 237, 281, 349, 418 \Vilton .............. 174 \VindO\'er, John . '" . ., . . . . ., . " 206 \Vood, Nial P. . . . . . " .. . . . . " 419 \\'right, Hiram ................ 285 \Vright, Reuben ........,.... - 285 \Vright, Reuben G, - " ..... - '. 285 \Vycott. Robert ....'............ I&J y \. arker ....................,.,.. 300 Yankee l\lills ...,...............285 Yokome F. R. ..,............... 275